@krisken3944 17 минут бұрын
Forefathers, you know I always agree with you. Why not be excited when you agree with me?😅😅😅
@ikpoegee 7 сағат бұрын
Iro nsi means something in Igbo. Iro is enmity, nsi is poison.
@fodaysaccoh3472 9 сағат бұрын
This is suspicious, suspicion right there, how can this guy say that Nigerians wants to be together, sounds like colonial agent to me and he knew it, if there's referendum in Nigeria the overwhelming population of the people will undoubtedly vote out of a country that has for more than a century kept them backward, a country that has now been hijacked by the Islamic sharia terrorists fulani proponents who wants to Islamize and fulanize the entire country slowly and surely. It is sad and suspicious for him to say what he said, in 2016 the British gave referendum to their citizens referendum and we all saw the outcome, how much more an evil dark and perpetually retrogresive contraption called Nigeria, a genocidal entity that was forcefully created, the naturally acceptable solution is referendum, pure and simple
@maxwellnwachukwu1692 10 сағат бұрын
This name enter gooooon!
@obieze855 Күн бұрын
That means if British is the one designed Nigeria in their favour and then allow Fulani and Yoruba to be in charge. not the Igbos or other tribes that means sir Dele I think you need to Educate and help your tribe Yoruba people and Fulanis because Britain get them used to perfect their company called Nigeria today.
@chukwunonsomarshal739 Күн бұрын
I 100% understand why Dele said we must look backwards to move forward becuase until Africa is restructure to more or less to Ethnic-nation states (ethnically homogenous entity), with a definite governance/leadership ideologies that is autochthonous to each respective groups, Africa will getting worse. Africans need to rediscover themselves again, our value system has been bastardised unlike any of those countries that went through colonialism with us, Asian cultures and value systems was largely unaffected by colonialism. When we have worked on our individual states, we can come under a much larger unit, be it similar like UK( coming together of different distinct states with similar and/or agreeable ideologies political or religoius) or European union kind of coalition to ensure no part no matter how small is exploited.
@danielsostephen9529 Күн бұрын
Very informative and very educative. Dr damages where’s tomatoe jus. I wont forget the good old days ❤
@BoomBoomRay-h5g Күн бұрын
Nigerians are nuts when it comes to religion. Just look at them, once Ody proffered anything with logic and/or facts they get upset and try to shut him down based on how they were feeling emotionally. This kind of conversation is a waste of time to be honest, the moment you mention "Bible" or "Christian(ity)" Nigerians lose their freaking minds and throw their brains out of the window. They toss out logic and start becoming sentimental. What a shame!
@MikeAfrik-lq9nk Күн бұрын
❎ Nobody can solve Nigeria's 100 year old problems. Tinubu will achieve only regional RESTRUCTURING ✅ We hate Tinubu now, but we will thank him in future
@VRe-r3s Күн бұрын
@henrychima8814 Күн бұрын
Tony Nnadi, please use your own system to overpower Nnamdi kanu and Simon Ekpa and get us freedom. Call it lower Niger or even higher Niger so that we will be out of this contraption called Nigeria. Stop criticizing those who want to get us freedom from the zoo called Nigeria. Yes, you are an orator, very proficient in your speeches, but I think those of your very high academic oratory will not go anywhere in helping us to achieve our freedom.
@danieltob6362 Күн бұрын
I believe in God. I believe there's a supernatural being. Even as one brought up as a Christian, I have never followed blindly or without reasoning. In fact, I have come to believe in God and not any religion. And it baffles me why black people invest somuch time and energy deliberating, brainstorming, discussing religions that do more harm than good. And the fact we are living and enjoying in countries that use their brains instead of religion. Really baffles me.
@poky2914 2 күн бұрын
Kulata, why are you still looking for an economist? You already have thiefnubu an economic guru who single handedly built Lagos brick by brick. He will convert Nigeria to wall street before he expires.
@abubakarsahabimuhammad2958 2 күн бұрын
If we are truly sincere the only person who among the previous presidential aspirants that can support Nigeria is Major Hamza Al Mustapha. Unfortunately most people could not appreciate him.
@judeskylabardooo8286 2 күн бұрын
...yea I get Dele's drift. However, we can not keep blaming the colonizer for all our woes. There are certain characteristics/behavior patterns that have made it possible for the colonizer to be successful in their mission up until this present day. This Dele will most likely vote for Tinubu or tacitly support him. Black Africans are destructively tribalistic. We are not sophisticated enough to balance ethnic allegiance with the need for racial solidarity. All our actions currently are motivated by our boundless loyalty to our ethnic nationalities. This behavior was one of the drivers of both the transatlantic and transaharan slave trade. We can not absolve ourselves of all wrong doings and only point accusing fingers to outsiders.
@psochuba8725 2 күн бұрын
@Patriotic-h2j Күн бұрын
Go with your 5 plots in peace stop disturbing others in SS region 😊
@sportsgeek4335 2 күн бұрын
When I thought I have known it all in Nigeria.This country is so deep.
@edunnewi 2 күн бұрын
Sound knowledge with substance ❤
@innocentelvis7285 2 күн бұрын
The truth is gradually revealing. A country build on lies and propaganda will never succeed.
@eccentricaste3232 2 күн бұрын
Thanks for uploading. Now i see why forefather disagreed with Dele. He was advocating for an ethno state which is a horrible idea. Ethno states are petridish of apartheid. Forefather was right even though he didn't properly articulate his objection.
@chukwunonsomarshal739 Күн бұрын
I 100% understand why Dele said we must look backwards to move forward becuase until Africa is restructure to more or less to Ethnic-nation states (ethnically homogenous entity), with a definite governance/leadership ideologies that is autochthonous to each respective groups, Africa will getting worse. Africans need to rediscover themselves again, our value system has been bastardised unlike any of those countries that went through colonialism with us, Asian cultures and value systems was largely unaffected by colonialism. When we have worked on our individual states, we can come under a much larger unit, be it similar like UK( coming together of different distinct states with similar and/or agreeable ideologies political or religoius) or European union kind of coalition to ensure no part no matter how small is exploited.
@AishaObodoeke 3 күн бұрын
How did I miss this? Didn't know there was another program today
@dmitryfishbeyn1455 3 күн бұрын
Any relation to Tony Okonkwo Zoom Mobile?
@DrDamages 3 күн бұрын
@Zanjero234 3 күн бұрын
He spoke about Fake and Genuine ones but our biases won't allow us see. Take it or leave it, the church is one reason Nigerians are docile. Things are changing fast because many are leaving the church or refuse to swallow everything their pastors tell them.
@ronkebarber6238 3 күн бұрын
Jesus Christ came and died for sins and sinners. Mark chapters 14-16; Isaiah 53 ( Research what is meant by " He was bruised...He was broken..., and you will understand the extent of what He went through for His alledged crime!) To actually understand who the runner in Mark 14, verse 51...is, one has to take the whole chapter into consideration. 1) Jesus had just finished with the last supper, He had just declared that one of His own would be betraying Him. What does the word "betray" mean? 2) He had just left in the middle of the night to go to the Mount of Olives, and went alone further with 3 of His desciples- to pray, and it is written that He began to be " sore amazed...and very heavy". What could trouble His soul to such an extent as to have to even ask His desciples to - a) sit here, close to Him, while He prays; b) letting them know the extent of and reason for the sorrow in his SOUL! and to still " tarry and watch" c) what could have made Him to plead with His Father to try and take away this cup- filled with wrath of God, especially for the impending trap that has been prepared for Him, leading to His final mission to end the cycle of sin which began in Genesis 3. d) why was it important for Him that His desciples "watch and pray?", and what could be so bad to make His and their flesh weak? Verses 32-38? Why would there have to be present, tge priests, scribes, elders, and a great multitude? Verse 43? What must they witness that would be so outrageous and abominable, that would demand immediate arrest and subsequent insult, maltreatment of Jesus Christ, that even His desciples wouldn't want to be associated with him? And suddenly, there appeared a "certain naked young man, simply clad with a linen cloth, left and fled naked? What was his role in the setup of Jesus Christ, in a remote place, in the middle of the night? What did they want to show concerning Jesus Christ? Why would even their witnesses not agree? Wasn't it because they didn't understand the depth of their satanic mind? This man claimed to be the Son of God, and the descendant of King David, and was now found in a blatantly staged compromising situation? Verse 61: Why was it important for them to ask about His status as " the Christ, the Son of the Most BLESSED?" Implying he was cursed? Funny, that was the only question He answered because it was the Truth! The Truth they were not willing to accept, instead smeared His reputation for the who world to see, since Jerusalem was teeming with people from all over for the feast of passover! The most admirable and regal thing about this is that Jesus Christ kept quiet, even when they condemned Him to death according to Leviticus 20:13, with all the false witnesses to corroborate their false accusations of blasphemous conduct and speech, spitting on and making fun of Him verses 55-65! Wow! He actually preferred to be condemned to death, rather than say anything that would condemn even the man that fled naked from the scene! He would have made them look for him and arrest him for lewd conduct and immoral act. But, didn't Jesus Christ come to seek and save the lost- even those who are called immoral and who commit abomination? This just proved how Jesus Christ paid for the punishment of every one, especially those who the scriptures condemned as committing abomination, they were the most beneficial of His condemnation and subsequent punishment and eventual cursed death on the cross of Calvary. Anyone who still tramples on His shed blood, after seeing what He did for them, by continuing in their pernicious ways, would have no more plea for sin. They will be looking forward to a fiery judgment on that day, but God will be Just and Righteous in judgment! He put the most needful for the last, He never overlooked anyone, no matter who they are or the nature of their sins, He paid for them all! Thus, the naked man clad with linen cloth in verses 51 and 52, the bait set up to implicate Jesus Christ and anyone associated with Him. I believe that Judas was blindsided with the appearance of this young man, and this made him regret ever colluding with these people, because that wasn't part of the agreement, and this got him to commit suicide!Let us remember that these people will do anything in order to get their way. They actually went to catch a woman committing adultery in the very act, John 8: 3-11 so that they can have something to trap Jesus. They have been looking for ways to get rid of Him, and this naked young guy was it! That would be the reason why Peter vehemently denying knowing Jesus Christ 3 times, and Jesus Christ was left alone to finish the work of salvation of the soul of man by paying the ultimate wages of sin: cursed death on the cross! He was buried, and He rose again from the dead on the 3rd day. So all who believe in Him should have justification from sin and would be imputed with the righteousness of God, by grace through faith in His sacrificial death, burial and resurrection, and will have everlasting life 1 Corinthians 15:51-58, when He presents them faultless before the presence of God the Father, with exceeding joy! Jude 24. Whosoever does not believe and abide till the end, Matthew 24:13, when He returns to take up all His purchased possession, 1Thesalonians 4:13-18, will be condemned to everlasting fire Isaiah 66:24. We all get to make informed choices and decisions, so God will be righteous and just when He judges, and every mouth will be stopped on that day! Romans 3:19; Acts 17:31; Psalm 96:13; Isaiah 11:4; Psalm 51:4.7! Crucify yourself with Christ and live forever. Galatians 2:20.
@ronkebarber6238 3 күн бұрын
God is omniscient. He knows everything. He prepared a body for His only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to come and feel in the flesh, all what man is going through, while He Himself remains sinless, meaning, He doesn't indulge in sin. Hebrews 4:15-16. So, He eventually was condemned as a sinner- study Mark 14:51, the story of the naked young man. 2 Corinthians 5:21. That was the reason Jesus's sweat were like drops of blood, when He got to the last sin He had to deal with that would condemn Him to shame, torture and consequently, a cursed death on the cross- simply because He was set up in the middle of the night, as He prayed, in the garden of Gethsemane, to be doing stuff the laws condemned with penalty of death, by stoning, but was cranked up to become death by crucifixion on the cross. Judas kissed him, not a peck in the cheek but a full blown kiss, in order to set him up, but he didn't know his act was just a distraction, the people that hired him, already prepared a worse scenario- using the young guy that fled into the night naked. Mark 14:51-52. Jesus Christ refused to tattle on him, nor did he ask them to go get him to speak for him, because He came for the very reason, to die for the undeserved, who, if and when they come to this realization, would immediately repent and accept the cleansing power of the blood that bought them. He even became their high Priest, who is touched by the feeling of their infirmity, understanding where they come from, but hoping they will come to Him and cast it all on Him, and take His Rest! He already made that call!!! Will you answer, will you imagine what they must have done to him, with such a charge, in that day and age? All just to make atonement for every sin conceivable, including what you're struggling with at this moment! Give it all to Him! Being mad at the preacher will not assuage your guilt and self- condemnation, and self torture and self hatred and self judgment. He already did it all- for YOU!!! Which of these religious leaders who abbet them ever promised to pray to God for them. How can the blind lead the blind? Anyone that has encountered God by the preaching of the gospel of salvation by grace through faith in the sacrificial death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and still remain unconcerned and unrepentant, has already forfeited his mercy, and grace that bought him from the devil, who has the power of sickness, afflictions, terror, oppression, death and the grave. No escaping him. Let the love of God for you, in Christ Jesus, constrain you to listen, receive, accept, confess, believe and abide in His love, justification from all your sins, past, present and future, And live the new life purchased by the shedding of His blood, and by imputting God's righteousness that declared you "faultless, blameless ", before the presence of God, with whom you have to give an account, whether you like it or not! No excuses on that day, for God will definitely be Just and Righteous when He metes out judgment, and all mouths will be quiet!
@ronkebarber6238 3 күн бұрын
The beginning of sin, the mystery of iniquity began in Eden, Genesis 4:8-15-24. Man didn't directly commit sin, but was led by a third party- the devil in the serpent, and was made to sin against God. In God's right, He killed a third party propitiation for their sins- the sinless Lamb. Thus God, to be Righteous and Just, must be the One to provide Himself a sacrificial Lamb, to atone for the sins which the third party- Adam, had committed, to be able to Righteously judge the other third party, the devil, satan, the dragon, to finally get punished. But there has to be opportunity on both sides to prove that God is Righteous and Just in His judgment, by giving man 1000 years to prove he can eventually hold his own and not succumb to peer or outside pressure, in order to be worthy of being redeemed, ransomed, regenerated, restored and reconciled, back to God- through Jesus Christ. 2 Corinthians 5. Then, man- Cain deliberately killed his brother, Abel, but this sin couldn't readily be judged simply because there was no preceding law about being one's brother's keeper that was to have been broken. (Thus, the whole system was destroyed by the flood, and the laws started with that Genesis 9:5-6, until finally judged and finished on the cross John 19:30) And in verse 15, a precedent was laid down for the time it would take to judge sin, 70x7 or 490 years. That generation was wiped out by the flood, but the precept remained: sin shall be avenged seventy and seven fold. (Matthew 18:21-23). This was the standard by which Israel also judged, as they also had to spend 70 sabbath years ( or 70x7= 490 years), in exile, outside of the promised land. When it was the 69th week year Daniel prayed to God, and fasted to remind Him of the imminent due date of the return of God's people to their promised land; but the sin of the Amorite was not yet full, Genesis 15:16, also, Israel was still in rebellion towards God, and the land cannot sustain rebellion- it was Holy! So, the Messiah had to come and make a way for grace and justification, and righteousness of God to be imputed, so Israel can get back their monarchy, through the house of David, and back to the kingdom of God, by grace through faith in Christ Jesus, as the Son of God, and the Son of man -the promised Son of David, the king of Israel to order His Kingdom Isaiah 9:6; who would ascend His throne as God had promised him. Romans 1:3; Acts 2:30, and come to bring them back to God, Jeremiah 16:16a; Luke 19:10; Matthew 10:5. Instead, they rejected and killed Him. Thus, from then onwards, the way to God was opened to whosoever would come to Him by grace through the shedding of His blood, by grace through faith in His sacrificial death, burial and resurrection. They were given the adoption of sons and daughters into the kingdom, which hitherto, they were not permitted Ephesians 2:13; John 1:11-14, becoming heirs and joint heirs of God and the Abrahamic covenanted promises an blessing (Genesis 25:6- the representatives of his other children by Hagar and Keturah, the Kings of the East, could now access and partake of the blessing, and they showed their allegiance and faith, by worshipping Jesus Christ, as a Child!) Jesus Christ gave His life for all who would simply believe in Him as Lord and Savior, in order to keep them from the wrath of God that will be unleashed upon the Amorite, until the end. Isaiah 63:18; Daniel 8:13; Zechariah 12:3; Luke 21:24; Revelation 11:2. And eventually, they will be rescued at the second coming of Christ Luke 21:13; Zechariah 14. He finished the work of salvation of the soul of man John 19:30 and this continues the "acceptable year of the Lord" which began as He took the sealed book of Daniel, 12:4, from God, as the Lamb of God, who alone is Worthy, and opened the seals Revelation 5, and fulfilled the first of the three part of Isaiah 61:2, in Luke 4:16-21, and He SHUT it again. This will run through this dispensation of preaching of the gospel of grace, (which ended the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom, which ended with the stoning of Stephen) by faith in the sacrificial death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and He will return to gather His saints from the world, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1 Corinthians 15; and present them faultless before the presence of God the Father, with exceeding joy, Jude 24; with victory over sin, devil, death, hell and eternal damnation in the lake of fire and brimstone Isaiah 66:24. The second dispensation is nearly upon us, at this time Isaiah 63:4, which will usher in the tribulation period when the 70th and last year will be ushered in to finish all transgressions! Daniel 9:24. ( As the Messiah has become the sacrifice for sin, and was dead, buried and rose again from the dead! His shed blood sprinkled on the heavenly mercy seat for propitiation for sins for all who would go to God by and through Him, simply by faith! Ephesians 2:8). Then, the Lord will return the second time, complete with His body, as a new Creature resting upon the Mount of Olives Zechariah 14, to make a way of escape for the remnants of Israel Matthew 24:31. Then the battle of armageddon will ensue, and it will end up in total obliteration of this earth. Isaiah 24; Joel chapters 2 and 3, Jeremiah chapters 1-11...; 1 Peter 3 etc. This is the fullness and end, and judgment of the sin of the Amorite! Matthew 18:21-22; Psalm 75:8; 73:3-17. Then the new heaven and earth will be created after the conclusion of the millennium- to mark the expiration date of sin and death, like it was back in Eden. Now man will live out the 1000 year curse of death Isaiah 65, (Genesis 5). Then history will repeat itself when everything reaches full circle- the serpent will be released once again, Revelation 20:1-6, to tempt man as he did with Adam and Eve, those who follow him will get totally judged and cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, together with hell, death, the antichrist, false prophets and all whose portion is with them Isaiah 66:24. Revelation chapters 19-22. God has perfected the end from the beginning. But as it is written-"My people are destroyed for lack of Knowledge " Hosea 4:6, so, "With all thine getting, get understanding " Proverbs 4:7; Luke 24:45. Be filled with and led by the Holy Spirit, and abide in the fold, John 10, until He returns as promised, to take up His purchased possession! John 14:26; Ephesians chapters 1-2! Then He will set up His kingdom! Isaiah 9:6! Be encouraged!
@ronkebarber6238 3 күн бұрын
The millennium is the end of the cycle of the end of sin. Man had a thousand years curse the day Adam and Eve disobeyed God. A day is like a thousand years. 2 Peter 3:8; Ezekiel 4:6; Psalm 90:4. The oldest man was Methuselah, he lived 969 years, and the last Adam lived 30 years as the Son of man, a human- Jesus Christ, then He was filled with the Holy Spirit, to become the Son of God 100%God and 100% man, just like the first Adam, who was created flesh and God breathed into his nostrils, to have 100% God in 100% man. Thus, when the mystery of iniquity is dealt with, after the 70th week year of Israel, then the whole world will be destroyed at the second coming of Jesus Christ. This will usher in the kingdom of God, for which Jesus Christ came to preach to Israel, before the gospel of grace- for both Israel and the gentiles, because they rejected their King. The scriptures are going back in cycles, we're now in Genesis 6, 11 and 47.It is like going back to the garden of Eden Isaiah 65; Genesis 5, when man will have to live out the whole 1000 years curse, which ends the wages of sin- death, which ends the cycle of creation, until the new heavens and the new earth is established, where there's no more sin and death. Then the judgment and rewards, abd the institution of mandatory pilgrimage to the New Jerusalem, and then, the Sabbath will be observed, signifying the end of work of both Creation and Redemption of the lost soul of man. Isaiah 66. Every nation will worship God, because there will no longer be evil or Satan present. All have been judged and cast into the lake of fire and brimstone- including death, hell, satan, the antichrist and his false prophets and those that bare his mark. The world will be as God in tended it right from the beginning, after the old earth and the heavens are completely destroyed by fire. 2 Peter 2:10-13; Isaiah 65:17; 66:,15-16, 22; 30:30;9:5 1 Thessalonians 5:2; 2 Thessalonians 2:8; Joel 2:10;; Nahum 1:5; Zephaniah 1:15-28; 3:8: Ezekiel 32:7-9; Revelation 20:1; Revelation 20:9-11, etc.
@DrDamages 3 күн бұрын
@ronkebarber6238 3 күн бұрын
Religion doesn't get you placed in the spiritual body of Christ. God didn't mean for a "Relationship" with Jesus Christ in Him by the Holy Spirit to become just "Religion." That's why He gave us the "adoption" of sons and daughters. Religion leaves Him as God alone, not Abba Father! Neither of these men died for anyone, nor can they plead before God for them. They're simply men by whom you believe, if they preach the true gospel of salvation of your soul, by grace through faith in the sacrificial death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, for the ransom and redemption of your soul. Any other thing is vanity. They also need to work out their own salvation with fear and trembling so that they don't make shipwreck of their faith. They also need to pray to be accounted worthy to escape the wrath to come. Luke 21:36. Religion creates a big chasm between God and His worshippers; it gives opportunity for another to come in between to lord it over them in His stead, making themselves to be like God; it cannot accept the infilling and leading of the Holy Spirit, nor can it confirm His presence with the evidence of speaking in tongues. No Holy Spirit, no Christ, no God Romans 8:9,14, no getting caught up with Jesus Christ at His appearing! Religion has many paths to God but never gets to Him. John 10-17; Acts 4:12. Religion rewards those who follow it in this life, and never promises eternal life. Relationship with Christ in God promises everything to believers as they're called "children."1 Corinthians 3:21-23; Romans 8; 1 Peter 2:9. They will never taste of death. John 8:51; Luke 9:27; Isaiah 26:19. They're already sitted with Christ in God by faith in the heavenly places. All God's promises for them in Christ is "yea and amen." Etc. Religion will be judged by the scriptures, Relationship has already been proven in this world, by the simple faith of its Believers. Relationship is by faith, Religion is by sight, and the 5 senses, nothing to do with God, who has already decided to judge everything and everyone by Christ Jesus. Relationship justifies by faith Romans 5:1-21; 1 John 2; 3; Religion condemnes as they are presented before the judgement seat John 3:1-21; Hebrews 9:27; Romans 14:12; 2 Corinthians 5:10; Romans 2:16. Relationship by many offenses to to justification; Religion by just one offense to condemnation Romans 5. Etc. Relationship only demands faith; Religion demands works... Relationship supplies all needs by faith; Relationship demands offerings by law and doctrines. Relationship shows the mind of God through Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit; Religion hides God behind doctrines and icons, and idols- all works of men's hands. Religion demands particular way and stance to pray, depending on which religion; Relationship has open door to the Father to anyone, anywhere, anyway, anyhow, as long as they come as a child led by the Holy Spirit. Religion ends in confusion and subsequent death; Relationship with the Father in Christ Jesus, never ends- unless the individual decides to leave the fold. Both demand sacrifices- blood sacrifices, as often as you come for consultation. Relationship accepts the blood of Sprinkling, which was sprinkled by the Lamb of God on the Mercy Seat in heavenly places, and which always avails as believers come boldly to the throne of grace, by the power of the shed blood of Jesus Christ, and by the leading of the Holy Spirit. Hebrews:4:16; 10:19-25. Religion can even demand sacrifices of loved ones; Relationship already provided the sacrifice of God's loved one to be the propitiation for all sins. Once and for all! What happens when they run out of sacrificial elements? That's why the world is in chaos and utter confusion as we see today! People and religious leaders are committing all unmentionable atrocities in the name of Religion, and slamming on a name called "jesus" but not the Jesus of the scriptures, who already atoned for all the sins of the whole world by the shedding of His sinless blood, on the cursed tree of Calvary, so Believers in Him could be free from the "curse", and access the "Blessing " which God had promised Abraham, through faith in his Seed, our Lord and Savior "Jesus Christ " of Nazareth. Galatians 3:13-14. What more could God have done? So...
@ronkebarber6238 3 күн бұрын
Jesus Christ is coming very soon... let's strive to be taken up with Him as members in particular of His body. There are not many. The Apostle Peter also showed that they're going to be just like those who went in the ark...meaning maybe only 8 or just a few more will be added, to be taken up to be presented faultless before the presence of God the Father, with exceeding joy. The rest, who are now in the Broadway, will have to pay for all their sins by getting beheaded. As the G.O, the Holy Spirit who is in you will show you. If you don't understand, tell Him, He is the One that Jesus Christ sent. This is a foundational issue. For it to be addressed, you have to go back to the beginning, repair the foundation like Elijah did on mount Carmel, release all the people of God to personally go search the scriptures John 5:39, and let each help the other. The Church is not a religious organizations. These organizations need tithes because they're out of the fold of Jesus Christ, filled with and led by His Holy Spirit. You cannot finish the work of the Spirit, in the flesh, they're 2 parallel lines, they never meet. All the examples of light running in a straight line is the flesh. God is a Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth! John 4:24. To obey is better than sacrifice! He is coming soon! The next period is just at the door- the acceptable of the Lord is giving way to the day of vengeance of our God, before the millennium reign, where all will be comforted. Isaiah 61:2.
@ronkebarber6238 3 күн бұрын
Why all these disputes? God fights His own battles. He will be Just and Righteous when He judges and all mouths shall be stopped! If the foundation be destroyed... Let them all go back to the foundation of the scriptures, instead of bickering. Who is right or wrong cannot be determined by simply quoting scriptures out of context. They're all wrong! Go back to the beginning and trace the story of salvation of the soul of man to Jesus Christ alone. There's a plot to the stories in the scriptures. When they get the plot, they will get the story. At this time, we're getting back in circle until it's closed. We're in Genesis 6-11. When this is done with, then we get back to Genesis 5,or the millennium when man will live out the 1000 years, before the final battle of Gog and Magog, which wants the whole world destroyed, but Christ will come and destroy them all by the breath of His mouth. Revelation 20, and sentence them to the lake of fire and brimstone, and this heaven and earth will finally pass away, then God can safely reveal the new heavens and earth. So what you get all the wealth and fame in this life, you will eventually leave it all, and they will be reconciled back to God. But first, God was in Christ to reconcile the world to Himself to restore lost fellowship He once had with Adam. But first they have to be changed to become a new Creation that can be in His presence, so He sent Jesus Christ who also left Believers to finish this work, whose sins have been dealt with by grace, through faith in the sacrificial death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. 2 Corinthians 5. Unfortunately everyone is caught up in the distraction of money and fame. The world is preparing for their own 7 years reign of terror on humanity and all what religious organizations are doing is fighting about words to no profit 2 Timothy 2:14-15, instead of searching the scriptures for their lives John 5:39. Stop and leave everything and go secure a place for yourself in the body of Christ. 8 people were saved out of billions in the world in the time of Noah; only the 2 spies, and Joshua and Caleb were saved out of everyone who left Egypt; 1 Peter 3:21 is telling us that "the like figure ", 8 persons, will be saved in Christ Jesus. Although there will be multitudes saved, but not by the work of Christ Jesus, but by their own sacrifices of getting killed to be saved. Revelation 7:9-10. If anyone has the opportunity to be saved by grace and be placed into the literal body of Jesus Christ the Head, 1 Corinthians 12:12-27; Colossians 1:18; Ephesians 5:30; Ephesians 1:13, wouldn't everyone rather, be fighting to secure a place in Christ? The strait way is different from the Broadway. Everyone is heading to the broad and popular way, but very "few" are they that find the strait way. What part of "few " is difficult to understand? Let each one work out their salvation with fear and trembling... Study the scriptures by the enabling and infilling power of the Holy Spirit. The door is fast closing!!! Leave all these pastors alone!!!... T'árá ẹ́ní l'àá gbọ́!!!
@tonyonunta8597 3 күн бұрын
Great programme Rudolph. Am enjoying the intellectual prowess of Dele Ogun. My advice is for him to lead the crusade of helping the ethnic nationals unite against the common enemy.
@DrDamages 3 күн бұрын
Thank you, Tony.
@ronkebarber6238 3 күн бұрын
Exodus 23:4; Deuteronomy 22:1; Proverbs 28:10 Deuteronomy 4:19; Isaiah 9:16-17; 41:29; 45:16, 20b-22-25; Jeremiah 50:6; 23:25; Ezekiel 13:10-12; 44:10; 2 Peter 2:15; Deuteronomy 28:15 -68. Return: 1 Peter 2:25; Deuteronomy 1-14.
@DrDamages 3 күн бұрын
I see.
@ronkebarber6238 3 күн бұрын
@@DrDamages 1 Corinthians 3:11; Micah 4:5; James 3:11; Psalm 11:3!!!
@EzenwanneObaxi 3 күн бұрын
@EzenwanneObaxi 3 күн бұрын
@ekenemchukwuosadebe2610 3 күн бұрын
What a brilliant mind, Dele Ogun is. Brilliant analysis.
@DrDamages 3 күн бұрын
Thank you.
@ekenemchukwuosadebe2610 3 күн бұрын
Dr. Damages is listening attentively, but will not learn anything because he is so engulfed in fake Nigeria.
@DrDamages 3 күн бұрын
Thank you for your feedback. I appreciate it.
@chilakacollins 3 күн бұрын
Great analysis of history by a brilliant author Dele Ogun,
@aderemiamojo1907 3 күн бұрын
Just don't insult the President. Offer yourself for the post. All your are saying will not bring us anywhere
@akatosianwatsnachi 3 күн бұрын
Why is it that there is no mention of ekumeku war in this conversation?.
@DrDamages 3 күн бұрын
Interesting. Thank you.
@Lighthouse734 3 күн бұрын
Where does dr damages find these gems?.Dele Ogun is so illuminating with knowledge ❤🙏
@DrDamages 3 күн бұрын
Thank you. I appreciate you.
@josephbishop110 3 күн бұрын
This is quite interesting, I can't wait to buy his books. But when we know all these things, then why are the Yorubas and the Igbos are so nerve that the Fulanis remains on top when these two wisely people on this planet earth were eaten up by tribalism? Also Dr. Damages, can you bring that man who is preaching that the Igbos were the father of the Japanese, can you bring him to your program? Please; do so, if you can.
@DrDamages 3 күн бұрын
Will find him. Why not?
@josephbishop110 3 күн бұрын
@@DrDamages Thank you immensely, Dr. Damages.
@macbrown-s3r 3 күн бұрын
Ferreira thank you for summarizing right on point what Mr Dele spoke about. That's the way forward
@DrDamages 3 күн бұрын
Thank you.
@adeabraham126 3 күн бұрын
This guy is pure ignorant. It's purely emotional. There is no government in the world's running subsidy fuel or any consumption. You subsidize productions, and China does that. That's why they are cheap and everyone luck to them. Get your fact, right, bro. What Tinubu is doing right now is good. Country will grow out of it and, over time, stabilize. Once that happens, then you begin to see grow. This guy doesn't know what he's talking about.
@titusisrael3554 3 күн бұрын
@@adeabraham126 Omo, this man is right, all BAT has done is bring his Lagos boys to manager a macro economy with micro economic principles which will never work. That has resulted in experimenting with different policies leading to so many inconsistencies and blame games that have impoverished Nigerians and in their frustration has resorted to pillaging and looting using SPV's
@kayodeadesokan7816 3 күн бұрын
Tinubu he don’t know how to rule, worst president I never see
@alexmbanefo8553 4 күн бұрын
The guest doesn't understand what Israel is trying to achieve. Iran and its proxies are not people you handle with kids gloves in terms of their religious ideology of extermination of Israel and forceful imposition of its religious extremism. Free Palestine is a camouflage, jihad is the goal. Israel is only up against the head of the octopus which feeds its tentacles to attack its citizens. If Iran succeeds, Europe civilization and Christianity will be next target.
@abiriolanike4035 4 күн бұрын
True. That's the only therapy that the Nigerian people have .
@markkuluva3276 4 күн бұрын
I would ask why Hamas is still holding the hostages. They are baiting the entire situation. Backed by Iran.
@samfadi8716 4 күн бұрын
@markkuluva3276 I don't know if you are slow or just a bot pushing the hasbara lies regardless I am going to educate you.. Hamad took the hostages as bargaining chip to get their 8000 hostages including minors kidnapped by isreal for years with out charges.. Netanyahu is not interested in getting the hostages back, if he was he would have accepted the numerous offers of hostages exchange including the one put forth on October the 8th 2023 by hamas. Netanyahu wants a wider war for the greater israel project which includes parts of lebanon, syria, saudi, iraq, egypt and Jordan this is not a conspiracy but they have revealed this back 75 years ago with Ben gurion.
@nigeriabello3183 4 күн бұрын
Ok who can revive Nigeria??
@dubemellit2932 3 күн бұрын
Funsho Williams!… Oloriburuku!
@nigeriabello3183 4 күн бұрын
I don't know while some of you choose to misinform . please the issue of Aba women pre independent demonstration,was not geared towards achieving Nigeria independence, but to insist on the Leadership of our colonist, the British
@chinyerethata2049 4 күн бұрын
God bless u sir fools do not know