Bloodbath 7 info
2 ай бұрын
Korean Coke taste test K-wave
Bloodbath News
6 ай бұрын
BB6 day one matchup
10 ай бұрын
BB6 Tournament and other crap
Bloodbath NEWS
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Website and something dope
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Drink with sired - website crap
BB5 ATL - final day - update
Operation Giggles - BB4- CWF 8
2 жыл бұрын
Operation Giggles - BB4- R8
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Operation Giggles - BB4- CWF7
2 жыл бұрын
Operation Giggles- BB4- R7
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Operation Giggles -BB4- CWF 6
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Operation Giggles - BB4- R6
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Operation Giggles - BB4- CWF 5
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Operation Giggles - BB4- R5
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Operation Giggles - BB4- CWF 4
2 жыл бұрын
Operation Giggles- BB4- R4
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Operation Giggles - BB4-CWF3
2 жыл бұрын
Operation Giggles - BB4-R3
2 жыл бұрын
Operation Giggles - BB4- CWF 2
2 жыл бұрын
Operation Giggles - BB4- R2
2 жыл бұрын
Operation Giggles - BB4 -CWF1
2 жыл бұрын
Operation Giggles- BB4- R1
2 жыл бұрын
@aydanmort7467 19 күн бұрын
Does anyone still have that card file? I tried to look on dropbox but it said the file has been deleted. I just found out about these amazing cards and would like to be able to print them as well.
@ChrisGryphon Ай бұрын
I try Germany vs. France without the intention of taking it, to allow Italy capturing France. Germany has nearly enough starting units to take UK or Leningrad even if UK or Leningrad puts more than 12-20 infantry on. Germany needs close to 16 transports for its starting units plus some navy defense. Germany should have enough planes to take the waters; dont use any German planes in France. If Germany holds money round one, Germany will have enough money to build a large navy all at once. Germany has to keep their planes positioned to attack either Leningrad, UK, or perhaps participate in the sea. Dont be afraid to loose some planes in the land battle, its more important to actually land. First move, let Italy take France. Itll give Italy more money for the capture + steady income. That extra money that can be used to expand. It will make the difference. I think of Germany as capital hunter that is willing to destroy itself because Italy is defending the home by expanding and securing the south resources. In theory, Germany will have lost most of its stuff pieces trying to land on UK or Leningrad. For a moment, it will seem that only Italy is on the board. Germany will have destroyed alot of its starting units in the amphibious and Italy will keep everything secure until Germany can build using captured money. Germany into France battle round one: (I think the math is right for this example but in general this is how how I calculate) 8 units @ 1/6 = 1.33 expected hit 3 units @ 3/6 = 1.5 expected hit 2.8 expected hit total, I generally round down because I dont want to build luck here into the strategy France starts with 7 units @ 2/6 1 unit @ 3/6 1 fighter @ 4/6 Expected hit is 3.496 or I tend to round up to 4; I tend to build luck here into the strategy. >> Continued fighting Germany into France and the 3 tanks still do 1.5 expected hit. After loosing four units, there are Four @ 1/6 = .66 2.1 total. Round to 2 France would probably loose a AAA gun and have Six @ 2/6 = 2 tank = .5 Fighter = .66 3.1 and it would be extremely lucky to get 4. >> Run this again. But really the idea is for Germany to weaken France enough that Italy can take it. ___ Let the German player focus clearing the waters and repositioning everything to purchase 12-16 transports and some defensive navy to land everything they start with into either UK or Leningrad.
@TjenStylez Ай бұрын
When the Americans are having their focus on Europe and the Axis have not captured London, the strategy is to protect western Europe with masses of infantry. This strategy seems sound. What is the backup plan when the USA decides to unload in Scandinavia/Archangel, in order to liberate Russia - instead of taking France? Is this a threat?
@jamesscalzo3033 Ай бұрын
Loved the video @siredblood! Can't wait for the next video man! These Bloodbath Rules are very interesting, especially the Mobile Production of the Soviets. This puts a Reasonably High Emphasis on having Strategic Bombing Raids on Territories with a Minor Production Complex in order to Prevent their Movement to begin with as well as Strong Use of the Attack Aircraft to support Ground Units moving in to capture those territories. Say you play as Germany and you've saved up Plenty of IPC's from the Past Few Years of the Game. You've already Taken Western Poland, Denmark, Norway, France and the Low Countries and You're getting plenty of IPC's every turn in your "Collect Income" Phase of the Turn and the United Kingdom has Managed to Hold out in the Battle of Britain with Aid from the United States of America across the Atlantic (even though they aren't in the War.... Yet). There's probably nothing left but to Start moving to what became Napoleon's Downfall, and thus you start to Prepare for Operation Barbarossa: The Invasion of the Soviet Union. You start to Build up your Forces in Preparation for such a Prestigious Ideal, as you have every confidence that you'll Succeed where even Napoleon Bonaparte failed in the 1800's. You've already got several Tanks, Artillery, Infantry and Mechanized Units, but with the Losses from the Blitzkrieg they most likely won't be enough. Thus you start Purchasing More Infantry, More Tanks, More Artillery and Mechanized Units and even More Fighters and Bombers to support the Ground Units further. You build up for about 4 or 5 Turns until you see enough Units on the Board to almost Blot out the Various Territories along the Eastern Front. Three Panzer Army's and 3 Air Force's are Ready along the Frontlines, the Northern Army is to target Leningrad with Support from 6 Infantry, 1 Artillery and 1 Tank from Finland further supported by 4 Fighters and 8 Attack Aircraft. The Central Army will make a Beeline straight for Moscow, with Most of the Attack Aircraft Providing Close Air Support. The Southern Army will Target Stalingrad and then Turn South towards the Caucas Oil Fields, thus Crippling the Soviets Supply whilst also Enriching Germany's Own Supply as well as Establishing a Staging area to Link up with the Afrika Korps across the Suez Canal after they've dealt with Montgomery and the British 8th Army in Egypt, leaving only the British 9th Army in The British Mandate of Palestine (Aka Trans-Jordan) for this Southern Army to Worry about afterwards. The Air Force's are Also coming into Play. At the Start of Operations, the Strategic Bombers will Fly over the Industrial Complexes to Bomb them and are Expected to Hamper with the Soviets Ability to Continue with the Production of Units as well as to Deny them the Chance to Shift their Lesser Production Facilities elsewhere. 8 Bombers are Sent to Leningrad, Moscow and Stalingrad Each, while also escorted by 4 Fighters. Meanwhile, Attack Aircraft are Providing Close Air Support mainly for the Center Army, but should a Defence in one Territory prove to be Stubborn, a Flight of 4 can Be Tasked with whittling the Defenders Down. Should Further Reinforcements be Needed, The Germans still have 4 Infantry, 2 Artillery and 2 Tanks in Norway from Operation Wesserübung a while back. As vital as the Aircraft Stationed there may be, They are better off Patroling the North Sea and the Arctic for any Convoys for Lend-Lease from the United States of America and Aid to Russia from the United Kingdom so as to Intercept them or at least Harass them. Combat is Made, as is Great Shows of Progress. The Strategic Bombers Did their Job as best as possible and at least Denied the Minor Production Complexes the Opportunity to Move elsewhere, the Forces in Finland and the Northern Army have had Severe Blows to and From the Defending Soviets thus Narrowly managing to Capture Karelia S.S.R. in the process; the Center Army moved Faster than Expected and was Almost Cutoff by the Defending Soviets just short of Moscow, though they were Forced to Stop in the Territory next to it; and the Southern Army Only managed to Crack the Defending Soviets in Stalingrad, being forced into the Adjacent Territory as well. Let me know what you think about this and I'll catch you in your next video man!
@jamesscalzo3033 Ай бұрын
Loved the video @siredblood! Can't wait for the next video man! Saw your videos of both 1.1 and 1.2 Maps for Axis & Allies a while back and absolutely loving the content man. I'm not sure if you saw this on @gijoe16's video on Cash Options for Axis & Allies but I have a really interesting idea to play the Whole of the Second World War in Axis & Allies. Each year of the war will be treated as a "Turn", so that you basically start of in 1939 and then you'll move on to 1940 upon the Fall of Poland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania and the Start of the Fins and the Soviets fighting and then you'll end 1941 with Japan Attacking the United States Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor on Oahu, Hawai'i, The Philippines, Guam and Fighting the Marines and Civilian Contractors at Wake Island. This can be done with the Custom maps that you made, as they have some more Detail to Them rather than how Squished together everything was with the Official Axis & Allies Maps. At the end of Each "Turn", players will get their Victory IPC's as well as any Applicable Bonus IPC's to Start of with for the Next "Turn" under the Axis & Allies Global 1940 rules or it's Revised Version. After the end of 1941, you'll continue to do the same with the 1942 Rules. Nonetheless, After each Year you'll spend all your IPC's except those that are for Starting you off for the Next Year, the 1942 Rules for example has the United States of America starting with 38 IPC's so after they are Attacked by Japan at Pearl Harbor, The Philippines, Guam and Wake Island the United States Player will get His/Her Victory IPC's as well as any Applicable Bonus IPC's as per the 1940 Rules and then Spend all but those 38 IPC's to Start off the 1942 Turn. I also have some Ideas for the Units as well as New Units themselves. One is for how the Carriers and Strategic Bombers worked. Most Carriers (Especially Japanese and American Carriers) had about 100 Aircraft Aboard of Various Types and Designs, so taking some inspiration from the Naval Warfare Miniatures of Axis & Allies: War at Sea (a game I thoroughly Enjoy, especially with Custom Units) the Carriers will get 1 Aircraft Slot for every 13-25 Aircraft. Also, Using the Unit Force Tokens from Axis & Allies: The Battle of the Bulge, Players will be able to more Accurately Have Carrier Air Groups and Launch Strikes. The same can also be Done with Strategic Bombing Raids, so you can Send Actual Bomber Formations over Enemy Industrial Complexes or Occupied Areas and Blow the Living hell out of the Enemy Forces there. Some of the Axis & Allies Games (Namely Pacific 1940) had this idea for Setting up Task Forces where you could have no more than 5 Ship Types in a Task Force but you could still have a Task Force in that area with the Largest Ship in the Force being the "Icon" on the Whole Map. Using these Unit Tokens, you can use Multiple of those Ships and Effectively have Carrier Task Forces or Convoys Moving Around the Map. The New Units Themselves will be, as of Typing this, the Dive Bomber, The Torpedo Bombers and the Medium Bombers for Aircraft; Self-Propelled Artillery for Vehicles; Landing Craft, Landing Ship, Tankers and Fleet Oilers for Transports; Escort Carriers, Light Aircraft Carriers, Destroyer Escorts/Frigates and Gunboats/Corvettes for Warships. Specifically these are Unit Types, rather than New Units but these should allow for a bit more Flavor and Firepower in your games. If you're interested in hearing more about them, I'll put it in the Comments section below the next video. As for Future Updates to the Map, While I like the Idea of a More Detailed and Realistic Map for Axis & Allies, the Countries getting Squished together still bugs me. Don't ask, I don't know Myself unless it's got something to do with me usually looking a Actual World Maps because I love my Military History from 1939 to 1975 so.... Yeah. But, the idea of more Areas is quite Satisfying since you're not limited to a Set amount of Territories to Deal with, there's more of them as well as that they are the proper size. Taking Mongolia for instance, most of it's Provinces weren't Established until around 1938 to 1940. While looking at all 30 or so Mongolian Provinces, I've seen about 4 or 5 that were Established in 1941, another 5 or 6 in 1942 and then I think there's one that wasn't Established until 1995 and it's the Smallest of all 30 or so Mongolian Provinces. Let me know what you think about this and I'll catch you in your next video man! If you're interested in hearing about the New Units, let me know as well!
@based8223 Ай бұрын
Dude. Chill
@pjpaella Ай бұрын
PS I tried to post this on Discord but it won't take my phone number because it says it's already in use but it's already linked to my account. Not sure what's going on there
@pjpaella Ай бұрын
Are the map files sent out in Photoshop format,.psb or .psd? If not, can you release a .pd please, with all map effects as individual layers so we can disable layers we don't want printed? Rounders, background watermark images, city and battle names, IPC #s, convoy and shipyard icons, etc. This would be a HUGE help to us making customized BBR prints. I can't go through countless hours of tweaking the base image again. It took months. :(
@siredblood Ай бұрын
I don’t release layers
@siredblood Ай бұрын
Sorry for the inconvenience .. it is a .psd though .. but it flattened before exported
@mdt260 Ай бұрын
PayPal sent!
@siredblood Ай бұрын
Sent .. gonna love em .. my best work thus far
@ChessMastah21 Ай бұрын
How can I get access to the map and the ruleset?
@CBs_Bill_from_Montana Ай бұрын
That new map is awesome! Can I pay for it in 12 year old HeroCoin?
@siredblood Ай бұрын
Hero Coin lol
@Teflon2017 Ай бұрын
13 & 13 . The master has spoken. May all time lords take heed! Take care SB!
@Teflon2017 Ай бұрын
Cool Beans!
@krogg5868 Ай бұрын
Is that file still available somewhere by chance?
@ryanmichael1298 Ай бұрын
I actually do enjoy how long a game can take, I think of it as a marathon.
@GIGACaine Ай бұрын
what do i to get the bbr customizations, I have the cards and rules, but what about the board and others?
@GIGACaine Ай бұрын
I cant find the cards
@dela7443 Ай бұрын
Hi Sireblood, I bought the BBR Map from you some time ago and got the Access to the Dropbox. I never finished customizing my Game. Now I got some time again but cant find the Link to the Homepage where I can get the other Downloads again like the Cards etc... Could you help me out? I still got access to the Map and got the printed Rulebook, but I wanted the other stuff too .... Thanks a lot.
@GIGACaine Ай бұрын
file isn't working.
@chicken312281 2 ай бұрын
@siredblood are you still selling your g40 custom maps and stuff? Emailed a few weeks ago but didn't hear back
@daviovann 2 ай бұрын
How in the world did you manage to do an 8-round game in one day??? How long does a game usually take?
@siredblood 2 ай бұрын
About an hr per .. tournaments I give 12 hrs (6 per) and generally finish early
@daviovann 2 ай бұрын
@@siredblood We do two turn rounds to make the game go faster. Axis goes first, and allies goes second. We do 5 to 6 rounds in an eight-hour period. We also use dice roller apps. I think the problem is we have around 50 different kinds of units. Some of them of their own tactical advantages. So, we call our game Tac 40, and we have our own map. We also have different resources in the game. We are still play testing the game. BTW, how can I get my hands on your rule book? 🙂
@daviovann 2 ай бұрын
What is the size of your maps?
@daviovann 2 ай бұрын
Nice, and interesting map. 🙂
@daviovann 2 ай бұрын
What different recourses do you have for the game, and what are they for. What new units do you have for your game?
@daviovann 2 ай бұрын
So you don't need transports to go to soviet far east to Japan then, right?
@siredblood 2 ай бұрын
Correct … same with other parts of the map i adjusted many versions ago .. allow walk-ons .. being only an 8 round game .. can’t get tied up forever
@daviovann 2 ай бұрын
So basically, the Blood Bath map was never a A&A maps, but it is purely based on a A&A map, right? 🙂
@siredblood 2 ай бұрын
Was originally based off G40 ya.. by the time version 3 came around it was already looking far different.
@robertthurman9866 2 ай бұрын
Very solid ideas. I have never understood the way people freak out when you suggest just using regular dice instead of the special ones. You just make a conversion chart.
@volatilityking7351 2 ай бұрын
I always get a chuckle watching a Sired video - raw and unedited 😎
@mdt260 2 ай бұрын
Good stuff Siredblood! Looking forward to Atlanta if you'll have me 😉
@siredblood 2 ай бұрын
You're in!
@siredblood 2 ай бұрын
Be great to see you again!
@mdt260 2 ай бұрын
@@siredblood I'm planning on it!👍
@moosecow883 2 ай бұрын
Kuril Islands is cool. Is it now also a Walk-on from Siberia to Hokkaido as well? Japan and Russia had 50/50 split control of the Sakhalin, the large island you added north of Hokkaido. So if Kuril Islands are a walk on, then it mades total sense that Sakhalin would be as well. Or at the very least, some clarity as to which territory that island belongs to.
@corpo24axisallies44 2 ай бұрын
Chinese warlords get a fixed bayonet charge 😛
@JUKspn 2 ай бұрын
Where is the new BBR forum?
@siredblood 2 ай бұрын
@JUKspn 2 ай бұрын
@@siredblood Thanks!
@waynemccaskill-tq9cz 2 ай бұрын
how does one purchase
@siredblood 2 ай бұрын
That’s still in the works .. be about another 2 weeks until I know
@CBs_Bill_from_Montana 2 ай бұрын
That map looks as good as Gauntlet!
@siredblood 2 ай бұрын
@HamboneHQ 2 ай бұрын
There are some very interesting map changes !!
@siredblood 2 ай бұрын
Yessir! Hope to see you and VK this sept to tear it up!
@TheChaplainMO 2 ай бұрын
Korea is less $$$, Belgian Congo is a Resource, WALK ON to Japan from mainland?!?! Sheesh brother, you trying to kill us? lol
@siredblood 2 ай бұрын
Ha! The walk on is not bad as it seems … If US was to land there it would need to be on 6… staged on turn 5 … might as well just land in Hokkaido which has been an option since BB2 I think
@paganed 2 ай бұрын
I see my namesake's strategic isle.
@diltonweany7003 2 ай бұрын
poor Latvia getting left out 😆
@siredblood 2 ай бұрын
lol.. it was there for a minute
@CBs_Bill_from_Montana 2 ай бұрын
Doctor Doom is ruler of Latvia! Coincidence?
@Lt.Dan.. 2 ай бұрын
Work of art my friend
@Teflon2017 2 ай бұрын
Looks like the master has been busy and his creation , making new things! Who wouldn't want to play on a map that gets rid of all the territories that we never see in play?!..... and we even have a little bit of Dune thrown into World War II now.
@jonahmueller4815 2 ай бұрын
You should really teach marketing since you've done such a good job with BBR.
@siredblood 2 ай бұрын
lol.. it’s not me .. it’s you guys who spread the word
@siredblood 2 ай бұрын
Honestly.. that’s the plan.. make Bloodbath a name to be recommend with … BB14.. 36.. 1861 .. etc
@wartable 2 ай бұрын
1st! Can't wait for BB1936! I wish we knew how to play😂
@ColombiaIsawesome 2 ай бұрын
These aren’t you’re pieces! These are OUR PIECES ☭
@mdt260 3 ай бұрын
Good to see you Siredblood - looking forward to the upcoming details on Bloodbath 1941👍
@JUKspn 3 ай бұрын
Ok KoreanCola out. BuT BBR web??? Where?? 🤨
@Teflon2017 3 ай бұрын
@Teflon2017 3 ай бұрын
Volcano Garrison is big on Korean Coca Cola, but not K-wave, just normal leaded baby!😂😢
@lagoelsinore951 3 ай бұрын
That's the problem, its zero sugar 😂☠️
@wartable 3 ай бұрын
1st! 🇰🇷🦄. No Gothic Gin?!😀
@siredblood 3 ай бұрын
im out!!
@hoodrekt5887 3 ай бұрын
Not using that’s transport to take out the Ethiopian troops is very bad and let’s Italy be a pain in africa
@jaymersdorf 4 ай бұрын
Need link to discord server please.