4380 L13 Drugs and Pharmacology 2024
@IntrusiveCandy 22 күн бұрын
So sad to see it has 0 likes since posted 😢
@wisangdarmasto5641 Ай бұрын
Thank you so much, Sir.
@christopherleubner6633 Ай бұрын
If they had a practical lab to go with the class there would be full enrollment 😂
@user-zo9sd3xt2w Ай бұрын
Ive been shooting fentanyl for 10 years, all together ive been shooting for 15 almost 16 years im only 30 and fentanyl is weak to me now cause ive been doing it for so long, excecpt for a few fentanyls that ive tryed, like carfentanyl, o-methy fentanyl, methyl fentanyl, ohmefentanyl is a few of the stronge fentanyls i like cause my tolorence is so high, i dont even worry about overdosing, i havent from many years cause its hard to even get high with fentanyl anymore cause ive been doing it for so long, unless its one of the stronger types of fentanyl like the few i just mentioned which isnt the only ones thats super strong, stronger then regular fentanyl or most of the other fentanyls.
@user-zo9sd3xt2w Ай бұрын
This dude is way behind lol heroin is so weak now u cant even give it away in the streets even a prominent man in the drug education economics said the samething, fentanyl has boosted/raised this generations tolerance nowadays, back then alot of people wasnt doing fentanyl for recreation use like they are now, so tolorences have rose and morphine,heroin, oxycodone, oxymorphone, hydromorphone, deasnt work at all for people thats majorly addicted to fentanyl, even regular fentanyl doesnt work for aome people, that have to have other types of fentanyl that not regular fentanyl any type of fentanyl that stronger then regular acetylfentanyl is a little stronger, but some people want or need even stronger types of fentanyl just to get their bodys out of withdrawals and or to get and stay high.
@miwa9569 Ай бұрын
This dude is mistaken about a lot of things. Thebaine is the alkaloid that's used to produce Oxycodone not Codine. Also, commercial poppy seeds sometimes aren't cleaned very well and will have trace amounts of opium on them there's nothing psychoactive in the seed.
@Zidbits Ай бұрын
Did you really compare Aspirin to Morphine? Have you ever had morphine? I'm pretty sure you haven't, given how you talk as if you're reading from a textbook, and not from experience. On a one to ten scale of how well Aspirin kills pain, it's a 2. Barely above placebo. Morphine? an 8. Fentanyl? 9.5 When I broke my back, I was in severe pain. I took Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Aleve, none of them even touched the pain. Morphine knocked it down so I could think straight. They gave me Demerol which finally eliminated the pain. I was finally able to sleep.
@UNcommonSenseAUS Ай бұрын
22:27 thalidomide
@miwa9569 Ай бұрын
The perfect example of good enantiomer and the nasty mirror image. Growing up I knew someone who had no arms because of Thalidomide.
@UNcommonSenseAUS Ай бұрын
Appreciate the spirit of the video but many factual errors
@UNcommonSenseAUS Ай бұрын
5:56 how awful that people might feel good.
@KristosMenfes Ай бұрын
aspin addicts arr everywhere runs livers and backs and tummys all the times lets all grow poppy and just forget the workd id be proud to be addictedbtot that then this crappy world
@dabberdan3200 Ай бұрын
The picture of the HCL generator is actually an anhydrous ammonia liquid tank with stainless steel fittings. It’s not a HCL generator
@dabberdan3200 Ай бұрын
Typically the sulfate salts gas out of the cocaine first. The same thing happens with methamphetamine. The salts are the first elements to precipitate out of methamphetamine as well when generating HCL gas. You’ll know the difference between the two because the salts are heavy enough to sink to the bottom faster than the free floating crystals. Typically you would just filter them out and continue generating HCL gas. The salts are also an active methamphetamine as well.
@user-zo9sd3xt2w Ай бұрын
Salt and liquid lightning or hydrocloric acid which is the chemical in liquid lightning that makes the salt smoke off, and makes the gas your talking about, if your making it in a clandestine lab ( pour the liquid lightning over the salt when ready to gas off the liquid to make the meth pretisipat in the liquid and fall to the bottom like snow)
@ndcassiani Ай бұрын
in reference to drug enantiomers: "texas got smart with that" kinda except l-methamphetamine is sold otc in vick's vapor inhalers, so i wonder how thats legal? texas's drug analog language is a bit over broad imho. also ephedrine has 2 chiral centers; meth just got the one.
@niftyjim8255 Ай бұрын
Because l amphetamine is not racemic and it's a huge process to turn l amphetamine into d amphetamine. But funnily enough d amphetamine is prescribed to kids with ADHD and racemic amphetamine is prescribed to adults as a stronger version....
@johnnyx53 Ай бұрын
Very interesting video and well presented! I think the anti-nausea drug that the pregnant women took was called thalidomide. I saw in a documentary that it was championed by German doctors and scientists in Europe who declared it a great discovery. So it was mass produced and prescribed, unaware of the impending and horrifying results it produced.
@stuartcommon4651 2 ай бұрын
It's incorrect to say all tropane alkaloids are derivatives of cocaine, for example the range of anticholinergic deliriants such as scopolamine
@valentinkugler9189 2 ай бұрын
wouldn't the OH attached to carbon 6 of morphine be more reactive to nucleophilic attack with acetic anhydride (the phenol motif has decreased nucleophilicity due to resonance compared to alcohol), yielding 6MAM? Though for deacetylation pos 3 does seem to more reactive, due to its stability as a leaving group
@deeanstefan9856 2 ай бұрын
I really enjoyed this lecture, you are very good teacher. Thank you.
@islandblind 4 ай бұрын
The Halifax explosion of 1917 occurred when a French munitions ship carrying a load of benzol, nitrocellulose, TNT and picric acid was involved in a collision with another vessel. The force of the collision was enough to rupture the hull of the munitions ship and spill the benzol, stored in barrels, into the cargo hold. When the interlocked vessels parted ways, a shower of sparks was produced by the grinding metal, igniting the benzol. The resulting fire heated 2300 tons of picric acid to it's detonation temperature. The resulting explosion leveled a good potion of Halifax, Nova Scotia and killed nearly 2000 people. The explosion was the largest man-made explosion prior to the detonation of the Hiroshima bomb.
@redaelhayani7102 4 ай бұрын
Thank you sir
@aakashdewangan7313 4 ай бұрын
watching from INDIA. Thanks for the video. I am from Mechanical Engineering background, your videos are not just limited to Chemistry, but useful for Engg. as well. Thanks again :)
@aakashdewangan7313 4 ай бұрын
really valuable :)
@markgrayson7514 5 ай бұрын
33:30 Benzodiazepines are not related to SSRI's.
@darren.williams 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for pointing out my mistake.
@fireburnpatterns1714 7 ай бұрын
Excellent presentation. Fire create evidence
@ctfireinsky9554 7 ай бұрын
The Hydra-Shock is just a more efficient form of a hollow point. By having a center post in the cavity the hydrodynamic force ensures more reliable opening of the tip. The Air Marshals use frangible bullets. Frangible bullets are basically sintered plastic and metal powder that breaks up whenever it hits a target. For really cool Hydrodynamic fun and guns look up Lehigh Defense Penetrator or their Cavitators.
@darren.williams 7 ай бұрын
Excellent information. Thank you. I will look up the videos you suggested. And thanks for the info on the Air Marshall's frangible bullets.
@TRENDINGToday98 7 ай бұрын
hello sir I am very grateful for your educational support ❤.. sir I want the process or the steps for joining you or the lab of forensic science .. sir can you give me a strong chance of being hardworking and good officer ❤ you are a great leader for us please show me a path of joining the lab of forensic science 🔭 .. ❤ I hope you do ..❤
@dw-forensicchem 7 ай бұрын
Study Analytical Chemistry. This is the best path to working in a Forensic Laboratory. It is very competitive, but if you are a good Analytical Chemist, you can also work in thousands of other interesting analytical labs supporting environmental science, medicine, energy, etc.
@Kirt44 11 ай бұрын
Very informative and interesting but you defently do come whit a couple of incorrect statements but It is minor things overall i learned/understood new things from this talk thanks
@spcacwceta9010 Жыл бұрын
thank you very helpful!
@dgrdave3161 Жыл бұрын
Hello. Do you look into current cases of Arson?
@KahurangiSteez Жыл бұрын
I'm a bit surprised at the detail in some parts. Any wook at an outdoor festival scene has taken 20x more research chemicals than are mentioned here. NBOMe's, DOx's, 2C's, DMT, LSZ/1P-LSD etc etc... The list goes on. Good overview nonetheless and the chemistry was new to me.
@niceroy2453 Жыл бұрын
The lecture is very informative.Could you please share the slides?
@karolus28 Жыл бұрын
4:21 I have a question. I've seen the term DDT used only in the context of high explosives(primary explosives). I've been told that the DDT process is that a part of the deflagrating material(like mercury fulminate) generates enough pressure so that the rest of the material is compressed so much that a shock wave is formed, which goes through the whole charge at supersonic speeds and allows it to explosively decompose WAY faster than a low explosive like black powder whichs explosive decomposition is propelled by a wave of hot gasses that it generates. Basically some compounds/compositions are able to undergo DDT and some aren't. Now you said that DDT happens with something like a confined low explosive(black/flash powder), which just doesn't seem right to me as no mater what, the black powder still only deflagrates, just simply much faster. yeah I dont really have a question, I just want some explanations because I don't have much knowlege and im a bit confused.
@dw-forensicchem Жыл бұрын
Thanks for commenting. You may be right that black powder explosions may only be heat and pressure explosions and not true detonations. I don't have a very deep background in propellants, which deflagrate and produce consistent gas pressures.
@karolus28 Жыл бұрын
@@dw-forensicchem I appreciate the quick reply, thank you good Sir!
@castillojefril6404 Жыл бұрын
@matijamisic6537 Жыл бұрын
@fidelsoto7074 2 жыл бұрын
I'm ARSON From the Santa Ana Riverbed bottom. On site. Investigating all the recent 11 fires
@cumarcisman4330 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Dr. William I want to be forensic chemist
@nomad-1776 2 жыл бұрын
I find these videos very interesting. I took a forensic chemistry class at my local tech college in 2020. I stumbled across your channel while looking for information to help me as we transitioned to online classes. I haven't continued college as I found online classes to be difficult, being a more hands-on learner, though I still check out your videos when they pop up in my feed. Thanks for sharing these with the general public. I hope you continue to do so!
@dw-forensicchem 2 жыл бұрын
So glad you enjoy them. We are finished with the semester, so the next videos will begin again next January.
@dw-forensicchem 2 жыл бұрын
Check out the Physical Chemistry (PCHEM) at Sam videos. I teach that course too.
@Skunkhunt_42 2 жыл бұрын
When the lithium is sparking underneath the ether. What exactly is the cause of the spark? Are those localized zones of high heat, quenched by surrounding water?
@dw-forensicchem 2 жыл бұрын
The lithium is there as a reducing agent. My guess on the light is that the electrons are donated to an antibonding orbital on a molecule. When they drop down into a bonding orbital there is a visible emission of light. So I'm thinking this is chemiluminescence.
@Skunkhunt_42 2 жыл бұрын
@@dw-forensicchem thanks for that! It makes more common sense to me than it being localized areas of high heat- (ie. fire). Your response here touches on one of my weak spots in chem understanding - that of pushing electrons/orbitals and energies associated (ie. The actual chemistry😆)
@deqaabdi9968 2 жыл бұрын
I wish you investigate Hargaisa 🔥
@michellegallegos8662 2 жыл бұрын
Cannot call it meth anymore. My brother was a functional working meth addict on the old style meth. He became totally dysfunctional and mentally unstable on this fentanyl meth they are making nowadays.
@dw-forensicchem 2 жыл бұрын
So sorry to hear that. It is an awful situation to be in.
@Skunkhunt_42 2 жыл бұрын
The topic of "new meth" is interesting. Drug councilors in the PNW say this new meth makes for much more difficult to treat addiction with way more mental health/schizo like illness. One theory is that of chivalry. R vs S meth. meth related to cartel mega cook methods with P2P is different from ephedrine based cooks which produce most if not all Dextro. But I don't think thats the full story. The size of the crystals being formed and the obscenely cheap price today makes me curious about another theory - the use of a co-former in crystallization such as isopropylbenzylamine. I haven't been able to find proof of such in forensic literature yet
@dw-forensicchem 2 жыл бұрын
@@Skunkhunt_42 That's interesting. keep the channel posted on what you find. Thanks!
@DIGITALVHS 2 жыл бұрын
Love the chemistry here, but I gotta say the knowledge on the drugs themselves isn't quite spot on. Just for instance, opiates cause respiratory depression not cardiac arrest. I think of a love of drugs leads to a love of chemistry too, turns out a lot of the DEAs forensic chemists are absolutely fascinated by drugs, usually more than users themselves.
@dw-forensicchem 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the correction. Ill put it in the video description.
@Dude8718 Ай бұрын
Absolutely. I got into chemistry because of my desire to understand drugs on that level. However now I evolved into studying plants and the biological synthesis of bioactive compounds. Now I've come full circle and grow ornamental plants that have no food or drug value haha. I had to motivate myself Into the education because drugs but tricked myself into growing flowers that smell good for the hell of it. Life's a trip eh?
@christopherleubner6633 Ай бұрын
The late Great Dr Alexander Shulgin was one of them until the DEA back stabbed him
@WitchidWitchid 2 жыл бұрын
Interesting. I often feel that I would have liked to have been an arson investigator. Even as a kid whenever I saw or heard about a building fire I was always curious as to what caused it to happen.
@Skunkhunt_42 2 жыл бұрын
I don't understand the difference between coca paste (that farmers make) and crack cocaine (that retailers make from cocaine hcl). They seem the same to me but why wouldn't they just wholesale coca paste to crack distributors instead?
@dw-forensicchem 2 жыл бұрын
I'm not sure of the details. But a lot of the differences are related to purity or form (powder, particle size, crystalline nature, etc.)
@Skunkhunt_42 2 жыл бұрын
@@dw-forensicchem thanks for making this series avaliable for free!
@jordanskidmore3590 2 жыл бұрын
It’s not the same, coca paste or cocaine (powder) is a hydrochloride, making crack turns it from cocaine hydrochloride into a base, thus making it smokeable. Normal cocaine or the earlier stage paste is not smokeable. Forgot to say that cocaine hydrochloride is a salt, so that’s the main difference, turning it from the hydrochloride salt into a freebase.
@Skunkhunt_42 2 жыл бұрын
@@jordanskidmore3590 coca paste is not a salt from my understanding. My understanding is: Coca paste is a crude amorphous freebase alkaloid extract, being from a plant, it contains similar components from extraction. This is refined into a more pure cocaine HCl salt for insuflation, and is often cut for reasons of profit and user experience ("snortability". Some even use flavored cuts. Cutting cocaine is quite an art) Crack is made by reverting the cocaine HCl back to its freebase form. Being that the starting material for making crack is often not pure cocaine HCl with a variety of possible components present, compounded by the often less than ideal procedures, crack is especially "whack". Now I have heard that "freebase", while similar was also different. popular in upper class drug scenes earlier than the "crack" era, I imagine "freebase" was a much more pure product than "crack" and could have even been in part due to a more controlled and centralized manufacturing process. - this is just theory. I haven't had chance to dig into this "freebase" vs "crack" differentiation.
@jordanskidmore3590 2 жыл бұрын
@@Skunkhunt_42 yea sorry, what I mean is cocaine hydrochloride is a salt, people freebase it to make it smokeable as cocaine hydrochloride is not smokeable. Crack is similar to freebase, one uses bicarbonate the other uses ammonia. But the end results differ but the same in that the powder form of cocaine is now a solid with less cut and turned into a smokeable form that’s so,I’d and able to cross the blood brain barrier at a faster rate so it’s a lot stronger. I’ve never dealt with paste. Thanks
@cyborglawpolice 2 жыл бұрын
#Ancient #Arsonist #Antidemonic #Crime #Law #Awareness #America #PoliceDepartment #EliminatingCrime #PreventingFires #FireFightersIntelligence #Resurrection #Decontamination
@markuslovelace5983 2 жыл бұрын
I've been watching your lectures and taking notes in my free periods- I want to major in forensics, so this is a really cool resource to have, thank you for posting!
@jacksonripholmes3236 2 жыл бұрын
Very helpful to the beginner like me.
@clementines3322 2 жыл бұрын
@stevengriffith436 2 жыл бұрын
In January 95 I lost everything in apt fire. I got there as the fire company in a podunk town in Minnesota were finishing up. They asked me if I left anything on or plugged in I panicked and said an electric blanket. My dad had a retired fire chief from a city look at it he said right away it was arson and it started at my bedroom doorway that led to the hallway and that someone light something and stuck it under the door. To this day 26 years later its still being tentatively blamed on the electric blanket. Ps I recalled later that I made sure to unplug the blanket because I had a bad feeling can't explain why
@MrMegatherium 2 жыл бұрын
I really enjoyed this video, and I am taking an interest in this subject.
@alannahmay3823 3 жыл бұрын
It's sad that all of this illegal activity is getting tangled up in the ability of genuine patients in severe pain to access their pain medication without undue stress.