well i rember finishing this the father is the dragon , well got lot of time back then and only have a gb sp on me.
@ALL4ONE528821 минут бұрын
not gonna life i beat all the dragons to 4 , well maybe some day can play again and record.
@zacziggarot20 сағат бұрын
I don't know how to feel that the game is basically stardew valley, but story of seasons
@badtzmzoКүн бұрын
The lock on is a toggle. Don't hold L unless you want to trigger your X Drive.
@thatanonwholurksmoar738625 күн бұрын
So the game is the meme of "dude trust me, the game gets "good" 20 hours in" lmao
@IkaGamma25 күн бұрын
I never thought about that until now but you are 100% right.
@lesslighterАй бұрын
I honestly didnt like the over reliance on the makers in this iteration and yes the character writing... let's just say really lacked, again this is the first time a new developer thats not the OG team (Wada or Hashimoto's teams) actually made a Bokujou Monogatari game... when the developers are more known for their One Piece games (and no not K-T or Bamco) to me this isnt like it chased Animal Crossings no no it chased SDV to close but never understood how to not copy the homework to it's major detriment in short we went from a game that became an homage to the genre especially over and over stated again that Bokujou monogatari/HM/SoS was the inspiration for SDV, to become the baseline... I'll cut Three Rings some slack, much like RF5 while yes Hashimoto's team worked on it but the dev hell cycle for RF5 wasnt exactly kind to it I do hope Guardians of Azuma/Ryuu no Kuni actually shakes up the mechanics for RF6 much like how Oceans/ToD shaked up the mechanics for RF4/5 PLEASE GUARDIANS OF AZUMA BRING BACK THE KATANA MOVESET FROM OCEANS! though honestly them revisiting OG SoS wouldnt be bad... I think maybe I'll be much more inclined to replay the game I just couldnt get over how much ANB-ness was in SoS though and the QUEST OHH GOD THE QUESTS!
@MclucasrvАй бұрын
The first one may play worst but man the story is so much better.
@PhntmStudiosАй бұрын
If you like the jet girl game, you’ll like this one as well
@RacerC45Ай бұрын
Have you ever played The Thousand Year Door remaster for Switch?
@eeveefi6869Ай бұрын
I wish we could hear how you feel about the endings and balcony scenes but i appreciate these for what they are as well ❤
@AgoraphoboyАй бұрын
This was a year ago already T_T
@eeveefi6869Ай бұрын
Ive played through this so many times and never realized your allies could kill enemies 😅 Ive always used hilda to transfer alto byond the wolves on the far side and used popo for healing because she can fly
@postapocalypse076314 күн бұрын
Was about to try this exact method and lose my mind
@eeveefi6869Ай бұрын
I can beat this fight pretty easily now because ive replayed this game like 10 times but i remember it being a huge frustrating struggle the first few times. This area of the game after the anthem to the end is my favorite part of the game!
@eeveefi6869Ай бұрын
I really thought I hit the wrong video for a sec there😅
@jakeybarra40152 ай бұрын
What color is Stick's shoes?
@fappingfoopa2 ай бұрын
@fappingfoopa2 ай бұрын
@ 2:20 YOU FUCKING LYING SACK OF SHIT I fucking love the first rune factory game. That was one of the first games I ever had for the DS. My mother got me that game cuz I wanted a harvest Moon game but she got me this one instead and I loved it so much and I have so many great memories.
@cjones16932 ай бұрын
It’s not the games I grew up with. I used to love hidden mechanics and not knowing if giving someone something every day would do something or have 1000 makers that get all disorganized
@eeveefi68692 ай бұрын
Every time I get to the part with Archibald and elmar here in the beginning I get very annoyed, at least later in the game they get better😅
@eeveefi68692 ай бұрын
I wonder what would have happened if Hilda told alto everything during their first meeting before the slimes? Could she have recruited him to her side or would he have still ended up on the same path with more information?
@eeveefi68692 ай бұрын
I love this game, I didn't know anyone did a playthrough till now!😊
@theguy97772 ай бұрын
Never in my life would I expect to see the heisei riders while searching up videos on rune factory
@floydthibodeaux18442 ай бұрын
Strange revisiting this when Rune Factory 6 is in the works.
@Couch_Gamezz2 ай бұрын
😂😂😂 oh my goodness how you stole the words out of my brain, the first two titles are like pulling weeds. I started with 3
@KuomoriDragon2 ай бұрын
They say customers are not loyal anymore and it’s with good reason! Harvest moon 64 got me into the series but I will always choose the game that is made with care and love. Brand loyalty is dead. I’m glad story of seasons is doing well.
@bretonyuri2 ай бұрын
I played Winds of Anthos and even though it's definitely not the same game as SoS I still loved it and had a really fun time playing it.
@kissena38302 ай бұрын
Technically both harvest moon and story of seasons is actually different from the Japanese meaning
@nirvashtype-01772 ай бұрын
I love the chracter design from Rune factory so much. They are so beautiful and it made it hard to choose whom to chosse to marry.
@eeveefi68692 ай бұрын
You must've had to fight the boss so many times!
@luisandrade71712 ай бұрын
You can suspend a save right before the final hit. So the real fight is waiting for the credits every time
@eeveefi6869Ай бұрын
@luisandrade7171 that would be so much easier, I never really used suspend save other than when the game told me to so I didn't think of using it like that
@deanna15543 ай бұрын
This was my first Rune Factory and I played obsessively as a kid. I tried replaying it last year and woo boy. Yeah, it’s rough to return to that but I would love for it to be remastered or remade.
@aylinhuber423 ай бұрын
Rf1 is my favourite rune factory. 1. I like the atmosphere in this, the colours... in the other games rf3 rf4 rf5 the colours are so annoying like theyre so intense. Rf1 is giving a vibe 2. I love the townsfolk here. I want to marry so many girls. Like Tau, Melody, Lynette, Tori, Sharon ... they are literally so amazing. In Rf3 and rf4 most of the bachelorettes annoy me especially in rf3. 3. The music is so iconic 4. The dungeons are so much cooler here
@shougoh3 ай бұрын
Some points to add to this 6 year old review: 1. CPU/turn speed can be sped up significantly in the options menu. 2. The campaign is extremely worth any degree of grind. It's unreal how vast and interesting the story gets, as well as the various situations you'll find yourself in, one such thing being alliance matches where you fight alongside an ally. You will also unlock some crazy good maps 3. The game has what I believe to be the most unnoticed OST I've ever witnessed. It's insanely good
@reyzavcy78273 ай бұрын
I really enjoy this game because villager & bachelorettes is interesting me sir of course rune factory 3 & 4 still the best and many people still play it till this day
@whynugs3 ай бұрын
Natsume and Harvest Moon will always in memory as the OG
@liyenong201729 күн бұрын
Umm Natsume is just a translator (when Marvelous need to translate it to English and distribute it)they don't develop the original Harvest Moon games, that's why this vid said to go for Story of Seasons as the original Harvest Moon game developer is the same Marvelous.
@KurogamiKazuya3 ай бұрын
This song was the very reason why I spent 40 € to get the game.
@SBDannysStories3 ай бұрын
Damn “Natume”!
@addambelmont30504 ай бұрын
Wait a minute, Lisette's Mom was fully intending to listen to her daughter and son (in law) get it on in the next room?
@DaHappyMutt4 ай бұрын
I remember buying a Harvest Moon game after seeing a Story of Seasons game on the rack by it. Told myself it was a knockoff of HM and ignored it. Took the Harvest Moon game back and told the Game Stop guy it was crap and I couldn't play it. He told me to try SoS and I did. I liked it. When I next saw him, he told me that the original people were doing that series, and I thanked him. Looked further into it to find out about the split and why HM was still happening. The videos may look good but don't think I can touch a new HM game again.
@Blues2Dark4 ай бұрын
Kaisers Wife, The one who died after Gewalt was born, such a sad, dark, and melancholy melody.
@ichibanKawaiiOtoko4 ай бұрын
"weak in-game-graphics" 😂 What a clown you are
@StoicWisdom2674 ай бұрын
I spent 3 weeks delving over all the info, all the convos of characters, all the fmv in the game and the last 30-40% of the game/story is absolute trash. It makes no sense, is comically stupid and some of the worst garbage made up by people that had no idea how to write a story whatsoever.
@karlelmagnifico5644 ай бұрын
@tragaston93975 ай бұрын
Xtrawdktra onmyoji yokai lunyaha no one you gay no, I can’t not forever
@tragaston93975 ай бұрын
Xtrawdktra onmyoji yokai lunyaha oh no heart, no heart no no no die no no no no no no
@tragaston93975 ай бұрын
Xtrawdktra onmyoji yokai Inuyasha How long I can I work really hard for