@palaceofwisdom9448 6 сағат бұрын
My favorite line in the series came from Paris: "You look like little birds help you get dressed." This is Rory's blessing and curse. Everyone wanted to like and root for her, but that made her very soft and spoiled.
@linastrindlund2830 13 сағат бұрын
she looks like shakira. :)
@TropicalMariahLover Күн бұрын
Kelly Bishop forever.
@LopSee Күн бұрын
thought was title was rory gilmore: the glamorized failed story and i was bought but blinked and in here
@JR-cp9zb Күн бұрын
Watching a scene from Charmed and seeing this right after made me realize that's Rosy's grandparents lives in the Halliwell house
@Solitude1990 2 күн бұрын
So glad so many now are seeing Rory for who she truly is. It's only with an adult's mind that you start to realize Logan's father was right about her. She was once again offered something most would only dream of being offered(a teaching job at an ivy league private school) and scuffs at it like it's beneath her. Rory's problem is that she always thought she was meant for greater things, when in reality it takes more than just being academically smart to succeed in life; Logan's father tried warning her and she titled him as a bully.
@JanineEgger-wu4ig 2 күн бұрын
It's really nice, when people can be successful even if they're critcised and no one beliefes in them. (Like Einstein) But on the other side I'm a little bit surprised how people here write. If you are in a high position you have power, and you CAN use it helpful and wisly or not. In this case with rory it hasen't been used wisly. My father was in a simular position, he had a emloyed wich didn't work very successful. He was exactly in a position where he chosed between "just being honest" or: Be honest, but also spend hope an trust to this young person. ... something like: "If you work hard, you can do it, I believe in you." -> From this day on this guy got better and better and he did really well in the end. Also, there are stories where kids / people were treatet really nice as a kid and when they were grown ups still they became successful - and even more important: content people. And I liked that Rory wrote a book in the end. Perhaps beeing a writer fits her more. And I think also writing about the own story is hard work and very courageous. I don't understand why so many people try to make Rory look small. People change in lifes and have periods with difficulties... and not always behave perfect or angel-like. This is just normal, we're all human. It's about the process and how you are able to grow. So I think you can see it in the end, that Rory goes in a good direction with the book, and this shows that she doesn't give up, and that she is growing strong.... it would be very interesting to see how Rory progresses with the book. ^^ Perhaps it could show that now she's beliefes in her work no matter what.
@VP-ri8by 2 күн бұрын
Where are the tears 🤣
@SMD24 3 күн бұрын
This general life show was alright but this is why we all have problems with grannies. And I embarrassingly feel bad that I can have lorelai vibes from a nag nagging way. It's just sadly in life that ppple in their 70's and 80s don't know how to have fun anymore instead all pple do in that age bracket is judge and discrimate within opinion complaints like or about family friends strangers or anyone. Imagining, Emily could possibly be grumpy trumpys mother since he is got 95% issues 24/7
@valeriebono6954 3 күн бұрын
I think the fact that Lorelei was friends with Rory instead of her mother is a big part of why Rory ended up a big dud adrift in the world.
@Leslienope407 3 күн бұрын
Do one based on college Paris!!!
@NayabKhan-qf1ge 4 күн бұрын
Name of the song?
@z111.01 6 күн бұрын
June, 2024 ~ Inspired by Paris (i know it's weird to feel that towards a fictional character, but I do. I love and feel inspired by Paris Geller. Thank you for the video!
@donwade9905 6 күн бұрын
Whiny little girl, just like her mom. Go Team Emily!!
@mr_reborn 6 күн бұрын
Striking criticism on the raising of young women in our age. Very apt today.
@cotton-fly 6 күн бұрын
Rory did the daring thing and went to her grandparents went to a school outside of her town and even chose a school that wasn't her first choice after all that hard work. NOW, the FAMILY FRIEND the man who ran in her family's circle chose to be evil and break a teenagers confidence down, it was sexest, it was classest, it was overall a stroke to his ego to tear down his friends RICHARD down for the gossip around his daughters running away etc. You guys forget that the Rich class use gossip as a weapon and Rory was not treated fairly by Mitchum, she was degraded and given the brunt of the her mothers choices thrown into her face as he judged her and gave her a class title that is Not correct, he did infact CRUSH her, when she looked up too him and wanted to Marry in his family and thought all people from that class would be somewhat caring and considerate to a teenager but she was wrong about Evil dumb ass bitches like him, in closing she let a dumb ass bitch narc tear her down. It was from this abusive situation that made a young girl crumble her sense of self instead of people criticizing Rory this is a story of how a grown man narc abused this young woman and broke her sense of self, Rory needed therapy, she needed the support of her family to help her have direction to rebuild a business and guess what people she will always have that loan from her grandparents or mom if she ever wnted to go in the business route so either way shes not just trash and doesn't HAVE to work in an office job, the world is still her oyster and a lot of you guys seem to judge what this young woman went through very harshly. so what if she cheated on men she was infact a generally good person and her mom wasn't Rich mind you ROry always did the best she could with what she was given from her single mom until they went to the grandparents she still limited the amount of help she could have been given.
@cotton-fly 6 күн бұрын
ALSO - in the last season Rory came back from Brooklyn as a writer in I think the NEWYORK TIMES then eventually works at her towns newpaper...so you guys are all tripping. Maybe success for millenials and gen X meant something diff. but who cares if she gets pregnant at the end is not a fail, women get pregnant I think people need to stop judging women.
@cotton-fly 6 күн бұрын
AND - she is going to end up with all of her grandparents and moms money she was never in danger to fail in life. Bunch of haters.
@isabelleetienne5337 6 күн бұрын
I don't agree with what Mitchum did or how he did it but I do think it was good for Rory to get humbled from time to time. She always got told how amazing she was and finally when someone didn't think she was she crumbled. Every time someone told her a little bit of the truth she couldn't handle it. They always made up excuses for her actions, nothing was ever her fault. Even the first break up with Dean the entire town was against Dean without even knowing why they broke up, than when she cheated on Dean with Jess while constantly stringing Dean along when she was clearly into Jess, Sleeping with Dean while he was married nd yet she still found a way to make herself the victim when the only victim was Lindsay, than again sleeping with Logan while he was engaged. I think it was good for her to be humbled because she honestly needed it.
@Pixelooooopooo 6 күн бұрын
I haven't watched the series but while watching these clips, I felt like I was seeing the younger studious me. Gosh life changed so fast.
@78.BANDIT 7 күн бұрын
Parents and Grandparents have to let their children and Grand children fail sometimes. Its how you learn. And even when you do everything right. You can still not get what you want. Thats called life. Its not always fair. One person will see you as a shining star and another will see you as in the way. But when he said If she's strong enough she'll bounce back. Is true. You can't always win.
@kodakhrome3754 8 күн бұрын
It’s not rorys fault that she has a big forehead. And who does her grandpa think he is anyway? he’s the same creep that led those vampires into that ladies house in lost boys
@rbuddy4765 10 күн бұрын
Emily was the best part of show .
@Skotty64081 10 күн бұрын
It doesn't matter if Rory was a weak spoiled rich baby helpless useless overly emotional untalented basket case total failure. This still doesn't excuse Mitchum being a cold hearted sod. You can try to let someone down easy while still trying to help them grow, or you can just trample on them. A cutthroat world where only the strongest survive where everyone is just another enemy to dominate is not really what we should be aiming for.
@soupinacup 11 күн бұрын
she’s so real
@margaretlwando5454 11 күн бұрын
I love Emily She did what she thought was right
@alightthatnevergoesout 11 күн бұрын
Mitchum staying so cool and calm when Richard wanted to punch him is the assertiveness and confidence of someone who knows he did nothing wrong
@nataliarodrigoz 11 күн бұрын
Haven’t finished season 6 or season 7 of Gilmore girls, but this plot in the revival series just further scares me as a young adult myself. Rory was insanely smart, & she still ended up where she is now. She has no place of her own and is left babysitting Paris’s kids. She’s left still talking about the possibilities of what could’ve been her future. Im not like a valedictorian or super smart as Rory, but I feel like college and life will eat me alive if I dont figure out plan a to plan z.
@daveboydmusic744 11 күн бұрын
Geeze - just grab her, hug her, and LISTEN to her
@moxyiyen6698 11 күн бұрын
Rory was perfect. Rory is perfect. Sheltered yes, but she did her best, nothing came easy to her, she worked to be the exact person that she was. She failed and she learnt. Rory is a real life girl.
@josephososkie3029 12 күн бұрын
Not good enough for their family. Why is that.? what could be missing? If nothing comes to mind then it's a world of conniving that Richard has dipped his own toe into. The backdop is Harvard and Yale which in 2024 has exposed themselves as supporting the craziest ideologies possible.
@sailorarwen6101 12 күн бұрын
Criticism hurts. I was not gifted by any means but I was praised a lot as a child and it really does take a toll. I have to remember to not be like this with my child. You love them so much and you want them to be happy and successful and you don’t realize how much nothing but praise can hurt. When I started working the first place I worked at didn’t tell me I was doing anything wrong, they just let me go. The agency I worked for told me their notes and it hit like a truck. Thankfully the woman on the phone told me to be sure next time to keep in touch with my boss and ask if I’m not doing well in areas. My next assignment it I was informed where I was lacking and my peers helped me improve and it was a great place to work. The people who don’t tell you where you’re weak are the ones that are failing you. Mitchum was the only one who did Rory a favor and she couldn’t prove him wrong
@JoseDiaz-bs1jg 13 күн бұрын
She love her ,, She was tough. But there are more terrible things in life to runaway when ur a teenager,,,, than emily and her father ,,, she didnt care ,,, selfish selfish
@brontiq 15 күн бұрын
My late grandmother was quite similar in character. Control freak who wanted to raise me to her own picture while not giving a single thought of what I want or how my mother chose to raise me. I remember I loved her as a child, but the older I got, the more aware I became of how only educated wealthy people with certain social status had value in her eyes and slowly love turned to hate...
@JoseDiaz-bs1jg 17 күн бұрын
Dumb lorelai. Im her friend first 😊
@JoseDiaz-bs1jg 17 күн бұрын
Emily is not easy but lorelai ungrateful
@RedKRuby2772 17 күн бұрын
the way no tears came out
@theoldrae 17 күн бұрын
When I think of Gilmore Girls I don't only think of Lorelai and Rory but Emily too. She was a Gilmore Girl too.
@no-bozos 18 күн бұрын
Emily Gilmore was my favorite character. She was a complicated foil for the show, which would have been very boring without her. I had a big crush on Lorelei, of course, but I couldn’t wait to see what Emily was going to do in each episode. Paris had the same affect on me.
@user-hg2ih8hf7x 18 күн бұрын
Kelly Bishop, such a great actress!
@TrackerNeil 18 күн бұрын
I think the later "Gilmore" Netflix movie, whatever it was called, bears out that Rory is not much of a journalist. She tried to dine out for years on one piece she wrote, but in that field what you did yesterday matters less than what you are going to do today. And so what if she's not a journalist? She could have made other choices, found a career more suited to her skills--hell she could have joined her grandfather's business and made a ton of money. She had way more options than many people, that's for sure.
@joanclayton5212 19 күн бұрын
Omg!!! It’s Lorelei. She’s the one who cuts everyone out when they disagree with her. She did it with Emily, Christopher and then Rory. If people disagree with her she ices them out. She almost did it with Sookie. She’s the spoiled one.
@kofoolanrewaju1639 19 күн бұрын
Emily's voice is so high pitched, makes me dizzy 😂
@kofoolanrewaju1639 20 күн бұрын
This clip is too painful to watch honestly. Brings together the painful parts of Gilmore girls and the parts I don't watch. Extremely toxic
@stefaniepoetting1255 20 күн бұрын
Emily ist sehr verletzt das Loreley lebt ein glückliches Leben und versteht nicht warum sie nicht ein Teil davon sein kann . Es von außen zu beobachten ist lustig, so etwas selber zu leben bricht einem das Herz.
@bichitomax 21 күн бұрын
She should have become a food journalist and eat around the world.
@stefaniepoetting1255 21 күн бұрын
Emily had a life full of dissapoitments.and shehelds her head up not to show her fear.
@_RV_Reviews 21 күн бұрын
Mitchum was right. Rory didn't have it. He would've liked Paris.
@hngklinh 22 күн бұрын
what is the title of this film? pls let me know <3
@amaz3624 23 күн бұрын
Poor Emily. To me she makes sense lol
@NathanWubs 23 күн бұрын
SO many people in here, saying the guy did the right thing. I wonder how that boot taste every time it has crushed you. Pretending that you always bounced back, or that you will any day now. Maybe you can, but many can not. (but hey you got yours right so that is ok) Firing someone and telling their mistakes does not mean you have to crush them so hard that they are basically landing in the 6th stages of grief. I have fired people and there never has been a need to crush them. It always has been better to explain the how and why and how they could improve. Most of them landed quickly on their feet after that, and all of them have used me as a reference.
@TimberlakeTigerGirl 20 күн бұрын
If people can't take criticism or being talked to harshly, then that's their problem. Logan's dad gave her an opportunity because he felt bad about how his dad and wife treated Rory. She didn't meet the standards, so he had to fire her. If Rory had a spine, she would take those harsh words of his and threw them back into his face by proving him wrong. Instead, she complained to her grandfather like an entitled brat.
@Ariana-wv4pf 25 күн бұрын
"Me and Rory are best friends always and you and I are mother-daughter always" Yeah. You (Lorelei) built a cozy life from nothing, you provide for yourself and went from a maid to a manager and then business owner, you have it together. Your best friend daughter is 30 smth, pregnant with a married guy she rejected, no job, she stole a yacht once, because some dude criticised her, and also had an affair with her married ex who she dumped for another guy. So maybe Emily was a better parent than you are???