We #Rock4Climate - At Green Bronto Records we combine two aspects that are extremely important to us: We present you fresh acts with whom we work closely and simultaneously support the fight against climate change with every revenue made.
Web: greenbrontorecords.de/
Shop: bit.ly/GBR_Shop
Merch: shop.greenbrontomedia.de/
We have free slots! Don't worry, we interpret the generic term "rock" broadly: rock, metal, country (& western), hip-hop...the attitude and passion counts.
If you would like to join the Green Bronto Records family, send your application to:
[email protected]Please include:
HQ promo pics (max. 3)
Music links
Video links
Social media links
Gig history
Band info & bio incl. discography
What do you want to release? (all your albums, a new one, ...)
and most important: Tell us what is your motivation and how we could possibly help you in achieving your goals.
Thank you!