American Christianity is handed down from generation to generation. When you sit at someone’s feet, and don’t read and study for yourself you STRONGLY believe what you have been taught. When you do read a little bit of the Bible and the old man “your heart” interprets for you, you misunderstand what the Bible says. Born SBC. So thankful my parents took me to church, but wish I had grown up Lutheran. Read the The Bible and realize it’s not about you. ITS ABOUT GOD!! Jesus says you have to believe like a little child ( toddler). Children don’t decide to believe. They just believe. Read the Bible! All of it!!!! If you were wrong, would you want to know. If you are an American Christian and aren’t experiencing despair, maybe you’re on the otherside of that equation. Thank you Pastor Wolfmueller for your faithful service and theology!
@nacingnonato34884 ай бұрын
How is it that free will still exist in heaven when one is supposed to be enjoying life with God? I thought free will is for one to choose good or bad on earth.And ones reward is heaven or the other side if so one chooses because of free will.In heaven ,ones will is already directed towards God. Could you explain please .
@resagelato5 ай бұрын
Saved by grace, the 🎁 of God…not by deeds of righteousness, you can’t earn right standing before God because all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. True life is in Christ’s love, his joy and peace. 🕊️
@Craphithefan6 ай бұрын
The case of Anneliese Michels is truly fascinating. to me even today. She could be possessed and schizophrenic at the same time. I also like watching/listening to Bishop James Long and I'm glad that I discovered his channel. I intend to enroll in his Bible study classes since I find them interesting too. Btw. Roman Catholic here 😃.
@joshuadavidson79857 ай бұрын
Hey its Josh here! If you liked this content, you should head over to the Faith Unaltered channel and see the Cosmic Corner Play list for the rest of my content!!!
@bobjames37487 ай бұрын
You guys did a terrible job with Mt 28:19-20, Jn 1:1, Jn 17:5, you mase uo authority only, call the true saints thw heretics and support the real heretica who murdered millionsbith Catholic and Protestant, you cannot wven answer who or what God is .
@bobjames37487 ай бұрын
Tyler is a nobody who knows not much about Oneness, and Eddie is lying tying us to Islam, Islam is a 7th century lie similar to Trinitarianism is too. Sabellius was not excommunicated because of Modalism! WHY? The Bishop that excommunicated him was Modalist, but these fellows don't know that, Eddie ran from it when I showed him and I posted most of my email to him here in this thread. Jesus was God as the Spirit Deity and that God was who Jesus was as to his Spirit which made him the Son of God . The Father is the ONLY TRUE GOD deal with that context, any others you say is God is not so, the Son was the man Christ who prayed not a deity who prayed. We notice these fellows don't say who God is in Jn 1:1.
@bobjames37487 ай бұрын
Andrew really doesn't know much, he says someone is a heretic, but In Fact the ones not teaching truth was Trinitarians. Andrew is basicly lying about Churches changing their name, He knows little of the history. Please tell us who was God boys in Jn 1:1 ?
@bobjames37487 ай бұрын
J.N.D. KELLY's in Early Christian Doctrines "Zephyrinus and Callistus are thus conservatives holding fast to a monarchy and tradition which antedated the whole movement of thought inaugurated by the Apologist" on page 125 How if we were a minority and were heretics did we have the bishopric of Rome and had been holding it? Also in Kelly's work we see him speak of the Anti-Bishop Hippolytus holding both Zephryrinus and Callistus as Modalist Monarchians and was excommunicated by the later. I personally don't think Trinitarians really study and like to use quites which are only vague to a Trinity when it hasn't been formed. Monarchians were the Original Orthodoxy and held Power and Bishop seats in Rome, Smyrna, Antioch, Africa and of course in Jerusalem where not one person spoke of any Trinity idea at all. History of Dogma by Adolph Harnack vol 3 pg 60 "IF THIS BISHOP WAS ELETHERUS, AND THAT IS PROBABLE FROM EUSEBIUS H.E.V.4, then we have 4 Roman Bishops in succession who declared themselves in favor of the Modalistic Christology, was., Eletherus, Victor, Zepyrine and Callistus; for we learn from Pseudo-Tertullian that Victor took the part of Praxeas. Harnack further stated "Modalism, as we know from the Philosophumema [writings of Hippolytus], was ...the official theory in ROME. ...WAS EMBRACED BY THE GREAT Majority OF CHRISTIANS ...the sympathies of the vast majority of the Roman Christians., so far as they could take any part in the dispute, were on the side of the MONARCHIANS, and even among the clergy on a minority supported Hippolytus. ...Bishop Zephyrine, advised by the prudent Callistus, was himself disposed, like Victor, his predecessor, to the Modalitsic views.pgs 53- 54 Why was a Hippolytus a champion of the trinitarian idea excommunicated by a monarchian if the monarchians weren't in control? Dciue likes to state Sabellius was excommunicated for being a heretic, but this is stated and was most likely for the possible out of control debate between him and Hippolytus. pg55 "...the earliest literary defenders of Modalism, were markedly monotheistic, and had a real interest in Biblical Christianity." pg 53"...and Tertullian and Origen [my point is Origen was a believer in God and a secondary god](Kelly even states it op cit pg 128] testified, that in their day the "economic trinity, and the technical application of the conception of the Logos to Christ were regarded by the MASS OF CHRISTIANS with suspicion. I state that Origen counted 4 grades in religion in his day 1) those who worship idols, 2) those who worship angels 3) those to whom the majority. Christ is the entire Godhead, 4) those whose thoughts rise to the unchangeable deity. Cardinal John Henry Newman of England (1801-1890): "Noetus was in Asia Minor, Praxeas taught in Rome, Sabellius in Africa. ... their doctrine prevailed among the common people, then and at a EARLIER DATE, to a very great extent." [Highlight mine] Essays and sketches, vol1, Primitive Christianity 5:2. quoted in Hayes vs Conn Debate Modalism The proper paradigm for the oneness theology pg11 also The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia "Monarchianism. identified the FATHER, SON, AND SPIRIT SO COMPLETELY THAT THEY WERE thought of only as different aspects ...of the one Divine PERSON,... almost succeeded in establishing itself in the 3rd century as the doctrine of the church at large...In the early years of the 4th century, the Logos-Christology, in opposition to dominant Sabellian tendencies, ran to seed in what is known to Arianism. (I.S.B.E. heading "Trinity" section 22 On Baptism Kulwant Singh Boora a Minister and Attorney from the UK, now residing in Michigan. Ha put together Book 17 "BAPTISM IN THE NAME OF JESUS" A compendium, Treatise, Compilation and Annotations of 624 quotes supporting the original and true baptism in the only saving name that Trinitarians avoid because they follow Mother Rome. Jerry Hayes the Godhead Debate said 124. Also in Kelly's work we see him speak of the Anti-Bishop Hippolytus holding both Zephryrinus and Callistus as Modalist Monarchians and was excommunicated by the later. I personally don't think you have read any of this Historical information, that the Monarchians were the Original Orthodoxy and held Power and Bishop seats in Rome, Smyrna, Antioch, Africa and of course in Jerusalem where not one person spoke of any Trinity idea at all. History of Dogma by Adolph Harnack vol3 pg 60 "IF THIS BISHOP WAS ELETHERUS, AND THAT IS PROBABLE FROM EUSEBIUS H.E.V.4, then we have 4 Roman Bishops in succession who declared themselves in favor of the Modalistic Christology, viz., Eletherus, Victor, Zepyrine and Callistus; for we learn from Pseudo-Tertullian that Victor took the part of Praxeas. Harnack further stated "Modalism, as we know from the Philosophumema [writings of Hippolytus], was ...the official theory in ROME. ...WAS EMBRACED BY THE GREAT MAJOIRTY OF CHRISTIANS ...the sympathies of the vast majority of the Roman Christians., so far as they could take any part in the dispute, were on the side of the MONARCHIANS, and even among the clergy on a minority supported Hippolytus. ...Bishop Zephyrine, advised by the prudent Callistus, was himself disposed, like Victor, his predecessor, to the Modalitsic views.pgs 53- 54 pg55 "...the earliest literary defenders of Modalism, were markedly monotheistic, and had a real interest in Biblical Christianity." pg 53"...and Tertullian and Origen [my point is Origen was a believer in God and a secondary god](Kelly even states it op cit pg 128] testified, that in their day the "economic trinity, and the technical application of the conception of the Logos to Christ were regarded by the MASS OF CHRISTIANS with suspicion. I had stated previous message that Origen counted 4 grades in religion in his day 1) those who worship idols, 2) those who worship angels 3) those to whom the majority. Christ is the entire Godhead, 4) those whose thoughts rise to the unchangeable deity. Cardinal John Henry Newman of England (1801-1890): "Noetus was in Asia Minor, Praxeas taught in Rome, Sabellius in Africa. ... their doctrine prevailed among the common people, then and at a EARLIER DATE, to a very great extent." [Highlight mine] Essays and sketches, vol1, Primitive Christianity 5:2. quoted in Hayes vs Conn Debate Modalism The proper paradigm for the oneness theology pg11 also The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia "Monarchianism. identified the FATHER, SON, AND SPIRIT SO COMPLETELY THAT THEY WERE thought of only as different aspects ...of the one Divine PERSON,... almost succeeded in establishing itself in the 3rd century as the doctrine of the church at large...In the early years of the 4th century, the Logos-Christology, in opposition to dominant Sabellian tendencies, ran to seed in what is known to Arianism. (I.S.B.E. heading "Trinity" section 22 On Baptism Kulwant Singh Boora a Minister and Attorney from the UK, now residing in Michigan. Has put together Book 17 "BAPTISM IN THE NAME OF JESUS" A compendium, Treatise, Compilation and Annotations of 625 quotes supporting the original and true baptism in the only saving name that Trinitarians avoid because they follow Mother Rome. In Jesus name.
@bobjames37487 ай бұрын
So now let's look at what Ed Dalcour didnt cover in his book. That the Trinity isnt biblical we all know that, but that all the terms and ideas and phrases used by the Catholics and later the Protestants who were mommy's dearests. Following not in scriptures but acted as if they are the eternal son or pre-exsistent son co-eternal son , co eternal members, xo equal persons, 3 members in a godhead , persons, 3 persons, first person, second person ,third person, 3 individuals, 3 whos and one what or 3 whats and one who ,god the son and god the HS. 3 people's, 3 mens, 3 individuals 3 distinct persons, Son of god, god. ( Ive heard and read all these and some) . I remember quite well when Gene Cook embarrassed himself and came to a UPC convention and demanded to be debated and was and got whupped. He said he didn't believe in one of the terms menrionwd and then used it in the debate and they had to go back and check it out, has been some time but think he said 3 distinct individuals.
@bobjames37487 ай бұрын
The Original Orthodoxy was not Trinitarianism. It was in fact the plain and sinole one God truth that God was one, was the Father, was Spirit, was eternal, was omnipresent. That the Jews did not believe in the Trinity and their language didn't support it, from the beginning, in Jesus day, or today. That Jesus didnt teach anything remotely close or give idea of persons , that he used the Shema to show the idea of his theology . That he stated "we know what we worship, salvation is of rhe Jews." Thus opportunity missed if Jesus was wanting to show such deity as three persons, of something called Trinity, he surely could have said PLAINLY! NOT SPEAK FROM INFERENCE or leave to someone after the last Apostle died to sneak it upon the church. Eddie didn't want to discuss with me what I wrote him, he called what I sent to him "revisionism", that me quoting Trinitarians and not Oneness Pentecostals for some reason wasnt good enough . But then I nitice in his book he did t want to quite Terrullian the man who finally coined the evil godhead name he made up in Latin Trinitas or Trinity. See this was a better term than philosopher (which was what most of those early forerunners of the trinity were). Theophilus had about 30 yrs ahead of Tertullian ca 180 a.d. Trias in Greek and the oeoblem with Trias, it was the same old Greek ancient pagan idea and like the cultures all around Israel the gentile 3 persons in a godhead view as well. Egypt Isis, Horus, Osiris, Greece Zeus , Apollo, Athena, India Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva and on and on they go. The slight difference is the HS instead of the woman oersonage, but dont wirry, the Catholics came up with their own replacement with Mary and the HS really is almost non existent. Andrew, you messed up, you didnt investigate anything, doubt you read much. Eddie didn't, he 3 authors covering 5 books for his " Definitive Look at Oneness Theology. WOW! He had many times that of the anti Oneness books. Qhere was Jerry Hayes The Godhead Discussion a debate between him and Ken Green or Clinton Willis Ancient Creeds or Answering Trinitarian Arguments or others, or Our Roots After the Way Called Heresy or If You know these things by Ross Drysdale which was a in depth rebuttal of Dr. Gregory Boyd s Oneness Pentecostals & the Trinity. This silenced completely Boyd and also is a in depth Oneness doctrinal statement of what we believe in some 398 pgs. The God of Two Testaments by Robert Brent Graves All these were available.
@bobjames37487 ай бұрын
While Eddie Delcour was blathering away I'm going to tell you about Revelation 17 and 5 Mystery Babylon the great the mother of harlots and the abominations of the earth and that's what these three men follow they are following the Catholic Trinity a false Doctrine and a godless doctrine that will send all three to hell for all eternity burning in the Lake of Fire separated from God. Mystery Babylon is the Catholic church and the old reformers knew that it was Catholicism and they even stated it in the writings, but their problem was they couldn't see that the Protestant churches were the Harlots. They couldn't see that it was their own Protestant churches as The offspring of mother Rome. Further while I'm speaking of mystery Babylon the great these churches killed lots of people ! C.S. Lovett said that some 50 million were killed by the Catholics. Luther said when ask what to do with peasanta in revolt "slay, smite, stab". John Calvin had Michael Servetus burned at the stake and killed some 80 others. The Dutch reformed &Church in England as well killed tortured persecuted stole possessions of others. The trinitarians did this against Minarchians Arians,Unitarians Jews and non-believers. God had no such part in that false religion their godhead error their false baptism, the false salvation of ideas that they came up with and they're not having Holiness standards at all.
@bobjames37487 ай бұрын
So it appears we're starting off here with UPC apostolics are legalistic. So following holiness men keeping their hair short and women not cutting theirs and having long hair is somehow wrong and against what the Bible says 1st Corinthians. That men not wearing women's clothing or women wearing men's clothing is also wrong and legalistic. That woman using fakery and makeup and then using jewelry body piercings and we shouldn't follow those ideas as well. The problem is that almost every Protestant church and even old Catholics used to follow a hole in a standard John R rice Baptist who I can remember reading some of his books was against the same. At one point in time the Assemblies of God and the Church of God Pentecostal churches as well followed strict holiness. Sad to say they pretty much do not at all today. We used to have a camp meeting that was at a Methodist Church and on the walls of the camp meeting Hall was pictures of old Methodist that dressed in Holiness but no longer today now they accept gays and they don't mind abortion. Almost every woman that I have known that has cut her hair short like most women do in the Protestant churchesfeel ashamed and embarrassed because there are women that still have long hair and they got rid of it back years ago. So these men at 10 churches that the women basically have no hole in the standard the men have hope no Holiness standard that's because they are in mystery Babylon the great the mother of harlots the abominations of the earth and are not Christian and never were.
@EricBryant8 ай бұрын
Gnosticism is subtle and comes in many guises. The discussion on Gnosticism around min 00:20:00 was helpful.
@Paisios19948 ай бұрын
Thank God the reformation happened and corrected the first 1500 years of Christianity!!! Shewwww 😩🙄 no one had salvation until Calvin according to this theology
@bobjames37487 ай бұрын
Yes John Calvin and Guillaume Farel and the False church in Geneva burned at the Stake Michael Servetus a Monarchian and 80 others mostly the same. That's what Calvinism gives you is death for believing the Original Orthodoxy.
@TNFLHT8 ай бұрын
Pastor Sam saying study the history to try to validate his point is the biggest self own in history. If Sam took his own advice he would be Orthodox.
@christy311809 ай бұрын
Pastor Wolfmueller has me really considering the Confessional Lutheranism. I love the shift towards freedom in the Lutheran perspective of passive salvation. Ive always believed that I give my life to Christ. They believe Christ chose me and I just passively receive his gift of salvation. The comfort in knowing I cant somehow screw up my salvation because Jesus does all the work on my behalf and He never messes up anything is overwhelming.
@jgeph2.43 ай бұрын
Agreed . How is your journey to Lutheranism going ?
@Quake19839 ай бұрын
Why is it you guys contradict scripture? Salvation and sonship to God are not the same and never have been. You guys confuse EVERYONE because you treat salvation and sonship to God as the same thing.
@donhaddix37709 ай бұрын
read how the orthodox treat icons. icons are graven images they worship. like the pagans, the icons are considered someone's presence on the earth.
@johnnyd23839 ай бұрын
Seventh Ecumenical Council (787 AD), Extracts from the Acts., Session I. - Anathema to those who apply the words of Holy Scripture which were spoken against idols, to the venerable images. - Anathema to those who do not salute the holy and venerable images. - Anathema to those who say that Christians have recourse to the images as to gods. - Anathema to those who call the sacred images idols.
@alexanderbielski93279 ай бұрын
This was intensely helpful to a born and raised baptist now really accepting orthodoxy and this and the icon debate have been super helpful in completely understanding the arguements. Honestly surprised by the amount of evidence on the orthodox side. I just attended my first liturgy last Sunday and intend to return! I always pray gods will be done and not mine!
@sanskritprayers9 ай бұрын
I don't take any pleasure in offering some criticism here, but I think it may be helpful, going forward. I learned helpful things in this program, insights and perspectives previously unknown to me, and for those things, thank you. My criticisms have to do with the necessity to practice a measure of discipline in debates, so to help maintain clarity and civility. Specifically, it would be best 1) to stay focused on the specific point or question at hand at any given time, 2) be as economical as possible in the amount of time each participant takes to address a point, 3) when quoting outside publications, consider keeping them to a minimum and concisely summarize where possible, 4) participants please do what can be done to organize thoughts before engaging, and 5) where possible, avoid using highly emotional or provocative terms or accusations such as "blasphemy". For the co-hosts, please consider intervening earlier and more firmly - it was hard for me to continue watching the debate sometimes, because of the lengths of time being consumed by one participant. For the co-hosts, please help us by choosing people invited to debate carefully so we can keep greater focus on learning.
@alexanderbielski93279 ай бұрын
I hope there’s a round two this was a great debate!
@Timdalf110 ай бұрын
This "pastor" Sam' has several assumptions that he needs to reconsider. First, like most Protestants he is a Bible Only authoritarian. Why? Because the RC "church" made such a mess of Christianity. Two wrongs don't make a right. He apparently does not (did he ever?) understand the Divine-human nature of the One Coherent Integral Body of the God-man Christ, the Orthodox Church. If he did he would see the absurdity of his repeated mantra, man-made traditions. Second, like most Western Christians he does not understand the theology of union in Christ. This means being of one mind, synergy, whereby while there is distinctness of person, but not of mind and heart. This is the ancient doctrine of recapitulation (by Adam and later of Christ of the human race) -- that there is a unity that counteracts the individualism of time and space... all the more so between Christ and his Saints, and especially the pinnacle of sanctity, the All-holy Theotokos. Prayers to her, as to all the Saints are by definition prayers to Christ. Without her sanctity and synergy with His will He could not have become incarnate in normal human form and without that union of the mortal and corrupt human nature with the immortal and incorrupt Divine nature, the human nature of any and all of us is not saved. Finally, does he realize how offensive his baseless assertion that she was in any way sinful? What doe he know? Has he spoken with her? She has appeared to many Orthodox Saints over the centuries who confessed her role in their and our salvation... Did she ever deny them that, or did her Son claim offense? This is the difference between an ideological proof text Christianity and a living one that is the bond with the God-man found in the Orthodox Church. The apostate "pastor" Sam should look to his sinful rejection of the Holy Orthodox Church whom he accuses of sin. I look forward to his coming to his senses like the Prodigal Son. What is left of Apostolic succession if he is right. Does he dare to say that was broken, and if so, how can he claim to be in any church? The absurdity of his self-justifying arguments is Incorrigable.
@EricBaxter-f2k10 ай бұрын
I have recently changed my views about this topic’ I know Chris said not to change your mind to quickly ‘ on this subject/ I have evangelized for 25 years ‘ to the public total strangers’ telling them that if they continued to reject Jesus without ever repenting and placing faith in Christ ‘ they would burn in hell throughout eternity’ being aware of there missed opportunity to be saved. Upon further examination as Chris said the scriptures that the traditionalist use to prove there position, actually disprove it!- I have only told my wife and one friend. I’m in fellowship with a lot of reformed people in doctrine that hold to the confessions that don’t teach this doctrine I’m concerned I’ll lose a lot of friends.please pray for me to be open about this. Thx Eric
@amieroberg525211 ай бұрын
1:30:20 I think this short video answers your question as it brings in the understanding of the will
@mrleestan Жыл бұрын
Thank you Tyler! Using this for Leading the Bible Study group of young adults. Your work is indeed blessed. May the God of grace, give you more grace and use you for His glory and the furtherance of His kindgom!
@fredmiller6166 Жыл бұрын
Calvin believes "decreed and caused" to mean the same thing. Date denying the robot analogy doesn't make it untrue. If a person is just following their own desire (under divine determinism), who gives us our "desires"? Is it not God who determines our desires? Read CALVIN'S DESPERATION by Phil Bair.
@Mosesthewhiteboy Жыл бұрын
I hated when pastor Sam made a bunch of claims about constantine than said historians would prove his point then failed to name one historian who could back up his claim. Pastor Sam told an outright lie about Constantine and I came to that conclusion after doing research for myself. His source "trust me bro"
@ManassehJones Жыл бұрын
J.D. purposely, and wisely, stops judging WHY God saves some and not others. Flowers, unwisely, demands answers from God why He saves some and not others, and in his attempt to "justify" a god according to his image of Gods character (idolatry), blames or credits mans imaginary free will. J.D. has wisdom in NOT judging God.
@AtomicGarden68 Жыл бұрын
Ay yi yi quotes from MacArthur Mr pompous himself teaching heresy...
@sinfulyetsaved Жыл бұрын
Its not worth debating protestants in my opinion. In my opinion protestants are not even Christians. They believe in something so far different than what early Christians believe its hard to call it Christianity. Thats just historical fact. I dont believe God is going to grab them by the nap and toss them in hell but they will be in lower parts of paradise. They simply do not have the tools to create saints because they dont have the orthodox understanding of salvation. Therefore without the correct understanding theosis is not possible for them and because theosis is not possible for them sainthood and mircles is highly unlikely for them to experience.
@dimesoul2020 Жыл бұрын
Didn't they just rename the statues of pagan gods like Athena and change it to a "Mary" statue.. could help explain the Marion doctrines
@Mosesthewhiteboy Жыл бұрын
No. That's the type of nonsense that Pastor Sam believes in without evidence to back it up
@therealkingbaldwin Жыл бұрын
@JRey-re9rl Жыл бұрын
The big assumption you guys have and is endemic of Orthodox and Roman Catholics is, that their churches are correct. In other words, you all beg the question. Instead of Sola Scriptura, you guys function on the premise of Sola Ecclesia/Sola Traditiones.
@JRey-re9rl Жыл бұрын
This was a great conversation. Finally, consistent holders of the Doctrines of Grace. Chris and the good Doctor communicated the doctrines extremely well. Very few Calvinist are this consistent.👍🏿
@pattylopezazpeitia3326 Жыл бұрын
Ridiculousness!! This "father" is doing stuff that was given by word of mouth. That man just has is own agenda. What an idiot! God's word is forever and ever good today tomorrow last century the century before.
@pattylopezazpeitia3326 Жыл бұрын
Jesus Christ alone is the only redeemer!!!
@pattylopezazpeitia3326 Жыл бұрын
What the HECK!! Mary was ascended to heaven like Jesus!! WHERE IN THE BIBLE DOES IT SAY THAT! SUCH NONSENSE 😂😂😂
@sinfulyetsaved Жыл бұрын
Does the bible talk about everything and every sin and every instance? Theirs a lot the bible does talk about and protestants dont follow it. Faith alone isnt in the bible, saying the sinners prayer isnt in the bible, baptism being just a symbol is not in the bible.
@d.b1924 Жыл бұрын
@@sinfulyetsaved you people follow man made rules.... Shame on you. You put aside the Bible and do what your hearts and minds are itching.
@dimesoul2020 Жыл бұрын
The mental gymnastics to hold to Mary always being a virgin is impressive
@therealkingbaldwin Жыл бұрын
Where does the bible list it’s own canon? We know there are valid traditions that Jesus agreed with like the successive authoritative seat of Moses, but this seat existed for thousands of years before Christ’s ministry, yet it is nowhere to be found in scripture until Christ spoke of it and affirmed it as having valid authoritative succession. You think there is even a slight possibility that the ark of the new covenant is anywhere else but heaven with her Son? Complete, utter lack of discernment or spiritual clarity.
@pattylopezazpeitia3326 Жыл бұрын
Pastor Sam you did an amazing job! We cannot add or take from God's Living Word! ❤
@sinfulyetsaved Жыл бұрын
You do know that 2/3 of what was taught was oral right? The bible is just a small portion of what was taught. Why would you disregard oral tradition which was also normal in the old testament. 🤔 furthermore, there are probably at least 10 plus church within a 5 block radius of Pastor Sams church ⛪️ teaching something different than Sam. Whos wrong whos right? Each claim all you need is the "bible" yet they are intepret the bible differently. Now you say well you have the holy spirit to help you. Does the holy spirit teach different fundamentals to every denomination out there? Can their be multiple truths? Is the Holy spirit confused? Each one of you protestants say the spirit teaches you yet is he teaching you different things? 🤔 😮 For someone who dislikes Rome and thr papacy each protestant pastor declared themselves to be Popes in the sense that they became the sole interpreter of scripture and the judge of ecumenical counsels. Thus why protestantism is in such a fragmented state. I do remember Jesus saying "a house divided against itself can not stand" with 60 thousand different denominations out there all of them just "using the bible" id say protestantism is collapsing and it wont stand on the last days simply because the lack of universal belief.
@dimesoul2020 Жыл бұрын
Jesus warned of traditions that made void the word of God
@Mosesthewhiteboy Жыл бұрын
He either lied about Constantine or was being disingenuous about what he did at the council of nicea.
@frederickanderson1860 Жыл бұрын
Nothing new in both religions and philosophy
@feelyoung79 Жыл бұрын
What would Christ think about that father title when He Himself said our Father is in heaven?? Also people pray to Mary when she never asked to be prayed to and by the way Christ created her along with everything else and the Holy Spirit himself makes intercession for us! Didn't Jesus in his youth correct Mary when they were looking for him? If Mary didn't understand Jesus's full purpose nor do we know what to pray for correctly sometimes, you think you'll skip the Holy Spirit and create your own batman channel? You have taken on worldly traditions and think you'll butter your prayer's up by sending them to Mary? So does the Holy Spirit deliver your prayers to Mary or does she participate also or does she step in as she pleases? How is standing before Christ going to play out for a "pope" or "father"?🤣🤣🤣 A title of father to what? Jesus said our Father who art in heaven correct? Do you think Christ will call those men father or pope because thats their titles they claim? People created a character out of Mary thats unbiblical! Jesus said He's about His Father's business and didn't ask Mary for further insight nor was he being disrespectful to Joseph. Mary was chosen by God along with many others in the Bible and that is awesome in itself to be chosen by God! Luke 2:46-50 46 Now so it was that after three days they found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them and asking them questions. 47 And all who heard Him were astonished at His understanding and answers. 48 So when they saw Him, they were amazed; and His mother said to Him, “Son, why have You done this to us? Look, Your father and I have sought You anxiously.” 49 And He said to them, “Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?” 50 But they did not understand the statement which He spoke to them. Romans 8:26-28 Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God. And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. What are the prayers of the saints in Revelation 5:8? The scene in Revelation 5 is John’s vision of heaven’s throne room. When the Lamb had taken the scroll of God’s judgment into His own hand, “the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of God’s people” (verse 8). Revelation is the most symbolic book in the Bible, and in this passage the “prayers of the saints” are symbolized as golden bowls of incense, held by twenty-four elders. Of course, the more symbolic something is, the more its interpretations can vary, but it’s important to understand what these prayers of the saints are-and what they are not. God established incense as a part of the sacerdotal system (and therefore as symbolism) in Exodus 30:1-10 when Moses was told to build the altar of incense. The prayers of the saints in Revelation 5:8, especially as represented by incense in the context of temple imagery, should be understood to take the role of incense in the temple, which was to offer up a sweet aroma to God and to symbolize prayer. The prayers of the righteous are pleasing to Him. Psalm 141:2 describes this aspect of prayer perfectly: “May my prayer be set before you like incense; may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice” (Psalm 141:2). Prayer is linked to the incense in the temple in other passages, as well. When Gabriel appears to Zechariah in the temple and tells him that his prayers have been answered, Gabriel is “standing at the right side of the altar of incense” (Luke 1:11). This happened when “the whole multitude of the people were praying outside at the hour of incense” (verse 10). There are certainly different types of prayers. Prayers of supplication are the type most people are familiar with, because that’s the type where we ask God for help! But there are other types, too, like the prayers of imprecation (Psalm 55:1:15) and prayers of intercession (Luke 23:34). The fact that the “prayers of the saints” in Revelation 5:8 are not identified by type or in detail-and that they are together in an incense bowl-indicates that we should consider them collectively. God considers prayer-at-large as incense-a sweet aroma to Him. The fact that these are prayers “of the saints” in Revelation 5:8 indicates that God hears the prayers of His people. Psalm 65:2 addresses God as “You who answer prayer.” Our Lord “hears the prayer of the righteous” (Proverbs 15:29), which is another way of saying that He listens to the prayers of the saints. The “saints” in Revelation 5:8 are not an elite class of people who are more holy than the rest; they are not mediators of our prayers (see 1 Timothy 2:5), and they do not ask us to pray to them. The term saint in Scripture implies parity, not hierarchy. We are all one in Christ (Galatians 3:28). The saints are all believers in Jesus, living or dead, saved by grace through faith. The church is “loved by God and called to be saints” (Romans 1:7, ESV), and, when we pray, it’s as if a golden bowl of incense is being carried to the very throne of God in heaven..
@frederickanderson1860 Жыл бұрын
Check out the Roman church or papacy treatment of women in general, and the worship of mary, a vast contradiction.
@graemegeorgeharrison2468 Жыл бұрын
I’ve been experiencing what can only be described as hell in my mind for near on 20 years now, my brain and eyes are on fire I have No positive feelings and very little in the way of memory, I am bombarded with horrible intrusive thoughts which really upset me, I confess and ask for forgiveness everyday, I feel inverted from love but all I want is to feel love and be loved. I hope the Lord has mercy on my soul if I have one, all my intentions have been good but my mind is trying to end me, please help
@Golden_writes550 Жыл бұрын
Job 1:22 In all this Job did not sin or charge God with wrong. Pr Sam is not honoring Father Jonathan by calling him Father, but rater called him Jon and not honoring his title, yet fr Jon called him pastor in humility. Pastor Sam does nothing out of Love but pride. Be slow to speak and quick to listen. Jewish temple had liturgical worship... They used candles and incense. Where in scripture does it say or show Mary sinned? Believe me I looked and I could not find it.
@feelyoung79 Жыл бұрын
What would Christ think about that father title when He Himself said our Father is in heaven?? Also people pray to Mary when she never asked to be prayed to and by the way Christ created her along with everything else and the Holy Spirit himself makes intercession for us not saints nor Mary! Didn't Jesus in his youth correct Mary when they were looking for him? If Mary didn't understand Jesus's full purpose nor do we know what to pray for correctly sometimes, you think you'll skip the Holy Spirit and create your own batman channel? You have taken on worldly traditions and think you'll butter your prayer's up by sending them to Mary? Are you implying that the Holy Spirit will then deliver your prayers to Mary or does she participate also or does she step in as she pleases? How is standing before Christ going to play out for a "pope" or "father"?🤣🤣🤣 A title of father to what? Jesus said our Father who art in heaven correct? Do you think Christ will call those men father or pope because thats their titles they claim? People created a character out of Mary thats unbiblical! Jesus said He's about His Father's business and didn't ask Mary for further insight nor was he being disrespectful to Joseph. Mary was chosen by God along with many others in the Bible and that is awesome in itself to be chosen by God! Luke 2:46-50 46 Now so it was that after three days they found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them and asking them questions. 47 And all who heard Him were astonished at His understanding and answers. 48 So when they saw Him, they were amazed; and His mother said to Him, “Son, why have You done this to us? Look, Your father and I have sought You anxiously.” 49 And He said to them, “Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?” 50 But they did not understand the statement which He spoke to them. Romans 8:26-28 Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God. And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. What are the prayers of the saints in Revelation 5:8? The scene in Revelation 5 is John’s vision of heaven’s throne room. When the Lamb had taken the scroll of God’s judgment into His own hand, “the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of God’s people” (verse 8). Revelation is the most symbolic book in the Bible, and in this passage the “prayers of the saints” are symbolized as golden bowls of incense, held by twenty-four elders. Of course, the more symbolic something is, the more its interpretations can vary, but it’s important to understand what these prayers of the saints are-and what they are not. God established incense as a part of the sacerdotal system (and therefore as symbolism) in Exodus 30:1-10 when Moses was told to build the altar of incense. The prayers of the saints in Revelation 5:8, especially as represented by incense in the context of temple imagery, should be understood to take the role of incense in the temple, which was to offer up a sweet aroma to God and to symbolize prayer. The prayers of the righteous are pleasing to Him. Psalm 141:2 describes this aspect of prayer perfectly: “May my prayer be set before you like incense; may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice” (Psalm 141:2). Prayer is linked to the incense in the temple in other passages, as well. When Gabriel appears to Zechariah in the temple and tells him that his prayers have been answered, Gabriel is “standing at the right side of the altar of incense” (Luke 1:11). This happened when “the whole multitude of the people were praying outside at the hour of incense” (verse 10). There are certainly different types of prayers. Prayers of supplication are the type most people are familiar with, because that’s the type where we ask God for help! But there are other types, too, like the prayers of imprecation (Psalm 55:1:15) and prayers of intercession (Luke 23:34). The fact that the “prayers of the saints” in Revelation 5:8 are not identified by type or in detail-and that they are together in an incense bowl-indicates that we should consider them collectively. God considers prayer-at-large as incense-a sweet aroma to Him. The fact that these are prayers “of the saints” in Revelation 5:8 indicates that God hears the prayers of His people. Psalm 65:2 addresses God as “You who answer prayer.” Our Lord “hears the prayer of the righteous” (Proverbs 15:29), which is another way of saying that He listens to the prayers of the saints. The “saints” in Revelation 5:8 are not an elite class of people who are more holy than the rest; they are not mediators of our prayers (see 1 Timothy 2:5), and they do not ask us to pray to them. The term saint in Scripture implies parity, not hierarchy. We are all one in Christ (Galatians 3:28). The saints are all believers in Jesus, living or dead, saved by grace through faith. The church is “loved by God and called to be saints” (Romans 1:7, ESV), and, when we pray, it’s as if a golden bowl of incense is being carried to the very throne of God in heaven.
@therealkingbaldwin Жыл бұрын
@@feelyoung79what a bunch of yappy nonsense lol. You refuted absolutely nothing. Your final analysis of the prayers of the saints are that they are symbolized by incense bowls, revelation is symbolic, and God can hear his people. In what world does that constitute a refutation of anything? You say we should consider the prayers of the saint’s collectively? Well guess what bud, you just described the orthodox doctrine of communion of the saints, congratulations, we do consider them collectively. You said literally nothing resembling anything close to a refutation. You accuse the orthodox of following the traditions of man yet the tradition to reject the prayers of the saints come from a man in the 1500s protesting the apostate catholic church, who literally had regular visions of himself getting into a LITERAL shit flinging contest with satan, and when called out on his doctrine of prayers for the dead, decided the throw out entire books of the canon because it violated his idiotic self invented NEW INNOVATED theology that never existed in the church prior to him. Luther literally had to be talked out of removing James, this is a true tradition of man. Destroy the bible because it proves you wrong. Pride of the highest order. It is the arrogance of protestants to think they know better than the disciples of the apostles. Not all traditions instituted by God are described in scripture, like the successive authoritative seat of moses which existed for over a thousand years prior to Christ, yet Jesus affirms its validity in the new testament. Paul speaks of tradition both in writing and in word, and to hold fast to them. Not all believers are saints. As James say, even the demons believe Christ is Lord. Those who are alive in Christ are imbued with the glory of God, and to deny them and ignore them is to deny and ignore God’s glory within them.
@Blaisesongs Жыл бұрын
All these debates feature Calvinists. Why don’t you ever choose a Lutheran? Someone like Jordan Cooper or Bryan Wolfmueller?
@jubionekenobi7114 Жыл бұрын
You muted him because he was going to destroy you at the end of hebrews 8
@jubionekenobi7114 Жыл бұрын
They done picked the wrong one with sean ... great job like always. I feel ao bad for those three because i was right where they were. I literally made the same arguments they made and it made absolutely no sense. When he went to hebrews 8 🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️. Not knowing about the new covenant putting laws on their hearts..🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️ and they still dont get it...uhhhh so backwards thinking
@IAmisMaster Жыл бұрын
Epic faceplant on 2 Corinthians 3:17. If you simply read it in context of verses 14-16 and 2 Corinthians 4:1-6, it is plain “the Lord” is Jesus, who is also a Spirit and is the spirit by which we understand the Christophanies and prophecies of the OT. The “Lord” means Jesus 95% of the time Paul uses it, and all ante-nicene Christians understood that passage as referring to Jesus. It’s one of Origen’s favorite passages about Christ. So there is no passage in the Bible that calls the Holy Spirit “Lord” as Basil and the Constantinople Creed erroneously insist.
@Ben_Hedlund Жыл бұрын
On the discussion on “believe in Jesus” around 1:00:00. : My pastor has often used the dichotomy of “head knowledge” versus “heart knowledge.” I think i’ve always understood what he meant, but the framework was always a little unsatisfying. I’ve recently discovered that the Lutherans talked about this dichotomy more in terms of historical knowledge of the facts versus saving faith which actually recognizes and wants the forgiveness that is connected with Jesus. So it seems less about head vs. heart, but more like “Who are you with respect to Jesus, and what do you want from him?”
@RealSeekers Жыл бұрын
Note on the Forgiveness Show: Just to clarify what I was saying. Forgiveness biblically defined is the releasing of debts (or sins against us). Also want to clarify the relationship between actionable forgiveness (true full Biblical forgiveness of sin) is the necessary and first essential step in full reconciliation. So there are three things; i) attitudinal forgiveness (ready, willing and eager to forgive and reconcile with no bitterness, anger, hatred), ii) Actual/Actionable forgiveness (debts are actually forgiven and no longer held against the person) and iii) Reconciliation (full restoration of the relationship). Each step is a necessary pre-requisite for the next steps and/or full reconciliation, but in the case of attitudinal forgiveness, I do not think that reconciliation yet has happened at all (attitudinal forgiveness and reconciliation are entirely separate and if the former happens entirely without any reconciliation though they are not mutually exclusive). But with actionable forgiveness, this is an essential aspect or part of reconciliation and so when one does forgive in this sense then they have achieved at least partial reconciliation whereby perhaps further steps are needed to achieve full reconciliation depending on the nature of the sin done. Think of my examples with the alcoholic needing rehab or abusers needing anger management before full reconciliation is achievable. This is how Protestant salvation works, the Bible says God has attitudinal forgiveness for everyone, He will that none should perish but repent from their sins. Then with those who repent, he allows for justification as the actionable forgiveness side where our sinful debts are wiped clean (partial reconciliation achieved) but then sanctification is then needed to further the reconciliation process and restore the relationship between us and God fully.
@boldcut5163 Жыл бұрын
For Catholics and Protestants Bible is a close Book! They read but don’t understand because they don’t have the Holy Spirit to guide them!