Scurlocks long nine - Luck?
6 ай бұрын
Star Citizen 3.18 - Solo mission
@บักแมวแตงโม Күн бұрын
@FEARLESS473TTV Ай бұрын
If only playstation had the same menu
@game-addicted Ай бұрын
Sorry, I do not have PS, so don't know the menus on that.. But if you find it, feel free to add info here 🙂
@Stedman75 Ай бұрын
this is really cool, i just rewatched the anime, had no idea there were playable tie in games 12:00 that was Iona talking but youre sailing the Karishima, weird lol
@ENTERTAINtheDUDE 5 ай бұрын
Reminds me of Aliens dropdship
@ENTERTAINtheDUDE 5 ай бұрын
Way better than Starfield
@game-addicted 5 ай бұрын
Well, Have not played Starfield, but only one single loadscreen is a pluss :D
@ENTERTAINtheDUDE 5 ай бұрын
it looks fast as F
@game-addicted 5 ай бұрын
Fast and agile
@emiliasenpai1477 5 ай бұрын
love it!
@game-addicted 5 ай бұрын
A great little ship
@GameOverManGameOver 5 ай бұрын
@GameOverManGameOver 5 ай бұрын
Cool ship!
@GameOverManGameOver 5 ай бұрын
Nice ship!
@GameOverManGameOver 6 ай бұрын
My name is Swedish Gamer Shorts... And I approve this video.
@ENTERTAINtheDUDE 6 ай бұрын
Hell yeah man. I cannot wait for the Bully in the alley boss imo
@game-addicted 6 ай бұрын
Maybe a DL with more songs in the future?
@obiwanshinobi87 6 ай бұрын
I'm 70 hours in... It should be cheaper but I love it
@game-addicted 6 ай бұрын
I'm not gona lie, U am still playing the game, and it is a tad addictive..but...I do miss alot of elements from other pirate games...and the grind is...tidious..
@obiwanshinobi87 6 ай бұрын
@@game-addictedYea the grind sucks but if you play it smart it gets better.. I pretty much only do one gold run per day netting me close to 50k in 45 to 50 min... And get materials for gold skull rum and snuff to sell for silver to keep them running... Other than that I mostly focus on world events and just messing about with other people
@game-addicted 6 ай бұрын
@@obiwanshinobi87 -Sure, I get that..but during the start up faze..if you can call it that, when one only have like 3-4 refinerys, it can quickly kill the fun for players...And in the start, when you see the background i was constantly swarmed because I did not understand the importance of doing the helms misions faster... game at times, both solo and with friends...check out new video later today.
@FritzOFN 6 ай бұрын
Love this !
@ENTERTAINtheDUDE 6 ай бұрын
A lucky boy indeed
@ENTERTAINtheDUDEshorts 6 ай бұрын
Cigarett smoking man approves 🚬
@X-Files.Cigarette-Smoking-Man 6 ай бұрын
Real ghost??!
@game-addicted 6 ай бұрын
or cheat or bug?
@GameOverManGameOver 6 ай бұрын
Million dollar man
@markwise9276 7 ай бұрын
I find the dislike for this game very strange, ordinarily I spot a rubbish game without reviewers telling me its awful, games that are that bad usually deserve it, but not this time. I actually went into this game expecting to be disappointed because of all the dislike i had read on utube but I must admit to enjoying myself immensely since i started playing it. I would advise people to try it fully before condemning a reasonable game with huge potential.
@game-addicted 7 ай бұрын
That is alos some part of the issue why you have review sites with player scores, so that you can see the overal opinnion of a game. But yeah, it's best to draw your own conclution, I just don't want players to regret buying this.
@terrordrones 7 ай бұрын
buy a microphone istead of the game, if you are going to make content like that
@game-addicted 7 ай бұрын
Well, it is only a Blue mic...sooo...but I could tweak the settings or move the mic, as of now, it is above the screen, but thanks for the feedback
@lukesenesac 7 ай бұрын
As we all know assassin's creed black flag was the first pirate game ever made, and therefore the best. Any game that isn't exactly like black flag is inferior. (This is satire, of course. I love this game. Worth every penny.)
@game-addicted 7 ай бұрын
Hehehe, there are loads of other pirates games, like the classic Sid Meier's Pirates or remake he did later :-) both worthy of a play.
@lukesenesac 7 ай бұрын
You had substantive criticisms. I'm making fun of what's basically become a trope since the game launched. Okay. It's not the game people have rose tinted glasses over. But, in the scope of pirate themed games it's not all bad.
@game-addicted 7 ай бұрын
@@lukesenesac The game is fun, to some extent, my 50 hours can contest to that, but the things one expect and ..kunda demands from previous games and a far cry from this...and once you close on 70 will become louder on some of the issues of the game.
@stevenmix711 7 ай бұрын
I think it is fun as hell. I dont care how much they spent on development. That’s just a weird point. I’m having fun with it. Sorry you aren’t.
@Se7eNGaming88 7 ай бұрын
bud i was with you on certain things untill you kept bringing up other games..this is skull and bones not them games..they have said they are going too work on certain things too make it better..i hate why people say dont buy the game!! your playstyle isnt for this game maybe others will like this game!
@game-addicted 7 ай бұрын
This is a pirate game, it need's to be compared to other pirates again, you are free to get you're own feel for the game, sure...this is just a heads up, and informative video..
@GeneralTinMan4 7 ай бұрын
Skull and Bones is actually fun as hell.. ITS NOT ASSASSINS CREED! Its The Division but instead of character and gun upgrades you upgrade ship and cannons.. do buy.. do play.. its a great time
@Rmi_brandito 7 ай бұрын
How about you let people decide for themselves 😂
@game-addicted 7 ай бұрын
Sure, but I rather save people from wasting 50 hours in the
@Giovanni-le4fv 7 ай бұрын
the moment you said "black flag" i left the video good day sir
@Zandeves 7 ай бұрын
@ENTERTAINtheDUDE 7 ай бұрын
yeah why, you don't like black flag?@@Zandeves
@vojtechvanko5418 7 ай бұрын
@Derguz 7 ай бұрын
Honestly considering how grindy the game is, and how incredibly repetitive it is - it's just a bad game. It will keep you entertained for 30-50 hours and then you'll move on.
@game-addicted 7 ай бұрын
I agree on that, but I kinda wana beat it, now that I did actually pay for'll see how it ends for me..and with other better games out there..
@ollihro82 7 ай бұрын
wrong expectations clouds peoples judgement... its not AAA or AAAA but it has potential... we will see what happens with future updates
@game-addicted 7 ай бұрын
maybe, maybe..
@pewpscoop 7 ай бұрын
but yet they are gonna charge 70$ then 30$ for each update to make the game companies are just money marketing firms at this point
@mechan2535 7 ай бұрын
first off i have over 50 hours in this game currently, so i disagree with alot of what your saying, your trying to compare the game to like 3 pirate games than all have differant aspects to them, skull and bones was meant to be like a similar game to AC 4 Black flag, first thing the graphics engine in skull an bones is a differant graphics engine to AC 4 Black flag in fact since black flag ubisoft have made 2 differant graphics engines since then. so yes it is a different engine. Star citizen has raised over $600 million so yes ofcourse they are going to have a better engine you cannot compare the 2 at all not even close. the aiming well in assasins creed black flag you do not have a definite aiming reticle either you have an arched white line to fire your guns and your cannonballs do not always land in that area they can deviate. with the bombard cannons its extremly easy to aim and fire them, im starting to think your wanting an automatic aiming and fire system for cruise missiles so you can sit back and not play the game just watch maybe.?? only having 4 hot keys im assuming is because the game is played on PC,XBOX and playstation ( crossplay )so those players dont have access to endless amount of buttons like us PC players have. stop comparing the game to age of sail they are not the same game, in assassins creed black flag you didnt buy 50 guns either you upgraded all your guns at once. also the guns arnt cheap or fast well not if you want decent guns, having to sail around and find the blueprints,then get the resources to which you need good harvesting tools to gather the resources, and them things you need only certain nations give like the french or dutch, then you go and make them, so yes guns are not as easy or cheap as you make out, so we come to the first part of your video i agree with the boarding was a shit show it still is, they should of kept the boarding from black flag. crew managemnt is another aspect of the game thats came from black flag you didnt go out and individully recruit crew members in that game either, you rescued some slaves then they worked every aspect of a brig ? you are forgetting this game was meant to be like black flag nothing else i think you are slightly missing the point. mean half the stuff you are saying that skull and bones dosent have black flag never had them either, i have 50 hours in the game and if the NPCs shoot my weak points then yes i can still take alot of damage, but i have never been 1 shooted from full health to 0 so maybe you had alot more damage prior to that engagement, dude get some food for your crew that stops you losing stamina so quickly it also give you stamina back, the price is way too high agree with you on that. this game hasnt destroyed the assassins creed genre of game not even close. so yea if im honest the information you give out in this video is actually really poor, and you compare it too games it shouldnt be compared to.
@game-addicted 7 ай бұрын
I have over 50 hours myself before making the video, but, this is a discusion forum, you are allowed to have you're own thougts and feelings on the game. First off - similar to Black flag is wrong statement, the game is so far from Black flag you can get....the only thing that is similar is the areas you can go a land. Star Citizen is the worlds biggest crowdfunded anything, but the tech the no loading screen was an idea from before conception, hell, even ID softwares ID-Tech 5 engine was on the same path off no loadingscreen, and that just shows how technology has progressed with game engines, thanks to some great engineering and competition to make the next best thing...yes..Star Engine is a extent modded variant of Lumberyard engine of Amazon, that is a variant of the Cryengine...but that just shows what one can do when you set you mind to it. About the aiming, yeah I know the "arch" is an aproxomate, but it is so much better then how they did it in this game, even an old, old, old game, I miss namned it "age of sail", the real name of the game is "Sea dogs" where you have to go and recruit crew, you can do land combat (Stratergy level), when you board a ship and take it, you need to use part of your crew to manage that ship...for it's time, the game was awesome and detailed, with included individual damage shown to ships if I remember correctly, and the bigger the ship, more crew is needed including marines for landing ops, and guns...expensive and plenty needed on the Man o' war ships... Another thing I shoot a get on the naughty list on the top right corner...5 min's all fine and dandy...even in Pirates, you would be marked if you attacked a countrys ships..and needed to get pardoned by a governor and get a letter or Marque to opperate. And regarding the damage, the issue was I had only 250 extra hull with extra explotion protection, and that was not enough, cause as the ship is now, it handles everything like a charm. So it was a ...lack of upgrade from my side, but getting from 25% damage to one shot on one level, was insane I think. And that was with both foods and drinks applied to the crew. You can see my fighting in the background, I have plenty of stamina when fighting. But, you are allowed to have you're own oppinions, and the game MIGHT still become something better...maybe they will add better boarding in the future, change the prices, have a option to remove cut-scenes and so on...we have to see what hapends, but thank you for the feedback :-)
@davidkelly1639 7 ай бұрын
Let me guess - you got your ass handed to you by the Sea People and now you're crying about it to KZbin.
@d3m3n70r 7 ай бұрын
The game is oversimplyfied and that takes a lot of immersion away. Everything feels tiny and crappy.
@F.P.SHighlights 7 ай бұрын
I also think this game could of been executed better, I'm glad I've only paid 15 pounds to play this from early access for a month, If it doesn't address the issues it has soon I will not be paying or playing anymore.
@F.P.SHighlights 7 ай бұрын
Also did you cover the pyramid scheme style marketing, earn rewards for drawing in more suckers. Thought that was a bit fishy from the get go!
@Tobnosh 7 ай бұрын
@@F.P.SHighlights where you can invite/refere 5 friends but only can have a group of 3 so kind of 2 groups
@Le0byn 6 ай бұрын
I paid a typical price for this game, and in my opinion the entertainment value for me corresponds to the price I paid. I am having fun with the game even with quite a few things I dislike. I’ve played a few bad games that I regretted purchasing and this isn’t one of them.
@GameOverManGameOver 7 ай бұрын
I like the game. NOT hehehe
@ENTERTAINtheDUDE 7 ай бұрын
I think ppl have misunderstood some aspects of the game, such as it mainly being a management game with an immersive hands on and exciting fighting experience. However, I do agree with some of your points but I feel they will vastly improve the game over time based on our feedback. Great video mate
@octoberfox3399 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for making this video. Honestly I had no idea you could have different voices. I had seen it from watching other videos on different thing's with ships but your video totally helped.
Nice showcase of combat buddy
@game-addicted Жыл бұрын
It's an awesome game !
Great vid mate. This game looks so good.
@game-addicted Жыл бұрын
Thank you :-)
looks like BF or something, feels so real
@FritzOFN Жыл бұрын
just watch smoke and so on, an when my dude runs, you see the wizor fog upp
great vid mate
@blackfallwhyyou 2 жыл бұрын
Hey, I don't think you'll remember me. It's been a long time almost 3 years I hope you're doing well I saw this and my very old username, haha, but it's fun looking back!
@fotppd1475 3 жыл бұрын
i uninstalled the game about a week ago but just for that i will reinstall it. i was just sick of listening to my japanese captains speak like that bastard macarthur. im more of a war thunder fan and surely prefer it from world of tanks but there are 5 (now 6) things in world of warships that make life worth living:1) native languade 2)japanese torpedoes 3)japanese aircraft torpedoes (if you have not figured out the nation of my choice in the game by now you are in dire need to read sun tzu's art of war (i currently am.) ) 4) BANZAI the hell out of primitive Gaijin's (japanese word not the company.) 5) Yamato (obviously) 6) YEETing shells from distance just right. all and all arigato.
@game-addicted 3 жыл бұрын
I have had my thoughts about not playing any more due to their behaviour towards CCs, but, in the end, I just pay less for things i guess....for now...and see how they act in the future.. I'm glad my video got you back into WoWs, may we sink each other on the seas one day ! :D
@Brille2K 3 жыл бұрын
Hello ;D this is me ;D
@adsdasd5094 3 жыл бұрын
azur lane is better thn fleet gilrs
@TordLarrsonYT 2 жыл бұрын
No Godzilla Vs Kong Is Better
@c.s.charles2102 3 жыл бұрын
This game really caters to the weebs.
@game-addicted 3 жыл бұрын
Well, it is also for all the other special commanders, like commander Jingles :-) (
@FritzOFN 3 жыл бұрын
Awesome, perfect for ultrawide content, 3440x1440 :D
@FritzOFN 3 жыл бұрын
Awesome, perfect for ultrawide content, 3440x1440 :D
@FritzOFN 3 жыл бұрын
Works great on ultrawide with this setting - 3440*1440
@CHMicheal_ 3 жыл бұрын
Can I ask wher is all voiceover ARP Azure lane in version
@game-addicted 3 жыл бұрын
As i only have Nelson...not many voicovers for Azure Lane from me, but I can showcase her some day :-)
@Brille2K 4 жыл бұрын
still no sound when you talk in game!
@captainmuz1 4 жыл бұрын
insane video broski never stop grinding
@NorthHaug 5 жыл бұрын
Hearts of iron