NPN Overcurrent Protection
2 ай бұрын
[VHDL] : 7 Segment Display Decoder
LTSpice Ripple Carry Adder
4 ай бұрын
@gattini_tenerini 14 сағат бұрын
Ciao Luca! Esiste un modo per contattarti in privato?
@manoA98A 20 сағат бұрын
As someone in the comment said, the level shifter is wrong, it requires an higher pullup like 1kohm at least. 100Ohm si a very strong pull up, 10 is far exessive. Sorry for that!
@stevenbliss989 20 сағат бұрын
R1 is INSANLY LOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@manoA98A 20 сағат бұрын
Yes, actually I don't know why I put 10Ohm, as a pull up you Need a Least 1k, 100Ohm Is a strong pull up, probably I forgot a K? Anyway, this was From 1 year ago, now I don't do this mistakes anymore. Sorry for that!
@anshultyagi7609 Күн бұрын
Hallo Mano very good video with full insights , Looking forward for Simulation of Matrix converter in LT spice
@Jokerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Күн бұрын
Ciao la tua intervista con Criss era interessante l’unica critica che ti faccio è che hai criticato male il ragazzo di Lecce , lui era una vittima di quei due pezzi di merda che lo prendevano in giro
@baxedm9806 Күн бұрын
One of the main reasons to use active clamping is do deal with the effects of the leakage inductance. Why did you not model the leakage inductance? A transformer model without leakage is not a good representation of a practical transformer.
@manoA98A Күн бұрын
You are right. In fact, in the last video of RDC flyback, i added the leakage inductance of the transformer
@MrKierkegaardfiteen 5 күн бұрын
Do you have a reference textbook for PFC theory? Thanks so much your videos are so informative!
@Userxx72626 5 күн бұрын
Ciao. È un peccato che un ragazzo intelligente come te (addirittura laureato al Politecnico) sia caduto nel credere in pseudoscienze. D'altronde le persone sono disposte a credere a qualsiasi stronzata perché preferisco pensare di far parte di un gruppo che combatte il male, piuttosto che ammettere che la loro vita fa schifo e che hanno problemi.
@Gabriele1979 5 күн бұрын
Ciao 'mano98', o meglio, Luca, ho visto la tua intervista, e la condivido in tutto, o quasi. E' un peccato che tu abbia un canale solo di sistemi elettronici e che parli solo in inglese.
@manoA98A 5 күн бұрын
@@Gabriele1979 Ciao, si, questo è un canale di Ltspice, canali redpill già ci sono come quello di Cris alla fine. Mi piace molto condividere le mie scoperte in ambito elettronico
@Gabriele1979 5 күн бұрын
@@manoA98A Ltspice? Spesso usi termini inglesi che non capisco, al di là del contesto, comunque, per principio, non li uso. Ho alcune obiezioni (minori), a quello che vi siete detti, come quando Cris ti ha consigliato l'asiatica con la frase: usiamo le armi che abbiamo.. ma che caz... vuol dire? Se ti piace, bene, se non ti piace, meglio da solo, fidati. Secondo, la tua soglia di 28 anni è troppo breve, se hai 26 anni. Non voglio gufare, ma per esperienza mia, e di decine di amici e conoscenti, è praticamente impossibile 'svoltare', a meno di accontentarsi brutalmente. Non è scarsa fiducia in te personalmente, ma in generale, se uno non ha una ragazza per anni, difficilmente l'avrà l'anno successivo, è semplice statistica. Forse sarebbe il caso di alzare quella soglia, a meno che tu non voglia espatriare a prescindere
@Gabriele1979 4 күн бұрын
Beh, se vuoi parlarne, fammi sapere, ciao
@sabersaberi-r9s 6 күн бұрын
hello, thank you, please send me the original file in this video for simulation. thank you
@Albiz_96 8 күн бұрын
Davvero bel canale, continua così! Vorrei poter trovare il tempo di fare un po' di questi progettini anche io. Che lavoro fai?
@manoA98A 8 күн бұрын
@@Albiz_96 Ciao! Grazie mille. Sono un ingegnere elettronico triennale e meccatronico magistrale, specializzato in Power Electronics, e ora lavoro come progettista hardware di potenza DCDC
@Albiz_96 8 күн бұрын
Bel video! La storpiatura Colp*tits* è intenzionale?
@tusharrao12 11 күн бұрын
Where can I get SiC and GaN mosfet in LTSPICE??
@manoA98A 11 күн бұрын
@@tusharrao12 For the Gan, write EPC in the F2 menu. For the SiC, you have to import the model
@tusharrao12 10 күн бұрын
@@manoA98A thanks
@user-ko6qy3ko3h 14 күн бұрын
How to see the output voltage Bode plot of LLC?
@user-ko6qy3ko3h 26 күн бұрын
Full bridge LLC! Great video and explain .Thank you so much!
@user-ko6qy3ko3h 26 күн бұрын
This video is very helpful for my job. Thank you very much.
@rajeshsethuraman1383 28 күн бұрын
Thanks for the video. I had a question about how the power flows from one bridge to another bridge when the same gate pulse is applied to both primary and secondary side switches. Could you please explain?
@manoA98A 28 күн бұрын
During the Turn On time, in which M1 and M4 are On the current will flow in the positive verse, from left to right in the tank llc. Then the current goes in the secondary side and will follow the same path of the diode (so the first mosfet on the top left will be on). Imagine to replace the passive diodes with the active mosfets. During Ton, M1 and M4 are on on the primary, and the other two mosfet are active on the secondary (Top left and bottom right) like the diode were active passively. I explained this in the video before designign the synch rectifier
@rajeshsethuraman1383 28 күн бұрын
@@manoA98A thank you sir. If both side MOSFETs are switched at same time , without any phase shift, whether power will flow? If power flows ,since both are bidirectional switch, power will flow from HV to LV or LV to HV? Kindly clarify my doubt sir.
@manoA98A 28 күн бұрын
@@rajeshsethuraman1383 If you ever design this converter in practice, there will actually be a time delay lag between the first bridge and the secondary one. It's not 100% simultaneuous. Plus, when dealing with HV and probably SiC device, there will be additional loss to the discharge of the Cds at each switching cycle which has to be taken in to account. Driver design and auxiliar power supply for the driver are not shown in this video. In real life you will need flyback or push pull to generate 15/20V for the power supply or your drivers, both used for the first and the second bridge
@rajeshsethuraman1383 28 күн бұрын
@@manoA98A thank you very much sir
@ahmedkamil7655 28 күн бұрын
Very good explain
@k7iq 28 күн бұрын
Did you now that Google sees the .dll files in your Buck converter directory as containing a virus ? I know they do not but Google does not like them. They don't like .exe files either and other extensions Thank you for this !
@manoA98A 28 күн бұрын
Woh, really? They are Just Spice files lol
@k7iq 28 күн бұрын
No, there are 2 DLL files in that one directory that also contains .CPP files which download just fine. When I choose either one or several files for my download in the ZIP file package, it even tells me that those 2 files could not be downloaded. Weird I know but probably not that weird for Google and Google Drive. Gmail also has limitations on what kinds of files are attached to an email. Great stuff you have there though ! I am happy with what you have done with LTspice. I have only started to use Qspice once or twice so far and it is nice you have some of that as well.
@endremurti 28 күн бұрын
Is this a Full bridge ?
@manoA98A 28 күн бұрын
@endremurti 28 күн бұрын
Very nice, how the signal of the full bridge produce zvs ? Runing phase shifted or how
@manoA98A 28 күн бұрын
@@endremurti ZVS in the primary Is reached through the condition explained at the beginning of the video: Min. Dead time and magnetizing inductance which Is able to discharge the CDS of the mosfets
@manoA98A 28 күн бұрын
One year ago I made a video about LLC, but it wasn't soft switching and the waveform were wrong. This video is the correct version, sorry for that! Hope you enjoyed
@biswajit681 28 күн бұрын
Hello Mano...great video ....could you please make video on average model/small signal model of active clamp forward converter?
@manoA98A 28 күн бұрын
Average model of active clamp forward coverter requires a tons of time and demonstration of maths and paper, in this period i'm quite occupied so I don't know if I will find the time to do that
@manoA98A 29 күн бұрын
Edit: This video will be cancelled and replaced with [LTSPICE LLC Soft Switching DC-DC Tank] with proper design and correct waveform simulation. Thank you for the comments and the mistakes that you reported, this video is from more than 1 year ago, now it's different
@manoA98A 28 күн бұрын
Link to the video here:
@user-ot1vb9uj6b Ай бұрын
HI,thanks for your sharing,I have a question,How to get the EXCEL that can get flyback data),
@robr8554 Ай бұрын
I ask going to ask you for this. I have a supply isolated and the switching noise couples to the output. I have been trying to squash it but I can’t figure out if the pcb is the issue. Mine is a forward converter 48W
@Vishal-kc1th Ай бұрын
Please make a video on 4 bit carry look ahead adder
@Vishal-kc1th Ай бұрын
Please make a video on carry look adder
@kent52 Ай бұрын
請教如何做第二組boost和第一組boost pwm shift 90。 ?
@Hampi12 Ай бұрын
Hi mano, could you please make a video on closed loop buck boost converter?
@ssjlkrillin Ай бұрын
What are the parameters for the voltage dependent voltage source E1?
@udohuhn-rohrbacher1406 2 ай бұрын
Can you show an example for a digital sinewave using R2R ladder, simulated in LTspice ? Thank you
@Gattuser 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for the video. Few comments. 1. The initial issue with the simulation (why it was so slow) was indeed caused by the high side driver, as E1 negative terminal was connected to GND, while it should have been connected to the L1 (and that's what you've done with MOSFETs latter on). 2. Efficiency calculation didn't work, because you have to include "param" keyword before using math on symbols thar are not defined in the circuit. 3. Your transformer polarity is wrong, it is a two switch forward converter (and not a two switch flyback), hence polarity of both windings should be the same as energy should get transferred during ON cycle.
@manoA98A 2 ай бұрын
Hi! 1)Correct 2)Yes I forgot param 3) Yes, unfortunately I messed up the polarity of the transformer , like you said it's the same energy that it is transfered
@ElectronicsBdarija 2 ай бұрын
Hello, Thank you for you explanation. I have a little queston in minute 5:07, you've wriiten Vg = 12V + Vdd, why is this correct, normally Vg must equal to capacitor voltage which is 12V and not 12V + Vdd Thank you
@manoA98A 2 ай бұрын
Hi The point of the bootstrap Is to make the VGs voltage indipendent from the load. The VG voltage charges to 12V+Vdd according to kirkoff Law during the turn on. Because Vs Is at VDD since the MOSFET Is on. So the VGs Is 12V and in fact it's on. That part of the video Is Just to explain how the charging system work, but the real implementation of the bootstrap Is explained later. You normally connect the bootstrap capacitor After the diode and in the source
@ElectronicsBdarija 2 ай бұрын
@@manoA98A Thank you for your feedback But as I understand, your are using Kirchhoff law in a not closed circuit as betwen Gate and MOSFET source there is no continuity
@spiderkent 2 ай бұрын
Very detailed explanation, nice job!
@florianrenneke8647 2 ай бұрын
300A through the nmos and transformer? I guess the transformer would go into saturation or the mosfet explodes ...
@manoA98A 2 ай бұрын
Yes lol, this was one of my first videos and I put the load randomly. Plus, the snubber is also missing
@harshkanoje8909 2 ай бұрын
getting error: too few nodes after running adder
@harshkanoje8909 2 ай бұрын
plz reply 🙏 🙏
@fabiocasini8668 3 ай бұрын
Ciao, ho provato a fare la simulazione usando la DC-SWEEP sulla Vin per ottenere il plot dell' isteresi ma mi da solo uno dei due rami. Ho fatto variare la Vin nello sweep da -5V a +5V e poi una seconda simulazione da +5V a -5V. In questo modo però visualizzo solamente mezzo ciclo di isteresi. Ho anche provato a inserire una lista di valori nello sweep per simulare i due versi cambiamento delle tensione (list -5 -1 0 1 5 1 0 -1 -5) ma sballa completamente. Non conoscevo il metodo di cambiare la variabile del plot che hai utilizzato tu, inoltre nel tuo modo non sembra possibile cambiare gli estremi della V(in) . Sapresti rispondere a queste due domande? Ti ringrazio
@manoA98A 3 ай бұрын
Certo, ed è giusto che ti dia solo un ramo, perchè tu la caratteristica del comparatore la fai da sinistra verso destra, e tu segui "le freccie" della caratteristica, non ottenendo quindi "il rettangolo" dell'isteresi. Se tu parti dal negativo e vai verso il positivo, allora vai da sinistra verso destra. Se parti dal positivo e vai dal negativo, allora segui le freccie al contrario ma in ogni caso otterrai solo uno dei due rami 1)Se vuoi ottenere entrambi i rami, non devi fare DC sweep, ma mettere un seno in ingresso e nel grafico del plot, fai tasto destro dove c'è scritto time e metti V(in). (Naturalmente devi aver chiamato il nodo (In) altrimenti non funziona: se segui il video passo passo otterrai il bellissimo retttangolo dell'isteresi. 2)Si, è possibile cambiare gli estremi della V(in), perchè ho messo un seno con ampiezza 4V, quindi i valori cambiano tra -4 e 4. Puoi mettere un seno tra -10 e +10 se vuoi ampliare i tuoi estremi
@MojtabaRahimzadeh 3 ай бұрын
please simulation file upload
@patrickliew2756 3 ай бұрын
Is your procedure only applicable to buck converter ? Can i use your step for flyback converter ?
@manoA98A 3 ай бұрын
The type 3 compensator Is used for voltage mode buck converters and converters which their configuration are derived from It, like half bridge, push pulls , forwards etc... The flyback Is a buck boost topology derived and It required a type 2 compensator for both current and voltage control
@robr8554 3 ай бұрын
You need to use the .lib gatexxxxx.lib in the sch page. Use your chip name with .lib statement. Also make sure the symbol uses the "x" to call subcurcuits.
@vbl1494 3 ай бұрын
Mamma miaaa, hai propio perso la pazienza a fine video. ahah.
@manoA98A 3 ай бұрын
Ero abbastanza sicuro di essermi mutato in quel pezzo ahahah
@mahmoudjaraa2889 3 ай бұрын
يسعد دينك
@bum__mul 3 ай бұрын
I really appreciate this video <3. Thank you. Could you also upload a video of designing an activeclamp Flyback converter with ltspice?
@RaedMohsen 3 ай бұрын
Excellent video. Interesting circuit for the voltage reference. Would you recommend a reference that contains commonly used circuits and their analysis like that voltage reference?
@manoA98A 3 ай бұрын
I can make a video about integrated voltages references. They are mandatory in integrated circuits, they must be stable with the temperature and be realized with the physical proprieties of the device. In that case : the vth threshold voltage of the mosfet, which is constant with the temperature (almost)
@RaedMohsen 3 ай бұрын
@@manoA98A great, looking forward to it. I didn't mean only voltage reference circuits, but other useful circuits as well like current mirrors and more. If there is a good reference for those, that would be great. Appreciate your content.
@manoA98A 3 ай бұрын
@@RaedMohsen I probably got what you want. The "useful circuits" that you are looking for, probably, are analogic circuits blocks with npn and pnp. Well, those are mostly used in analog integrated circuits, and in principle, they are 1)Current mirrors/amplifiers 2)Voltage buffers 3)Current Buffers 4)Beta helper/Beta multipliers 5)Amplifier stages B-AB, Output power stage 6)Differential amplifier 7)Voltage and current references 8) Darlington / Skylai pairs If you open an 741 Opamp schematic, you will find all those 8 blocks mentioned. For signal processing and conditioning instead, like sensors signals, you want to use opamp circuits, like adder, subbers, gains, rectifiers, filters and comparators
@deborahdiamond 3 ай бұрын
Good video. I suggest adding a filter and demonstrating the methodology on the discharge to drop THD under 5%. I also suggest making the equivalence circuit model of a motor in a block, and make that the load. I think you would get a lot of views.
@ern.1040 3 ай бұрын
thanks to thıs vdeıo , great but record the vıdeo about hbrıdge motor drıver contoller pleaseeee
@maximilianocanteros2667 3 ай бұрын
Gracias, saludos de Argentina
@VictorLarsen-fy9ls 3 ай бұрын
How to set the parameters of a toroidal transformer if the thickness of the wires, the number of turns and the parameters of the ferite core are known? But the inductance is not known.
@user-kh3yw6cu7i 4 ай бұрын
Excuse me, if I want to use NMOS instead of SW to make a single-phase, how should I do it? Is there any tutorial QAQ?
@manoA98A 4 ай бұрын
Just substitute the switch with Nmos, select One of the list and then provide enough gate voltage like 5V
@user-kh3yw6cu7i 4 ай бұрын
@@manoA98A Should the Gate terminal of NMOS be connected to E and then to BV, or is it sufficient to connect it to DC?
@manoA98A 4 ай бұрын
@@user-kh3yw6cu7i If the MOSFET Is High side, you have to provide 5V to the VGS, which Is literally Vg-Vs, a differential voltage. So, you First decide your pulse, then with the gain E you connect both the gate and the source and not the source to gnd, or else the MOSFET won't turn on
@user-kh3yw6cu7i 4 ай бұрын
@@manoA98A Thank you for your video and your advice <3.
@user-kh3yw6cu7i 3 ай бұрын
@@manoA98A Sorry for the trouble again. I would like to ask how to adjust the square wave generated by the low-pass filter to align with the sine wave. I have adjusted the delay, inductance, and capacitance, but it seems that there is not much change. Once again, thank you. 🙏
@ahmedkamil7655 4 ай бұрын
Very goooooooood