@rezaulbari3404 2 ай бұрын
Hey there, One Studio team! I’m really impressed with the motivational content you're creating-it’s clear that your channel has the potential to inspire countless viewers. I'd love to help you take things to the next level by optimizing your video titles, descriptions, tags, and hashtags to ensure your content reaches the right audience. Beyond that, I can offer full channel nurturing and management services, including off-page SEO and strategic video promotion across social media platforms. This holistic approach will not only enhance your visibility but also attract more subscribers who resonate with your message. If you’re interested in expanding your channel’s reach and engagement, let’s connect. I’d be thrilled to assist in helping your channel grow and thrive! Best Regards, Rezaul Bari
@ejenkins4711 2 ай бұрын
We needed more psychology if depth for the masses Think aling the lines of nature jordan U will feel alot of trees better
@junevandermark952 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for honoring freedom of speech. Jordan wants you to believe that no matter how tough it gets ... if you believe in Jesus, HE will take away all your sins unto his self and YOU will be sin-free ... guaranteed of eternal bliss in THE afterlife. Within the turmoil of conflicting religious philosophies ... religious Jews will tell you that even had Jesus lived ... unless forced ... he would not have left Judaism to start ... or to join a Christian religion ... because if he had ... he would have been a traitor to his own spiritual Father Jehovah ... who had already committed to favoring the religious Jews as his only chosen few. You will only be able to see the lies that exist in ALL divisive, trouble-making religions ... when ... or if ... you take off your "blinders." I was only able to free myself from my own religious cultish thoughts ... when I admitted TO myself ... that if I thought that other people's religious ideas were that of cults and lies ... I should be honest with myself ... and admit that my own religious ideas ... were also that of a cult and of lies. As an Atheist ... I might cause harm to other humans ... but ... as have countless people in divisive right-fighting religions ... NO MATTER HOW TOUGH IT GETS ... as have those who believed they spoke for gods ... I will NEVER cause harm to others by using or misusing the name of a god ... or ... a name of a supposed son OF a god. Those who would spare heretics and blasphemers are themselves blasphemers ... John Calvin A dog barks when his master is attacked. I would be a coward if I saw that God's truth is attacked and yet would remain silent. John Calvin From the book ... A History of Christianity … volume 2 Clyde L. Manschreck, Editor. Through a consistory of six clergymen and twelve laymen, Calvin enforced piety and rules of conduct more in the spirit of the Old than the New Testament. His overall rule was “to glorify God and praise him forever,” and the practical means of achieving this was strict discipline. He could not tolerate anything that seemed to dishonor God of the elect, and he punished drunkenness, profanity and divergent views with severity. (18) Fines were assessed for not attending church, adulterers were sentenced to death, dancing was punishable by imprisonment, a child was beheaded for striking his parents. And a critic was beheaded for placing a placard on Calvin’s pulpit.
@Mohamed-bm6yk 3 ай бұрын
My strengh had nothing to do with me its from allah
@Gurpreetsingh-ck2db 3 ай бұрын
@mateusz8644 3 ай бұрын
I need to go sleep and not to wake up
@ThehouseofSIN999 3 ай бұрын
If you have GOD You have hope. If you have DR Jordan Peterson you have the knowledge of life✝️
@junevandermark952 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for honoring my freedom of speech. I hope as a "successful" preacher of religion ... Jordan is NOT going to MAKE IT. History proved over and over and over ... that those who preached what they BELIEVED a god was "saying" to them through those man-created words in their BOOKS... were extremely dangerous. One example was John Calvin ... who was a horrible BEAST in the guise of serving the will of a god. A History of Christianity … volume 2 Clyde L. Manschreck, Editor. Through a consistory of six clergymen and twelve laymen, Calvin enforced piety and rules of conduct more in the spirit of the Old than the New Testament. His overall rule was “to glorify God and praise him forever,” and the practical means of achieving this was strict discipline. He could not tolerate anything that seemed to dishonor God of the elect, and he punished drunkenness, profanity and divergent views with severity. (18) Fines were assessed for not attending church, adulterers were sentenced to death, dancing was punishable by imprisonment, a child was beheaded for striking his parents. And a critic was beheaded for placing a placard on Calvin’s pulpit.
@junevandermark952 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for honoring my freedom of speech. I suggest that some "dreams" SHOULD die ... and being a preacher of religion ... to believe that self is qualified to speak on behalf of a god ... is one of those dreams that SHOULD DIE. “I was Jordan Peterson’s strongest supporter. Now I think he’s dangerous. He wanted to establish a church, he said, in which he would preach every Sunday.” Author … Bernard Schiff … professor emeritus of psychology at the University of Toronto. Thankfully … now that hundreds of members of clergy of various religions are leaving their indoctrinations behind ... there is hope for everyone. From the book ... Apostle to Apostate: The Story of the Clergy Project … authors … Catherine Dunphy, Richard Dawkins When you are reared to think of your faith and its leaders as infallible, dissent can be an unsettling thing. This is particularly true for clergy, who have devoted their lives to the subject of faith. I therefore especially hope that this story reaches those clergy who have yet to articulate their doubts. As they struggle through this process, I am thankful that they can look to the Clergy Project as an example of community and humanism as an example of good. As former clergy who have left churches of every denomination, synagogues, mosques, convents, monasteries, and theological institutions, we stand as examples of the reasonableness of doubt and its thoughtful conclusions. I cannot help but think that we offer a compelling voice for why science and secularism do a better job than religion and superstition of answering the so-called ultimate questions.
@junevandermark952 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for honoring my freedom of speech. Even when I did believe in the existence of a god ... I NEVER pretended to know what the god was thinking ... because I was always concerned that I might misquote him and by doing so my PRESUMPTION might cause harm and even death to other humans. Jordan preaches religion as though he doesn't have that concern at all ... and THAT is NOT GOOD ... because Jordan does not believe that people really ARE homosexual or transgender ... And that makes him a DANGER to those people ... who deserve ... from my perception ... to be treated with the same respect as heterosexuals. I am heterosexual ... and I would never PRESUME to know what those who say they are different know about their own experiences ... God ... or ... NO God ... because as a heterosexual ... my experience is DIFFERENT than theirs. That doesn't mean they are wrong ... or ... EVIL. Religion is HORRIBLE ... as these preachers PRESUME to KNOW ... not only that a god exists ... but WHAT "HE" IS THINKING." The only way to relieve ourselves of the dark ages ... is to cast ALL religion off ... as being a dark SPELL. From the book “God’s Bullies,” by Perry Deanne Young comes the following That the religious were so concerned about other people’s drinking habits and sex lives said much more about them and their own minds than it did about those they regarded as sinners. In the name of Jesus and God, they had perpetrated all kinds of little cruelties on others and had meanwhile fooled themselves into thinking they could do no wrong because they were always carrying out God’s will. You realize, then, that people see God through mirrors-and the reflection is often that fearsome, intolerant beast inside all of us.
@junevandermark952 3 ай бұрын
Jordan went on social media ... and by misusing his license as a psychologist ... convinced millions of people that HE was a very intelligent man ... and the result of that boast was ... that he became a multimillionaire. I don't think that anyone should refer to that behavior as being "ethical" type of work... and it seems that in his following guilt-ridden podcast ... Jordan agrees with me “The Monster of Self-Guilt: “The Devil is Always in the Details” … “Yeah well, one of the things you learn if you are a clinician and you have any sense, is, also, is also why you don’t offer people advice. But I don’t know what the hell you should do. Like maybe you and I could figure it out together with some really careful thought, but I can’t … most people are in situations that are sufficiently complex, so that I can’t … casual advice is just not helpful. I mean there is a real arrogance in that. The same arrogance as judgement, like.”
@monikasolymos2396 3 ай бұрын
Thank you Jordan Peterson. The best advice for how should we work.
@610MARYAM 3 ай бұрын
5 prayers Tahajjud Quranic studies Book Raise my son Support my husband No cannabis Back pains Struggles Pain Im ready
@Sheila-u5x 3 ай бұрын
I believe a person who is silent, and act like they have a hearing problem.look at you under eye, and have a sweet tone. Always sitting in the room listening, and not committing. They usually is the instigator, or the plotter. Always saying oh" yeah", and what, or "you know". Sometimes they try to act slow or shallow. To me those the people you can't trust, or just like a time bomb waiting to explode on you or fuck you hind your back. Try to surround yourself with respectful, and positive people, not grudging hearted. Yeah focus on yourself first, because if you can't maintain yourself and your money or self being, or spiritual inner person, also holding back your tongue and turning the other cheek. But it gone come a day when we have to speak up and stop taking abuse and disrespect. We didn't come into this world by ourself, someone gave birth to us. So I say take care yourself first, as much as you can, god always got some disciples, or angels out their who is concerned and will give you an encouraging word, or what ever else we need, or desire. It's our job as Christians and people , I will use this phrase "never leave a fallen soldier". All of us have a task, or purpose, we were put here on earth to be used, whatever our creator instill us to do. Not for fun or fashion, or to purposely hurt or harm someone. If you got people who always tell you take care of yourself, but see you need some type of help, that mean too me they don't give a fuck about someone. They are very selfish, and talk a good game but lazy and always got an excuse, I say a big lie is easy to tell. Do things from your heart, every time we blessed someone with something or whatever, it don't have to be publicize. The word say, let my work speak for me, or this little light of mine I'm gonna let it shine. All of us have did some type of wrong/sin.But I say if you purposely done harm to my love ones,or me. stay the fuck out my face. Some things you can forgive, but you can't forget. Especially murder or attempted murder, or causing someone severe pain and suffering. If we just focus on our selves, we won't need no preachers, teachers, councilors, mediators, or family or coworkers, or associates. These are some of the things of communication, and also make the world go around, grow, mature, and sometimes come to a debate. I say take the position, and negative opinions. I was told by a teacher, no questions is dumb. Communication is one of the main keys to success!!!!
@junevandermark952 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for honoring my freedom of speech. Before I escaped it ... religion nearly broke me. By two wonderful (kind) parents (that didn't know any better than to teach me what they believed was truth) ... having been caught in the mental network of my childhood religious indoctrination which lasted for 70 years of my life ... I believe that since I left all that religious nonsense behind ... it has been my greatest story of success. I am now 85 years of age ... and one of my goals in life is to try to help other people out of damned-able religious CULTS ... so that others can avoid all the years of confusion and delusion that plagued me as a child ... and on into my life as an adult. Now that I no longer believe in the existence of a god ... I take full responsibility for my own thoughts and behaviors ... and If I do the best I am able to treat others with the kindness ... or lack thereof ... that I believe each situation deserves ... I can't DO better than my best. Jordan seems to believe that if people are going to improve their lives ... to be "moral" human beings ... you MUST put your faith in Jesus and his father God. I disagree ... as I believe that ALL religious (spiritual) teachings are CULTS and that those who promote their personalized dogmas as being truth ... are leaders of CULTS. It was a tragedy that my two wonderful parents spent most of their lives worrying about whether their "souls" were going to be rewarded ... or having to suffer ... in an afterlife ... that I don't believe even exists. Those anti-scientific myths started in the dark ages ... and leaders of cults (motivated by their own selfish purposes) intend for those religious myths to keep us IN the dark ages. Ex-members of Clergy (at The Clergy Project) … are doing their best to stop these billions of divisive leaders of religious cults ... from succeeding. After many years of being an Evangelical Reverend … to becoming a non-believer … Dan Barker quoted the following words in the book … Godless: How an Evangelical Preacher Became One of America’s Leading Atheists ... by Dan Barker, Richard Dawkins "I was considered a leader, but only as long as I led people where they wanted to go (which was heaven)."
@ChineduEnyindah 3 ай бұрын
@ZeldaZorch205 3 ай бұрын
@10kwithzerobitches20 3 ай бұрын
I prefer this music over the sad whimsical piano that every motivational video on youtube uses
@junevandermark952 3 ай бұрын
It takes a lot of insensitivity for a multi-millionaire to tell people how to be successful, when those people can't even pay for next month's rent without having to borrow the money from others.
@winbombs6117 3 ай бұрын
Nice troll 😂😂
@junevandermark952 3 ай бұрын
@@winbombs6117 I suggest that we are all trolls. That makes it a fair "playing field."
@MDAlaminKhan-u7u 3 ай бұрын
@MDAlaminKhan-u7u 3 ай бұрын
. . .Hmmmmmmmmm
@MDAlaminKhan-u7u 3 ай бұрын
How long does it take to put one of these videos together?
@kylesholar6991 3 ай бұрын
Good job
@bananasforbikes 3 ай бұрын
@cardmstr 3 ай бұрын
Get rid of the stupid sound effects and music it detracts from the words and message.
@SoahnIslam 3 ай бұрын
@MDJOYNALABEDIN-h5r 15 күн бұрын
@hansslane7080 3 ай бұрын
A morphogenic (m) field is a known limit like the four minute mile was once a impassable Speed or skill. What’s possible isn’t clear at start,and planning can steer planners head on with the unimaginable. Without a plan the unimaginable is often the consequence of not asserting want or need. The best of both worlds is knowing the assets and liabilities of premeditation and improvisation. Practice and play can be a hay day in a broad side of a barnburner if both are accepted as essential. .
@AlvesGoeieman-lf7ld 3 ай бұрын
that back ground sound is annoying and not fitting
@JohnSmith-pn1xy 4 ай бұрын
Jordan's not half as intelligent as he thinks, or that certain people make out. His philosophy is pretty shallow really. Christian indoctrination fundamentally in essence. He's been spoilt by it. It's why he's so angry and conflicted. If he was any psychologist worth his salt, he would try to see beyond his conditioning.
@mrhanif-s3q 4 ай бұрын
Kar Kar rag hoy 😡 agulare dekhle,,
@AlexaPiantini 4 ай бұрын
I am not surrender my spot, or you think I am going to be on the street to save another punky as.
@AlexaPiantini 4 ай бұрын
I guess you must save your advices for someone else.
@akb9297 4 ай бұрын
What about ADHD !?!
@LovelyAcorn-se7xl 4 ай бұрын
আজব কাহিনি
@LovelyAcorn-se7xl 4 ай бұрын
ভুয়া সিদ্ধান্ত
@LovelyAcorn-se7xl 4 ай бұрын
এতো নাটক কেন
@LovelyAcorn-se7xl 4 ай бұрын
মহিলা তো দেখতে অনেক ভয়ংকর
@yasinarafatf727 4 ай бұрын
@RimiAkter-iu9it 4 ай бұрын
3rd class er dol 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
@steveharvath3615 4 ай бұрын
Jung. Carl Jung
@MDRipon-de1bf 5 ай бұрын
ইক ষথযয লযযযযযয যযয - -:ॐ ;
@mdanuwer5643 5 ай бұрын
শাশুড়ী টা সেই সেক্সছি😊
@sksumonblog2911 5 ай бұрын
মটর সাইকোল টা
@rafiqulislam-zw4vg 5 ай бұрын
Shasurir uccharon noble pawar moto😅😅😅😅
@AsaaMkmo 6 ай бұрын
@AsaaMkmo 6 ай бұрын
@Dmwdaylight2340 6 ай бұрын
@KaluSonaTv_w3f 6 ай бұрын
@MDJOYNALABEDIN-h5r 15 күн бұрын
Ll nnmnm😅😅😅😅
@MDJOYNALABEDIN-h5r 15 күн бұрын
@mdhafijulislam4801 6 ай бұрын
আজ কাল মানুষের জিন্দেগী এভাবে চলতেছে আল্লাহ আমাদেরকে মা বাবার খেদমত করার তোফিক দান করুন আমিন