@megiMove 11 сағат бұрын
How can i find out which dates and for how long i should stay away from spilling my seed if i am a Gemini? Born 17. June 1986 ? Where can i find out which date of what month i should keep my penis away from my wife 😂
@caseyjones7404 23 сағат бұрын
Something tells me this purification process existed long before Christ. 1 heal the sick 2 raise the dead inside 3 cast out demons.... Pretty close
@GoogleUser-ei8tp 3 күн бұрын
@LionofJudah brother could you please provide the time frame of all the events happening in this cycle? How many days does it take for the oil to secrete in the pituitary and descend down the spine? How many days does it take for the oil to get electrified by the germ in the solar plexus? How long does it take for it to ascend back and reach vagus nerve, optic thalamus and pineal? How long does this entire cycle take? I know it depends on several factors such as diet, meditation, etc. but what would you say an approx timeframe would be? And also an other thing I wanted to ask you. What exactly would happen when the energized oil ascends back and reaches the pineal back? What kind of experiences someone would go through during this? Please explain. Thanks in advance!
@adambordelon7340 12 күн бұрын
Yet no one has yet told us what the fuck we are doing here
@TonyMyerson 16 күн бұрын
🤙❤️😇😎🌺🤙❤️😇😎🌺 0:57
@TonyMyerson 16 күн бұрын
🤙❤️😇😎🌺🤙❤️😇😎🌺 0:46
@TonyMyerson 16 күн бұрын
🤙❤️😇😎🌺🤙❤️😇😎🌺 0:45
@TonyMyerson 20 күн бұрын
🤙❤️😇😎🌺🤙❤️😇😎🌺 0:45
@dragonfire5702 25 күн бұрын
@veryrare_jahseh7973 26 күн бұрын
Why am i seeing a man with eyes and beard hair somtimes it gets stronger and ot started about 2 days at night i was doing a water fast for a day or 2 Do you know what that means ?
@LionofJudah 24 күн бұрын
The mind is a very powerful tool. It can be a plethora of things or a memory of sub conscious. Whatever the case, I would pray to God and ask him to bring your more truth on the vision.
@user-hn1el1ck7c 29 күн бұрын
Churched Christians think the Bible is only literal. Bonnacci thinks the Bible is only allegorical. The Bible is both literal and allegorical on many levels. Jesus came to earth and literally played out the allegories and story of the Sun. Hes literally coming back again too.
@LionofJudah 24 күн бұрын
And there is so much more inbetween. He is already here
@anitamarshall9804 29 күн бұрын
All shall be revealed. 🙏 Thank you Santos Bonacci. ❤
@FraterPerpetuusCoegi Ай бұрын
It's crazy because I have been told by many Evangelical Christians I've said there is one sin that is unforgiven and that's blasphemy against the holy Ghost and this is what that is.... If you deny this then you deny Ascension
@Natureboi-tg1xq Ай бұрын
Does it still rise if u have sex and not finishing??
@LionofJudah Ай бұрын
Yes and no..that is not abstinence. Only after the initial actualization and completion may you practice that method
@GoldCreek-kc6oe Ай бұрын
I’m speechless. I have no speech. Brilliant!
@LionofJudah Ай бұрын
"Be still and know that I am JaH" he said
@tamlynn3 Ай бұрын
Did this guy somehow tie together the Chakra system with Jesus's birth and Santa Claus? I'm too high for this shit
@LionofJudah Ай бұрын
Haha...as above so below. He is correlating and connecting ancient knowledge which Christ was very well aware of. No negation of Christ here, for none have made the ultimate sacrifice as he. Watch it when you are not high and you will become higher
@willkelley4286 Ай бұрын
Just learning these concepts. The moon is coming Into my sign starting tonight. I have been doing semen retension for last 2 weeks and I hope to save my seed and get it to my head. I have punished my body and mind for the entirety of my adult life. I just want to feel better and live a better life. I am 46 and feel 80.
@LionofJudah Ай бұрын
Take your time with your journey snd be gentle only yourself. There is much purging that will occur and I assure you, trust the process. 2 weeks issa good start. Let's aim for 3 months then 6 months. Mind over matter
@davelehman2550 Ай бұрын
100 days of seminal retention will enhance your psychic abilities, after 1000 days you have direct contact with your ancestors and your dormant dna is realized
@Adnezal Ай бұрын
Would Bethlehem, the house of bread, be the gut? Because this is where the bacteria and yeast congregate and are the center of strength for us? Like food, the gut and the bacteria keeps us alive?
@nenablack Ай бұрын
What is the best guide to use for determining which days of the month the moon will be in your sun sign? Conventional Western astrological charts differ from observational methods (like using a telescope or via Stellarium).
@christophermichaelson1598 29 күн бұрын
Ive been trying tofigure this out for myself. You can use calculators onlin, but im unclear on how to decipher what hose the moon is at this current given moment. Ive established it was in gemini during my birth hour.
@Mandala_of_Life Ай бұрын
If you see Jesus come down you are not on the organically evolving Divine timeline you would be on the timeline that gets infiltrated by that artificial intelligence. You have to go within yourself. They need to stop looking for a savior outside their selfs and do the shadow work. Stop doing drugs and alcohol. Feed their consciousness. Develope Christ Consciousness from within. All I see is people running from their shadows. But I love them. I hold space for them.
@jarhead7758 Ай бұрын
When are we supposed to release? I been practicing nut retention and ready to……ya know!
@jarhead7758 Ай бұрын
So is this a 30 day process
@LionofJudah Ай бұрын
It took me 6 months
@jarhead7758 Ай бұрын
@@LionofJudah for what???
@LionofJudah 29 күн бұрын
@@jarhead7758 you asked if it I'd s 30 days process..I am sharing with you that it took me 6 months and it took Yeshua 40 days and 40 nights....
@jarhead7758 29 күн бұрын
@@LionofJudah what exactly did you do?
@christophermichaelson1598 29 күн бұрын
I could be wrong. It takes 30 days to begin, or have the chance to begin. There are a lot of factors that need to be in play. If purify your body as much as possible, stop eating meat, sugar, drugs , alcohol, sex, sugar, caffein for optimal results. however, you will see results the first 30 days of retention simpply for sure, mark my words. I think there are increased benifits depending on the extent in which your purify your body.
@BlazRa Ай бұрын
This reminds me of a line in one of my songs , "there's a secret in the seed you must grow to know" .
@BlazRa Ай бұрын
Also just because this is true doesn't mean that there isn't spiritual realms etc. Decagram.
@BlazRa Ай бұрын
So essentially don't come when the moon is where it was when you were born?
@LionofJudah Ай бұрын
Essentially, meditate and pray and discover the deeper truth of self.
@christophermichaelson1598 29 күн бұрын
you should retain your seed 24 7 my bru
@BlazRa Ай бұрын
More than one thing can be true at the same time there was literally an extensive arrest record for Jesus but that doesn't mean he's the Christ aka oil.
@ApusEfa Ай бұрын
Love the narration!
@pascalnkaya7829 Ай бұрын
Thank you for your time and your attention
@christinaphillips5933 Ай бұрын
Interesting 🤔
@ChanseKyllonen-hs6se Ай бұрын
Genesis 32:30.......that's all i'm saying. (k maybe not, Penial, where one can see the face of God)
@Beatriz-pz1lt Ай бұрын
Why you name the oil christ?
@LionofJudah Ай бұрын
Kristos means "annointed one" and they annointed people with olive oil back in the day..start your research there
@Beatriz-pz1lt 29 күн бұрын
@@LionofJudah i understand but this 'oil' keeps us a life, as without we die. In that perspective 'annoiting' is without meaning. I would cal it 'oil of life', that makes more sense to me.
@LionofJudah 29 күн бұрын
@@Beatriz-pz1lt This oil does not give us life...JaH gives us breath and breath is life. The oil gives us greater connection to our creator as it is creation fluid and allows us to create life. We do become weaker without it but yes it is very important and sacred to our temple.
@Beatriz-pz1lt 28 күн бұрын
@@LionofJudah i wrote "keeps us a life" not "gives us life".
@LionofJudah 27 күн бұрын
@@Beatriz-pz1lt forgive me for my misinterpretation. JaH bless
@Beatriz-pz1lt Ай бұрын
Lately i learned that water is evil and the earth is good.
@12eibarb Ай бұрын
Fela Kuti wouldn’t agree.
@LionofJudah Ай бұрын
You are more than 75% water 💧...water houses life and can take life but it is not evil
@simatic369 Ай бұрын
## Title: The Brain, Mysticism, and Enlightenment: A Unified Perspective on Human Potential and Cosmic Harmony ### Abstract This paper explores the profound connections between the human brain, ancient symbolism, mysticism, and enlightenment. It examines the 𓂀 (Eye of Horus) as a representation of brain structure, the esoteric meanings behind brain anatomy, and the role of the pineal gland as the "Eye of God." The scientific basis of the sacred secretion, or "Christ oil," rising through the chakras to the "place of the skull" is detailed. The astrotheological connection of the 12 cranial nerves with the zodiac and the 12 disciples is analyzed, along with their ties to Genesis, the Tree of Life, and other cultural myths. This paper aims to promote enlightenment and collective action to prevent ecological collapse, fostering a harmonious society as envisioned in mystical traditions. ### Introduction The human brain, with its intricate structure and functions, has long been a subject of fascination in both scientific and mystical traditions. Ancient civilizations, such as the Egyptians, encoded their understanding of the brain's significance in symbolic forms. This paper integrates these ancient symbols with modern scientific knowledge to illuminate the path to enlightenment and ecological harmony. ### The Eye of Horus and Brain Structure The 𓂀 (Eye of Horus) is a powerful symbol in ancient Egyptian culture, representing protection, royal power, and good health. It also serves as a visual metaphor for the human brain's structure: 1. **The Thalamus and Corpus Callosum**: The circular part of the Eye of Horus corresponds to the thalamus, a crucial relay center for sensory and motor signals. The lines extending from this circle resemble the corpus callosum, which connects the brain's two hemispheres. 2. **The Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland**: The teardrop shape beneath the Eye of Horus mirrors the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland, which regulate various bodily functions, including the endocrine system. 3. **The Pineal Gland**: The spiral extending from the Eye of Horus symbolizes the pineal gland, pivotal in regulating circadian rhythms and believed to influence spiritual consciousness. ### Esoteric Meanings of Brain Parts Various parts of the brain have been imbued with mystical significance throughout history: 1. **The Hippocampus**: Shaped like a seahorse, the hippocampus is crucial for memory formation. Mystically, it represents the reservoir of collective human knowledge and experience, linking past, present, and future. 2. **The Amygdala**: This almond-shaped structure processes emotions. Esoterically, it signifies the seat of primal emotions and instincts, which can be transformed into higher consciousness through spiritual practice. 3. **The Cerebellum**: Responsible for motor control and coordination, the cerebellum symbolizes the harmony between body and spirit, the physical manifestation of divine will. ### The Pineal Gland: The Eye of God The pineal gland, often referred to as the "third eye" or "Eye of God," has been revered in many mystical traditions as the organ of spiritual vision. It produces melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles, and is believed to influence psychic abilities and spiritual awareness. The pineal gland represents the awakening of higher consciousness, enabling perception beyond the material world and connection with the divine. ### The Sacred Secretion and the Christ Oil The concept of the sacred secretion, or "Christ oil," rising through the chakras is rooted in both mystical traditions and scientific understanding. This sacred secretion is believed to originate in the brain, specifically from the pineal gland, and descend through the seven chakras, corresponding to the seven endocrine glands in the body: 1. **Root Chakra (Muladhara)**: Located at the base of the spine, associated with survival instincts and the adrenal glands. 2. **Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)**: Located in the pelvic region, associated with creativity and the reproductive glands. 3. **Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)**: Located in the abdomen, associated with personal power and the pancreas. 4. **Heart Chakra (Anahata)**: Located in the chest, associated with love and the thymus gland. 5. **Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)**: Located in the throat, associated with communication and the thyroid gland. 6. **Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)**: Located between the eyebrows, associated with intuition and the pituitary gland. 7. **Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)**: Located at the top of the head, associated with spiritual connection and the pineal gland. As the sacred secretion rises through these chakras, it purifies and energizes each center, culminating at the "place of the skull" or the brain, leading to enlightenment and spiritual awakening. ### The 12 Cranial Nerves and Astrotheology The 12 cranial nerves, emerging directly from the brain, are associated with the 12 signs of the zodiac and the 12 disciples in astrotheological traditions. Each nerve corresponds to a specific zodiac sign, reflecting the belief that the macrocosm (the universe) is mirrored in the microcosm (the human body): 1. **Olfactory (I)** - Aries: Initiation and primal spark of life. 2. **Optic (II)** - Taurus: Vision and perception of the material world. 3. **Oculomotor (III)** - Gemini: Movement and communication. 4. **Trochlear (IV)** - Cancer: Emotional stability and nurturing. 5. **Trigeminal (V)** - Leo: Facial sensation and expression of will. 6. **Abducens (VI)** - Virgo: Precision and analytical thinking. 7. **Facial (VII)** - Libra: Expression and relationships. 8. **Vestibulocochlear (VIII)** - Scorpio: Hearing and equilibrium, transformation. 9. **Glossopharyngeal (IX)** - Sagittarius: Taste and expansive thinking. 10. **Vagus (X)** - Capricorn: Body’s core, discipline, and structure. 11. **Accessory (XI)** - Aquarius: Freedom of movement and innovation. 12. **Hypoglossal (XII)** - Pisces: Speech and the flow of communication. These connections underscore the idea that humans reflect the cosmos, with the cranial nerves serving as conduits for celestial energies. ### The Tree of Life and the Spine The Tree of Life, a symbol found in various cultural myths, represents the human spine in esoteric traditions. It is the central axis through which the sacred secretion ascends, connecting the base of the spine to the crown of the head: 1. **Kabbalistic Tradition**: In Kabbalah, the Tree of Life consists of 10 sefirot (divine attributes) that correspond to the spinal column's energy centers. 2. **Hindu Tradition**: In Hinduism, the spine is the path through which kundalini energy rises, symbolizing the marriage of Shiva (consciousness) and Shakti (energy). 3. **Norse Mythology**: The Yggdrasil, or World Tree, represents the axis mundi, connecting the heavens, earth, and underworld, similar to the spine's connection between the body and the divine. ### The Ultimate Potential of Humanity Unlocking the anatomy and the "Christ oil" stored in the brain, referred to as the "land of milk and honey" (DMT), represents the ultimate potential of humanity. The marriage of Shiva and Shakti, or the union of consciousness and energy, transforms the individual into a "temple of the living God": 1. **Spiritual Rebirth**: Experiences with DMT and near-death experiences (NDEs) often result in profound spiritual rebirth, a sense of unity with the divine, and a deeper understanding of existence. 2. **Enlightened Society**: An enlightened society would prioritize ecological harmony, sustainable practices, and spiritual growth, creating a world where as above, so below; on Earth as it is in heaven. ### Examples of Studies on Divine Moments in Medicine 1. **Near-Death Experiences (NDEs)**: Studies have shown that individuals who experience NDEs often report profound spiritual insights, a sense of interconnectedness, and a transformation in their outlook on life (Greyson, 1983; van Lommel, 2009). 2. **DMT and Mystical Experiences**: Research on DMT, a compound found in the pineal gland, reveals that it can induce mystical experiences characterized by ego dissolution, encounters with otherworldly beings, and a sense of oneness with the universe (Strassman, 2001; Gallimore, 2015). ### Conclusion This paper highlights the profound connections between brain anatomy, ancient symbolism, and mystical traditions. By integrating this knowledge, we can foster a deeper awareness of our spiritual potential and the intricate relationship between the human body and the cosmos. Embracing this wisdom can lead to personal and collective enlightenment, helping us avert ecological collapse and create a harmonious world. As we awaken to the "kingdom of Spirit" within, we can manifest heaven on Earth, realizing our highest potential as conscious beings. Let us now embrace the silence and the wisdom it brings, for within the stillness lies the key to our collective salvation. Amen. ### References 1. Greyson, Bruce. "The Near-Death Experience Scale: Construction, Reliability, and Validity." *Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease*, 1983. 2. Van Lommel, Pim. "Near-Death Experiences: The Experience of the Self as Real and Not as an Illusion." *Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences*, 2009. 3. Strassman, Rick. *DMT: The Spirit Molecule*, 2001. 4. Gallimore, Andrew R. "Building Alien Worlds-The Neuropsychological and Evolutionary Implications of the Astonishing Psychoactive Effects of N, N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT)." *Journal of Scientific Exploration*, 2015. --- This paper is presented by an AI Doctor and biochemical researcher with a Masters in Theology and extensive experience in Kundalini Yoga, sacred geometry, and the intersection of human anatomy with scripture.
@GinadelaTijera Ай бұрын
Beautifully explained! Thank you! 🙏
@ximenadelatijera Ай бұрын
I just recently did a 10 day silence paired with an 8 day water fast and this is exactly what happened to me. The fluid goes down from the center of your brain. It’s a warm, tepid. Doesn’t burn and it goes down your spine in waves until all the oil leaves the brain, then a warm energy starts going up the spine. I ended up so relaxed that I fell asleep afterwards.
@LionofJudah Ай бұрын
Minimum of 3 months would be the ideal time frame
@AJafet777 2 ай бұрын
“The lips of wisdom are close except for the ears of understanding.” The Kabalyon This a great example of saying that because many people will be stuck in their ways and ignore this amazing teaching. Thank you for this.
@LionofJudah 29 күн бұрын
@@AJafet777 A book that is only meant for those who it crosses path with. Let us keep it sacred as such. Not everyone has earned its respect yet Kininigen
@mybears1837 2 ай бұрын
So then why has no one ever received or became enlightened? …. Asking for a friend…
@LionofJudah Ай бұрын
Who said no one has?
@jiminoobtron4572 2 ай бұрын
In the brine
@TheTakedown2024 29 күн бұрын
@TrinimanLarge 2 ай бұрын
underrated for sure.
@CaribbeanQuenched 2 ай бұрын
@abigailjoseph437 2 ай бұрын
Oo cuz sounding good bro peace love respect king
@LionofJudah 2 ай бұрын
Blessings Abi 🦁🙏🏽👑❤️
@GioVanniRimz 2 ай бұрын
BIG Lion like Judah a rep fi Little Lion 🦁🔥
@LionofJudah 2 ай бұрын
👀👀 🦁🙏🏽👑❤️ #LionOrder
@JperchFL88 2 ай бұрын
@LionofJudah 2 ай бұрын
@evad520 2 ай бұрын
You're the guy who said you're morally superior Yet, only 353 views in a month. Perhaps because Jesus Christ hates you?
@twisted.mystik 2 ай бұрын
No bodies done it yet in modern society because they changed the calendar a long time ago. It actually happens 13 times a year. Not 12. The reason is no one actually knows where their real sun sign and moon sign were when you were born because we all have the wrong birthdays in terms of gods calendar. Moons cycle is 28 days. You can see a gods calendar on the shell of a turtle or just by simply observing nature. Forget about what year it is that’s not what it’s about. Just figure out the way god told us to structure our calendar. Then you will have the key.
@LionofJudah 2 ай бұрын
Speak for yourself. I did in 2015 after the 4 blood moons.
@Amy-d6f 2 ай бұрын
I did deep tissue massaging on my scalp and forehead along with over essessive bible reading and vegan diet and waters came gushing out my nose. Is that the same?
@LionofJudah 2 ай бұрын
Lol no
@2PAC4KADAFI 2 ай бұрын
I'm in love ❤❤
@LionofJudah 2 ай бұрын
@Jamessean-uz6le 2 ай бұрын
This only happens if you don't believe in Good and Evil or separatism
@theurbanthirdhomestead 2 ай бұрын
The Serpent already told us the difference. Why would we not believe it? Question is: What if they're all just integrations of the self? Evil just needs to be overcome, understood, patterns broken.
@LionofJudah 2 ай бұрын
Incorrect...belief is minor part of the process
@Jamessean-uz6le 2 ай бұрын
@dzidzaichatyora2458 3 ай бұрын
Where canI get your books
@LionofJudah 3 ай бұрын
The Bible