@walterreese9575 48 минут бұрын
Once again I have to say there are some really stupid Christians. I realize most Christians are this stupid, but when you try to defend the big daddy in the sky you have to resort to stupid shit, because it's indefensible.
@paramountx 2 сағат бұрын
Brandon response. What you mean THEY are LMFAO. Trust me I understand its a bit confusing because we grew up in a different paradigm. I love your accent. Lol What is that "them pronouns things" lol
@koki84ji7 8 сағат бұрын
Oh. Still a woo peddler i see thats a shame
@badatheist9948 20 сағат бұрын
as soon as he said theory and conflates investigation with faith, he lost any credibility. his use of faith is bullshit. here. here is a kid that has then a basic course in philosophy.
@KirinDave 21 сағат бұрын
Even among Presuppositionalists, this is really mid-tier argumentation.
@walterreese9575 Күн бұрын
If this dude baby this about shit that affects him, then he shouldn't have a show
@giaimeporcu8463 Күн бұрын
The seven day cycle was invented by the Babylonians after watching the phases of the moon.. it’s not arbitrary and it’s not divine it’s a practical application of a set of measurable observations..
@tehspamgozehere Күн бұрын
This caller sounds like he's high. On second thought, he sounds like GMan.
@Kalopsia666 Күн бұрын
Premise 1: cake is made from flour Premise 2: cakes exists Conclusion: flour exists This works because we know what cake and flour are. We can buy it, we can make it, we can stir it, we can bake it. Go find god.
@snowrider4495 Күн бұрын
It's Great to see the slave driver Russell own these people with logic so easily! He has not lost his touch!!!
@nj1978 2 күн бұрын
My man is a professional yapper
@djwilkins7 2 күн бұрын
As a secular humanist, I find things like prayer or the idea of magic all around remains available to me. If nothing else, there’s a lot that can go in the conscious use of the imagination bucket. It’s like going to the movies or reading fiction to me.
@autarken 2 күн бұрын
re: holidays - atheist ethnic Jew here, grew up w/assimilated Jewish & Christian mixed parents, so we celebrated both holidays, and I *hated* Christmas (and church, etc) in the US... I've immigrated to Europe, and now Christmas is a charming seasonal experience with so many religious (and Capitalist commercial) connotations removed... free to go to a Christmas markets and just enjoy the local experience, food, drink, ancient "pagan" traditions, regional cultural traditions... it's all new again
@jacobsmith7102 2 күн бұрын
Please go on to Doug's show to continue the conversation!
@TonyCox1351 2 күн бұрын
Under this guys logic, couldn’t leaders have just read the Bible, and modeled their week after Jesus’ 7 day claims? Thus negating its predictive power. It’s like making a bet that I’ll have pizza for dinner tomorrow, so I go out and eat pizza for dinner tomorrow.
@grahamjones5400 2 күн бұрын
Eric has the ultimate NPR reporter's voice and the perfect voice for easy listening radio music announcer.
@hinduismwithpremananddasbhagat 3 күн бұрын
In Hindu circles half my friends call themselves god. Actual god. The god. And, when you ask them about this they give all this word salad. Its truly wacked though.
@badatheist9948 3 күн бұрын
i caught this tube steak on discord and asked him if he was a biblical scholar and does he understand, greek, latin, and hebrew. All of the answers were no. he is just giving his ignorant opinion. when pressed he could not get anything correct, deut 4.5 says nothing close to what he claims Behold, I have taught you statutes and ordinances, even as the LORD my God commanded me, that ye should do so in the midst of the land whither ye go in to possess it. Leviticus 19:33-34 he is wrong again
@EzFlyers10 3 күн бұрын
I believe in the cake world !
@duhmez 3 күн бұрын
Magic mushrooms in Canada are legal now as long as u buy from a licensed store. They sell weed too and weed candies and all that. I don't recommend anyone take muchrooms, a chancw they could be totally not fun at all and possible mental health issues if people have especially undiagnosed mental problems, quite common for young people.
@Ninthofnine1969 3 күн бұрын
😂 don't call my sky daddy a god antenna 😅 What an absolute WANKER
@PurpleRhymesWithOrange 3 күн бұрын
I worship my cats. They have at least proven to me they exist, which is more than any god has ever done for me.
@PurpleRhymesWithOrange 3 күн бұрын
After leaving Christianity I explored many different Pagan faiths believing there had to be something more out there. I tried to take a scientific approach to doing spell but was never able get repeatable results. After 25+ years I had to resign myself that there was nothing more than collections of stories. One of my daughters would accompany me. She never believed in anything, she only came along because she enjoyed the dancing. I still practice some rituals. I use meditation to help with pain management so I take fewer pills. Candles have helped me through the grieving of having lost the most important person in my life on two separate occasions. As you mentioned doing with Vi I perform rituals to mark the changes in the seasons. I have a short video on my channel about my annual Yule ritual and how it has meaning because it helps remind me of how our ancestors lives, and specifically my own a scant 4 generations back.
@PurpleRhymesWithOrange 3 күн бұрын
My feelings do care about facts.
@roybarrows9733 3 күн бұрын
Brandon: "If you all did a little more honest digging..." we would *still* conclude that there is no rational basis to conclude that the Universe was created bt a cosmic wizard using magic. FFS!
@the-outsider8458 3 күн бұрын
How is this not neutral? I don't accept that a god exists I can't say that no god exists So I'm neutral
@northernlight8857 4 күн бұрын
I am the pope of Secular Humanism!
@r.o.1330 4 күн бұрын
.....you notice that every god argument comes down to philosophy. if he'd just show his holy ass once in a while there'd be no problem.
@Screencappedhats 4 күн бұрын
Can someone tell me why Eric and Vi aren’t on Talk heathen anymore? I know it’s been a couple years but what happened there?
@davidmarquart3912 4 күн бұрын
Robin and other DD clones. Want to question every sense we have, every fact we know, our conception of the world. When asked one question. Robin: NO I WILL NOT ANSWER ANYTHING.
@soyevquirsefron990 4 күн бұрын
If praying made me feel better, I’d do it even not believing. Sometimes I recite “everything’s alright” from JC superstar and i don’t believe that any more than I believe in prayers. It’s just better written
@Onio_Saiyan 4 күн бұрын
You dealt with it how I’d deal with it but I’d throw more insults. I’m not a good debater.
@AvaEFF 5 күн бұрын
Why on earth do you need to explore something that there’s no evidence for? There’s nothing to explore!!
@sergehychko3659 5 күн бұрын
Understanding that Eric was also producing today, I'd just like to mention that while most callers are pretty soft spoken and match Eric's npr voice, the callers are a bit low. This is fine for most of the show, but when Eric does get animated and raises his voice it blows out the peaks. Just possibly tweak one or the other. I've noticed it before but today it was really obvious.
@peterkropotkin6224 5 күн бұрын
The notion that biblical chattel slavery only occurs in the context of war is false. It is implicitly recognized throughout the Torah (e.g., Exodus 21:4) and explicitly sanctioned in Leviticus 25 44-46. Delicieux completely ignores those verses and sidesteps them, which shows his dishonesty.
@Elaphe472 5 күн бұрын
According to the Bible, there are many verses (the first appears in "Romans") where it is made clear that one must obey the governors because God Himself put them in such positions. There cannot be a society without Government and, consequently, a police force and a justice apparatus. However if we are all sinners and have the "disease" of sin and selfishnes (including the caller), the officer at the corner of my house will care less if I'm robbed and the governor, since he is also infected with sin, will not care about the wellbeing of the governed.
@benheneghan8621 5 күн бұрын
Everything is natural. There is nothing in the universe that is unnatural. However, there are areas of greater or less human intervention.
@Kabluey-Crystal 5 күн бұрын
Xeno wants to pretend he that those who disagree with him are just uneducated but it's so obvious he's the one who doesn't have any real reason to believe except that he can't see a world without a god.
@flawedgenius 5 күн бұрын
Can matter be created or destroyed? Yes. It's energy that can't be created or destroyed.
@brucewilliams4152 5 күн бұрын
Who is this Troll. It's complete horse poop
@TheWatchedPotBoils 5 күн бұрын
That was simply bizarre. Like... seriously, wtf?
@mavrosyvannah 6 күн бұрын
If you want great people, the greatest people of all time, to listen to you, get rid of your sick mind. NO PRONOUN BULL
@AvaEFF 6 күн бұрын
“Ah but where do the myths come from?” … from people making them up. That’s where all myths come from.
@soyevquirsefron990 6 күн бұрын
the majority of known Homicides are committed in poor urban areas, but the majority of “disappearances” happen in poor rural areas (where there’s fewer witnesses and more hiding places). Maybe the poverty and lack of opportunity for advancement are the common cause?
@AvaEFF 6 күн бұрын
This is so weird… you don’t understand why people need evidence?
@rossbingbong 6 күн бұрын
Wow prove the trinity, thats was a later human development
@AvaEFF 6 күн бұрын
The entire crux of his argument is “we can’t explain god now but maybe we will one day!” So come back when you can.
@rossbingbong 6 күн бұрын
"While presuppositional arguments for God claim to be coherent, coherence alone doesn’t prove anything. Just because an argument is logically consistent doesn’t mean it reflects reality. There are plenty of coherent worldviews-like naturalism or secular humanism-that don’t rely on a deity and still explain morality and existence quite well. Also, many presuppositional arguments end up being circular; they assume God exists to prove God exists, which doesn’t give us independent evidence. Plus, we have to consider the wide variety of beliefs out there. If the argument can’t account for that diversity, it suggests that human reasoning can be shaped by many perspectives, not just theistic ones. So, while it may sound nice, it doesn’t hold up under scrutiny."
@rossbingbong 6 күн бұрын
How can he show the chain that links back to god ? Not with anything remotley close to the evidence for naturalism.
@AvaEFF 6 күн бұрын
How would you ever “demonstrate that events occur outside of our knowledge.”??