@Kait272 Ай бұрын
Why does it matter so much to you that Mormons let go of Joseph if they embrace Jesus?
@Kait272 Ай бұрын
You really should have Michelle Stone on - Jacob doesn't answer these questions: 1. William Law had significant financial and political motive to get joseph out of office and out of town. He heavily invested into land in Nauvoo of which the saint's weren't buying because Joseph sold them the church lots for less - Joseph was judge in many arbitrations between Law and the citizens of Nauvoo of which Law was loosing badly. The other Expositors (higbee) was not only excommunicated but also sued by joseph smith. 2. Having someone be your first councolur doesn't mean they are close. The people who are close to you are the ones that you have known the longest. Joseph trusted Law - and law betrayed him.
@prezp00nage24 Ай бұрын
Thank you Michelle! Long time multi-generational knower of Joseph’s monogamy here and I also a fan of Michelle!
@ameliamanu8207 Ай бұрын
Thank you Michelle for your beautiful powerful and profound testimony and perspective! It was a brilliant discussion! Your testimony is pure fire! 🔥
@nostoppingit7243 Ай бұрын
The King Follet Discourse was given shortly before Joseph was killed. There were thousand of people there and it would have been hard to hear. The sermon that we have today was written using the notes of 4 different people, Willard Richards, Wilford Woodruff, Thomas Bullock, and William Clayton, which may or may not have been recorded correctly and Joseph never had a chance to review/approve it. And the 4 people who took those notes are people who are suspect Also none of the Smith's taught or believed those alleged doctrines after Joseph died. "In 1912 George Albert Smith wrote: “Sometime ago I received an invitation, mailed from the Liahona office, to contribute to a fund for the purpose of mailing copies of King Follet’s[sic] funeral sermon. At the time I was somewhat surprised, because I have thought that the report of that sermon might not be authentic and I have feared that it contained some things that might be contrary to the truth when I knew just what it was, so I did not reply to the letter. Not being very well, I did not feel like taking the matter up, and have learned since that some of the other brethren felt as I did and thought that greater publicity should not be given to that particular sermon.” Even an apostle and future prophet closer to the time didn't believe it was an accurate copy. People can't attribute that talk to Joseph.
@nostoppingit7243 Ай бұрын
No, the highest members were the first presidency and neither Hyrum nor Sidney ever practiced polygamy. William Marks was also a high member, also never practiced polygamy. The 12 were basically traveling missionaries, nothing like what they are today. And Joseph's own brother William was one of the 12 and he along with a few others who didn't practice it were kicked out of the 12 and the church after Joseph's death.
@nostoppingit7243 Ай бұрын
Can we just point out that the lie that Joseph practiced polygamy was not the only lie these people told.
@nostoppingit7243 Ай бұрын
It's just so mind blowing that people have no problem believing there could be a wide extensive conspiracy to cover up polygamy while Joseph is alive but have a hard time believing their could be a wide extensive conspiracy to pin polygamy on Joseph after he's dead.
@UVJ_Scott Ай бұрын
"I am no false prophet, I am no impostor; I have had no dark revelations, I have had no revelations from the devil. I have made no revelations; I have not got anything up myself. The same God that has thus far dictated and directed me, and inspired me and strengthened me in this work, gave me this revelation and Commandment on Celestial and Plural marriage; and the same God Commanded me to obey it." He said to me "that unless I accept it and introduce it and practise it, I together with my people should be damned and cut off from this time henceforth. And they say if I do so and so they will kill me. What shall I do! What shall I do! If I do not practise it I shall be damned with all my people; if I do teach it and practise it and urge it, they say they will kill me, and I know they will." But said he, "we have got to observe it, that it was an eternal principle, and that it was given to him by way of Commandment and not by way of instruction.” VERBAL STATEMENT OF BP. DENNISON L. HARRIS Of Monroe, Sevier Co., Utah, made by him to President Jos. F. Smith in the presence of Elder Franklin Spencer, at the house of Bp. Dorius of Ephraim, Sanpete Co., Utah, on Sun- day Afternoon, May 15th, 1881. Reported by George F. Gibbs. josephsmithfoundation.org/verbal-statement-of-bishop-dennison-l-harris-to-president-joseph-f-smith/
@michaelparks5669 2 ай бұрын
Joseph Smith practiced Plural marriage , and not Polygamy. They are not the same. This woman has no idea what she is talking about.
@Brotherhickman 2 ай бұрын
Michelle I think you are totally wrong about polygamy. But that’s neither here nor there. To each his own views. The issue however is that you are working with the enemies of the church on this issue. This to me in my personal opinion makes you apostate. Grounds for excommunication. But this is in the hands of the church. Not for me to actual judge. But mark my words, the time will come when you will fall away. You cannot maintain this for ever.
@dnzswithwombats 2 ай бұрын
@questmedia7271 2 ай бұрын
Michelle is correct, Aaron didn't listen. It became apparent that he wanted to put Michelle in a corner where Joseph was a bad guy...after over an hour of her explaining his INNOCENCE. Wished Aaron could live with at least the possibility ofJoseph being a good man, regardless of how he views Mormons in general.
@tamicox990 2 ай бұрын
How could Brigham Young be a prophet of God when he was such a horrible, abusive, misogynistic, racist man-Or the men after him that followed his counsel? So what does that say about the church? Is it only the true church at certain times?
@jeffreyrichardson_ 2 ай бұрын
The 3 witnesses saw them in vision, like Paul saw the Lord in vision. The 8 witnesses saw them in person, like the other 11 apostles upon His resurrection. Two different experiences for two different reasons.
@rusdonray7573 2 ай бұрын
The Nauvoo expositor was run by apostates. Apostates take the truth and twist it to make it look bad. If apostates and enemies can make Jesus look bad enough to kill, they can do the same with Joseph or any other man. Prophets have always been persecuted and killed since the beginning of time. It's east to except ancient prophets but hard to accept modern prophets. Today is no different. Only the minority typically accept and stay faithful to modern prophets. For those having a hard time with early Church polygamy and the polygamy of biblical prophets like Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, etc, this is a great video - The Early Polygamy of the The Latter Day Saints: an Embarrassment, or Glorious? kzbin.info/www/bejne/h3eVd5Sbj7SWjNU&ab_channel=DavidAlexander Mathew 10 40 ¶ He that receiveth you receiveth me, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me. 41 He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet’s reward; and he that receiveth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man’s reward. John 16 1 These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended. 2 They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service. 3 And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me.
@NancyBrown-xw8hg 2 ай бұрын
Michelle is very mistaken. There is the Lott family Bible. In it is recorded the first marriage of Cornelius P. Lott and his wife. Then in 1843 it records their eternal marrige sealed by Hyrum with Joseph standing by. Then it says, gave our daughter Melissa to wife, it was so secret they didn't write in the name of her groom. After Joseph died Melissa remarried and her father wrote; Melissa Smith was married to Ira Willes. There are also a number of letters written from Isaac and Sarah Scott before and after Joseph death to her parents. They are absolutely appalled at the new teaching of Joseph, plurality of Gods and a man having up to 10 wives. They say they heard it from the highest authority in the church, also that the elders were told to lie about it. They almost celebrate Joseph's and Hyrum's death saying the Lord killed them for teaching such false doctrine. To believe what Michelle is preaching is to believe everyone else lied, the 12 apostle lie, Joseph enemies lie and the founding members of the RLDS church all lied.
@Ale_Stewart 2 ай бұрын
Michelle, you are brilliant! Great interview!!
@darin6958 2 ай бұрын
Of course Joseph Smith was practicing polygamy aka committing adultery behind Emma's back. Facts.
@sandymmusic8909 2 ай бұрын
Michelle, you continue to amaze me.
@paulgregersen3570 2 ай бұрын
What about Israel? The entire house of Israel was born of polygamy. Gen.30" Jesus himself the son of David. A polygamist family. God comes down and commands David to marry many wives unto his bosem. (Sex)" 2 Samuel 12: 8" You just can't explain that away? If Smith restored all things just before Christ returns as Peter promised in Acts. Then who ever restored Israel and the 12 apostle church would have to at least bring back a polygamist family as before. Link UTube video titled (book of Abraham part 7) type in this to get there
@PatriciaNoel-qp2ff 2 ай бұрын
Read “In Sacred Loneliness”. Each chapter addresses the polygamist wives of Joseph Smith. Well documented. A good read!!
@MichelleBStone 2 ай бұрын
I suggest reading the sources used to create the narrative in In Sacred Loneliness, as well as the sources ignored. Critically analyzing the sources reveal a very different story.
@kencard6657 2 ай бұрын
My feelings on marriage after mortality should be seen "in view of eternity" which is a "marriage" founded on eternal principles, like virtue, patience, faith, hope, charity, honesty, mercy, and benevolence. The scriptural pattern for this is "Christ" is the groom and "the church" is the bride! This is "in view of eternity." This is what the Prophet Joseph Smith was trying to teach the people, but the polygamists twisted it to gratify their carnal desires of adultery. Click on my picture icon and read the scriptural narrative.
@Telavian 2 ай бұрын
What is the point of eternal marriage? Do we really need to create eternal children through intercourse forever?
@coffeedrinkingisnotasin6049 2 ай бұрын
The problem I have with Michelle is where she didn't confront the issue if it being literally true. She only seems to care that it gives her moral value. Truth matters. Joseph saying that the Book of Mormon is history and it is not matters. He translated the book of Abraham and Kinderhook plates and one he didn't translate correctly the other he tried to translate and it was a made up language. He even made up a story about the Kinderhook plates. He is a liar just like Brigham Young and should not be a trustworthy source of morals.
@Misa_Susaki 2 ай бұрын
You had me until the second half. Without even getting into the BoA, you're making huge assumptions about the Kinderhook plates. You're going off of a secondhand account, bc no firsthand accounts from Joseph on it exist. He wasn't going to translate them until they had been authenticated. Yes, the BoM is history.
@MarcieNielsen 2 ай бұрын
That was a wonderful conversation. Thank you so much. I enjoyed it.
@kristinecase8602 2 ай бұрын
Most men want to “vote people off the island”. Women are here to STOP that nonsense. Women want to include not exclude.
@MormonismResearchMinistry 2 ай бұрын
Aaron here. Would you include modern unrepentant polygamists in your religion?
@franklinanderson9687 3 ай бұрын
Why on earth would Brigham Young and others use the Nauvoo Expositor to doctor D&C 132? That would make Joseph Smith, "the prophet of the restoration" look terrible and a megalomaniac who was justifiably in the wrong and imprisoned, and ultimately killed. The Brighamites swore oaths of vengeance for Joseph in the temple until 1930. Brigham Young using the Nauvoo Expositor to craft D&C 132 is completely illogical. And if your going to discount William Clayton... well there is alot of contemporaneous history and I believe scripture in his hand. Think of the thousands of people who would have had to goto their graves keeping the conspiracy secret. You can't get 3 Mormons to keep a secret for a week let alone their entire lives! This is classic "special knowledge" conspiracy theory mumbo-jumbo, no different than 911 was an inside job, moon landing deniers, and flat earthers.
@JacobIsBell 2 ай бұрын
Not illogical at all. Think of the techniques used by Mark Hoffman in his forgeries. He targeted documents that he knew previously existed. He knew the historical context. He knew how to make it seem believable. Quite logical. Seems like a rather established technique.
@franklinanderson9687 2 ай бұрын
You're not picking up what I'm putting down. By making the Laws and the composers of the Expositor more truthful than Joseph, it undermines the credibility of the prophet of the restitution. Why would they want to undermine the very foundation that they rely on? It IS illogical. They easily could have come up with another fake revelation that didn't make Joseph Smith look like an absolute asshat of a charlatan! One that actually matched what they were actually practicing, not the 10 virgins stuff. Furthermore, employing the criteria of embarrassment, the fact that they match, ads to the revelation's authenticity.
@jerry_phillips 3 ай бұрын
43:16 A polygamist who is practicing it secretively who is in constant threat for life is going to teach his 12 year old son about the thing that will get him killed??
@jerry_phillips 3 ай бұрын
42:16 here we go again. Now it’s you can’t trust the source. This coming from the woman who cites The Anti-Polygamy Standard quoting an unnamed friend who “heard” Phebe Woodruff denounce polygamy.
@jerry_phillips 3 ай бұрын
41:22 not exactly. It’s more like after they realize there’s no use trying to get through to her they just quit trying.
@Telavian 2 ай бұрын
In one of her videos she used a selective quote. I pointed this out and then she attacked me. In the longer quote Hyrum left room for polygamy if it was commanded by the leaders.
@MichelleBStone 2 ай бұрын
@@Telavian I attacked you? You have a remarkably thin skin, especially considering the way you practically stalk me and comment anywhere I engage. The difference isn't the full quote vs. the "selective quote." The difference is the quote that was altered by Brigham's historians to fit "the new order of things."
@jerry_phillips 3 ай бұрын
It’s been purely the evidence she chooses to pay attention to and ignoring the evidence or calling a whole bunch of other people liars that’s “lead” her to conclusion.
@westonwoodbury3011 3 ай бұрын
Mormon here, You don’t have to believe the Book of Mormon in order to be saved.You don’t have to believe the Bible to be saved. If you become a legalist, you could memorize the Bible from front to back and never know the Lord, never be called a friend to God! If you worship the Bible and never know God it has become your idol. My favorite comment made was about Jesus being the perfect covenant keeper, took the punishment like he was a sinner, so we could walk around like we our the clean one’s , if we will be born again. The injustice’s God was willing to subject himself to for the gift of mercy to his children. The Book of Mormon is a stand alone Book it doesn’t need Joseph smith or Lds to be the word of God, it is further evidence of the risen Christ and the work he did with other people. His ways are so much bigger then any church. We our all just walking each other home in the body of Christ.
@JacobIsBell 3 ай бұрын
Eternal life, the way that it is taught in the book of Mormon, do people obtain it outside of the LDS institution?
@westonwoodbury3011 3 ай бұрын
Gods plan is way bigger then Lds, if anything Lds institution adds way to much other stuff outside the new covenant. I know we agree on this.
@Lifeispainjesusisjoy 3 ай бұрын
Wow! Michelle you are such a profound servant of god. Thank you.
@tucuxi70 3 ай бұрын
Michelle and others like her are at least on the right track. However, the real truth among all the confusing books on the subject, is that the Early church had members sealed to Priesthood leaders. Joseph was NOT marrying these women. Many of these women who wrote in journals didn't understand what Joseph was asking them to do. So rumors spread about him marrying women in the temple. Today many books are written by those who oppose the church and they use these rumors as their so called evidence. Never is rumor evidence. Yes, members of the church including Brigham Young, were not perfect. Joseph was trying to teach them. So members strayed and practiced polygamy without Joseph saying it was approved by the Lord for them to do so. These sealings to Priesthood leaders came to be known as Law of Adoption sealings. They were NOT marriages. So Joseph Smith was NOT a polygamist. All the books written today claiming evidence of him being polygamist are nothing more than modern day rumors based on past rumor. Which is ridiculous! Joseph was only married to Emma. Period!
@tucuxi70 3 ай бұрын
Michelle is excited about her discoveries, but she needs to slow down and start solidifying her thoughts!
@tucuxi70 3 ай бұрын
Look, there is a misconception by most of the world including LDS members. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is NOT "founded" by Joseph Smith, nor Hyrum or any other man on Earth. Christ organized the church. However, his church exists in an imperfect world. Both leaders and other members are imperfect people just as non members are imperfect. Every individual born on Earth is born into a world that is fallen and full of opinions, confusion, greed and chaos. The purpose of Christ organizing the church is to train, teach principles and bring individuals out of the confusion and then spread the truth so that others can come out of confusion. Did Joseph see God and Christ? YES. Was he perfect? NO! Was he a polygamist? NO! Was he a Prophet? YES It is false to teach only a perfect man can be a Prophet. Even PETER denied the Savior! So stop bashing Joseph Smith and start learning truth!
@sisknothinbutruth2684 3 ай бұрын
Great job Michelle!
@williamhaddock1838 3 ай бұрын
Aaron, I am LDS and I watched you have a debate with an LDS member and you knocked his socks off, you impressed me, amongst other things because of your Love for Christ. My loyalty is to Christ, truth, not narratives, men or churches.
@aardeepuia2254 3 ай бұрын
@jaredvaughan1665 3 ай бұрын
The Nauvoo Expositor affidavits are the smoking guns of Joseph's polygamy.
@JacobIsBell 3 ай бұрын
The affidavits are testimony. I think they should be scrutinized and taken seriously. Why the inability to show anything actually from Joseph Smith? People believe in an ENORMOUS conspiracy when they think Joseph was able to keep 30+ marriages a secret. Can the affidavits be taken seriously when there isn’t the physical evidence to support their claims?
@Telavian 2 ай бұрын
@@JacobIsBell What would "physical evidence" look like? I have had numerous conversations about this subject and it always goes back to, if they followed Brigham then whatever they said or did is unreliable. However, non-mormons are just relying on hearsay so they can't be trusted either. Therefore, the window of acceptable evidence is almost closed for most people. Even if there was a letter from Joseph saying, "I did it!", then that would be explained away somehow. I really don't see what kind of evidence would convince people that Joseph started it.
@user-ux3vb5zg1p 3 ай бұрын
GOD ordained polygamy in the bible also to raise a righteous seed His ways are not our ways
@amandadangerfieldpiano 2 ай бұрын
God established marriage by giving Adam ONE woman to marry.
@user-ob9df1ec6w 2 ай бұрын
@loriwalker5678 3 ай бұрын
I'm 68 and have been a member all my life. I have known that polygamy was a doctrine for the Church as far back as I can remember. When I heard that Joseph Smith was the one who received the revelation on polygamy and then proceeded to practice it, I had no trouble with it because I firmly believe that Joseph Smith was a Prophet, called of God, and that he would not do something that went against the morals and standards of his day without a very good reason, and that reason was because God commanded it of him. He learned early on that it was not a good idea to go against God's commandments, even though he knew that his wife Emma would not be happy about it. Regardless, when God commands, man better obey. Any member now who does not know that Joseph practiced polygamy (in it's early form) is not informed. It is not a secret and the Church has been very open about it for many years.
@gabebees2009 3 ай бұрын
Great job fellas. If one could put their prejudices aside and want Jesus and the joy that comes from Jesus drawing near unto us because we are able to along with the Bible read the Book of Mormon and draw near unto Jesus -well then ones hang ups would quickly melt away. The fruits of genuine truth of Jesus await to be partaken for every genuine seeker. 🙏🙌
@writeorwrong88 3 ай бұрын
You ask if we can have Jesus without Joseph, but can you have Jesus without Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John? What is the relationship between God and his prophets?
@MormonismResearchMinistry 3 ай бұрын
Listening to the apostles of Jesus is important: "“The one who hears you hears me, and the one who rejects you rejects me, and the one who rejects me rejects him who sent me.” (Luke 10:16) I'm not implying that we can know Jesus without the "deposit of faith" given by apostles. The question is whether you can stand on Jesus as he is revealed in the New Testament - without the need for Joseph Smith in the Book of Mormon.
@Lucialearning 3 ай бұрын
For the record, Michelle, in the King Benjamin sermon you referenced where the people were born again, it WAS “my way or the highway.” There are only 2 options in both King Benjamin’s and Abinadi’s sermons. That’s all he’s trying to point out. There are only two choices. So if you’re not with them (in their eyes) they assume you’re against them
@Joanneofarc360 3 ай бұрын
Thank you Michelle for your bringing light to this topic. You articulated so well despite your thoughts running a mile a minute, you were able to retrieve and articulate all the key points to your argument. I know this is a very in depth conversation with a boat load of evidence. Your love for the Saviour is evident and your understanding of His grace meshes together the importance of sanctification by his Holy Spirit and the enabling power of following Christ who is the way the truth and the Light. Knowing that polygamy was not apart of His commandment is important knowledge for all who are trapped in this practice. ❤
@sisknothinbutruth2684 3 ай бұрын
Agreed! Also, Michelle, take a page from Thomas So we'll and slow down your speech and fully complete the sentence you start. You will then be unstoppable.
@greasyhandsauto-shaunbutte9726 2 ай бұрын
Who cares if Joseph was a polygamist. Still a prophet regardless.
@John-re7dd 3 ай бұрын
Michelle keeps saying that no one said Joseph was a polygamist till 1869. She needs to stop this. John Bennett, Martha Brotherton, William Law, William Marks, the Nauvoo Expositor. Even though she discounts these sources, the sources do exist.
@MichelleBStone 3 ай бұрын
I thought I was quite clear that nobody claimed to be his wife until 1869. Sure, Bennett and the Laws made their accusations (Brotherton is not a separate source since Bennett is the only source for her story) but there were no claims of any specific women being his wives, other than Bennett's cryptic fake initials -- just as I explain when I say this.
@John-re7dd 3 ай бұрын
@@MichelleBStone Thanks for clarifying, it wasn't clear to me. It seemed to me in the region of 48 minutes you were very emphatic that all of the evidence came after 1869. Also in the comments of the debate with Bill Reel, the question was asked, "Was the first documented mention of JS's alleged polygamy really not until 1862? That seems strange to me. Does anyone know how Dan Vogel thinks of this? When I read "In Sacred Silence," some of the women had such detailed accounts of marrying Joseph. I remember one of the Partridge sisters (Eliza?) literally running away from Joseph and expressing what felt to me like panic and trauma. Was that account not pre-1862?" Your answer was "The first affidavits (no specific accounts) were not created until 1869. That was the first evidence. All of the stories and reminiscences came well after that." Also, if I understand correctly, Martha Brotherton's affidavit was published in two news papers before John Bennett included it in his book. I'm on the fence about Joseph's polygamy and just want both sides to be honest. 4 Reply 7 replies @MichelleBStone 7 days ago (edited) The first affidavits (no specific accounts) were not created until 1869. That was the first evidence. All of the stories and reminiscences came well after that.
@stevesorensen3834 3 ай бұрын
Aaron seems obviously scared, that if Jacob is right, his hatred for Joseph Smith and his life's purpose to generalize and bash Mormonism, is suddenly unfounded. Ironically, he has to agree with the LDS church, the brighamite doctrine, that brigham young was an honest person, in order for his quarrel to get any legit attention lol... What a predicament to be in lol
@MormonismResearchMinistry 3 ай бұрын
Aaron here. Greetings, Steve! In the pro-polygamy position, LDS leaders do a lot of lying to keep polygamy secret for a season. In the polygamy-denial position, LDS leaders (but not Smith) do a lot of lying to rewrite history. In either case, Brigham Young does a lot of lying. In both cases (at least with mainstream Mormonism), Brigham was also wrong about Adam-God, blood atonement, and theological racism. The only people who seem to almost fully endorse Brigham Young's body of teachings are the Mormon fundamentalists. (Are you a Mormon fundamentalist?)
@yeahbutdoesit 3 ай бұрын
Sorry Aaron. I deleted my post yesterday when my reply wasn’t posting. It was a great scripture and I’m glad you shared it! Everyone has a different definition of evangelism and I am just clearly not on board with this method. As in all things, the Lord is the judge, not me. God bless, I’ll pray for you!
@GaryLArnell 3 ай бұрын
Aaron, thanks for having Michelle on! Michelle, fantastic job! That last 15 minutes or so, especially, you were on fire. I am amazed that someone who has had such a busy family life (13 children, many of them homeschooled) can be so well-read and so well-versed in the scriptures. What excuse do the rest of us have?!
@MormonismResearchMinistry 3 ай бұрын
Aaron here. She must be an amazing mother. I don't share some of her conclusions, but I appreciate her personality and passion.
@personofinterest8731 3 ай бұрын
Integrity, Thy name is Michelle. Thank you for making it real. But still, I think Joseph has deceived you, and I hope your heart doesn't get broken when it all comes out.
@amandadangerfieldpiano 2 ай бұрын
Yes, she is impressive! They have 11 living children, not all of them living with their parents still.