My Static Kicked me Because....
14 күн бұрын
FFXIV: Dawntrail | M2S Clear
21 күн бұрын
FFXIV: Dawntrail | M1S Clear
21 күн бұрын
FFXIV Dawntrail - Early Access Part 1
Lets Play: FFXIV 6.X Part 38 - Finale
Patch 7.0 Notes (Preliminary)
@michaelsherwood8239 17 күн бұрын
I'm gonna keep it 100, comparing not getting permission to upload your logs vs not getting their permission to stream is a WILD comparison (13:45) and if that is the argument you're making, then PF isn't viable either because people will post logs no matter what with zero questions. Streams are way more easily accessible and record others speaking and their texts. FFlogs only records parses. It's not only people's names being streamed, but their behaviors and speech which might be okay within the static, but can be taken WILDLY out of context when bringing anything up about it later. If you got kicked because you're not being a teammate or your vibe doesn't match with theirs, find another group that doesn't care and melee LBs during burst windows. Also don't complain about this since you didn't even ask them if they were okay with you streaming. If you asked and this just happened because they got mad that would be one thing, but you just made your whole video invalid by not notifying them about you being live. You're not a big streamer where it's just understood that they're being recorded if they are in your static or they join up on you in PF, so give the courtesy or just move on.
@Reddomi 18 күн бұрын
How do you make 27 minute video being like "woe is me" and "I did nothing wrong" while recording people without their permission WITH THEIR FULL IN-GAME NAMES VISIBLE (have you forgotten stalkers exist?), not joining voice comms with YOUR OWN DAMN STATIC to stream to your tiny ass stream of like 10 max viewers, consistently come unprepared and then act all pikaSurprise when you get kicked? What kinda mentality is this? Grow up and get better. Better both as a person AND with your parses. Terminal gray and has an attitude, literally not even good at the game, man is winging his reaper opener and then has the gall to talk. Oh right, and also bans people the moment they give him a pushback and calls it "harrassment". Right, I forgot that only enabling this behavior is correct. Hide this comment, I dare you. How about you grow a backbone instead and do some self-introspection instead of constantly playing the victim. Also, before you pull the "public game" argument. The static sessions are private. That is not party finder.
@pilgrimscorner5701 18 күн бұрын
"Wow, I'm totally shocked that a static would part ways with such a unique talent like yours. I mean, how dare they prioritize clear communication, teamwork, and not being carried? It's almost like they wanted to progress or something. But hey, I'm sure it was all their fault, right? They just couldn't handle the sheer brilliance you brought to the team. 🙃 Good luck finding a group that truly appreciates your... special approach!"
@SoloWolfLive 18 күн бұрын
i knew yall come to see this vid lol
@pilgrimscorner5701 18 күн бұрын
@@SoloWolfLive Honestly, I had no idea who you were until this popped up in my feed. But after watching, it's pretty clear why they booted you. Keep grinding though, maybe one day you'll find a group that matches your... level.
@SoloWolfLive 18 күн бұрын
@@pilgrimscorner5701 i got booted because of m4s which i understand but they trying to put m3s on me too which i false too. im sorry that i thought you was them my apologies
@pilgrimscorner5701 18 күн бұрын
@@SoloWolfLive Ah, no worries! It's totally understandable that you're getting confused when it's just so hard to keep track of who’s who. But hey, maybe instead of worrying about who’s blaming you for what, you could focus a bit more on actually learning the mechanics? I mean, gray parsing doesn’t exactly scream 'top-tier player.' And just a thought-maybe interacting with your static members and mastering your rotation should take priority over chatting with Twitch if you’re struggling this much. But hey, what do I know?
@SoloWolfLive 18 күн бұрын
@@pilgrimscorner5701 1 wasnt fully penta meld (which is all on me) 2 i do talk to them 3 if come to my stream and you'll see i always focus on them 4 they push all the blame on me on m3s and never explain what i messed up on
@ThiagohaziraelZhenqiened-zq9nu 3 ай бұрын
loved the viper class because of the style of clothing, I love clothes like Assassin's Creed, this job class looks like a mix of swordsman, Warrior, guardian, thief, ninja and lancer, dragon, almost reaching a very cool gladiator class job that is not in this game and this would be a mix of swordsman and paladin, the same as a guardian, but it lacked a whip again, urumi mace, kusarigama chain, scyther or snake sword whip retractable blade for this job class viper or even another class job in this style or remembering Auron from ffx 10 with this type of weapon and enchanter skills such as vagrant story, witcher and perhaps together or separately from the shapeshifter or complete morpher skill. There is a dragoon but there is still no valkyria mixed class of cleric and dragoon lancer rune knight dancer or singer just for girls like ravness from tactics ogre, paladin, the warrior in this version with an ax like a Viking barbarian instead of two swords or a large and robust buster sword like Cloud from ff7, monk, red mage class that is missing in the tactical versions of final fantasy, reaper that looks like a necromancer and dark knight, machinist the eenginer gunner pirate gun mage and alchemist in a single class all mixed with a cowboy outfit looked really cool, There's a black and white wizard, a ninja job class half a swordsman a thief an enchanter and elemental warrior, Summoners, dancer, bard, a mix of a singer and an archer, a ranger, there's the new class pictormancer, magic paintings, it was cool, I thought it would be something between relm from ff 6 to trainer from ff 5 or the cardish class from arc the lad 3, but it was good, giving the touch of fantasy childlike innocence, less violent or aggressive that the other classes don't have, to give the game a real touch and be half and half non-violent too much and without Don't lose the fantasy innocence and childishness, sage magic lasers of pure energy job class that plus the swordsman class makes the gladiator and or guardian class, and next to these two job classes in addition to the paladin there is the samurai and the gunbreaker that resembles squall from ff 8 and the class job gunn warrior from wild arms. Anyway, I hope for role-playing games, or action and adventure, metroidevania platform with graphics playing like the drawings sketches in drawings of final fantasy tactics, vagrant story, tactics ogre, live a live or like pastel painting of the screen drawings status of characters from Legend of Dragoons, Sword of Vagrant, uncorn overlord equal graphics for both characters and scenery in 2d, 3d or a mix of both hand painted or not and magic effects between laser beams like Final Fantasy Dawntrail 14 or anime style like Street Fighter Alpha or Guity Gear. Final fantasy dawntrail 14 is certainly another masterpiece game that many have seen, it looks like an excellent game, beautiful graphics, characters and job class, a great video. Adorei a classe viper pelo estilo de roupa adoro roupa como dos assassins creed esse job classe parece um misto de espadachim guerreiro guardião ladrão ninja e lancer dragon quase chegando a um gladiador class job que não esta nesse jogo e seria essa uma mistura de espadachim com paladino o mesmo que um guardião muito legal, mas faltou ter novamente chicote maça urumi kusarigama chain scyther ou espada cobra chicote de lâmina retrátil para essa classe job viper ou mesmo uma outra classe job nesse estilo ou lembrando auron de ffx 10 com esse tipo de arma e habilidades de encantador como de vagrant story, bruxo e talvez junto ou e separado um pouco da habilidade de metamorfador ou morfador completo. tem dragoon mas ainda não tem uma valkiria classe mista de clérigo e dragoon lancer rune knight dancer ou e cantora só para garotas como ravness de tactics ogre , paladino, o guerreiro nessa versão com machado como um bárbaro vicking ao invés de duas espadas ou uma espada grande e robusta como de cloud de ff7, monge, red mage classe de mago que está faltando nas versões táticas de final fantasy, reaper que parece um necromancer e dark knight, machinist eenginer gunner pirate mage gunner e alquimista em uma única classe tudo misturado com uma roupa de cowboy que ficou descolado, tem mago negro e branco, ninja classe job meio espadachim ladrao guerreiro encantador e elemental, Summoners, dancer, bard uma mistura de cantor com arqueiro ranger, tem a classe nova pictormancer pinturas magicas ficou legal achei que fosse ser algo entre relm de ff 6 a trainer de ff 5 ou a classe cardish de arc the lad 3 mas ficou boa da o toque inocência infantil fantasiosa menos violenta ou agressiva que as outras classes não tem para dar o toque real ao jogo e ficar meio a meio não violento de mais e sem não perder a fantasia inocência e infantilidade, sage magias lasers de pura energia classe job que mais a classe de espadachim faz a classe gladiador e ou guardião, e perto dessas duas classes job além do paladino tem o samurai e o gunbreaker que lembra squall de ff 8 e a class job gunn warrior de wild arms. Enfim espero por jogos de rpg, ou e ação e aventura, plataforma metroidevania com gráficos jogando como os desenhos esbolços rascunhos em desenhos de final fantasy tactics, vagrant story, tactics ogre, live a live ou tipo pintura de quadro pastel dos desenhos da tela de status dos personagens de legend of dragoons, sword of Vagrant, uncorn overlord gráfico igual tanto nos personagens como no senário em 2d, 3d ou misto de ambos pintados a mão ou não e os efeitos de magia entre feixes de lasers como de final fantasy dawntrail 14 ou no estilo anime tipo street fighter alpha ou guity gear. Final fantasy dawntrail 14 é com certeza mais um jogo obra prima de muitos que ainda viram, parece um excelente jogo, belíssimo gráfico personagens e classe job, um ótimo vídeo.
@DarkZeroUnit 3 ай бұрын
good honest reactions sir
@aldeonuwu2634 3 ай бұрын
Pictomancer is ugly af
@Johan87577 4 ай бұрын
But half of 19 is 9..?
@marlucca2121 4 ай бұрын
This got recommended for me surprisingly I have the exact same rig, a 2700x and a 2070 super but I got 14208 for my benchmark on high weird.
@SPERMania 4 ай бұрын
I was shocked how well my PC did with the Benchmark.
@DeathSanta 7 ай бұрын
Can you please tell me how to get the first version of that sword please
@nyxstorm2451 7 ай бұрын
@jspencer674 8 ай бұрын
What strat you guys use solo? And what kinda tank?
@SoloWolfLive 8 ай бұрын
We used Ninja to tank and I forgot I was the stunner so I was falling asleep but all I remember is we kill adds fast and the boss is strictly timed so we don't want to burn down the ball super fast or we going to die
@RagnarokAvatar 8 ай бұрын
Tanks Mystic Knight: Warriors who channel magic into their attacks and are capable of putting protective wards on themselves. Weapon is Scimitar's and Shields Crusader: Warriors of the church who fight to protect the faith of the 12. Weapon is Warhammers and Shields Healers Green Mage: Healers who put protective wards on their allies. Weapons are Wands and Shields Time Mage: Mages capable of altering time to undo wounds. Weapon is Hourglass Chemist: People who've turned alchemy into a way of combat. Weapon is Phylactery Physical Melee DPS Pirate: People from Limsa Lominsa who still follow the old ways capable of using explosives and short ranged pistols. Weapon is Cutlass's Beast Master: Nomads who have learned to live along side of the beasts and are capable of learninbg the ways they fight. Weapon is Whips Physical Ranged DPS Gambler: people who fight using gambling methods such as cards, dice, and darts. Weapon is Throwing Cards. Ranger: Highly skilled marksmen capable of making trick shots. Weapon is Crossbow Blitz Ace: Athletes who use the sport in the art of combat. Weapon is Blitzballs Magic DPS Geomancer: Mages who call upon the land itself to attack their enemies. Weapon is Bells Necromancer: Practitioners of forbidden magic that call upon the dead. Weapon is Scepters and Shields
@bebojo 9 ай бұрын
I was on Horizon, walked out of Port Jeuno exit to Sauromugue to see a guy KO'd. Targeted him and began a /sea for a WHM that could raise him. He sends me a /tell something about staring with rude context. So I replied that I was searching for a raise and I could just keep on walking if he preferred. He then said I don't have to be a dick. So I blocked him and went about my day. Edit: CatseyeXI is far better
@SoloWolfLive 8 ай бұрын
Both server have issues and both servers have jerks on it. I rather play Horizon because the people way helpful and i can actually feel the old school era. I learn so much from Horizon, but Cateyes i can do much solo but i ask for help or advice i get no answer or i have to keep repeating until i get an answer. Im not bashing Cateyes just i had better time on Horizon. Sorry for late reply im still moving lol
@ShinAkumalvl2 9 ай бұрын
I know I stoped playing for a few month but the drk has apoc scythe already?
@SoloWolfLive 9 ай бұрын
Yes you can get the relic and it's really good, think the drk other drk in this vid have it as well
@alexisgross6296 10 ай бұрын
👉 Promo>SM
@malikbenahmed4907 10 ай бұрын
Hi, i'm Nabooris and drk also. I have helped you for divine might mission (zm14) today with my tractor spells. But i have forgotten to click on the monument to start the mission... i have to retry it unfortunately. Nice to meet you DRK bro.
@SoloWolfLive 10 ай бұрын
If you see me on and you have party, I'll help you out 😀
@nosearches8340 10 ай бұрын
1:19 you almost times the sip of your drink with the “ahhh” sound from the trailer lmao 😊
@SoloWolfLive 10 ай бұрын
Haha I didn't notice
@Zalisnki 10 ай бұрын
Whats Horizon like. Im playing retail but i want that that 2002 feel of partying up with people
@SoloWolfLive 10 ай бұрын
I'm a new player in FFXI world but I got friends that's play horizon and say it's similar. The game free and very easy to install and the community is great and active. Yesh you have to party up with real people with pretty much everything lol
@s1gnex 11 ай бұрын
Looking good!
@ItsKhaan 11 ай бұрын
Working DRK myself right now. Love this job, trying to make it my first to 75 as well!
@SoloWolfLive 11 ай бұрын
Wish you the best of luck
@frankymr2 Жыл бұрын
not a paladin , no shield lol , he probably a corsair or bucanner
@SoloWolfLive Жыл бұрын
Yeah was hyped up and only had 3 hours of sleep so I wasn't thinking at all 😅
@gamer11011101 Жыл бұрын
I would also like a Rune Fencer/Mystic Knight to be added. While it would be probably be a tank class, I'd want it to be melee DPS with the novelty of having MP management be part of it's kit. Another job I heard that I immediately took a liking to was Gambler for Ranged DPS, using darts or playing cards as projectiles. When I hear Final Fantasy Gambler, I immediately think Setzer and I just went "yes yes yes".
@PetrozzaProductions Жыл бұрын
BST was one of my favs in 11. I would love bst in 14. Have item for summons or get stronger charms in the wild.
@twitchiepooh9000 Жыл бұрын
Literally one of the most amazing parties on Horizon I've ever seen. Your descent into madness was that of legend.
@thebopity6709 Жыл бұрын
If that's huell he's just a dick lol
@dragumkirisute1998 Жыл бұрын
Warrior or Samurai sub doesn't matter, they both have the same STR (I think) as a sub. Play how you want, don't listen to other people lol
@rotggaming Жыл бұрын
May Altana Bless You!
@WastelandWarriorsWorkshop Жыл бұрын
/shutdown please thanks
@SoloWolfLive Жыл бұрын
no :)
@Pandizil Жыл бұрын
He didn't say you wont get a party invite, He said you wont get a party that is better than his. He isnt wrong though /sam at lv 18 isn't giving you any bonuses to make you stronger. /war /mnk even /whm to heal with wyvern would bring more to the table at that level. He was just dumb and really bad at saying that. You probably found out by now by magic burst setup is just setting up skillchains for a blm or 2 to nuke and kill it with magic bursts.
@SoloWolfLive Жыл бұрын
I didn't know what was magic burst party at first till last min reason I decided to deny, in the vid you seen me said sorry the still message me. I still have party in right after, I don't do magic burn party for exp because it's boring to me. If he said regular party and it a normal exp party I would gladly say yes. He ain't dumb for saying it, he felt how he felt and same goes for me. Not upset or anything just people getting upset with me because my reaction but oh well I guess and that the reason why I said we both wrong
@SoloWolfLive Жыл бұрын
Ty for criticizing me fairly and I will listen and pass it on to newer players in Horizon. 👍
@Xuevium Жыл бұрын
Pretty normal for ffxi... we literally need other real people to progress in almost Anything... except fishing.
@SoloWolfLive Жыл бұрын
Fishing helps me with gil plus I cook, I barely see people act like this ever since I played
@rashid2898 Жыл бұрын
bro ffxiv made him soft
@SoloWolfLive Жыл бұрын
No FFXIV never made me soft, you hear me laugh about it and joke around. He's the one got upset with me, I'm in y'all head am I? Please respond to me 😁
@TheVeeOhla Жыл бұрын
Lol n00b forgot signet. Jk. Hmu if you need help with anything
@SoloWolfLive Жыл бұрын
Lol sure bro just let know what your horizon name we can play sometime
@TheVeeOhla Жыл бұрын
@@SoloWolfLive Veeohla
@bojangler9685 Жыл бұрын
this is just normal ffxi talk honestly. Did ffxiv make you soft?
@SoloWolfLive Жыл бұрын
Bro listen... I'm wasn't upset or anything he was. If you think this how FFXI people talk you haven't played FFXI or you're the guy... So no and ty
@bojangler9685 Жыл бұрын
@@SoloWolfLive lol im just kidding. I just like taking shots at XIV and i do play XI... In fact i started with Nasomi > Eden > now Horizon(in fact, i remember first hearing about 75 era private servers back in 2011 when the game was going downhill. Its a different era of gaming and i would say most XI players are similar to EQ players are are very dickish and full of elitist/ and the snobbiest of mmorpg players. I mean for fucks sake.. if you watch Lucy Pyres 10 types of XIV players.... theres the XI player who thinks their game is better and how new mmorpgs are trash and filled with isntant gratification and how Yosheep caters to babys first mmorpg where forcing players to socialize is BAD. Because god forbid you have a conversation like this in XIV. Thats the beauty of these old mmos. Sometimes people have bad days and you gotta talk it out... because the game is built around living amongst real players.
@shyrulllonewolf Жыл бұрын
Shyrull here leader os AzureSky LS been away 2 months but reinstallin off my hotspot so ill c everyone tomorrow Great video Horizon support and promotion all the way #GoodVibez
@seanstrachan3609 Жыл бұрын
GG Didnt even know this was still active
@SoloWolfLive Жыл бұрын
It's horizon xi server (private server for ffxi) I highly recommend it
@seanstrachan3609 Жыл бұрын
@@SoloWolfLive is it as grindy or is it easier? 🙃
@SoloWolfLive Жыл бұрын
@@seanstrachan3609 grindy
@mrluga Жыл бұрын
Scythe is sick
@chadcollier6964 2 жыл бұрын
þrðmð§m 💋
@manofagoodwill3927 2 жыл бұрын
👋ㅤ【C͟a͟n͟ ͟y͟o͟u͟ ͟p͟l͟e͟a͟s͟e͟ ͟r͟e͟a͟c͟t͟ ͟t͟o͟ ͟“͟T͟h͟e͟ ͟L͟a͟d͟y͟ ͟o͟f͟ ͟H͟e͟a͟v͟e͟n͟”͟ ͟f͟i͟l͟m͟ ͟T͟r͟a͟i͟l͟e͟r͟?】ㅤ ❤️
@RHETO4052 2 жыл бұрын
Do you need to finish Shadowbringer to start the relic quest ? or do you just need to be 80 ?
@SoloWolfLive 2 жыл бұрын
Have to finish shadowbringers
@RHETO4052 2 жыл бұрын
@@SoloWolfLive ok ty !
@Kaimetsu_FGC 2 жыл бұрын
I'm abit late did you do that emote at 3:53? Haven't seen that before!
@SoloWolfLive 2 жыл бұрын
Put out your weapon as samurai and use *change pose* emote, male and female have different poses.
@Kaimetsu_FGC 2 жыл бұрын
@@SoloWolfLive oh damn didn't know they were gender specific! The female one looks way better lol
@Jgamer_xX 2 жыл бұрын
who do i talk to and get the quest from to start that whole questline for that relic, i cant find anything on google
@SoloWolfLive 2 жыл бұрын
Sorry i don't remember 🙁
@HeadPhones80 2 жыл бұрын
man that is so cool im jealous i have no idea how to make relics
@mussatorre 2 жыл бұрын
My character can't do that pose..... It's the male version of that race and i see other races do It as well.
@ThyGrave 2 жыл бұрын
What's that chest piece you wearing kind one ?
@SoloWolfLive 2 жыл бұрын
Cryptlurker's Corselet of Striking
@SoloWolfLive 2 жыл бұрын
I believe
@merrk2013 2 жыл бұрын
how do you get this
@SoloWolfLive 2 жыл бұрын
Doing 5.x relic quest but i don't remember where its starts been awhile 😅
@BlackSkullArmor 3 жыл бұрын
Damn that's dope!
@JK-vp1rb 3 жыл бұрын
hi i just started playing ffxiv, how long did it take you to grind this? and is it hard?
@SoloWolfLive 3 жыл бұрын
Not long at all, getting to this step is very easy 😊
@indeimaus 3 жыл бұрын