@Mazarty Ай бұрын
When I was 11, I was riding home on the public bus when this odd man came on board. He was playing music on a little radio he brought was kept turning it up. It got very loud but I didn’t have the bravery to ask him to turn it down. He had big spikes on a metal bracelet, and he had a little sack with a lump in it resembling a gun. Foudnhim in the news a couple weeks later, he assaulted a woman
@beastmaster0934 Ай бұрын
Story #11 Sounds like a match made in hell,
@Kaijubo1 2 ай бұрын
One time as a very young child I rammed my chin into a wall on a scooter, splitting it open. To this day I’m thinking of that day, “tis but a scratch”
@juneburkholder5248 3 ай бұрын
Background action could be eliminated. Makes a person motion sick. Has nothing to do with the stories. Distracting. Unnecessary.
@sachicocoa9013 4 ай бұрын
Back in 2015 or 1016, the new building for my mom's company (employee, not an owner) finished construction on their new building on the highway. Apparently, some weirdo was lurking around saying that he had been Watching the construction of the building from the ground up for a while. My mom said that she had observed him moving weird things around for whatever reason. For example, there was some odd desk in front of the entrance of the building. Then for some reason, he was able to move it to the roof of the building. A couple people tried to call the local police about it, but I guess they didn't take it seriously enough to take action. A couple days later apparently he was planning to Set off some explosives that he planted at the company building in question, the local shopping center, a breakfast chain restaurant, and another eye doctor company a few blocks down from the one my mom worked at. If it weren't for the fact that some passer by had seen him and asked what was up, and called the police on him, Hundreds of thousands of other mothers, sisters, fathers, et cetera would have died in a horrific explosion in downtown [small Florida town name.] It's pretty sinister how close that bastard came.
@LIECR 10 ай бұрын
That one Japanese dude who actually survived two of them, mad respect. 🗿
@snafuthegreat 11 ай бұрын
A guy wanted to visit an orphanage in India, but the orphanage couldn't find the space to host the guy. The guy turned out to be Richard Huckle, Britain's most notorious diddler.
@malissahyatt2425 Жыл бұрын
@Alysteel1 Жыл бұрын
Me tooo!!!!!
@weirdredpanda Жыл бұрын
My brother-in-law used to wave at random people while driving, acting like he knew them so they would have to wonder for awhile who he was.
@weirdredpanda Жыл бұрын
I'm taking notes on all of these. 😈
@adriennewaterhouse5174 Жыл бұрын
My now deceased sister turned down a ride From ted bundy when she was hitchhiking out in portland oregon
@NotTheHerald Жыл бұрын
So there was the town called Cullera in Spain, we didn't want to go there so we didn't. Later, there was a storm and there were over 200 people who fucking died
@cascharles3838 Жыл бұрын
Jesus christ that bullet definitely scraped janitor girl
@goonerbear8659 Жыл бұрын
My sister's roommate got along with her for about a year. One weekend, roommate was pissed for some reason when our Mom and Grandma visited sister at college. Roommate called her mom, who flew in from even further away on short notice. That night, the roommate and her mother confronted my sister, Mom, and Grandma, and a physical fight ensued. Grandma still had enough in her at the time to whoop a bitch. Police flood in, and after the dust settles and they take statements, they take my family's side. In particular, because roommate's mom bit my sister (a point they had to emphasize to shut her up) and they started it for no discernable reason. My sister got an emergency move to a one-bed apartment ASAP.
@still-standingrunner810 Жыл бұрын
My grandfather was a cop. When my dad was in his late teens, there was a car that drove back and forth in front of my grandfather's house. My dad called him and told him. My grandfather told my dad to have my dad and my uncle's to grab a gun. As it turns out, the people driving back and forth were friends of a guy my grandfather had arrested, and the wanted to kill my grandfather
@Spookweave Жыл бұрын
I'm giving this video to anyone who says that God doesn't work miracles lol No way all of these were just dumb luck
@clivegraham9586 Жыл бұрын
what was the game in the background, i recognised the streets within seconds since i live in edinburgh
@jadedskull3162 Жыл бұрын
For me It’s always I prepared for a Train wreck, but it became a Shipwreck, or I prepared for Rain, and a hailstorm came.
@CN-dv9nj Жыл бұрын
I hope this comment is short, please, haha FR. I have three tall glasses of pure truth like they hand you whole milk ice cold in a tall chilled glass delicious the way they let you know they knew what you said wasn't true and figured out how to like at the comedy club getting called out by the comedian, haha what's not spelled out it's do-ers' choice. Like I said I had 3 kids while the baby had her eight year old big sister, her 15 year old brother. OMG each one teach one, lol the 15 and 8 yr old taught the baby every trick in the book how to think if you know there's a flaw in the parents reasoning especially if it has to do with anything they've procrastinated voluntarily bc they don't WANT to do it, if they didi, they'd have done it, right? You realize plates are missing, you know where they are, you give the child time to decide to bring their own dirty dishes to the kitchen. Five days later kido is on the whichever game machine for an hour, politely I reminded him direct clear please bring down the plates glasses dirty dishes under you rbed, put in dishwasher tidy the room. Boy says you haven't even been upstairs , how do you know...dishes...tidy? I said OMG don't you know parents really don't have eyes in the backs of their heads but we can see through walls and smell things, get up turn off that game b;ah blah bring down the five plates the SIX cereal bowls, rinse them in the sink and PUT IN Dishwasher. He went upstairs, I went out to finish a chore weed the flower bed, chills me right out. I I go back in in 40 minutes, he's on the game. I walked going to the next room, he says, all confident playing the game talking to me at same time. says how's it look mom? Huh? How's what look? He said my room? I said how do I know I haven't been upstairs, I just came in. he says Oh well look I'm OMG son I'm not going up there right now, he says WHY would you have to ? just look through the walls. hahaha. I laughed said good call but lets talk about procrastination. It was short lets understand the house rules again, I went on with my Sat agenda to keep full time parents working from getting behind on what can pile up so fast. I learned the hard way again that I'd failed to say I'd forgotten to SAY TURN ON THE DISHWASHER, There's a feeling I get when I look to the west and my spirit is ..... when you expected clean dishes. Kids reality tests suck hard lol
@TechGamer64960 Жыл бұрын
i am with stupid
@kfc28371ify Жыл бұрын
Story 3 😮❤😢
@oregoncoastbeachcomber2060 Жыл бұрын
Story 16, the janitor The girl was waaaaayyyy too nice. Being young, she was naive and apparently did not have the life experience to know how to handle a creep. The big "tell" that should have gotten her attention: her dog became afraid of the janitor. ALWAYS trust you dog's opinion of people. (Unless your dog is an a-hole who hates everyone. LOL)
@shatteredsoldier81 Жыл бұрын
I didn’t get my ex-wife pregnant. I thank my lucky starts everyday
@benwillems8584 Жыл бұрын
Kid who didn't want to come get furniture: if you hadn't been a little shit and come along immediately, the car wouldn't have been damaged
@TheSameYellowToy Жыл бұрын
My mom's friend regularly visited the Twin Towers for her job. On September 11, 2001, she and her husband took off work to go to a fertility clinic. She saw 9/11 happen from Canal Street in NYC. My dad also once told me about a case with some bigshot at a company that had an office in one of the towers. On 9/11, he called in late to go drop his son off at school since it was his first day of kindergarten. (NYC public schools started the school year on Sept. 4th, and many private ones there started on Sept. 11th that year.) His company's office was on one of the floors that was either hit or above the impact point, so none of his employees who showed up to work on time survived. According to interviews, the man felt a lot of survivor's guilt about not being there with his employees.
@jlovesj3335 Жыл бұрын
Story 4 is one of the many reasons I don't want to get married or move a grown man into my home with a young daughter. Men can be sick!
@antoinegaming936 Жыл бұрын
6:11 lmFao
@cindykq8086 Жыл бұрын
Ted Bundy was brought to a small hospital in Pensacola, Florida for psychiatric evaluation a few years before I worked there. My supervisor was his admitting nurse and said how nice Ted was, how smart and charming, and that not a single person working there doubted he was arrested by accident. It's chilling to think how well Ted passed as a decent human.
@nyanya2757 Жыл бұрын
why are tattoos' illegal? That's like making plastic surgery illegal but less severe. You could make a rule that makes it so you have to have a certain amount of experience to give tattoo's but making it illegal seems dumb.
@thechickennuggetlordv2654 Жыл бұрын
Story six just kept going...
@tensixtyoclock Жыл бұрын
One time we had a field trip to a theme park and there was literally every school going there that day. It was really hot and you would have to wait for hours. There was even need for ambulances because people were passing out. My teacher just so happened to be sick on that one day, so he really dodged a big one.
@alexghous Жыл бұрын
Once, God said to me "You can have evil, or you can have eviler. You decide." I said "I choose good." God said "You can't do that." I said "I just did."
@sakurakittynoir1400 Жыл бұрын
I thought Ted Bundy's 'type' were brunettes, not blondes. In fact, I'm certain of it. He specifically targeted women that resembled his ex girlfriend. She was a brunette & had hair styled a certain way. Most, if not all, of his victims had the same hair style & color as his ex.
@Macncheese919 Жыл бұрын
honestly I have one (it wasn't me but instead my sister) One day my mother went into my sisters bedroom to wake her up for school, my sister being a teen she said she didn't feel it today, so with my mom being the 1 in 1000 mom's to not be strict she said "Okay but tomorrow you have to go and do bonus work" I was in my room playing games until I heard a loud crash sound, my parents investigated it and apparently the ceiling fell with the weight of 4 dead rats and 4 alive ones and a lot of dung and mouse traps, and everyone was screaming about the rats. But what I was thinking about was how my very sister could've died that day. (yes we got a bug bomb for the house and that was about 3 or so years ago)
@frankw9619 Жыл бұрын
I recognise Edinburgh!
@Not-TheOne Жыл бұрын
The story about the truck that jack knifed and almost killed the kid. No, he didnt dodge anything, if anything, if he hadnt argued with is father taking up time, they would have left earlier and his father would have driven past the truck before the accident.
@Manfr_ Жыл бұрын
my parents went on a trip to africa and while they were at there camp a group of african robbers came an were stealing everything there and my mother put her head out her tent and my father pulled her down right when she did that and than a bullet came flying over there tent. So if my dad didnt do that my mother woudnt be alive right now.
@casebycase_904 Жыл бұрын
I remember my ex boss telling me. His son threw a fit at his elementary school. Didn't hurt anyone or ruin anything but just an uncontrollable tantrum and wet himself the teachers were like okay, the only thing we can do is have his parents come and pick him up. So out of characteristic is what they were thinking. He was doing one of those management by walking around thing at the production site, a chemical plant, but his wife was not available to go pick up the first child as she has just given birth. He profusely apologized to the staffs of the factory who prepared for his visit for a couple months (he was pretty high up in management) for leaving them after such a short visit. Since he was such a higher up management guy, the entire staff of the plant followed him to the entrance of the plant to bid good bye in a very east asian way -so, nobody was on the site. And thank god, because there was a leakage of some gas and an explosion that could have hurt many people. Thankfully as he was getting ready to drive off, waving at the people, the explosion happened, so nobody was hurt. But his son was made fun of for wetting himself in school for a bit but eventually that stopped
@MrMcguire89 Жыл бұрын
Simple, I didn't get the COVID jab. lol
@unitcharles8278 Жыл бұрын
When I was kid I have a tour to mangrove with my family and my cousin. There was a time that while we still on the boat listen to whatever guide explain and then my cousin said he saw someone in the wood. The guide look at that direction and said “Its was nothing” then decide to take us back. So we got home. The next day the news said “Police raid a terrorist hideout in (That mangrove), 30+ were arrested” I like : ..Oh…..ok
It was Christmas Day the same year as the ATARI 5200 game system I got for my niece first came out. I'm an autistic black guy. My brother from another mother who grew up with me was an absolutely HUGE Hairy Perfectly Ugly 6 ft 8 in 410 pound autistic white guy. We're drunk my dad laughs and tells us we better sober up before my mom sees us. We have a blast. Just before we leave my mom who does not like strong drink gives us both two cups of Egg Nog strong enough to sedate a BULL! We are way too drunk for my brother to drive so we ride the #15 Overlea home. My brother is extremely overprotective of me because I have cerebral palsy and autism. He insists I hold his hand as we cross a busy street. Its pitch dark night and this car comes screaming down the street towards us at over 100 miles per hour easy. At the absolute last second the car swerved missing us. My brother is HUGE WHITE GUY you can't miss him. I am 100% sure the only reason we were alive is the drunk driver saw my GIGANTIC brother and did not want to hit something that big and ruin is car. I was saved because I was holding his hand right beside him. We were so drunk and shook up after boarding the bus that the driver told us just go sit down he did not want the fare. Were it not for my big fat brother we would have been dead that night! I still cringe when I think of it. We paid our fare upon leaving the bus. The driver laughed saying that's the BIGGEST WHITE BOY I'VE EVER SEEN! My brother just said YUP! I said come along little one. The bus driver died laughing. I still remember the street intersection. Bentalou and Edmondson Avenue in Baltimore, Maryland. Follow the link and see for yourself from Google Earth! www.google.com/maps/place/N+Bentalou+St+%26+Edmondson+Ave,+Baltimore,+MD+21223/@39.2948611,-76.6532444,3a,75y,258.02h,91.06t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sa1qKAifgYTMlRwh1icWJ8A!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!4m6!3m5!1s0x89c81b582c884325:0xc5c202e8cd6ade16!8m2!3d39.2948329!4d-76.6532503!16s%2Fg%2F11gdymby8x The intersection does not look like much today but my brother's life and my life almost ended that night right here in this intersection linked above.
@digglethedogdad4788 Жыл бұрын
@scotttrammell3913 Жыл бұрын
These are grown-ass adults?
@Morbazan125 Жыл бұрын
Most of the time it’s money not ignorance
@LadyAmdis Жыл бұрын
Mom left a burner on the gas stove running all night as an alternative to keeping the heat on, to 'add a little more warmth' to the house because she was cold. The flame somehow got extinguished and just began pumping gas into the house. My stepdad stays in one of our other properties at night to keep people from thinking it's abandoned, so when he came in the next morning he said there was so much gas that you could see it. The only reason we didn't die is because one of her windows doesn't seal shut properly, and I sleep next to mine and keep it cracked open, so we both had a steady supply of fresh air.
@davidzhang4871 Жыл бұрын
Hmm whats he gonna say? Him: Ted Bundy. WTF
@Milkymalk Жыл бұрын
Story 3: If that guy had come along without making much of a fuss, they would have passed the truck long before it lost control and his dad would neither have been traumatized nor lost his car. ;)
@lindyditmore1880 Жыл бұрын
This channel is a carbon copy of another Channel called "am I the genius". All they do is change the cover and call it an original video.
@Morbazan125 Жыл бұрын
I’ve had that sleep thing happen once where I’d been asleep for about ten hours but from my point of view I literally blinked, one moment it was bright, sunny and kinda noisy outside and the next it was pitch dark and quiet. No memory of even feeling slightly tired and no grogginess waking up. I was in the middle of placing a takeaway order. I kept looking outside wondering what the hell was going on, checked the time on my phone and didn’t believe it, pull back the curtains again still not computing what was going on, checked all the other things with clocks and even called up a friend, waking them up in the middle of the night asking was it actually night time. It was so disorientating🤣