Noel Got His Neck Stretched Out??
Noel exorcises his balls
11 ай бұрын
WE BACK you stupid idiots!
Жыл бұрын
Noel gets attacked by a bisexual
JonTron being a snake.
2 жыл бұрын
Tom Holland swearing!
2 жыл бұрын
You dropped your crown short king!
Cody Ko ISN"T going bald!
2 жыл бұрын
Dababys, they're everywhere!
2 жыл бұрын
Best roast ever? I think so.
2 жыл бұрын
Cody Ko drilling real good
2 жыл бұрын
Cody and Noel expose Rebecca Black
@Zodiac_Kyle 2 күн бұрын
I could also argue that looking at the world through the lense of a hyper rationalist stoic male perspective is also wrong but I don’t do that because I don’t need to prove to anyone the power of the stars. I simply interpret them
@noodles3606 4 күн бұрын
For all these people here saying that astrology is bullshit, clearly are ignorant and have not even took the time to properly understand what actual astrology even is. And no, I’m not talking about western/modern astrology, I’m talking about ancient vedic astrology. First learn all about it, before dismissing it and judging us like jackasses. Clearly yall lack the intelligence, spirituality and mental capacity to even fathom the concepts of astrology, it is so much more than you just being a “capricorn”. If you’re still not able to comprehend it, go to an experienced jyotish and they will read your whole life like a fucking book.
@neiljohnson7914 8 күн бұрын
I am working towards a PhD. in theoretical astrology.
@joshuagargalione378 10 күн бұрын
I see comments like 95% of the people that share signs have similar personality traits. It’s called the power of suggestion. Sometimes people try to fit the narrative. Our personalities are dictated by our brain chemistry, and our environment in which we Grew up in.
@moexus 18 күн бұрын
We don't even know what's in between our ears, let alone comprehend the science of the universe and how it affects our personalities.
@lastknightromine214 18 күн бұрын
Worf: *I will feed him*
@Sepharig 19 күн бұрын
Within the pewdiepie lore, we often forget that the man got Mr. Beast, ELON MUSK, JUSTIN ROILAND and DR. PHIL ..... It's so interesting to think about considering he doesn't really flex or care much about it
@ahmednayyer3466 21 күн бұрын
I have to differ, and for a reason, you my dear sir, as Oct 5 libra, and the first thing about anyone born on this date is a person at conflict with their intellectual and spiritual goals. This can clearly be seen here. Talking outside the realm of science will not invalidate you. While most of the astrology today must be a fabricated bundle - all similar zodiac sign people are similar. Two Taurus people will have similar traits, and so on for any zodiac. Can someone tell otherwise?
@DocOcky 23 күн бұрын
The only thing the stars have to do with astrology is what star constellation was in the sky when you were born other than that everything in astrology is based on social dynamics in the earths cycles, and how people respond to those very cycles Realistically, most astrologers, don’t know ish about astrology just as much as u guys don’t
@DanielDavid-gh8mz 24 күн бұрын
Jesus told when a person slaps you show the other cheek. What that means is you don't REACT! The same thing is what yogis do, they avoid reacting to all the internal and external impulses. Because when you react you fall in the karmic trap of these planets, which is true. That is what jesus and yogi's are teying to save you from. (The matrix/The physical world)
@mars9075 25 күн бұрын
But the fact that people with the same star sign are always at least 95% alike doesn't tell you something?
@derekegidio2723 12 күн бұрын
"Always" and "at least" NINETY-FIVE percent the same? Mind sharing your data with the class?
@mars9075 11 күн бұрын
@@derekegidio2723 what kind of data would you need from me when there's millions of data out there in the internet conducted by more reputable people than me ? I didn't say 100% because there could never be 100% of anything. Matter fact why dont you do your own experiments and grab two people of the same star sign and find if they're similar or not rather than trying to be the antagonist on every single comment
@tjay6969 5 күн бұрын
Dude that is SOO false
@mars9075 5 күн бұрын
@@tjay6969 you're probably a virgo or a Capricorn
@tjay6969 5 күн бұрын
@@mars9075 Not saying you're stupid or anything but dude EVERY SINGLE INDIVIDUAL is different. Your zodiac sign has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with your personality or behavior. It just doesn't. "People with the same star sign are always at least 95% alike" That statement is VERY incorrect and it can be DEMONSTRATED that it is incorrect. For example, take 10 Aries and put them together, most likely most of them will be different from each other. If you REALLY went out and tested this out you'd see that most people of the same sign are NOT the same. And the few that are the same are not alike because of a zodiac sign. It is a coincidence. Also, with 8 million people in the world, OF COURSE there are a lot of people ON THE PLANET who have similarities based on the numbers game in which a lot of those people just happen to be of the same sign. That's because of a large NUMBER. Not because of a star that connects them. Hell, ALL it would take is for 1 out of the 10 Aries to be different from the other 9 to show that this belief that "people with the same sign are always alike" is CLEARLY wrong.
@Dylan-yv6ko 28 күн бұрын
People who believe in astrology I can't take you seriously and you're immediately dismissed from my life
@ryanm776 Ай бұрын
I'm sure I'm wrong, as Neil just points out! I still think the human creation of Astrology is pretty cool!!
@aliciaridley17 Ай бұрын
You literally said absolutely nothing. Amazing….
@caiusfritz391 Ай бұрын
Why closely 70% of MENSA members respect and beliefs in Astrology. Why many wise can see there is a a lot potential and High truths behind 🌞🙏🌛
@caiusfritz391 Ай бұрын
Our western astrology isn’t updated since 2500 years ago when ancient Greek people started to develop astrology into European athmosphere. Eastern Jyotisha updates itself each day and in India Politicians, business people, down to common people use astrology. In India Being Astrologer is similar to being a Doctor and some continue their Astrological studies up to PHD degree. In west everyone can become an astrologer and start to milk money from honest people without knowing the true science behind, Without any education in colleges is not available, so so not be suprised why astrologers can give you false analyzes. Simple astrology every man and women can study yes of course, but knowing Naksathra 27 star system, divisional charts ( D1 - D108) TaKe years of studying. Astrology is ancient Aryan science revealed by our ancient Indo - Aryan ancestors, so please careful man what you are saying. Insulting old and excisting belief and information system and not knowing anything about the subject matter… dude you are not painting beatiful future to yourself, So please TaKe this to your mind, When you are next time going to fall….
@FreemanPresson Ай бұрын
This is a joke, right? NDGT needs to tend his own garden.
@robertkennerley4694 Ай бұрын
the second mistake of science. Do you exist forever. So would 1 + 1 = 2 if they were no intelligence life? This remark thinks exist which a brain. The torah tells you want you died you can not change what you are however when your are alive you change every day.Your essence is fixed and remain forever. Who you are what you are and what you became will not change . this way torah tells you can be resurrected..
@robertkennerley4694 Ай бұрын
big bang miss interpreted. phroton create every thing planets ,star dust and even living things. phroton reside in the dark matter or void. remember dark matter miss interpreted. seems science is on a roll. two two biggies wrong. phroton even the void and disappears and reappears in our reality. phroton has intelligence. Numbers 23:19 God is not a man. Then Solomon declared: "The LORD has said that He would dwell in the thick cloud. So is phroton the god gene or can phroton be the spirit of god or just God. Science is useful however it proves nothing. science only implies. your best guess.
@ignanitzart Ай бұрын
To laugh at an ancient wisdom that was not focused on individual level but on the collective, and a tool to explain the cycles of planets and stars, is to be a modern arrogant fool. If Phytagoras and Plato believed and calculated the cyclical nature of the universe, studied by previous mesopotamian and egyptian astronomers, what makes you believe you have a wiser knowdledge?
@piersonjeanmarc Ай бұрын
You can't deny though that le movement of the planets and the use of constellations as markers works like a clock et define rhythms. If we align our lives to these rhythms, at a psychological - subconscious level, then the cosmic clock indicates our own rhythms. The psyche has collective dimensions, called culture. Why couldn't a culture align psychic realities to the cosmic clock?
@mildredotieno454 Ай бұрын
Expert fallacy detected lol
@tarotntoke Ай бұрын
Neil is a sold out loser
@abidinglawasliveuk.9858 Ай бұрын
In the Name of Allaah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.. Astrology is not permissible in islaam. The Creator is Allaah Exalted and Most High ☝️🕋 as is well known. To whom belongs the Kingdom of the Seven Heaven's and Earth 🌎 and all in Between. Everything comes as his Creation so Worship is only for him for which we are Created too. Idol Diety and Statue Worship,Norse,Sumerian,Aztek,Avatars and Greek Gods or Goddesses are no more than Untrue Myths that have no right to be Worshipped and this why all False Dietys are forbidden by the Prophet Ibraheem until the last day.. God's Grace and Mercy is more than we can imagine so nobody needs to go through any Idols or Dieties. Prophet Ibraheem was the Father of the Prophet's and all The Prophet's were Paternal Brothers so no exemption can be made, even with the Final and Seal of the Messengers. Prophet Muhammad. Peace be upon them all and families. .
@gios4ma Ай бұрын
I think its a huge assumption that astrology suggests the universe is personally controlling our personalities. the seasons attached to each sign can affect how others perceive you as well as hire you perceive the world. so much of our personalities are the result of random occurences. but it is statistically plausible that many of those occurrences are more likely to happen during certain seasons. therefore, you’re likely to have certain personality traits based on the timing of when you were born.
@spoopythings Ай бұрын
Why do so many women believe that!! Even my mom and sister who are genuinely smart people belive it. Not a single guy I know do. Can we all just admit that it’s not astrology that has anything to do with a bad date, bad work, bad anything. It’s you. People are assholes, people are nice. Depends on their upbringing.
@Lalune350z Ай бұрын
Oh the horoscope people... Doesn't matter when you say horoscopes are a made up bs to try to connect yourself with the stars. They would insist on asking what's your zodiac sign? Oh Gemini? That explains why you say what you say 😂🤦‍♂️
@yoginitime Ай бұрын
The moon and sun have an affect on us why wouldn’t the stars and planets?
@anaconda4407 Ай бұрын
The effect is one thing, but effect on what level ? If stars affect , than so is the topography of earth, the thing is how you prioritise the effect. If you are in budding that are gonna destroyed by earthquake, than does ithe stars makes sense, like everyone do have the somthing similar in their horoscope, no proof at all
@yoginitime Ай бұрын
@@anaconda4407 Everything has subjectivity. An example, mushrooms have a certain way they grow but are they aware of themselves? Whether they are or not they are still existing. The effect is really in our own awareness. Astrology helps some people orient to this world. Others orient through understanding science or other things. I guess the question you're proposing is to what level and the answer is subjectivity. Everyone "is" with a different understanding!
@anaconda4407 Ай бұрын
@OftheVine I don't think astrology orients people, but it does very well in disorienting people, and the tendency of astrology is not towards subjectivity, but it tends more towards objectivity, these are two points I want you to consider. Astrology's foundation is prediction, and prediction is not based on subjective technique, but it is quite objective, if there is a certain combination, the specific thing is more likely to happen, now this is purely objective. It is this nature of astrology that some astrologers call it similar to science. Now let's talk about what is the objective of astrology, is it gonna help someone in any way from coming out of the problem he or she is in, or save the person from the problem, I don't think so. It will rationalise the problem in the language of stars like it is your horoscope that made you get robbed on the street. Poor is poor because of its horoscope, so that blame goes back to a person only. In fact, in India astrology was used for 1000 years to justify the caste system, and it gave the intellectual backing for the exploitation. I read a wise man saying, that if you believe in astrology, it will come true to you, and if you don't, you can see it does not work on any level, it is just about our mindset. Everything affects the life of a person, from the sun to stars, and even galaxies, that is how the universe functions and we are alive on Earth. Every thread is important. But the question is how it affects us, is it Venus that gives money to a person? Then why do certain geographies have prominent poverty, so is it earth and resources? Then why are many Western countries rich without resources, so is intelligence and technology, or the balance of everything that brings prosperity? I have studied astrology for 3 years, and I have made predictions that amazed people. But gradually I felt hollow from inside, the arrogance that I understood the magical rule of the universe corrupted me, my brain became more foggy, and I was not grounded. Today I criticise astrology at all levels, no matter whether it is true or not, it is useless. Our body and brain have limitations, and sometimes it is better to respect limitations. That's remind of Socrates who said I know I am wise because I know, I know nothing.
@yoginitime Ай бұрын
@@anaconda4407 The way I look at astrology is it's a cosmic weather report just like wear your sun hat when it's sunny. I'm a teacher and when it's a full moon and throughout the moon cycle you can tell the students feel the changes. It's important to be objective and understand our subjective experience. And, like you said there are many factors. Hari Krishna
@anaconda4407 Ай бұрын
@OftheVine A teacher, that's a huge responsibility, you have control over the life and shape of the future of many students of yours and by that the whole nation and world. So good luck with that. You have a very positive perspective, but since you are a teacher I would just add that never discourage a critical mind, which by the way lot of teachers do. The many past human generations have lived their whole life based on fact which was a lie, like a flat earth, Thousands of civilisations died in ignorance, and those who rebelled challenged the existing understating , they were the ones who made breakthroughs in human life. This is what many elders do to exceptional children who don't follow the same chain of thought, as normal children, they superimpose their thoughts on them to kill critical thinking. About your whole comment, the one thing that really want me to respond to you is your last word Hare Krishna, why you said that ? What does it mean? It is subjective question , I know, that's why I am asking it, what these words means to you when you say it to other ?
@StellaDeeCoder 2 ай бұрын
What about Vedic astrology?
@Affluence_8 5 күн бұрын
Imported knowledge.
@itchyfeat1111 2 ай бұрын
I'm a Cesarean !!!
@samueldeandrade8535 2 ай бұрын
3:19 this video is awful. The timestamp is the ABSOLUTE WORST part. This is just one more proof that NdGT is very irresponsible. The answer is "I don't know". He can say "I don't believe ...", but the answer must contain a "I ... don't ... know".
@samueldeandrade8535 2 ай бұрын
Urgh, what a bad answer.
@Sp0nker 2 ай бұрын
I would love to not believe in Astrology, and I'm still very skeptical, but, everything I read about my own sign "Cancer" seems to be very entwined in my own being. I am a person who is hyper emotional, temperamental, and spiteful. in addition to being devoted, and extremely fond of their loved ones, often to an UNHEALTHY DEGREE. I place a high value on family and close friends, and will go to great lengths to defend them, no matter the price. I honest to science have an unhealthy relationship of imagining myself being able to sacrifice myself for people I love, I've had this feeling before I knew what "Astrology" was. I might be crazy, (Likely so) but didn't Nicolaus Copernicus get ridiculed for being crazy too? I'd love nothing more than to not have to be a cancer in this world.
@lordhriley 2 ай бұрын
Well in a sense it did.
@saxegothaea_conspicua 2 ай бұрын
After this i believe more
@dzazalbukara1467 2 ай бұрын
He is simply not able to understand and mentaly grasp an intuitive science, so he spites on it. He is not very bright. 😢
@bamboozled8955 2 ай бұрын
"Science" it is a pseudoscience alright 😂
@sida947 2 ай бұрын
I don't believe in astrology or follow it. But it is a bold assumption to say "none of it, has any effect on us, at all". We know our mood can be affected by electromagnetism. So I don't know why anybody doesn't think that we could be affected by solar rays. But maybe that context is not exactly what he meant. But I still think it's a bold assumption.
@themind1401 2 ай бұрын
When a tarot reader starts to give advice to an astrologer 😂😂
@StarseedEarth-ek7gt 2 ай бұрын
You gate keeper 👏
@Antagon666 2 ай бұрын
Neil de Grasse claiming that gender is a spectrum in 3 minutes. Such hypocrite
@gtavtheavengergunnerlegend3340 2 ай бұрын
i believe people are referring to the gravity not so much planets
@EdgarTheOgre 2 ай бұрын
The worst he can say is no:
@ChlorineHeart 2 ай бұрын
For most of human history, astrology was not used as a personality test the way pop astrology uses it. Astrology doesn't hinge on the belief that planets revolve around the Earth either. The babylonians documented centuries of astrological correlation, they didn't just make up a story and go with it. Don't believe in astrology- that's fine. But don't misrepresent what it actually is to prove your point.
@vinodgurung2291 Ай бұрын
So what is it exactly? He basically debunked what people think about astrology that is it affects & influences the life of people. And co-relation doesn't always mean causation.
@ChlorineHeart Ай бұрын
@@vinodgurung2291 he didn't actually debunk anything; he doesn't understand anything about how astrology actually works and he misrepresented the origins of it which is shady. Astrology is not a hard science, it's better to consider it a soft science at most or an art. It's very interpretive and studies correlations- that's the whole point. Lots of scientific studies are just studying correlations because sometimes it is valuable
@SumiOccult 2 ай бұрын
Americans are scary.
@dutchman6427 2 ай бұрын
It should be said that a corralation does mean something. Neil knows that but knows it is impossible to back that correlation up with science, so short answer no, long anwser its complicated and no one knows yet. btw i dont believe in astrology just being open minded. Because we go around the sun and the sun doesnt go around us doesnt mean the sun doesnt affect us in some manner. You also have to take into consideration the butterfly effect and all sorts of psychology effects like a self fullfilling prophecy. Maybe someone should start and do an actual scientific study on the correlation, isnt it basiclly the same as stocks if you think about it( yes like the meme) but we al know over %51 percent over a long time is an advantage, same could be said for astrology. Thanks for reading my TED read Edit: Look at @dynionpiler5150 comment for how such a study would go about
@ragequitter 2 ай бұрын
For a gender that says they are smarter than the other, they sure believe in some bull shit lol
@darkvalkyrie5366 2 ай бұрын
Finally someone cleared that shit away. The vibe is: press flush 🌀
@pranaypandya5627 2 ай бұрын
Bro is matrix
@Carlos-dr8qq 2 ай бұрын
Neil should just admit he knows NOTHING about Astrology. If I had his birth data I would prove astrology is real in less than 5mins.
@Mariyasgarden 3 ай бұрын
The sleepless nights of the babylonians, greeks and romans.." this is how all came about?! I was curious to hear that concept.. I think you might need probably some more sleepless nights to figure it all out (read more please, observe for yourself please) but yes... it needs the sleeples nights sometimes :)..Obviously you already know everything so deeply that you can put it even in 4 minutes video? Here is one for you to think about more! I am a person who saw a material objects vanishing infront of my eyes. I am writing a book about it. Do you really think 3D is a solid matter? Do you?