The making of the next grand canyon........................
@jamesdegaugh431617 күн бұрын
leave the bushes do to erosion
@djjuicediditАй бұрын
Must have taken out a lot of vegetation on his land and his neighbors must have too
@djjuicediditАй бұрын
He’s really messing up his own land - so much erosion - he did no research on permaculture
@scottyv68Ай бұрын
I see that you're running 275 60s on a 15 x 10, do you know what the backspace is on the wheels, thanks
@danielherber971027 күн бұрын
I don't own the car anymore, and I can't recall the backpacking. You might contact Radir Rims and ask them the standard backspace on their 15X10s.
@Wqk14xhddv7Ай бұрын
tough job.. large diameter PIPE for erosion ...
@sianwarwick633Ай бұрын
It's 2024 and this is relevant information. The visual presentation of trench-digging begins at 3:48. They 'Y formation' is at 6:03
@ThaiRoney2 ай бұрын
That’s amazing work
@Tiffanys-Dad2 ай бұрын
This stream looks like the same stream that is on our property with about the same problems Thanks!
@Richard012342 ай бұрын
Plant a few feet away along side the trench, trees and shrubs will drink up the water so youll have dry land.
@stahlthurhree57114 ай бұрын
Great job. It must take a fair amount of maintenance too, regularly clearing debris and sediment
@TheodoreBagwell-g5r4 ай бұрын
In my country you can't drain your water directly into your neighbor's land. That's not a way to treat a neighbor. I dug a trench to lay pipe and installed a pump to get water to the street.
@CAHOBBES4 ай бұрын
It is illegal to drain one property into anothers.
@tracyerik4 ай бұрын
Nice color too. Really good looking car.
@OfftoShambala4 ай бұрын
If it was me, I’d widen it and turn it into a creek… with a few watering holes but not too big or deep to keep the water moving… I love creeks. I gre up on a creek in California… and then moved to az near oak creek (Sedona) and I’m a creek girl. As some river rocks and make it a feature. I beg you. I’m drooling.
@t.l.fuller954 ай бұрын
a little wider and I'd find a board and have a little fun lol
@Mystic_The_Wolf5 ай бұрын
idk why but watching water flow like that is oddly satisfying
@billybee34235 ай бұрын
You’re a better man than me. I would’ve built a damn and diverted everything back to him. After that, get and injunction with C&D.
@agray055 ай бұрын
We’ve been facing a similar situation for 4-5 years, with 3 different homeowners during that period, who have made the runoff problem worse with each purchaser. You’re a better person than we are. I resent the continual work & $ we have to expend each year. Good for you!😊
@leimanaabenes75 ай бұрын
"Saying uh and um can make one seem hesitant, insecure or lacking confidence." Try counting how times you said them.
@oscar.gonzalez5 ай бұрын
Did the pond owner ask permission to allow overflow drainage onto your property?
@danielherber97105 ай бұрын
It was like this when I purchased the property. Not sure about the history of it all.
@laurenneal81025 ай бұрын
Wow, awesome!!! Interesting that it flows without the use of rocks. It must have been upsetting before you trenched to be inundated with water from the pond!
@marcellemay77216 ай бұрын
I'm in east TN also. I have a similar situation. A little different. My neighbors property across the street all drains to a low point which goes under the road and then drains and fans out into my field. I have a pond on my property and the water does eventually drain into the pond but not before saturating the heck out of my field. I need to make a trench from where his drain tile comes out straight to the pond. It's roughly 125 feet. I have a backhoe so it shouldn't be too hard to do. But then I also need to manage the other side of the pond so that it goes straight to the creek on the edge of my property which is also about 100 feet. This has been chewing on my mind for the 8 yrs I've been here, your video is giving me the motivation to get it done
@Zoofactory6 ай бұрын
Nice job. Wondering how it looks 5 years later. (I have a similar challenge ahead.)
@js-wq6zy6 ай бұрын
Get an excavator and redig the trench on the neighbors property, maybe right beside his driveway....
@limitlessends6 ай бұрын
Bro dug an whole ass creek!
@maxlown3636 ай бұрын
I would love to have a water wheel powering a generator
@Control-Freak6 ай бұрын
Gotta stop using "ahh" as a pause in your speech, not trying to be ugly but something for you to work on. Someone years ago busted my chops for this habit too.
@danielherber97106 ай бұрын
Thank you. Others have commented similarly.
@normbograham6 ай бұрын
In NY, there were houses on a hillside. a house diverted water from their basement, and the neighbors house's basement flooded. So, they diverted the water. And the next house had a basement flood. Then the next house , the lady was at a nursing home, when they opened the door, found there was 5' of water in her basement. They put the house up for sale in a fire-sale situation, and the buyer, had a backhoe, and diverted the water down the hill to the road. At that point it was near a stream flowing across the road, the town had to fix it. When it comes to water, everyone diverted, and it became their neighbors problem. Jokes on the creditors, the buyer was her grandson, whom knew why the water was in the basement. And with a backhoe, easily made 80,000 by removing the water situation.
@danielherber97106 ай бұрын
@Jimmy-Legs7 ай бұрын
Very very impressive
@Jimmy-Legs7 ай бұрын
Should have built a dam.
@Spiritualsimplicity7 ай бұрын
This is exactly what I needed ty
@danielherber97106 ай бұрын
@DIYTutorialGuy7 ай бұрын
Nice work!
@muaddib76857 ай бұрын
As long as the freeboard and emergency overflow level for the pond meet requirements, then additional overflows are an act of God. People don't have to build above standard.
@jaykaye67367 ай бұрын
I've often had to dig trenches in my yard to control water run off but it's nothing compared to what you did. You good! I also know what you mean when you say you had to do it before you got too old. I do a little bit and then take two days to recover!
@stevenhuckaby29027 ай бұрын
Not a burnout, thats a power brake, even a 6 cylinder will do that
@jellybean80717 ай бұрын
next epsiode , i wish you build a dam :)
@Amlandscaping4138 ай бұрын
Guy dug this with a shovel he’s a better man then me
@tacroom128 ай бұрын
Did you add rock to the bottom of the trench? How do you keep dirt from eroding into the trench?
@danielherber97108 ай бұрын
It was indeed necessary to add rock throughout the project.
@LionsTigersBears8 ай бұрын
Richard Petty would be truly proud of that car. Just need the number 43 on the side...
@LionsTigersBears8 ай бұрын
Tires are now truly round😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@TitanRaider238 ай бұрын
Lot of work
@pattracey1058 ай бұрын
The ground you are standing is saturated! It is swamp land - you can’t change the water table by digging! You’ve just passed the problem onto someone down stream! A mini digger can get through a gap 1 meter wide then extend its tracks out to go to work. Ffs!
@roadking99jokerst608 ай бұрын
Line-Lock is fun.
@jimmyjohnson70418 ай бұрын
First.....why the trees ?? If you want a remove all trees / brush ( grass wont grow here theres shade .... Widen out the waterway so the water can spread out.....thus not cause cutting action. Many options you can use to solve this problem !
@amontodd64838 ай бұрын
you have a decent lawsuit here.
@newbiesrock82068 ай бұрын
Then a beaver family comes and ruin the day! - My pond is now a lake due to beavers :O( and I got many dead trees that have their roots underwater... I love beavers but I also hate them, if that makes sense.
@johnberry11078 ай бұрын
Thats the problem of the pond owner. Not your issue, man. Come on.
@ghjfh48938 ай бұрын
Thats so cool
@nunyabizznizz73268 ай бұрын
my mazda doesnt need a wet road...
@danielherber97108 ай бұрын
The car had a problem with the kickdown linkage that was affecting rear wheel hp.