Maple garden path
Ай бұрын
Japanese maples in spring
3 ай бұрын
Maple spring rescue
4 ай бұрын
Christmas in the maple garden
Japanese maple update late October
Late summer maple update
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Pond experience, update and recap
Verigated Japanese maples
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Maple garden in August rain
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Late July in the maple garden
When I see you as a tree
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Evening in the maple garden
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Bamboo in the maple garden
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@apleparulo3958 19 сағат бұрын
Looking good. Beautiful place you have there.
@mbeeme355 8 сағат бұрын
Thank you 🙂
@fisiomanuales 4 күн бұрын
Cool plan for shelter, the views there you live are very awesome and peaceful.
@mbeeme355 4 күн бұрын
Thanks, yes this place is a sanctuary, and I'm grateful for living here and having the opportunity to create something that I find beautiful
@fisiomanuales 4 күн бұрын
@@mbeeme355 you’ve been chosen for this place ! 😌
@mbeeme355 4 күн бұрын
@@fisiomanuales thats exactly what I feel too, and if I can share this appreciation and experience of beauty with others it makes even more sense.
@fisiomanuales 4 күн бұрын
@@mbeeme355 I’m with yours thoughts!!! Thank you for being here
@epzzz 4 күн бұрын
Nydelig organisk design!
@mbeeme355 4 күн бұрын
@epzzz 5 күн бұрын
Sett litt på videoene dine de siste dagene og la nå merke til at du er fra Norge! Er ikke så god til å søke på breddegrad og slikt, så lurer litt på ca hvor langt nord du er? Selv havna litt på JM-kjøret, og prøver å få dem til i Trondheim. Ligger ganske tett på skog mot nord, så håper det vil ta unna for det verste av nordavind..
@mbeeme355 5 күн бұрын
Hei, Jeg bor på nordmøre, så ikke så langt unna Trondheim. Men jeg har selv bodd mange år i Trondheim og kjenner litt til klimaet der. I utgangspunktet tror jeg ikke at temperaturen vil være et problem, men det er avgjørende at lønnene dine har god skjerming mot vind, spesielt ved løvsprett. Jeg jobber nå med å etablere sjikt av vintergrønne planter for å bygge og å styrke vernet mot været, sjekk den siste videoen min : "Introducing the conifer garden" Jeg har sett at rododendron og JP liker ganske like forhold, så om du får rododendron til å trives der du er, vil jeg tro du vil kunne lykkes med JP. Ellers må man bare lære seg de lokale og spesifikke forhold i den enkelte hagen og hvordan været påvirker hver krok og krik, og derifra lære å bygge det mikroklimaet man trenger for å lykkes. Hyggelig at vi er flere nordmenn som holder på med dette.🙂
@epzzz 5 күн бұрын
@@mbeeme355 Har en svær rododenron nede i samme hagen, så satser på at det kan gå bra. Etpar av dem står i bed og har drivhus som vegg mot nord. Tror de står litt i ei slags "gryte", der høyere trær rundt blir mer tatt av vinden enn de i hagen. Har du en instagram eller noe det går ann å følge med, eller kun på youtube?
@Acerdorer 5 күн бұрын
Great Colors on your Orange lace. I also bought one recently but it is only completely green even on the new growth. Hope it will look more interesting in fall or next year then. Do you get your trees from local nurseries or where do you order? Greetings from Hamburg
@mbeeme355 5 күн бұрын
I get my trees from a nursery in my region, but I am quite sure they get them from some were in Europe, maybe even Germany. I wish you good luck with your Orange lace 🙂
@Steviejapanesegarden 7 күн бұрын
Very nice variety’s love the fall colours ❤
@fisiomanuales 7 күн бұрын
Very nice story of each maple! I have seen the Aconitifolium (Dancing Peak) many times in autumn but are these colors now the beginning of autumn or is it a reaction between cold and heat? The other maples are fantastic and worthy of showing.
@mbeeme355 7 күн бұрын
Yes, the colors of Dancing peacock is the beginning of the autumn colors. I'm glad you enjoyed the video.
@fisiomanuales 7 күн бұрын
@@mbeeme355 ok then, I will fallow your evolution!
@arcemasterbonsai 8 күн бұрын
wow super, stunning
@mbeeme355 8 күн бұрын
@fisiomanuales 11 күн бұрын
Yay! Super colors on Kiyohime and Wilson’s Pink Dwarf!!! The others are loking so great this summer, congratulations!
@mbeeme355 11 күн бұрын
Thanks, I'm happy that they are doing so good
@fisiomanuales 11 күн бұрын
@@mbeeme355 I’m really really happy for what you have this year because the last were “just in case” to have Acer.
@apleparulo3958 19 күн бұрын
Do you find that Garnet and Inaba Shidare are similar in terms of form and growth habit? I've seen photos of garnet after pruning and it has beautiful structure. Unfortunately, it is hard to find Garnet for purchase. Inaba is more available by far, but I am wondering how similar they are.
@mbeeme355 19 күн бұрын
Yes, in my limited experience I find them quite similar. I honestly would not be able to distinguish the one from the other since every tree has their own individual characteristic. I hope you will enjoy your new tre, whether its a Inaba Shidare or a Garnet 🙂
@apleparulo3958 24 күн бұрын
Looks great. Do you have a recommendation for a compact acer for zone 6a, mostly full sun? I prefer a darker leaf. Thx.
@mbeeme355 24 күн бұрын
Thank you for watching 🙂 In zone 6 it should be quite easy to make maples thrive as long as you can protect them against wind. I do not have any maple in mostly sun, but both Starfish and Red pygmy I have in the afternoon sun and they have kept their red color great during the summer. Shishigashira is a very interesting dark green maple that can take much sun. Jerre Schwartz is a compact red cultivar that is very beautiful. It is said to tolerate full sun, but it then may loose its red during the summer. There are so many more delightful maples to choose from, and I wish you luck with your choice.
@apleparulo3958 23 күн бұрын
@@mbeeme355 Thank you for your detailed reply! The only compact ones I have available locally are Shaina, Inabe Shidare, Moonrise, Orangeola, and the other usual suspects (Tamukeyama, etc.). I was amazed with the colors on Moonrise right now. I suppose it's hard to go wrong with any...
@mbeeme355 23 күн бұрын
@@apleparulo3958 Moonrise is absolutely wonderful and one of my all time favorites, but it is said to not enjoy full sun...My experience with Shaina is not so good, I have had two, and both of them died during springtime. Jerre Schwartz is related and in my experience more hardy. The Orangeola I have has been very strong and grows very well. I'm trying my second Inaba Shidare now, the first one died in spring due to a placement that was too windy. In general I think placement is of major importance, so the better you know your garden the better chance you have for success.🙂
@apleparulo3958 23 күн бұрын
@@mbeeme355 Thank you for your insights! I am a new subscriber and look forward to more content. Your location looks amazing, btw.
@mbeeme355 23 күн бұрын
@@apleparulo3958 Thanks and good luck with your acer🙂
@xray1337 28 күн бұрын
Nice garden! I also live in northern climate and want to make a maple garden, I'm still collecting maples im cointainers and bring them in to the garage over winter. Going to try plant some hardy maples soon :) What USDA zone are you in? I'm in zone 5b.
@mbeeme355 28 күн бұрын
Hello and thanks for watching, I'm in zone 7 between a and b. You could check out the Frost collection of maples specially grown for colder climate. Examples are North Wind, Arctic Jade and Ice Dragon: I think First Flame is one of them too. I wish you the best of luck with the further development of your maple collection. 🙂
@xray1337 28 күн бұрын
@@mbeeme355 I have bought a North Wind, still in a container :) Might be trying to plant a North Wind and maybe a Bloodgood or Emperor 1.
@mbeeme355 28 күн бұрын
@@xray1337 The only way to find out is to try, I think that these 3 trees are a good start. How is it with wind where you live?
@xray1337 28 күн бұрын
@@mbeeme355 It can be windy here, kind of open yard but I have a few places were the wind is not that bad. But as you said I just have to try myself and see if it's possible :)
@mbeeme355 28 күн бұрын
@@xray1337 You could plant some conifers to shelter them, and also put up som extra shelter when they are leafing out to protect them. All the maples I have lost I have lost is in this critical time of spring. They have survived the winter just fine, but lack of protection against wind and not enough access to water due to frost in the ground while leafing out has been what has killed them.
@fisiomanuales 29 күн бұрын
Very awesome colors!!! Finally a year with the dream so true for having this show, well done!
@mbeeme355 29 күн бұрын
Still summer colors, there are even more colors to look forward to later in the season, hopefully.🙂
@fisiomanuales 29 күн бұрын
@@mbeeme355 wow great for your eyes!Now at this time my acer are turning green for the hottest summer, is normal process anyways.
@fisiomanuales 29 күн бұрын
Brilliant idea, i like the views with this project. The weather is cloudy in your area and you need this specially when rains are.
@sfscrub Ай бұрын
Love the design
@mbeeme355 Ай бұрын
@user-md7qb9vb1v Ай бұрын
Does your Garnet green up in summer?
@mbeeme355 Ай бұрын
No, not at all
@user-md7qb9vb1v Ай бұрын
@@mbeeme355 My green up from the end of June (in zone 6) although it is on the full sun ☀️ (( I wish you good luck with your new tree!!!
@mbeeme355 Ай бұрын
@@user-md7qb9vb1v My new Garnet is now one year old and is doing great, good color and good growth. I hope that your Garnet is coming back with fantastic fall colors 🤩
@QuanPham-vj6my Ай бұрын
Thank you for many videos of japanese malpe you post here. Which country are you living and how cold is it there in winter? How many degrees is it in winter. Survived all yours japanese malpe?
@mbeeme355 Ай бұрын
Thanks for watching, I live in the south west part of Norway, and the temperature during the winter comes down to about minus 15 degrees celsius. It seems like that is not the biggest challenge for the maples. Normally they all survive the winter as long as I protect them against being damaged by the weight of the snow. I have lost many maples during early spring while they are leaving out. If there is still frost in the ground during that time, they don't get enough water to be supported, and also if there is strong wind they cannot protect them selves at the same time. So during this very sensitive period, they need extra protection against the wind, and maybe also extra watering. Luckily enough of them have survived for me to not completely lose my spirit. Some of them have thrived for years and that keeps me going. 🙂
@QuanPham-vj6my Ай бұрын
@@mbeeme355 Hei og tusen takk. Jeg var usikker om det var i Norge du bodde så derfor jeg skrev på engelsk men nå er det lettere for meg å kommunisere med deg :D Jeg har blitt forelsket i viftelønn akkurat som du har vært i mange år. Jeg har også mistet mange i potter og har prøvde å plante 2 stikke ned på bakken i år. En bloodgood og en garnet og er veldig spent på om de kan overlevere denne vinteren. Jeg bor på Lillehammer og det er veldig kaldt her som kan være -20 til -25. Må du beskytte dem med isolasjon matter i vinter? Det går ikke an vanne dem mens det fortsatt er frost i bakken? Jeg trenger virkelig dine råd :D og tusen takk for svar på forhånd <3
@QuanPham-vj6my Ай бұрын
@@mbeeme355 Tusen takk for svar. Jeg var litt usikker om det var Norge du bodde så derfor skrev jeg på engelsk :D Men nå er det lettere for meg å kommunisere :D Jeg har også blitt forelsket i japansk viftelønn. Jeg har også mistet mange lønne i potter da jeg bodde i leilighet. I år så flyttet jeg til hus og ha en liten hagen også har jeg plantet 2 stk i bakken allerede og er veldig spente om de overlever denne vinteren som kommer. Jeg bor på Lillehammer og i vinter kan det være minus 20 eller mer. Beskyttet du dem med isolasjonsmatter om vinter? Hvordan vanner du dem når det er forsatt frost i bakken? Jeg trenger virkelig dine råd og håper at vi kan ha flere dialog om dette for vi har samme hobby og interesserte. På forhånd tusen takk for svar!
@mbeeme355 Ай бұрын
@@QuanPham-vj6mySå hyggelig å høre fra noen som også prøver seg på Japanlønn i Norge, jeg vil gjerne ha en dialog og å dele erfaringer. Sist vinter prøvde jeg for første gang å la lønner overvintre å krukker, ca 10 stk, kun 3 stk overlevde.....De hadde det fint gjennom vinteren, vokste og utviklet seg, men de tålte ikke overgangen fra vinter til vår. Jeg tror problemet er at de starter oppvåkningen for tidlig, slik at det er tele i jorda fremdeles når de spretter, og da får de ikke tilgang på nok vann. Kommer ikke til å prøve med på krukker igjen. Tror trærne tilpasser seg klimaet bedre når de er i jorda. Det kan nok bli kaldere i Lillehammer på vinteren enn på Tingvoll hvor jeg bor, men utfordringen vil nok uansett være vår og løvsprett. Tilgang på vann og beskyttelse mot vind er nok nøkkelfaktorer for å lykkes. de kan godt vannes selv om det er tele. det er bare å helle vann på dem som ved helt vanlig vanning. Jeg har vannet rododendron i februar da det var en nedbørsfattig sesong, noe som sannsynligvis reddet dem. Det er spesielt viktig om det har vært lite snø gjennom vinteren og lite nedbør på våren. Det er utviklet en serie med lønner som er spesielt utviklet for kaldere klima, jeg prøvde "Ice dragon" sist år, men i krukke og det var en av dem som ikke klarte seg gjennom vinteren. I år har jeg plantet "Arctic jade" og "North wind", og er spent på hvordan de klarer seg. Jeg har ikke beskyttet mine lønner på annen måte enn med bambuspinner for å at de ikke skal kollapse under snøen mens de er små, så jeg har ingen erfaring med annen isolasjon,. Men tror ikke noen fordel å fremskynde løvsprett uten en god plan for vanning og skjerming mot kuldegrader og vind. Her kan det være frostnetter frem til pinse og enda lenger.......og nyutsprungne blad tåler ikke det. Ser også at det lokale klimaet i den spesifikke hagen er av stor betydning, og jeg jobber nå aktivt med å plante nåletrær og vintergrønne busker som skjerming. Man kan endre mikroklimaet i hagen mye ved hjelp av forskjellige strategier. Men man nok påregne at det tid å bli kjent med den spesifikke eiendommen, og at feiling er en del av det å lære. Håper dette ga deg svar på noe av det lurer på. Ønsker det lykke til, og jeg hører gjerne fra deg igjen. Hilsen Merete🙂
@QuanPham-vj6my Ай бұрын
@@mbeeme355 Tusen takk Merete. Jeg har sett alle dine videos og ser at du har plantet ganske mange japanske lønn allerede og noen har vært der i mange år. De er så fine 😍 Jeg drev og se masse på youtube om japansk lønn og ble bare mer forelsket i dem. Hva heter den serien og hvor kan jeg se den? Kjøpte du alle de lønnene her i Norge? Eventuelt hvilken hage senter som har de forskjellige typene? Jeg har nå en del lønn i krukker som jeg skal ta det inn på garasjen på vinter og er veldig spent om de overlever til neste år. Det var det de som jobber på hagesenter anbefalte til meg. Tusen takk for at du deler erfaringene med meg. Hvis jeg noen ganger drar mot den retningen så ønsker jeg å besøke hagen din.
@rjayt88 Ай бұрын
Thanks for the great video! Please make another video in autumn to show the fall colors of your maples.
@fisiomanuales Ай бұрын
Awesome story, beautiful shape, you got the trick and I’m very proud of you! This is how the work is done without problems.
@mbeeme355 Ай бұрын
Thank you so much, it's very inspiring when I suddenly realize what needs to be done, and I seem to be able to do it. Days like that makes it all worth while.
@fisiomanuales Ай бұрын
@@mbeeme355Super congratulations!!!
@sfscrub Ай бұрын
I have been collecting japanese maples for around 7 years now as well and completely agree with what you have learned. Biggest one for me is they definitely prefer to be in the ground. You have a beautiful yard!
@mbeeme355 Ай бұрын
Thank you 🙂
@heinedevries2820 Ай бұрын
wow, did not know you can grow JM in Norway. You did not have deer problems?
@mbeeme355 Ай бұрын
There are deer here, but they have not caused any serious problems. They are just passing trough, take a small nibble of a maple or two and then they move on.
@Steviejapanesegarden Ай бұрын
Your garden has so much potential could make a lovely Japanese garden and what a beautiful backdrop view you have so jealous.
@mbeeme355 Ай бұрын
@@Steviejapanesegarden I'm happy that you see the potential for a Japanese garden. That is exactly my vision for this place, right now I'm working on a garden path, video will follow soon. Yes the surroundings here are quite stunning, it compensates for long winters and short summer seasons.
@Steviejapanesegarden Ай бұрын
@@mbeeme355 excellent look forward to seeing it in the future.
@diyoregonnowtexas9202 Ай бұрын
I'm growing Japanese trees for resale, but in my own yard I prefer fruit trees.
@fisiomanuales Ай бұрын
@@diyoregonnowtexas9202 yeah! Gardening it’s very expanded, it should consider what else can fit according to the space we want to dedicate. Fruit trees are pretty awesome specially in spring with the flowers, the maples are well seen with their colors
@fisiomanuales Ай бұрын
I really like this story and it may be evident that starting this year you will be able to keep the entire present collection safe. It is a super challenge in the area you live in, you have a very powerful mind. Now you need some Japanese people walking in your garden, taking photos as usual 😌. Congratulations for the huge efforts!!!
@mbeeme355 Ай бұрын
I would be very happy if my garden reaches a point some time that it would interest Japanese people that are accustomed to the real deal. Well, it will not be this year, but I will be working toward that goal. So maybe in the future I will be able to proud myself with a garden worth being called a Japanese garden. Once again thank you for your support🙂
@fisiomanuales Ай бұрын
@@mbeeme355 you have already this project called “Japanese Garden” !!! Out of Japan we try our best here where we live besides your presentation is quite attractive in your channel, awesome big collection.
@fisiomanuales 2 ай бұрын
Great recording 2 years ago! I love the details you have presented here also I’ve seen there some “diamond tears” from the rain, the leaves look awesome.
@mbeeme355 2 ай бұрын
thank you, yes, diamond tears do great in accentuating colors, they bring in the light even when the sun is hidden.
@fisiomanuales 2 ай бұрын
@@mbeeme355 Poetical!
@HelenBatianis-xb3xs 2 ай бұрын
@mbeeme355 Ай бұрын
no, sorry about that
@MSNYQ 2 ай бұрын
Wow you live in a paradise! What an incredible view! Beautiful maple!
@mbeeme355 2 ай бұрын
Yes, I'm indeed blessed
@fisiomanuales 2 ай бұрын
Whoa! Super lovely project you’ve done there, impressive! ❤
@mbeeme355 Ай бұрын
work in progress as always, glad you like it, supportive as usual, thanks
@fisiomanuales Ай бұрын
@@mbeeme355 I really like your way of working because you are faced with continuous challenges where you live.
@Trenpace 2 ай бұрын
What zone do you live in?
@mbeeme355 2 ай бұрын
Between 3 and 4, in Norway.
@fisiomanuales 2 ай бұрын
Wery nice views and shapes.
@mbeeme355 2 ай бұрын
Thank you, suddenly I see how much there is to learn especially about pruning. It's an art, and I want to learn.
@fisiomanuales 2 ай бұрын
@@mbeeme355 I like your decision, I do the same every time I have the chance or I think is the right time to pruning. Nice job and congrats for the courage!
@fisiomanuales 2 ай бұрын
Perfect match in the garden!!! Perfect pruning and very clever owner 😌! The Moonrise is outstanding too.
@mbeeme355 2 ай бұрын
Thank you so much, very kind of you.🙂
@adityasvisionaryvlogsforu 2 ай бұрын
Lovely colour of maples🎉
@ZzTop-vj5wo 2 ай бұрын
How many hours of direct sun does it get per day?
@mbeeme355 2 ай бұрын
The climate here is much of the time cold and wet, so there is in general not an issue with sun scorch with any of the maples. But that aside this tree is located in the south-east direction and gets sun from morning to early afternoon. Not evening sun.
@rjayt88 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for the great video. What did it need to recover from? I just planted this last fall and it just has a little bit of sun scorch. Hopefully it won't get worse when the temperature goes up next month.
@mbeeme355 2 ай бұрын
It nearly dried out because it started to leaf out when there still was frost in the ground. It was rescued by being generously watered. Sun in early spring combined with little rain/snow can be critical, especially for young plants with not so developed roots.
@rjayt88 2 ай бұрын
@@mbeeme355 I appreciate your help.
@fisiomanuales 3 ай бұрын
Very very lovely presentation Merete!!! Is a great variety and I’m happy to know that you’ve been with him 7 years, impressing cultivar now! I like very much the last image of your awesome Japanese garden.
@mbeeme355 3 ай бұрын
I'm glad you liked it. For me this tree is a reminder of how struggle to survive often creates great beauty, and how important it is to never give up. All of the other maples are doing very good, and have had nice development the last year. I'll come back to them later. 🙂
@fisiomanuales 3 ай бұрын
@@mbeeme355 great news so far! For the maples you have lost, this is a true hero. Happy to watch the evolution later, see you.
@ryanl3407 3 ай бұрын
The cat is also for the maples protection
@mbeeme355 3 ай бұрын
Yes, he is a great gardener
@palmtide 3 ай бұрын
Appreciating nature.
@fisiomanuales 3 ай бұрын
Wow I like this!!! It's very nice how you've placed all of them, by color too! I love the way you explain what you have discovered and how you strive again to protect them for the next winter season. The new maples and the ones you have kept are very good and now you are going to enjoy their colors very well.
@mbeeme355 3 ай бұрын
Thank you, this is such a rewarding process, and I am happy it can be enjoyed by more people than me.🙂
@fisiomanuales 3 ай бұрын
@@mbeeme355 you have a gorgeous plan every year and I appreciate a lot your hard work and efforts to stay on the limits.
@mbeeme355 3 ай бұрын
@@fisiomanuales The conditions set the premises, and learning is always satisfying.
@emcb6429 3 ай бұрын
They are really looking good and sorry to hear you lost your potted ones. I hope you try again
@mbeeme355 3 ай бұрын
Nice that you like my maples. 🙂As long as I can find place in the ground for new ones I will prefer that. But maybe some day I will try keeping some in pots outdoor in the winter again.
@fisiomanuales 3 ай бұрын
Hello Merete! I love the show of maples that you have presented and in the description of each of them you have detailed as best as possible, very good! The colors in Katsura are magnificent but I have noticed that you have really fallen in love with the Shirasawanum Aureum and the truth is that there is nothing bad to say about their family, they are all splendid. It took me 2 years to have a good Aureum and I finally got it last year, now it is gorgeous too. I am glad that you have finally exhibited your collection this spring.
@mbeeme355 3 ай бұрын
Hello to you to, I am happy to finally have some good maple news to share.😀 By the way, when I was planting the maples yesterday, I was removing all the soil above the roots, as I have learned that I should, because many of them are plantet to deep.. I discovered that Aurem had a quite thick strong branch of the root growing tightly around the trunk just above where the root starts. If I haven't taken the soil away, I wouldn't have notices. I had to use force to loosen it from the the trunk, and also be firm in order to avoid it from snapping back to its strangular hold on the trunk. I think this could have killed the tree if undiscovered . For me this is an important reminder to also check what's beneath the surface. Now I think that Aurem have every possibility to thrive. Oh yes, I really would like more trees from the Shirasawanum family, they are all gorgeous. i would always find space for any of them. ❤
@rjayt88 3 ай бұрын
Thanks. Please make another video in autumn to show the fall color.
@mbeeme355 3 ай бұрын
I have made one: "Acer Osakazuki from green to bright red"
@rjayt88 3 ай бұрын
@@mbeeme355 Thanks! I'll try to look for it.
@fisiomanuales 4 ай бұрын
Wow Merete! I’m really impressed about your genius trying to protect that field against the nature. All these efforts must say at the beginning of the video “…and a big heart”. Are you recording wide angles to be able to look at those wild views, great job!
@mbeeme355 4 ай бұрын
Happy to share 🙂 To day I picked up a Ukigumo and a Aureum that I have ordered. They are both in excellent condition. I only use my iPhone 13 when I do the videos, for everything but soundtracks from KZbin.
@fisiomanuales 4 ай бұрын
@@mbeeme355 very cool selection of maples you’ve got today! I will be happy to watch them soon, thanks for telling me. 😄 I’m using a 12ProMax for my videos so you are little bit cooler than me.
@rjayt88 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for the information, and good luck with your new Garnet!
@mbeeme355 6 ай бұрын
Thank you 🙂
@meggygurova7273 7 ай бұрын
Så fina!
@simplelifestylewithavin-eh5yl 8 ай бұрын
❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉 Hello good time Today I got acquainted with your beautiful channel, it is really beautiful and wonderful, the atmosphere of the videos is full of positive energy and peace. I love them The stage design, editing and composition are unique. You are a skilled yet kind artist, congratulations on your high skills I am a new subscriber Good luck my dear colleague
@mbeeme355 8 ай бұрын
Thank you very much for your kind and encouraging comment. The intention with my videos is sharing the intense feeling of appreciation that just existing can create, and that both joy and pain transcends in the face of beauty. Love is always the answer ❤
@fisiomanuales 8 ай бұрын
Amazing place and views for Christmas and the rest of the winter. Always you have a good eye and good hand to make lovely videos no matter in which season, always are the best!
@mbeeme355 8 ай бұрын
Thank you so much 🙂
@tomezmaples 8 ай бұрын
Fantastic. 😲 Have you ever lost any due to snow lying on them for extended periods. I was always told to brush any standing snow off them as soon as possible. Never really happens in the UK so I don't have to worry.
@mbeeme355 8 ай бұрын
I have not really lost any of them because of snow, but last winter some of the smallest ones were quite damaged. So because of that I have supported them with bamboo sticks. The snow also serves as insulation against the cold and protect the trees against dehydration during the winter.
@Steviejapanesegarden 9 ай бұрын
Hi just found your lovely channel I have a lot of the same trees I have subscribed
@lkevizzle 9 ай бұрын
lmao those poor trees 🤣
@fisiomanuales 10 ай бұрын
Wow! First signs of the winter there you live. Very pretty views specially the sunset at the final. I’m impressed with your project “protect from the winter”, never seen until now.
@mbeeme355 10 ай бұрын
The bamboo stick protection is based on observing how the snow broke the branches during last winter, and I guess this winter will show if it will work.....
@fisiomanuales 10 ай бұрын
@@mbeeme355 cool! Is very interesting protecting they in this way. Here where I live doesn’t snow so is impossible to apply this technique but I’m happy that I’ve found your winter project.
@martinchamberlain542 10 ай бұрын
I have a three year old osakazuki, in a large pot, here in the UK midlands. It has been unremarkable up until late October this year, and in early November it is now ablaze.. it was certainly worth the wait!
@mbeeme355 10 ай бұрын
I agree, it's a stunning tree in fall, most years. The foliage of many of my trees including Osakazuki just dried up this year without really changing color. Several of them haven't even lost their leaves. Kind of interesting, but not so impressive.