@eelectricblue 14 сағат бұрын
This is a beautiful analysis! Makes me want to watch/read Solaris again. Thank you.
@MarkasTZM Күн бұрын
fucking morons - sad
@gabydareau 2 күн бұрын
Re. the question of Jesus’ purpose in carrying out so many physical healings: I think his true purpose was purely to see each person in the innocence and perfection of their true Self, and the physical healing was a natural effect of that Vision of forgiveness. By all accounts, it sounds like he emitted a kind of powerful force field of divine love that people only had to open themselves to in order to be healed. Those who chose not to believe in him, however, were not healed. I think what he wants is for us to know is that we all have access to, at all times, that certainty of knowing we are with God, and that, by healing our own minds from the illusion of fear, we can then bring that knowledge to others who are calling for help. I experienced something like this myself in the moments after my accident, when I realized my body was paralyzed and I instinctively knew my daughter was dead. There was nothing supernatural or dramatic, just a quiet realization that despite the world having collapsed around me, my BEING was totally unchanged. Even when the thoughts of despair began to crowd in, I was quite aware of this stillness underlying them, and that the thoughts were a choice I was making. Now I know that everyone has this peace in them no matter what disaster is happening to them, and even just to recognize that in our own minds is a powerful healing.
@gabydareau 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for responding to my comment in such an open hearted way 💛 It is so refreshing to hear someone say out loud what I read as an emphatic message in the course! Anyone who studies the course knows that it’s all about going beyond the body to recognize the reality of spirit. But I feel that in the course community this concept often gets subverted by the ego into a denial of the body. Whereas Jesus is very clear (this is explored in the following sections of chapter 20) that to see the body as nothing requires release of ALL guilt and fear associated with it, including seeing it as proof of separation through either health or dysfunction. Today I happened to be reading the section in the Manual for Teachers about how to respond to magical thinking in others, and it is so relevant. I think anyone who aspires to be a teacher of God will help themselves enormously by really studying and reflecting on this section. The temptation to correct each other through judgement, even when we intend to help, instead of releasing each other (and ourselves) through forgiveness is so strong! But the power of seeing truth in someone is bound to ripple out into the world that is only a projection of the mind.
@hamiltonconstellation Күн бұрын
You mention 3 areas that can be stuck-points or 'bugaboos' in understanding the Course. As you said, they seem to be ego-footholds that enable a student to ardently 'do the Course' and also stay in our conventional thought-system. 1. Miracle vs magic, 2. forgiveness vs. virtuousness, and 3. the body as a focal-object vs. the body as a 'window.' These are ongoing areas of awareness for me--they remain subtle, elusive and demand the Primary Relationship emphasized throughout the Course. Thanks! This issue of 'physical healing' sort of gets into all three of those areas....
@brucedragoo 3 күн бұрын
24views??…9 likes??… I’m not complaining but I am mystified by how few of all called to the Course participate in this stimulating project you two have configured. Please keep going 💜🙏🏻💙
@hamiltonconstellation 3 күн бұрын
Thanks for the support! Just yesterday I picked up a commentary on The Bhagavad Gita which said, "We come here to 'do action' (karma) and not to obtain the fruits of the actions." It was the first time I heard it and appreciated what it means. J and I converse on these incredibly rich paragraphs to carve deeper into our own understanding. Getting heartfelt reactions [like this comment you posted] are a blessing on top of the nature of these studies [they are their own reward]. I do hope it catches at some point, but it's not an issue for me anymore and it never was for Joanna.
@gabydareau 2 күн бұрын
I totally agree! There are surprisingly few podcasts, that I’ve managed to find anyway, that discuss the course on a deep level and one that relates to ‘real’ life! I listen to deep thinkers discussing theories of consciousness, philosophy and spirituality that would be so enriched and clarified by the understanding that the course brings! Especially people like Don Hoffman who are actively appealing for a more precise explanation of mind as fundamental, and how and why it gives rise to the world. It’s quite frustrating that the course is so little known to the wider world, but I suppose we should trust that all is perfect in the greater plan.
@blazemonkey4538 3 күн бұрын
Oh Happy Day!! Thanks Great Ones!! Beautiful!! ☀️ 😂👍 ⁴Once you accept His plan as the one function that you would fulfill, there will be nothing else the Holy Spirit will not arrange for you without your effort. (T-20.IV.8) ³The body disappears, because you have no need of it except the need the Holy Spirit sees. (W-199.4:3)
@hamiltonconstellation 3 күн бұрын
Your support is greatly appreciated! The comments/ references [always] cause me to contemplate.
@robinlynn6940 3 күн бұрын
@hamiltonconstellation Күн бұрын
Thanks! The expression of support is 'real and effective.'
@brucedragoo 4 күн бұрын
I appreciated Joanna making the connection between adjustment and judgment being synonymous for main idea behind what separates us from our true Self. Thanks for your perseverance
@hamiltonconstellation Күн бұрын
Excellent, thank-you for being there!
@juanitoviejo2121 6 күн бұрын
An intriguing interlude in your ACIM for breakfast series. I have the DVD and have watched Solaris three times with all the comprehension of a cow staring at a train. PH, you have a gift for revealing metaphoric imagery, the language of symbol. After several years of immersion in the Holy Spirit's thought system one begins to "see through" the complexity of the ego's machinations. And there is no value in trying to understand or analyze the impossible. Still, we try, and the lens of the ACIM mythos protects the Son's peace in all experiences, even the most devastating to the body identity. Just forgive it and let go... Astonishing Love: we are each being led via our ignorant, flickering illusions unto the remembrance of the All One.
@hamiltonconstellation Күн бұрын
Thanks! I think we have talked about this before...I think 'anomalies' are great opportunities to understand some essential concept. Solaris has a few places where the brain shuts down and invents a kind of 'lubricant' to get conventional sense out of the story. A few of those are Hari's tremendous strength and hyper reactive 'rage' when Chris isolates her and she tears down the door. Also Chris's [stupid?] sense of safety when he realizes she has that latent power. Those are just examples. If I sit with them and notice a stupor sort of fogging those scenes into trivia, I pinch myself so as to not miss an opportunity. I would not do the same thing in 'Forbidden Planet' or 'Alien.' or even 'Bladerunner'---those seem more like narratives than myths, unlike Solaris, or maybe 2001. I can't think of any others that deserve mystical consideration. [?]
@greenhornet5186 6 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing. An interesting meditation via the lens of ACIM. I like Tarkovsky, but I find him difficult; all the more reason to see this film. As I think about the myriads of religions and paganism in our culture and how very complex they are, ever seeking, never finding, I often am envious of the atheist, if such a one actually exits.
@hamiltonconstellation Күн бұрын
'There is a foxhole inside of every atheist.' I have developed a fascination for the possible 'prodigal son' narrative under the sci-fi-Solaris screenplay. Another something to think about... Thanks for commenting and being there!
@davecollins1048 6 күн бұрын
I need to watch this movie.
@hamiltonconstellation Күн бұрын
You should watch it and say what you get, or don't. Not everybody is up for sifting through ambiguity. (Seems like maybe you are. I don't want to presume, so this is in parentheses).
@gabydareau 10 күн бұрын
Thank you 💛 I really appreciate the depth of your discussions of the course, and above all your different perspectives. For example when you when you were talking about how seeing truth in the relationship with the guy laying cables does not require any kind of action, Joan pointed out that it COULD do (words, cookies or anything else) the important thing being to remain totally open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The same applies to the subject of the leper, when you said the leprosy wouldn’t heal as a result of the transformed perception - well despite the fact that the physical healing is not the goal and doesn’t really matter, we can still be open to the fact that it COULD heal as an effect of the miracle, because it by definition transcends the laws of the physical world. Jesus clearly demonstrated this possibility in his life on earth, and there are many indications that we can do the same when our purpose is correctly focused on healing the illusion. In fact he’s pretty categorical, all through the course, that healing of the body is a guaranteed effect of healing the mind. I find it unfortunate that this has become somewhat of a taboo subject with many course teachers. The pitfalls of letting physical healing become, mistakenly, one’s purpose are clear, however anyone who dedicates themselves to truth will inevitably be guided through the realisation that all real value is of the mind, not of the body. The paradox being that this very realisation frees the body from the purpose of illness or disfunction and allows it to heal. There is nothing I have read directly from the course which has ever taken away my hope of healing physically, quite the opposite. I don’t think Jesus would want God’s teachers to inadvertently do so either.
@hamiltonconstellation 8 күн бұрын
Thank-you for your thoughtful reply. Tuesday, I hope to put out an episode on the movie 'Solaris'--THE ONE AFTER THAT, Friday, is driven by your comment here. This idea of physical healing is not comfortable for me, for all the wrong reasons, fear, protection, lack of trust etc... We try to go into the reality of physical healing in the episode which corresponds to Ch 20. sect 4. I don't know how successful I/we were, but I was referring back to the concern you bring up throughout the conversation. Between the lines, at least, I read in your comment that I along with others, avoid the promise and possibility of healing--physical, observable and miraculous. As you address, the Gospels demonstrate the reality of physical healing DRAMATICALLY--it is doubtful that it is all symbol and metaphor. We'll see how healing manifests, going forward, as there are AMPLE reasons to reach -in and believe and demonstrate the body as nothing but a servant for God's plan rather than 'my interpretation.' Thanks again.
@gabydareau 4 күн бұрын
@@hamiltonconstellation thank you for your considerate response, I look forward to the podcast in which you discuss this subject. I totally agree that it’s not an easy one. I always notice that any issues that deal with the world, in terms of the course, are always full of paradox. I come to all of this from the point of view of having had an accident 4 years ago which left me paralyzed from the chest down, and also took my 4 year old daughter. A crash course in many of the most challenging forms of loss imaginable in the dream! This included the person I loved leaving me, no longer being able to pursue my vocation and passion, not to mention the total loss of autonomy, to the point of being unable to roll over in bed. For me it’s been a journey of pulling myself out of despair towards hope, the spiritual journey being a big part of it. Many people in my situation do this by resigning themselves to the seemingly incurable nature of their disability, but that just doesn’t work for me. So part of my process has been to find encouragement by studying testimonies of miraculous healings of all sorts, and there are many, many of them out there, in all kinds of hopeless situations. One of the best resources I found were the testimonies of people following Jo Dispenza’s method, which is based on meditation. Partly because there are many hundreds of them available, but also because I resonate with the ideas involved, which are surprisingly similar to some course concepts (whatever you think about the man himself!). The one most common factor to miraculous healings that I noticed is that it often comes about when people surrender their attachment to the desire for healing and fully embrace their mind’s capacity to connect with the divine, or just to the feeling of love and joy. Sometimes it is the desire to see someone else healed that triggers their own healing. This is totally in alignment with what Jesus teaches us about healing in the course. But it doesn’t seem to matter that these people came to this state of mind with the specific purpose of healing their body. As long as they are able to transcend that concern for an instant and embrace the power of spirit, healing will flow forth. Perhaps there are other factors determining whether or not healing happens that are beyond the individual’s control, such as how it fits into the greater plan involving everyone else in the situation, but that’s where trust and faith come in. That’s why I think there’s far too much stigma attached to this subject by some course teachers. It’s perfectly normal to want to heal, to be healthy and happy. Jesus states repeatedly that this is God’s will for us. Students should not be being made to feel that this desire is something they must abandon in order to follow the course. It’s about putting it in the right perspective of the healing of the mind as goal. I also invite anyone who waxes lyrical about the unreality of body to try being quadriplegic for a day and see if they have really understood what they were saying! We ARE having a physical experience in this world, and a functioning body is a pretty useful thing within that experience… My own journey of deep contemplation of the course is certainly leading me towards an increasing ability to find liberation in my mind, despite extreme physical limitation, as well as a deepening trust that everything is ok, physical healing or no physical healing. But paradoxically there is also a growing sense of certainty that anything is possible. It’s clear to me that it’s this very certainty of the power of love that allowed Jesus to heal people two thousand years ago.
@juanitoviejo2121 10 күн бұрын
Laughing out LOUD! This essay is one of your best! Fear and Loathing in Varanasi. Triggered floods of Images from R.Bach's Illusions: Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah, or even D.Bowie's The Man Who Fell to Earth, accompanied by Dylan's tune, Everybody Must Get Stoned. Avatar, Bodhisattva, Savior: I'll have to do it Himself! Ground Control to Major Tom: "You need take thought for nothing, careless of everything except the only purpose that you would fulfill." (T-20.V.8.8)
@robinlynn6940 10 күн бұрын
@hamiltonconstellation 8 күн бұрын
'Fear and Loathing in Varanasi' HA! Thanks, literally God only knows how Jesus on the cross finds his way into Vishnu's pig-sty but it seems like a natural fit. Thanks!
@robinlynn6940 13 күн бұрын
Thank you!
@hamiltonconstellation 8 күн бұрын
You're welcome!
@jennyborrill1761 13 күн бұрын
Thank you both so very much for a most moving and beautiful reading and exploration of deep and essential ideas and motivations. I was moved to tears by your genuineness and honesty. Bless you both❤❤❤❤
@hamiltonconstellation 13 күн бұрын
Wow. Thank you for engaging with us there...we do get into it, feeling-wise, sometimes even a little 'wrung-out' from going farther out on a limb that we expected...so it is very nice to hear that it comes across. Thanks again.
@davecollins1048 13 күн бұрын
All my machinations are geared as plans to get out of the imaginary place I think I'm in. The mirage water I see on the hot road ahead evaporates as I get closer. Would I have found a strange satisfaction in splashing in that puddle? Yes I admit I would. I can live with the sneaking suspicion that I may not be who I think I am, but for how long? As long as it takes?That's too long. The other technician who has my own face reveals Sally's plan for me as I seek to salvage mementos from the imaginary place and the inundations of the mirage water. The futility is it's own answer and I get to choose whether I laugh or cry over it. Too stunned to do either right now. Hey, that's what I get for waking up at 4 am and watching your video.
@hamiltonconstellation 13 күн бұрын
Non-specific but personal--the difference between practicing ACIM and figuring out how to construct the MOAB at the public library is that the information gained at the library is a symbol of destruction, while breaking open ACIM is actual healing toward wholeness. When I got a bit of frostbite tooling around on the ice and ditching my gloves, cold water was excruciating fire that made me feel like I would explode in unbearable anguish--no exaggeration, maybe a common experience. Did the knowledge it was healing and not destruction help?--Dunno, kinda.. This is my way of saying, "We are not at the library" and any vector, known or unknown in the healing process is Real. Call it faith or weird science...Thanks for the crack-o-dawn comment!
@BellaFirenze 16 күн бұрын
People who are afraid of gay people are afraid of the face of God.
@hamiltonconstellation 15 күн бұрын
@juanitoviejo2121 17 күн бұрын
Watching a presidential debate--how do I feel? Now "they're eating the dogs, they're eating the pets!" What concept of "me" has this energized, what thought system has been reinforced? Haven't you read your Old Testament? "They" have provoked God's just wrath, the "other" is coming for me and mine! They ruined our country! I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore! "Into this hopeless and closed learning situation, which teaches nothing but despair and death, God sends His teachers." (from introduction to Manual) "Let me behold [Trump, Harris] the Son of God today...He is what I am, and as I see him so I see myself." (from W-250) Like the Sermon on the Mount, A Course in Miracles teaches what seems impossible, and thus forgives--'overlooks' the false self's projected / reflected world and 'looks upon'--realizes as human experience--holiness / oneness. This is ACIM's gentle version of ego-death: "...the message of the crucifixion was, Teach only love for that is what you are." (T-6.III.2.4)
@hamiltonconstellation 17 күн бұрын
I know...issues where the hackles rise seem to fall into another category called 'reality' as opposed to my religious hobbies which tell me about Reality. No spiritual truth will expose my ingrown toenail as an illusion. Actually, I don't know...honestly, at a moment like this, I tear up, realize I really hate myself as a sinner steeped in these hell-currents of physical conflict, and seek forgiveness. I need forgiveness from my daughter who disapproves, from my friend who disagrees, from strangers who dis the whole thing...but in the NOW it's that idiot in the mirror who trumpets opinions and withers in a tepid breeze of disapproval. I bless you, [me, you, them] holy Son of God, in there, somewhere.
@juanitoviejo2121 16 күн бұрын
@@hamiltonconstellation Dull and tired now... I'll get back to you guys around 3:00 a.m. Saturday. 😂
@juanitoviejo2121 20 күн бұрын
Radiance! ...[ deleted genius comment ]
@hamiltonconstellation 20 күн бұрын
To some extent we build one another up in this process of seeing what doesn't appear--I really appreciate your support in this. You'll have to infer what I am unable to say correctly.
@davecollins1048 24 күн бұрын
Relevant and deep episode as usual. Will my faith be in the finite or the infinite this day? What is not seen in the movie is that as Nexus 6 crushes the Tyrell Creator's head, cogs and bits of machinery spew forth. Don't know what that has to do with anything, but there it is.
@hamiltonconstellation 23 күн бұрын
Good point--and it makes the brilliance of the piece [Blade Runner] brighter. Tyrell, the "counterfeit-god-who made-you" is thrown out with the trash [compactor]. Roy re-symbolizes himself with the white dove, "Here is my immortal soul, watch it rise." And the robot-cop learns at the feet of the rogue robot who declared himself a divine child. Thanks. Beautiful.
@davecollins1048 24 күн бұрын
Nothing like some light banter to start the day.
@robinlynn6940 24 күн бұрын
Thank you
@hamiltonconstellation 22 күн бұрын
Thanks for being here.
@blazemonkey4538 25 күн бұрын
Outstanding!! Thanks!!
@hamiltonconstellation 22 күн бұрын
I must admit, this makes me feel good. I appreciate it!
@juanitoviejo2121 25 күн бұрын
T-19.IV. The Obstacles to Peace: I practice them every day! This section 4 is what they now call a "deep dive"-- psychological deep yogurt -- into the very tiny mad idea that fabricates time and separation, and the delusion of a separate will. ( "At last, something for the intellectual" Helen is reputed to have said in conversation with K.Wapnick. ) Paragraph 10 shines with rich metaphor and adamantine allusion--the mind expanding babe-in-the-manger image. "Yes, but HOW my Father?" --Answered by the triptych "remember, remember, remember" in paragraph 11. With out phony spiritual pride, but actual non-dual perception: "Teach me how not to make of it an obstacle to peace, but let You use it..."
@hamiltonconstellation 22 күн бұрын
These 4 obstacles have been 'a formidable event' in terms of length and the interweaving of the 'concepts.' Thanks for the history on what Helen thought, it adds a dimension. This is off-topic, but I'm am tilting toward ACIM as 'authentic Christianity' in terms of the actual teachings in the gospels, rightfully sheared away from the constant harkening back to the old gods of Genesis and their hunger for meat. [Wrong again probly...].
@robinlynn6940 Ай бұрын
I listened twice. Thank you.
@hamiltonconstellation 26 күн бұрын
The best compliment.
@davecollins1048 Ай бұрын
HS talks and we listen. The mystery of the One and the Many cooks me. Great written discourse I was going to give some long winded response, but the weight of the full length mirrors in my backpack of good intentions made me weary. Put it down and walk away slowly... good. I jest somewhat.
@hamiltonconstellation 26 күн бұрын
Long-winded is good. If words were darts, I would have at least one bulls-eye every session (wall completely covered in darts). Thanks!
@brucedragoo Ай бұрын
This episode is the crux of the Course. This is looking at the darkness. The only way to get past it. Thanks for your courage.
@hamiltonconstellation Ай бұрын
We/I very much appreciate your input--I agree that this issue is like the carbon monoxide emissions from the engine of spiritual attainment. Looking at the darkness and courage to do so...well put. THANKS.
@greenhornet5186 Ай бұрын
This section on magic is one of the most poignant and clearest sections in ACIM. I was raised in a psychopathic Christian home, by a pair of ministers, who weaponized the Bible to do bad deeds. The same can be done with the ACIM or any religious //spiritual text. While Phil presents a happy ending if the sword is put down, rarely have I seen religious psychopaths put down swords. I often think that God has made a real mess of things, and somehow we are left to clean it up. It's not working very well. Thanks for an insightful conversation.
@hamiltonconstellation Ай бұрын
It would be good to have a conversation on this 'weaponization of religion' and its relationship to certain kinds of pathologies. This is a standing issue that seems like there is no solution--I smell the possibility of miracle. Thanks for sharing your experience and reaction. I need to figure out a way to have extended back and forth on these kinds of things. Soon. [That sword feels mighty-righteous once unsheathed].
@davecollins1048 Ай бұрын
The corrective lens of ACIM shows me a different world than the narrative of the brain/head/body would have me agree to. We are so very complex but that can turn to either wonder or confusetration depending on what is listened to. I assume we are simple too, but I'm not seeing that just yet. Love the insightful discourse guys... hey I gotta share this dream I had the other day.... My wife and I are visiting you at your house and there is some talking and Phil shows me this monster audio system and Joann asks if we would like some wine. I look towards L and she indicates by means of a finger gap 'a small amount'.... Somehow my glass when I reach for it has already tipped over and put red wine on your white carpet (I know you brought up the scenario in another broadcast). I stammered that "I must have spilled it, but I don't remember...I think it was already spilled!" The air is filled with doubt and awkwardness I can taste. What is reality here? And what about THE STAIN???? I offer to pay for the cleaning but just then wake up....fade to the view behind closed eyelids and me going 'Huh?" Coming awake now, I think about sending you a check, but think wiser of it a few moments later. Weird huh?
@hamiltonconstellation Ай бұрын
Thanks for commenting--I look forward to it. As long as the dream carpet was acrylic' there is no problem. I went to a dream workshop and they told us to say, "If it was my dream..." and then interpret. Then again, I think dreams happen BECAUSE the dreamer resists the information, so it comes as an allegory. But I can't resist--white carpet, red wine. Sound system. ACIM. If it was my dream [I know you didn't ask--like the Irishman asked about a bar room brawl--"Is this a private fight or can anybody get in?"] People that buy white carpets (which are beautiful--I saw an entire white wall, carpet, furniture in a Tantric Yoga studio. Beautiful--scary), are dealing with a certain kind of nervous faith and a dose of control. Your wife saying ,"This much" is the control aspect--the sound system indicates how well that will work out (amplification by intent). The wine of the mystic--life, the real deal, culturing the soul--it's like the red spot in an egg--uncontrollable life happens. Beautiful. People that buy white carpets either buy acrylic or they don't serve wine over the rug. Forgive me for jumping in--I really appreciate the opportunity to hear it and even to provide the unstainable rug.
@eelectricblue Ай бұрын
I loved the last point about giving and receiving love. Sometimes you also receive love in proportion to what you have given, but from unexpected sources (maybe not the person we gave a gift to). This can create guilt; we are angry at the receiver for not reciprocating and angry at the person who gave us love unbidden because we feel indebted. But if we think of the world outside of us as one united entity full of witnesses, we can see that all love we give is the same and all love we receive is the same; kindness from a cashier can be a response to a favor you did a coworker. The holy Spirit must do this intentionally because only he knows the exact moments in which love is most impactful and most likely to frustrate our special relationships.
@derektrudelle4182 Ай бұрын
Good point
@hamiltonconstellation Ай бұрын
You are anticipating the next one on Magic Thoughts! It seemed like what you are saying is a response to that one. Thanks--profound! Like they say in India, "I am not the doer," I have to let go of the idea it is me doing things. 'I" might taste a sweet grape but taste is not mine. Suddenly the sweet grape goes away when I get a cold--and the cold isn't mine either. Thanks!
@brucedragoo Ай бұрын
I’ve sort of become infatuated with your mycelium metaphor. It makes it so easy to imagine a collective dream network that we’re all caught in with no way out but to have the HS reinterpret it’s purpose from being a trap to being an opportunity. (still not explaining it as good as the metaphor is)
@hamiltonconstellation Ай бұрын
[Me too]--collective dream network, like the fibers of hopes and fears that each separate individual throws in the matrix through a whole lifetime. [Collective unconscious?] and gets caught in all those hopes and fears unless HS sorts out the larger context of each and every hope or fear. Thanks!
@davecollins1048 Ай бұрын
On the same page (figuratively) here. Playing out in it's customized for me way, I can relate 100%. The real learning is revelation and the 'lifting of the veil' at the same 'moment'. The Revealing. It's not a future event though it seems to be. Seeing the rope as the rope, what it always has been, except for us during 'snake time'. The delusion of non truth feels so real because of the reality we give it. Appreciate the reflections offered through your vids. Thanks.
@hamiltonconstellation Ай бұрын
I was glad to see your comment--thanks. I like the concept of 'snake-time' which gives me the sovereign right to create a crazy world as long as I want to...or something.
@brucedragoo Ай бұрын
I really love your mycelium metaphor for the ubiquitous fertile layer of guilt which any and all thoughts, any and all emotions, any and all feelings can take hold and grow into healthy witnesses for maintaining our belief in the separation. Really good metaphor. But!…you mention a second alternative mycelium layer of forgiveness which lies below the veil of the ego’s layer. For me the metaphor works more clearly as more like the snake/rope metaphor where the layer of guilt when looked at with Jesus becomes the opportunity for seeing the snake as a rope. I understand that seeing the guilt layer as a veil gets you to the same idea. I’m just being persnickety. Thanks as always, Love your show
@hamiltonconstellation Ай бұрын
After your first comment on the myceleum, I rethought it and you are right--there is ONE myceleum, not 2--and it is the snake and rope situation. Thanks so much for commenting and thinking this through. The tangible aspect of the 'myceleum' helps me manage the amorphous idea of 'guilt.' Still working....
@sylviaday3845 Ай бұрын
Can you possibly post links to NDE 's as mentioned in the video?
@hamiltonconstellation Ай бұрын
kzbin.info/www/bejne/jJnZeKJ3Z9SGe5o kzbin.info/www/bejne/enKciqGDmZV-fqM I apologize--this was an oversight--these are my favorites. The guy at the bottom lake was particularly enlightening and moving. THANKS! I will follow up in a video.
@brucedragoo Ай бұрын
I thought that mycelium metaphor is a pretty good one. You two came up with that one? I’m impressed. Thanks so much again for your heroic effort 💜🙏🏻💙
@hamiltonconstellation Ай бұрын
Thanks! I have 'struggled' with the guilt concept--not clear exactly what the Course is talking about. She and I end up in a sort of stand off where she'll give the textbook explanation, and I say "Do you feel guilty all the time?" She is very accomodating and threw my own concept of 'myceleum' back at me. I think it's the best idea for understanding guilt as a pervasive issue, necessary for the ego to convince us it's got the best way to go. Anyway, glad it landed and did not seem far flung.
@brucedragoo Ай бұрын
What a clear description of the “happy dream”: Not the transformation of the forms of the dream, but the realization that the forms we’re not snakes but just ropes…a misperception. The forms of the script of the dream stay as they are. What they represent as proof of sin is no longer valid…and God rests His case.
@hamiltonconstellation Ай бұрын
Excellent--that snake and rope thing helps me a lot to separate phenomena from my idea about it--and my reactions to the whole 'event.' This aspect of the 'nightmare' not 'transforming ' into a happy dream is important , I think. Thanks again for commenting!
@jennyborrill1761 Ай бұрын
As usual so incredible. Thank you and bless you both so very much😊❤❤❤❤
@hamiltonconstellation Ай бұрын
Fantastic--it is a great encouragement to get your feedback. Thanks!
@greenhornet5186 Ай бұрын
Illusion v. reality; a real conundrum. Thank you.
@hamiltonconstellation Ай бұрын
You are welcome!
@hamiltonconstellation Ай бұрын
Thanks for being there and saying so!
@eelectricblue Ай бұрын
Great conversation, thanks as always. I always find myself asking questions in the first half that you answer in the second. :)
@hamiltonconstellation Ай бұрын
@jennyborrill1761 Ай бұрын
Thank you both again for your wonderful clarification. I so look forward to your explanations always alive and helpful. Bless you both for not giving up. Loved your interaction with Leon as well❤❤❤🎉
@hamiltonconstellation Ай бұрын
Thank-you very much--it is great to hear what you think! As far as giving up on doing these--our objective is to do the entire text...the first one I think was chapter 7, sect 5. So there is some distance to cover. AND the Course changes every time I go through it...
@juanitoviejo2121 Ай бұрын
Be sure to see the interview at "Leon Joel Russell ACIM" on KZbin. May the Course Be With You episode 35.
@hamiltonconstellation Ай бұрын
Thanks you for the promo!
@gabydareau Ай бұрын
I think you may be over analyzing a little. I don’t see in the Course this teaching that faith is a different path from forgiveness. It is consistent throughout that to attack and to be attacked are both sides of the ego coin, essentially the same mistake, and both require faith in order to hear the Holy Spirit’s solution, in order to forgive ourselves and each other. Faith is just as necessary to forgiveness as it is to allowing our actions to be guided, because we need faith to believe that there is something else beyond the sins we perceive. Jesus also teaches consistently that the perception of the Real World is a necessary, unavoidable step in the healing of our minds that returns us to Heaven. It’s not just a fairy tale to keep us happy like Ken Wapnick used to say. It is simply the world we see through complete forgiveness.
@hamiltonconstellation Ай бұрын
I spent some time trying to make this point with Joanna with mixed success! I agree with you that faith is the key to any 'miracle-mindedness.' At this point in my process I have 2 categories of experience that call for 'forgiveness,' and 'the miracle.' The most obvious is some kind of confrontation--it could be a mood arising, an event that feels like an attack, or simply when things don't seem to work out the way I want. The other category is 'all the rest of the time' which is easily 80-90%. Faithfulness vs faithlessness, for me, addressess all that ambient gray zone. I can sense in myself whether I am seeking partnership in a sense of 'faith' during those periods of not-much-going-on. Thank you for your helpful, thoughtful observation.
@brucedragoo Ай бұрын
I really didn’t get your “two ways to knowledge “ idea. The happy dream or real world requires faith. I don’t see the distinct difference. (not expecting an explanation…looking forward to part 3. Thanks so much🙏🏻)
@hamiltonconstellation Ай бұрын
Thanks for saying so...what I concluded, at least in me'own noggin' is that the miracle does require the faith to invite in the Helper, but most of my experience lacks such opportunities (like right now). The idea of '2' ways' the real world and faith covers 2 kinds of situations. One is a direct confrontation with a seemingly isolated challenge, and the other takes care of all the rest. Eg, right now, I turn my attention to spirit for the 'faith' that this reply serves the Sonship in a way that both you and I benefit from--as opposed to some other kind of exercize [my ego trip, defenseiveness, just neurotic rambling]. I appreciate the comment--Joanna agrees with you by the way (doesn't see 2...).!
@greenhornet5186 Ай бұрын
Are we switching one illusion, "the nightmare" for the "happy dream"? or what some call "the dream of God"? And then that becomes an illusion, too? Great conversation. Thank you.
@hamiltonconstellation Ай бұрын
Thank you for asking, this is a point I am focusing on---this all around me is 'a happening.' it seems neutral most of the time, but if I am honest, it is charged with possibilities of pain, loss, and danger. The 'neutrality' is a false front for the nightmare which can just come from seemingly nowhere. ACIM says 'faith' is the reliance on 'the Soution' to the nightmare. That appears as a happy dream---meaning, each potential danger or pain is charged with grace. Any 'bad' event or outcome [we assume, in 'FAITH'] has already been solved with a happy witness [a good interpreation etc...]. Practically, when my expereince goes awry, becomes painful, looping in negative ways etc...I maintain confidence that these rough waters can and will calm if I accept partnership with 'The Solution' called Holy Spirit in the course. I apologize if this is long or does not get to the point---finding manifestations of the Happy Illusion is a pleasantly long process. The Happy Dream, full of light, love and positivity, gives way to Knowledge, the experience of God that goes beyond the senses. Have a very happy illusion tday!
@greenhornet5186 Ай бұрын
@@hamiltonconstellation Thank you for your thoughtful reply. I am swimming through turbulent waters, not of my own making, so your reply is helpful.
@eelectricblue Ай бұрын
I really like your new music!
@eelectricblue Ай бұрын
Also love the point about how people reassure themselves with words and how paying more attention to their rhetoric than their actions can create false smallness. That is helpful perspective.
@hamiltonconstellation Ай бұрын
@hamiltonconstellation Ай бұрын
This point was so subtle it almost got cut out. I was talking around real history and was afraid it might have fileted the point. This feedback is helpful!
@ACIM_ 2 ай бұрын
25:16 toothache or truth ache?? 😂
@hamiltonconstellation Ай бұрын
Definitely a truth-ache! Somebody gave me a button 'Stop Truth-Decay.'
@ACIM_ Ай бұрын
@@hamiltonconstellation 🤣👍🏻
@nasrinakter-ju1df 2 ай бұрын
I want to talk with you about your KZbin channel ranking factor
@hamiltonconstellation 2 ай бұрын
Sure. Before I launch in to a conversation about You tube and the 'fate of mere content creator' can you offer some idea about who you are and hwere you are coming from as a helper/interpreter of You Tube fate? Thanks for reaching out!
@nasrinakter-ju1df 2 ай бұрын
@@hamiltonconstellation Your channel has great quality contents but still it is not delivering its right audiences due to SEO problems. You should focus on your SEO so that You can get a big fanbase. Thanks.
@davecollins1048 2 ай бұрын
J- Carpenter bees fly around for a time looking for wood to bore into and lay their eggs, yet synchronicity of your witnessing shows you an outer display of yourself. Extrapolate till the inner and outer flip places and disappear in a puff of smoke.
@hamiltonconstellation 2 ай бұрын
DONE! Saw the smoke! Really, thanks, extrapolating now, hoping they are not egging our house...
@davecollins1048 2 ай бұрын
Yet another comment... cosmic joke is we are trying to get back to where we never left. Right Now. In the 'meanwhile' we get the reality we choose to believe most likely to be so, hence the wisdom of examining what is actually believed. Right now... no time to mull it over except for the time/space we create in which to do so. So it's all good in the eternal now.
@hamiltonconstellation 2 ай бұрын
Funny how that works--we create a problem and then manufacture the exact time necessary to fix it. Never thought of it that way. Like an infinite can of paint for an infinite house that only exists 'cause you want to paint...
@davecollins1048 2 ай бұрын
Another comment. Yes, learning ends when you see all that Love is not. Love's own meaning cannot be taught, cannot be learned, for all that is in time, the past or what is to be. Love's own meaning is couched in the Knowing of it, no knowledge required. . Subject object disappear, God makes His move but time and space are not involved. The sliding gradient of awareness reveals what Love is and always has been. So, as I rock on and try to have a normal life I find I can't because the miracles keep getting in the way.