@gigadrillbreakk 16 күн бұрын
This is like blaming individuals for pollution instead of corporations that do 90% of the pollution.
@MrGameguyC 22 күн бұрын
As an MVS enjoyer, yes there are big, valid problems in the game being rushed and awful monetization. (All of which Warner Bros fault) But I do believe the complaining has massively overflowed into bad faith: - The game is not fast, AKA not Melee, a very vocal opinion in the Plat Fighter community. - People focus way too much on the balance IMO, which is a small part of the game. Any fighting game that allows creative, expressive combos (not even factoring it's unique mechanical structure) is gonna risk many OP combos. - Warner Bros as a company is on a recent losing streak with canceling multiple other projects and that flows into the hate here - Negativity Bias/Gamers (specifically Smash Players which are huge part of MVS's playerbase) are spoiled rotten. Not a knock towards us but we've gotten so much, our expectations are so high when we get something below (whatever we consider) an 8.5 out of 10, then it's not good enough. This game is crafted with plenty of heart and talent, it's just stuck in a field of large, shards of broken concrete by WB, and gamers consistently heckle it whenever it trips or stumbles.
@VieKiing 29 күн бұрын
Amazingly well written, and researched. I’m a Jake main and I really can’t approach any character without using horse, and even then I still would get punished. I like your suggestions and agree with pretty much everything you said. Great vid!
@vaexsil 29 күн бұрын
Thank you!
@Nachet_MVS Ай бұрын
I agree with you, I have many complaints I've posted on twitter but those are mainly spammy attacks that do make the game boring
@eatmyvenus Ай бұрын
I agree with you 100%
@SuperSlash86 Ай бұрын
Look how they massacred my boy 🤧
@adrianprobst1893 Ай бұрын
Im masters 1 with jake dont see the problem like get gud lmao
@KingJames2268 Ай бұрын
Positive take, smart but also wrong in some places. the game is broken. most characters are literally not viable. Velma and jake are not problems at all. for ME, and thats because every character is a problem except for a few. the game is just wait for the cooldown of your cute little op attack every character has, and the worst part, is that some characters have busted attacks, with barely any cooldown. the game has a million safe attacks that are spammable, and with the small amount of attacks, which the max is 9 for most (i may be wrong about that but even so, the less or even tiny amount i may be off by, is still alarming) . this just makes the game a spam fest. like i said before, some characters are literally not viable when it comes to higher play. Steven Universe, for example, is a tank, yet he DIES at 50. the classes are meaningless. jason can tank steven attacks until he is at 150%. your solution, is to make the WEAKER characters busted so they can compete with the busted characters, but thats not a good way to look at it. Balancing is NEEDED. Wonder Woman, Superman, sometimes iron giant, Taz, Finn, Jack, Joker, Arya are all busted and there is no way around it. ARMOR is not a good mechanic what so ever. and INSTA kill combos are NOT GOOD IN A GAME WHERE NOT ALL CHARACTERS HAVE INSTA KILL COMBOS, Im a steven main. now yes, Steven CAN 0 to death, but it takes 100000X the effort to do it then with say, Fucking all of the characters mentioned previous, this is where CHEESE comes in, THE CHEESY ass crap they gave "almost" every character in the game is ridiculous. You say they listen to the community? really, well when I saw STEVEN UNIVERSE get a nerf in the SAME UPDATE that WONDER WOMAN gets a BUFF. is ridiculous. maybe im wrong about the day or the update thing, but I know steven got NERFED when he didnt need to be. Things that arent needed are being done more than things that are needed. HIT STUN is piss poor, because the HIT BOXES ARE EVEN WORSE. The amount of times i have seen an attack that I SHOULD HAVE LANDED or an attack that I KNOW I GOT HIT BY, but for some reason, it doesnt hit, is alarming. this is why hit stun is garbage because these "loops" that the top tiers have, are all cheese as fuck, Loops are already cheese asf, but its even worse because multiversus has a piss poor animation, hit reg and hit boxes. dont even get me started on the damage to attack ratio. Im a steven main, obviously, but why do the only LEAST RISKY ATTACKS in his KIT do three damage? and why does one full combo from steven do only like 15-25 damage? this brings me to a new point, The Safety of most top tiers, you can dish out so many attacks, that are so safe to do that there isnt any value to trying to combat the cheesiness. for example, Me , in my opinion, kind of goated with steven, fight a Wonder Woman or Superman, the RISK that I AM TAKING as a steven to ENGAGE the Super man or Wonder woman or hell literally any character that isnt steven, is too large, because the combos or attacks i can throw out, is COMPLETELY WALKED THROUGH because of the damage most other characters can dish out. and this goes for really any character that isnt a top tier. in a game that is about the multiverse and the CLASHING of these whacky titles, I sure do see a MILLION SUPERS WONDERS JACKS AND JASONS. because the meta, is play the safest characters in the roster, which happens to be characters with HIGH DAMAGE, and HIGH ARMOR. which happens, to be the top tiers. The reason I play steven is because he takes actual thought and skill to play, (a few other characters do too but, most dont, Morty and Steven are probably the most skillfull characters in the game BY FAR ( in my opinion ) The game has its faults, so does the community, however the game has more problems that the community is just praying that they fix, but instead, they add a new gem to the game, and nerf stevens entire kit
@DavidNo-h7f Ай бұрын
FINALLY someone talking positively about multiversus!
@vaexsil Ай бұрын
Just wait until you see my next video 🫣
@itsagameriag 9 күн бұрын
@tburritooh Ай бұрын
I think wonder woman is smash
@vaexsil Ай бұрын
@kingpoes8109 Ай бұрын
i think you are a smash
@Roomba127 Ай бұрын
Vaexsil the goat
@vaexsil Ай бұрын
You tell 'em Roomba!
@itsagameriag Ай бұрын
Just make the game speed a bit faster, fix the broken bugs and give us like a 50 euro/dollar character pass rather then this greedy bullshit and I'm chilling. This video is alright but I think you should've highlighted the stuff they do right as well, cuz you also primarily complained in the video about the community but I'd suggest talking about things you enjoy about the game if you ever decide to make a follow up video on this.
@vaexsil Ай бұрын
That's the plan. This video was highlight the bad stuff. And the community being ass
@itsagameriag Ай бұрын
@@vaexsil Aight aight, keep me updated my little vakkol pakkol
@vaexsil Ай бұрын
Don't EVER call me that again
@itsagameriag Ай бұрын
​@@vaexsilall boys are the same :(
@StoryTeller796 Ай бұрын
Have you or are you going to talk about everyone else?
@vaexsil Ай бұрын
I want to talk about a few more characters but I don't think I'm goona do everyone sinc eI don't have much knowledge of all the characters.
@StoryTeller796 Ай бұрын
@@vaexsil Fair enough.
@FreeAimDog Ай бұрын
i want ripper roo in this game
@UsoTeaMor Ай бұрын
Never gonna happen
@FreeAimDog Ай бұрын
@@UsoTeaMor dexster and mandark vs rick and morty
@acrossley Ай бұрын
Top #300 jake player here, I think he's fine lmao definitely different from the beta but still very very viable
@rickyross9277 Ай бұрын
It's more about how multiversus killed itself
@Popeyes397 Ай бұрын
jake is alright, it’s better if u play like slow and abuse when someone dodges because then u can just eat them after,
@cultivator117 Ай бұрын
Biggest nerf to jake was taking away his mathmatical combo counter on his down air 😔
@itzYonko Ай бұрын
Will you ever do how multiversus murdered steven
@vaexsil Ай бұрын
But they didn't kill Steven. From the beta to now he actually got WAY better.
@eastonadkins6519 Ай бұрын
Tell me you haven’t played a good Jake without telling me you haven’t played a good Jake. He is still a top tier and your tierlists are wrong especially for 2v2s
@vaexsil Ай бұрын
He is litterally garbage. And the tierlists were both made by people who are pros at the game. A tierlist can also not be "wrong" since it is based on opinions.
@danhom1623 Ай бұрын
Tell me you’re getting bodied by a low tier character so he think he’s top tier without telling me you’re getting bodied by a low tier character so you think he’s a top tier character
@mcNuggetMuncher Ай бұрын
The game is pretty much a completely different game now then it was in the beta. I miss old multiversus. What its turned into is very mid.
@vaexsil Ай бұрын
I don't agree. It hink there are a lot of things that make this version better than the beta
@itsagameriag Ай бұрын
Same, the only things better about the rerelease is the new characters and online (kinda cuz the game is so fucking slow all around) it's still fun casually but besides that it's pretty bad
@itsagameriag Ай бұрын
@@vaexsil new video?????
@vaexsil Ай бұрын
@itsagameriag The only bad things about the game are the monetization (spending money is optional btw) some bugs which do need to be fixed and a few balancing issues. For the rest the game is better than in the beta.
@johncenasmotherinlaw2378 Ай бұрын
I have been playing Jake since Multiversus rereleased, and yeah... he kind of sucks now. He isn't really able to abuse the new dodge mechanics like other characters can (mostly spamming dodge to cross up opponents and take back stage control) since he is so slow and his jump doesn't go very far vertically. Meanwhile, his good option coverage moves are insanely slow (down special and skateboard). You would think to yourself "Yeah I can catch someone dodging below me with these moves", but no. Unfortunately, Jake doesn't have ultra fast or active moves for this purpose, like prepatch Bugs nair or Black Adam down air. This makes it so characters can easy camp Jake while spamming him with projectiles. Meanwhile, you try to punish by spacing sairs or taking your time to find an opening... only to be punished with "stop camping debuff". I especially feel this with Morty (who I think is his worst matchup). He spams dirt, which can easily catch your extremly low jump, while also getting opportunities to land his hard-to-land traps on you for free since you extend your hurtbox with your moves. Pretty much forced to play with "stop camping debuff" for the whole game. Jake has some good combo strings and mixups. Neutral B to Neutral B on the side of the stage WAS true, but they basically patched it out by making it easier for opponents to mash out of the command grab after already being eaten (Pretty much impossible to double bite someone now if they know how to mash). The opponent also goes into no lag after successfully mashing out, so they will just dodge away or reversal you. Jab 1 is a great combo starter leading into grounded down attack, grounded down attack, and bite at around 100-130 for a kill (the trick is to jab 1 -> bite -> jump up -> angle it depending on which blastzone is closest and spit them out). If you manage to land it, skateboard still gives okay reward wince you can follow up with nair or bite. Sair is also an INSANELY broken move for edge guarding. You will likely trade with their recovery moves, but if you angle it down you can spike people at literally 0-30 percent and kill them. You can even use it to poke downward through platforms, popping opponents up and true comboing into almost anything. His up special is also still a decent cheese move and can lead into good confirms if the opponent doesn't DI correctly or haphazardly dodges into the move. For changes that would make him better, the main things he needs is a better way to deal with swords and projectiles. Down special is way too laggy to work as a real reflecter and sair trades or loses to everything. Any frame data buff would be appreciated. Even though some characters like Jake are in a bad spot, im still enjoying the game and I think it could bounce back if the developers improved the game speed a bit. Although, I lowkey think Steven and Iron Giant need reworked entirely, they are cringe.
@Shimzyyy Ай бұрын
Explained his fallouts, and gave clear sensible solutions. Absolute 10/10 video, wish i could repost (jake main with 480 wins)
@vaexsil Ай бұрын
Thank you bro! Keep up the grind!
@TheGodlyGamerMugen Ай бұрын
Game is meant to be played 2v2 I think everyone os pretty balanced when looked at from a 2v2 lens 1v1 will remain broken because the game wasn’t even meant to truly be played that way
@marlonromero4181 Ай бұрын
Not everyone, for 2s some compliment the entire roster
@JimmiePitts Ай бұрын
Good fk Jake
@ChuckyGG2 Ай бұрын
Nobody died he's still in the game unlike jason
@vaexsil Ай бұрын
What do you mean?
@MFDeeksGaming Ай бұрын
This game is really not bad at all. People love to complain about every little thing when it comes to games and ruins it for everyone else. I absolutely love this game. Are there bugs? Sure. Is every character completely balanced? Nope. But it doesn’t ruin the game like I see so many people say. Just hit the lab and grind and play the damn game. Every character can compete with any other character when used properly.
@vaexsil Ай бұрын
I completely agree
@youshouldntaddzombottothisdeck Ай бұрын
I agree, there is too much unnecessary negativity.
@danielssss1342 Ай бұрын
"a lot of his moves are pretty slow" tbh you can describe most of the characters compered to their beta counterparts
@vaexsil Ай бұрын
True, but even compared to the characters now in full release his frame data is still pretty slow
@PlaystationTalks Ай бұрын
jake just to slow like i think hes slower at punching so no matter what u cant trade lol
@vaexsil Ай бұрын
Yeah, his frame data is really ass
@CloudReborn23 Ай бұрын
Man if y’all think Jake is bad y’all just haven’t went against that “musty nobody” guy he stomps me everytime in the most irritating cheesiest way possible
@vaexsil Ай бұрын
Then just avoid getting cheesed. The character is easily bottom 3.
@CloudReborn23 Ай бұрын
@@vaexsil that’s like saying “just avoid iron giant” it’s in their kit if you know how to use it youre top 3 if you don’t like you said easily bottom but that guy isn’t just top 5 on a “bad” character
@oofjeff3735 Ай бұрын
Comparing iron giant to jake 😂 gtfo​@CloudReborn23
@CloudReborn23 Ай бұрын
@@oofjeff3735 no I’m saying it’s a dumb argument if everything was as simple as “just avoid it” nothing would be considered good or need a nerf
@vaexsil Ай бұрын
I know what you're saying but it's the only tjing jake can do. So just spent the whole game to try and avoid getting cheesed.
@awildmoose6541 Ай бұрын
They didnt just kill one character the entire game is BEYOND dead already.
@vaexsil Ай бұрын
Not true really. It has over 5k players daily which is pretty good.
@awildmoose6541 Ай бұрын
@@vaexsil 5k is DISASTEROUSLY low for a game like this, but it doesnt even have 5k. It has around 3k, and none of those players are spending money on the awfully designed microtransactions, so its gonna get shut down in a month
@vaexsil Ай бұрын
@awildmoose6541 Platform fighters is a dead genre anyway so 5k is definitely not bad. People need to realize that they don't need to spent money on the game and they need to stop complaining about unnecessary stuff. PFG listens to us and always will. People are just impatient.
@awildmoose6541 Ай бұрын
@@vaexsil its 3k, and 3k is horrible for a live service game. Its dead, its over, that is a fact
@BronzeCat1 Ай бұрын
​@@vaexsil3k for a game no matter the type means it's dead.
Jake is bad, buff everything besides the janky hitbox, it’s about if his body, it should be a hit box, it’s not like Joker’s crowbar or Finn’s Sword!!!
@vaexsil Ай бұрын
Thats fair. They need to buff my boy tho!
@AYEANNI Ай бұрын
He has a lot out of nair /nair 2 you need to use more
@vaexsil Ай бұрын
He doesn't reammy have anythi´g out of nair as far as I know. And hitting nair2 in neutral is kind of impossible. Whay can he do out of nair?
@Gaptoofed Ай бұрын
Great video man definitely gonna sub
@vaexsil Ай бұрын
Thank you bro, appreciate it 🙏
@Sand-E_ Ай бұрын
we didn't deserve this game, its so horrible. and they killed my boy Jake
@vaexsil Ай бұрын
The game is good, the community just complains about the broken stuff instead of the bad stuff. So PFG berfs the good stuff without buffing the bad. It's the community's fault.
@Sand-E_ Ай бұрын
@@vaexsil I wouldn't say the game is good. The idea is good but the execution is pretty terrible. its made by a billion dollar company
@vaexsil Ай бұрын
Yes, but their budget isn't a billion dollars. The game is free which already gets rid of SOOOOO much profit they could make and everything else you can spend money on is optional so ofc the game isn't perfect.
@nikkilogo6720 Ай бұрын
@@vaexsilthey’re backed up by Warner bros….
@kingchato3052 Ай бұрын
@@nikkilogo6720 just because they are back by a company doesn’t mean that company is giving them full support. I hope you know that.
@mjdevlog Ай бұрын
Man you nailed the youtube scripting format amazingly. Good content.
@vaexsil Ай бұрын
Thank you bro 🙏🙏. I worked hard for it so it means a lot ❤️
@JunDageki Ай бұрын
Not a profitable character
@vaexsil Ай бұрын
Really isn't 🥲. He's still fun tho
@lorenzo77dascenzo70 2 ай бұрын
Where is BANJo
@lorenzo77dascenzo70 2 ай бұрын
Where is Metwo?
@GoblinGamerKid 3 ай бұрын
@mirandaprins8065 3 ай бұрын
Steve’s f-tier in the thumbnail because his beard is gone thats the only reason
@vaexsil 3 ай бұрын
@Ducksaregreat 3 ай бұрын
You had me on the first 4, then you whipped out a Mii and lost me 😂
@gracielealves6264 3 ай бұрын
I think the real problem isn’t that the new fighters are too broken, it’s just that other characters don’t have the tools to deal with them. It’s just like invasive species. In a vacuum, cane toads aren’t necessarily bad, but when they got to Australia, the local meta AKA wildlife didn’t have the counter play to deal with them, so they instead had their survival threatened. For example, when Min Min invaded the Smash ecosystem, since the main anti zoning tools for a lot of characters, their reflectors just didn’t work since Min Mins attacks are technically not projectiles, their viability got threatened. Overall, it’s not about being OP, it’s about other characters not having the necessary tools to beat you.
@daddyappa8366 4 ай бұрын
nice vido, I dont know why that dude is so mad lol
@vaexsil 4 ай бұрын
If you mean ItsAGamer, he's a friend of mine, but I agree he could've been a bit more polite. Also, thanks for the love ❤️
@peachyman8211 4 ай бұрын
It kind of just makes me sad and lose motivation to play a game, thats why i cant support it
@vaexsil 4 ай бұрын
I get that.
@itsagameriag 4 ай бұрын
Shielding is frame one, tf you mean "takes 3 frames to come out"
@vaexsil 4 ай бұрын
I meant that there is a shield lock for 3 frames, my bad. (No reason to be so aggressive, lil bro)
@cesars.9912 4 ай бұрын
@vaexsil The video is awesome, by the way, but respectfully, you made it sound much more complicated than it actually is. Sure, it's only technically three frames faster than a shield drop, but you're forgetting your opponent wasn't moving away during a parry "shield drop," so it's not technically just +3 since you basically skip the shield drop animation entirely. And can do things oos not normally possible like walk oos or literally any move oos. Also, parrying projectiles and parrying normal moves is now the same thing. IIRC, it was fixed through a patch in 2021. Lastly, certain moves that fall into an "indirect hitbox" list give an extra HUGE frame advantage over a normal parry for some reason. (+13 frames of frame advantage instead of the usual +3) There's no rhyme or reason to this; the game just does this. I don't know why, sadly, I forget which moves fall into this category. I do know that Robin arc thunder falls under said category.
@cesars.9912 4 ай бұрын
Actually, I found an old list that has some of the moves that fall into the indirect category, by the way. These are: byleth landing nair gunner bair/uair ness/lucas down b rob empty laser levin late dsmash/sour usmash seph landing dair dk down b (ground) zss down smash And theres more that i don't have noted down, but you get the point.
@vaexsil 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for the heads up, I didn't know this tbh but this was also just supposed to be a mini guide, I could've said more things but I didn't want the video to be too long. Thanks for the corrections tho!
@cesars.9912 4 ай бұрын
@@vaexsil np, I respect the hustle👍
@psyk1k986 4 ай бұрын
Only works online. I'm a semi pro fighter and in great shape, quite attractive with a good career. Nothing bothers me haha. I've won a couple locals and lost some recently, but people aren't toxic to me because I'll give them a dead leg or steal their girlfriend, if they have one. I'll gladly get DQd knowing some clown who thinks they're cool for playing princess peach and beating an electric cartoon mouse can't walk because of a light punch to the leg. "Have your girl save you" as i wink at her. A good one is getting the girl to smile after you tell them they couldnt stop me from doing it haha. Note im very humble, but ill bring the shit talkin to a real level, real fast when your only skill is smash and you think you can get under my skin. I will have people laughing at you so fast and with my public speaking skills, they will take my side. I'm also halfway decent at the game. I do well at my locals. All but four characters in elite smash as well. With a busy life, I haven't really pursued bigger tournaments though.
@MD-se8ft 4 ай бұрын
Taunting or tbagging does not mean toxicity . toxicity is bad and the smash community is filled to the brim with it. Don't encourage such behaviours, there is a reason why leffen is hated.
@vaexsil 4 ай бұрын
I get what you mean. But tauntung and tbagging are considered toxic. And I don't think being toxic is a bad thing as long as you stay within your limits.
@clunk238 4 ай бұрын
This is true, infuriating your opponent with a little toxicity is just another tool to win the mental game, but I would avoid taking this toxicity out of the game in any way. In my opinion, it will earn you more hate than it's worth. Regardless, tilting your opponent so they start performing worse is genuinely an effective strategy that I think shouldn't be so frowned upon. At the end of the day, if you're irritated by someone taunting in a videogame, you bear the fault for letting it get to you and distract you from what matters. Ignoring toxic behavior and trash-talk is the simplest way to avoid getting tilted, and I believe it's really not that hard when you realize how nonsensical it is to be angry at a videogame character performing various silly gestures.
@vaexsil 4 ай бұрын
I agree that because of the community, it is better not to use this strategy. But getting angry at taunts or tbags is, like you said, more the fault of the person getting triggered.
@psyk1k986 4 ай бұрын
The last time someone tried to troll me at a local, I pinched their bicep and almost made them cry. Soft boys shouldn't talk trash even if it's not serious, because my pinch wasn't serious, so why you crying? I prefer a more "mentor" or chill strategy when interacting with people, not the "don't touch grass and my girlfriend cheats on me" method you speak of. That way, people don't talk shit behind your back lol. Unless it's silly ball busting around friends.
@sora4440 4 ай бұрын
This is something that has been known and done in almost every sport. Its just playing mind games. Unfortunately, gaming communities are too soft to understand that trash talk and brash behaviour are useful tools to gain a competitive advantage against opponents. Its why home field advantage exist in sports. It takes a mentally tough individual to not let it affect their game...
@vaexsil 4 ай бұрын
I agree, I can definitely see why people don't like it. But I agree that the gaming community doesn't like it, especially the smash community, they are so toxic, but when it happens to them, they are the biggest softies.
@sora4440 4 ай бұрын
@@vaexsil Yea tbh, the Smash community didn't used to be this bad. I mean back in the Melee days, everyone talked hella shit. Thats how we had the whole East Coast vs West Coast thing. Just mad trash talking on smashboards that eventually led up to FC3. Tbf, other gaming communities have gotten soft too. The FGC days in the 00s and 10s were some crazy times. Popping off used to be common and now popping off can be seen as rude. Times just change...
@vaexsil 4 ай бұрын
Yeah. But that's how it is. If I'm right, I'm not just gonna say I'm wrong, tho. People in the comments telling me I'm wrong while taunting was made to be toxic is something I will stand for. I'm not gonna "admit" that I'm wrong.
@sora4440 4 ай бұрын
@@vaexsil I don't think its a right or wrong thing. As long as you aren't breaking any rules of the competition, all is fair. There are gentleman and unwritten rules in alot of competition but who cares. Baseball probably has the most gentleman rules but they still don't care. We still see people getting butthurt about bat flips so. Are trash talking and bat flips against the rules?? No. But are they lowkey disrespectful?? Yes. But in the world of competitions, anything that you can do to get an advantage within the rules is fair...
@psyk1k986 4 ай бұрын
So if a player is at a local, and says I need to get better, is it fair to say "if I had a dollar for everytime your mom and girlfriend said that to me about you in bed, I'd be rich"? Or pinching their cheeks like their grandma and call them cute?