@bryanep 26 күн бұрын
I stopped playing this game about 8 months back due to burn out and recently looked into get back into it. Used to buy the season pass too so not completely FTP but looking at the state of the game no way I'm getting back into it.
@TheBerg28 29 күн бұрын
We are we spending spotlight keys one by one? That is gambling, and of COURSE YOU FEEL BAD when you don’t pull the new card. Only spend keys when you’re guaranteed to pull what you want. 4 keys minimum to pull the new card. Second dinner has said they don’t WANT people to have all the cards. In games where devs HAVE given all the cards free to play, people stop playing because they get disinterested. Same sentiment is shared here among the players approaching pool 3 completion. The problem isn’t card acquisition, the problem is FEELING like new cards are unattainable-and of course it feels that way when you only spend one at a time. I’m not saying the system is perfect, but instead of wallowing in misery of your own doing, adjust your strategy and improve your mental health.
@GodbodyRoku 29 күн бұрын
Nowhere in my video did I say that I was spending my keys one by one
@TheBerg28 29 күн бұрын
@@GodbodyRoku I know, I’m talkin to people in the comments. I mean NO disrespect. I respect you for puttin the time in on this video and expressing your thoughts. Just wanted to start a conversation.
@GodbodyRoku 29 күн бұрын
@TheBerg28 I'll say this. Its really hard to get 4 keys in a week. The most I get is 3 and that is spread apart on some days. I know you're supposed to save 4 on the ONE card you want.. the thing is we only get a week to try and go for the card if you want it.. God forbid you spent all 4 keys and then a meta defining card comes out and you have to skip the card because you spent all your resources trying to get that card. That's why the card acquisition was only for new players to try and get cards they didn't have before compared to the ones like me that was getting everything until the spotlight keys came out. It just doesn't seem like good practice in putting trash spotlight caches together to get a wonky variant when you wanted that new card. That's where for me it's a trashy kind of practice. Yes, if you spend on one key each time it's gambling and when you don't get the card and end up with a wack ass variant you feel bad. You gotta spend gold to refresh missions to grind and get credits to upgrade a card to get on the collection track and try to go up 120 levels before you get your key. It's a ridiculous amount of grinding on top of trash spotlight packages like why has Modok been in 4 spotlight packages since its inception? For me it's been frustrating and you want to take a break but you're getting the feeling of if I take a break I will never get these cards that are in every single top 10 deck by these creators and it the FOMO takes over. Appreciate your comment bro I also blame myself a bit in the video but I understand people's frustration when it comes to card acquisition.
@ydgmdlu 29 күн бұрын
​@@GodbodyRokuyou're just dodging the points about how you're not meant to have every card. You can unlock two or three cards every month completely free-to-play. Whining about "meta-defining cards" is BS. There is literally no card in the game that you can't climb ranked/Conquest without, not even Red Hulk or Nocturne or White Widow. If a card is so good that it goes in every deck and has an over 25% play rate, that card will probably be nerfed (look what happened to Red Hulk). And regardless of whether it gets nerfed, no card has ever had over 50% play rate, which means that the majority of players get by just fine without using any given card. The FOMO is entirely caused by spending too much time on KZbin watching other creators show off every card. If you spent no time on KZbin watching Marvel Snap videos, then you'd be able to focus on the cards that seem fun to you in a vacuum rather than constantly worry about chasing the meta.
@GodbodyRoku 28 күн бұрын
@ydgmdlu bro we are obviously gonna disagree on nearly everything. Just because they don't want me to have every card doesn't mean that they have to cost nearly 100 bucks to get if I DO want that card. You say f2p but not everyone is a grindy sweaty player. Conquest has what 2-3 variants? 400 gold? To play a mode that not a lot of people play to begin with including me. You skipped over a lot of my points f2p don't get nearly enough rewards compared to someone who just buys the season pass.. whales get more due to buying most of their resources so they're able to be nearly collection complete. Card acquisition math TO ME doesn't add up. And yes I guess every single deck doesn't need xyz card but it doesn't exactly help when you get out powered and over matched in nearly all the games you play against the top meta decks. I'm at a pretty high collection level so matching against decks that are tier 1 while using a tier 3 is where you get out matched. RNG is a factor so you can win those games but tier 3 simply will lose majority of games against tier 1 let's be real.
@jonathanstorms4530 29 күн бұрын
With how the challenge systems work, it is quite literally impossible 2 grind out four keys in a week.
@alexfedak5500 29 күн бұрын
I have loved this game since the very start but that clip of Alex sums it up best. With new /improved forms of card acquisition being "in concept" is beyond laughable and shows where Second Dinner places the spotlight on the development side. I'm pleased to see stuff like the new Deadpool event and I can only hope they have some plans in the near future for f2p/lowbudg players
@nebulagray88 29 күн бұрын
I have enjoyed this game a lot when i first played it, but near the end of the pool 3 grind, being unable play new and more fun stuff, along with dailies feeling like chores, i just stopped opening the game suddenly and never looked back. From time to time i check ive things have changed in the hopes of being motivated to play again, but it seems unlikely.
@lf.l5766 21 күн бұрын
Same. I was spending every months and playing everyday. But not being able to play the cards I want if I don't spend a lot of money. I'm out, haven't been playing in 3 months. I was Infinite top 10k for 12 months.
@fallguybuddy2654 Ай бұрын
Stopped around 6:38 Yeah Red Hulk, Hi-Evo, and most recently cannonball. Ball is whatever i said to myself "it'll hurt but it wont be for a while"....came sooner than expected. Red hulk was so fast omg like wtf. Evo was the one that was least anoying for me cause I remember last yr everyone got him and then boom change. Arishem has the exact hype but I dont expect the card to be Evo lv good. My prediction is when they get desperate enough, thats when they'll take action. If I had to say a number it'll be 9months to 1yr. In concept is BS but when enough plp leave the game they will be forced to fix/change/update whatever.
@HTCenjoyer Ай бұрын
Grinding all this week a key spotlight to try to get Makkari, well... I ended up unlocking an useless variant of X-23 cuz I had her card long time ago... Now all I want is to uninstall the game and go to neck myself (its only an exageration) after grinding like that only for a variant that doesnt change the effects (just like ultimate cards). Its like you said, no one told me to open the spotlight it falls on my shoulders but it just feels like my hard work didnt have any effect on my progress in my collection. I Think I'm going to disconnect for the game the rest of the week.
@madmax8261 29 күн бұрын
fam im in the same boat… sometimes it even takes longer than a week to get a single key. & i complete every mission all i ended up with was that variant… smh
@ydgmdlu 29 күн бұрын
Why were you even trying to go for Makkari? The card is not even good.
@GodbodyRoku Ай бұрын
Ok here we go. Card acquisition has felt bad for me for my experience. My experience is not yours. This is not towards anyone that don't have bad pulls and all the luck in the world. I talk about monetization and albums for a bit because they contain spotlight keys and some bundles do as well. Some of those bundles cost 70-100 bucks to get spotlight keys or tokens. You have every right to spend as much as you want.. you have every right to grind as much as you want, but I won't take people that do like the spotlights to trash others with bad experiences and vice versa. You can rightfully disagree but don't be an a-hole about it. If this is not your type of video just move around respectfully.
@ydgmdlu 29 күн бұрын
Complaining about stuff that doesn't really matter isn't helpful to the community. In fact, it just adds toxicity. If the card acquisition model in Marvel Snap is unacceptable to you, then you can quit and switch to a different digital card game that has what you would call a better model. Good luck with that, because I'm sure that you'll only find games with worse card acquisition models, and the ones that might be better are now all dead or in maintenance mode by their developers.
@GodbodyRoku 29 күн бұрын
@ydgmdlu why doesn't it matter? If they decided to change card acquisition then that means it was a problem. Also if this video wasn't for you you yourself didn't have to ride second dinners dick to make this comment. I also play MTG Arena and have been getting a lot of cards way more than I had with playing Snap.. the money spent in MTG makes more sense than the money spent in Snap. How is it toxic when I make a video but Alex can make his comments and doesn't get any flack for it but I say the same things he says and now it's toxic for the community? But you can tell people to quit and that complaining does nothing while YOU are complaining about people starting a conversation about how card acquisition needs to change? Be for real dummy.
@ifuckinghatewhenyoubleed6226 Ай бұрын
Where the teeken 8 gameplay
@GodbodyRoku Ай бұрын
Unfortunately my PC doesn't recognize my controller. Plus I haven't liked the direction of T8, but I haven't played since the brand new update so things might be different.
@fallguybuddy2654 Ай бұрын
All the stupid money bundles really piss me too, like cmon gold is basically useless. And no new game mode is like wtf. Guess Arishem is our draft mode. They dying a slow painful death, whales ain’t gonna hold up cause if plp leave creators lose numbers and eventually everyone dies.
@GodbodyRoku Ай бұрын
Draft mode should have been one of the main priorities for the developers to make when people were wanting a new game mode. The fact that they were tone deaf for over 2 years when people were SCREAMING for a new mode just shows that some of these people at Second Dinner don't have our interests in order. Snap makes so much money compared to other card games yet the other card games have more modes and their monetization is far more viable to get new cards, and seem worthy enough to purchase. Something needs to change with the monetization and economy of Snap, because it is not sustainable and the rewards don't add up AT ALL.
@mrmatticus9693 Ай бұрын
Card acquisition can be fixed by just putting s4/s5 back into caches and keeping the spotlight system alongside it.
@GodbodyRoku Ай бұрын
I personally don't know how I would fix card acquisition except for adding actual duplicate protection. I think out of all the times I went for cards I only got ONE new card that I didn't have instead of getting tokens(ironically I needed the tokens so I could get Cannonball since I missed out on him during his Spotlight), and I ended up getting Martyr.. every other time it was a duplicate which gave me 1k tokens. Second Dinner knows what they're doing yet didn't hear the outcry when they announced this system. Its kind of good for new players, but absolutely trash for the players that have been playing since launch.
@jeremiahford2996 Ай бұрын
(TLDR)The spotlights keys need a serious revamp, I took a month off from rolling keys just to stack them up and now I got keys to roll but I’m missing several meta relevant cards. The collection track needs more resources and there should be NO ultimate variants in the albums. They need to throw us some kind of bone especially if you complete an album. Like if you complete an album they need throw you like 3000k tokens to at least help get you another card and some credits or something cuz emotes ain’t cutting it. I mean I love this game but why is every new card released series 5? I just feel like we’re getting squeezed way too hard. And God help the free to play players. (I commented before watching the whole video but you was speaking facts bro)
@jeremiahford2996 Ай бұрын
(TLDR)The spotlights keys need a serious revamp, I took a month off from rolling keys just to stack them up and now I got keys to roll but I’m missing several meta relevant cards. The collection track needs more resources and there should be NO ultimate variants in the albums. They need to throw us some kind of bone especially if you complete an album. Like if you complete an album they need throw you like 3000k tokens to at least help get you another card and some credits or something cuz emotes ain’t cutting it. I mean I love this game but why is every new card released series 5? I just feel like we’re getting squeezed way too hard. And God help the free to play players.
@HTCenjoyer Ай бұрын
Having new acquisition card system on concept let us know what they want... I mean the game has been more near to be another way to advertising their movies than a game. Just look at datamine, they predict the new season to be thematized for deadpool and wolverine: coincidence? Nop, that is another way to advertise the film bro. Dont get me wrong, I think its good they add characters of the new films or series they launch, but dont make this seem only like another tool to promote your films things, series, etc. When your monetitazion and metagame archetype fails you cant expect us to say "woah I'll buy all of this shit to go this evening to see Deadpool 3" it just isnt how it works. Anymay I appreciate your video bro facing this problems that seem to be now a taboo in the community, take care bro.
@GodbodyRoku Ай бұрын
I appreciate your comment my dude.. I wish more people spoke out about stuff like this as well. The thing I'm also upset about is that the Deadpool Diner prize is a brand new card that you HAVE to play the mode in order to try and get it. The mode itself is temporary and also from what I read another grind fest sweaty mode that is the equivalent to ladder mode(this was stated by Marvel Snap Zone article). The only thing new is getting a card because it has its own reward track. Now I have to worry about playing a mode and climb when I'm already stressed at a game mode thats grindy and sweaty to obtain a brand new card. Bruh.. WHAT ARE WE DOING?!
@omegaplays1666 Ай бұрын
My biggest gripe currently with the game is the key system. I don’t know why you are forced to take a new variant over a new card when spending keys. I think it should have been divided up into collect all the cards you can with keys in the spotlight then you can get their variants with additional keys
@GodbodyRoku Ай бұрын
This is where I'm stuck in.. I really want to break down more of the issues, and didn't want to do an on the spot rant like my video. I've always had a problem with the spotlight caches mainly because even if I do play a lot I still can't get all 4 keys. The fact that new cards only last a week, and then disappear for months or until you have enough tokens to spend on that card makes it more FOMO inducing. Also doesn't help that the new bad ass card or whatever is paired with two unwanted cards. Damn near every single series 5 card that has been released is now in every single meta deck. If you have one of the cards for a deck, but missing 3.. then you have to spend 18k tokens on getting those three cards, and these cards aren't exactly replaceable either. The game encourages buying bundles for extra credits and tokens for you to get that ONE KEY that can get you that card. I appreciate your comment.
@MrPepperoni89 Ай бұрын
i stopped playing, and u all should too otherwise u are the idiot who let tihs shit happen
@GodbodyRoku Ай бұрын
I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get shills and trolls on here so I'll just say this. If you at any point said "I need to take a break" but still sign on to do missions you're not taking the break. Collect your free credits and LOG OFF. Take the break because it's the only way to avoid FOMO.. the only things that will change are the cards, because everything else that seems remotely decent is all "in concept" and that will be 6 months down the line The fact that new card acquisition is on "IN CONCEPT" lets all of know that the current spotlight caches is pure bullsh!t. There is no way to leave and try to comeback without having to spend a lot of money on bundles with tokens. Cool ideas being scrapped for more modes to grab more money out of you. Why spend money on something that lacks any new content? Why is new content just being temporarily added into the game?
@toannguyenuc750 4 ай бұрын
Whats that u smoking bro
@GodbodyRoku 4 ай бұрын
@tokugawa7 4 ай бұрын
Get the chance toss the deck list link in your descriptions for easy copy paste action.
@GodbodyRoku 4 ай бұрын
I knew I forgot something 🤣
@GodbodyRoku 4 ай бұрын
Game play starts at 18:19 deck code is in the description as well! Also, I know I'm pretty quiet because I normally just play, but I think I will add commentary for future highlights. I was sh!t talking a lot lol.. My opponents aren't bitches I just hate certain archetypes and I played the ones that I HATE on my climb. Either way hope this deck helps you out. Timestamps are in the description. Peace
@GodbodyRoku 4 ай бұрын
1:48 - New custom card feature 6:51 Gold Bundle 7:55 Cable/Mantis 8:58 - Yondu 10:51 - M'Baku 11:35 - Miek 13:20 - Elsa Bloodstone 15:37 - Thanos/Mind Stone 17:34 - Leech 22:23 - Final thoughts on patch
@GodbodyRoku 4 ай бұрын
0:00 - I was Right 1:30- Hope still makes Thanos insanely strong 4:16 - Corvus/Hela 5:00 - New card Mockingbird will make Thanos even STRONGER 7:54 - Why I have been away/questionable OTA changes 11:02 - New card discussion War Machine is gonna be broke AF/ Predictions of cards being patched 16:36 - I give props to the card Pixie 18:30 - The monetization problem/Bring back tokens and gold for spotlight track 20:50 - Final thoughts
@ShaneSpear02 6 ай бұрын
I don't know you from Adam, and I don't know how you ended up in my algorithm but a reason you might be struggling is that you have a very negative vibe. I just looked at like 4 rows of thumbnails and titles and it's mostly negative. I mean, if you're looking for like ragebait conversations more power to you but it's just not for me.
@GodbodyRoku 6 ай бұрын
Or I haven't uploaded a lot of videos for weeks almost a month. I released this showed up on your page so thanks for the algorithm and the views 🫡. My negative videos have done pretty well compared to my deck highlights so what does that tell you?
@Danielperezguitar 6 ай бұрын
Arena mode. All we ask, all we need.
@GodbodyRoku 6 ай бұрын
I wanted draft mode but apparently it's not going to happen 😕
@Danielperezguitar 6 ай бұрын
ye draft is what i ment , but why not ? they said something about it ? , i mean... its just THE mode for every card game@@GodbodyRoku
@GodbodyRoku 6 ай бұрын
@Danielperezguitar I think they said it in the discord when someone asked about upcoming modes and features. They said they are not going to work on the mode so whatever mode they have in the works will be something completely different
@GodbodyRoku 6 ай бұрын
For the people that just watch the first minute this what the video is explaining: I play fighting games.. if I have to play a bunch of matches against the top character in every match then at some point it won't be fun when there are an array of different characters in said game. I compare decks to characters because well decks have different archetypes as well as fighting game characters. It makes sense to me in that way. I'm sorry if you guys play Thanos Blob.. it's just mad annoying when 9/10 matches is against this deck. It would be mad annoying to play against that same character in a fighting game. I have my decks that I have fun with and play with but if that deck got nerfed against an untouched top tier deck then it's a problem. That's the gist of my video it's not fun when you play against the same deck in both ranked and conquest modes.. especially when the deck is tier 0 with minimal weaknesses compared to other decks in the game.
@sayakdey480 6 ай бұрын
this game will die soon its inevitable 😂
@Unibot47 6 ай бұрын
That's pretty awesome that you play Tekken. Gonna sub. I have been a Tekken fan since Tekken 1 on the PS1 and arcade. I am not a Feng Wei main. Gonna get 8?
@GodbodyRoku 6 ай бұрын
I'm mainly a Ganryu main and the characters for 8 are some that I'm not really interested in. I'll pick it up and hopefully use Azucena and Paul as I use Paul if I don't have my mains. I'm hearing rumors that Roger will be in and that's another main that I've used competitively since tekken 5. Both Ganny and Roger are my true mains and the ones I've put in a lot of time with.
@Unibot47 6 ай бұрын
I regret putting any money into this dogshit fucking game honestly. If I wanted to sink money into a piece of shit game I'd have stuck with Hearthstone. Just gonna go back to playing Magic.
@DonXLegendSnap 6 ай бұрын
Finally !!! Someone who mentioned high evo decks. Everyone is playing it now and it's so annoying. I mean come on people everybody playing the same deck, high evo
@norock_ 6 ай бұрын
Im only at the beginning of the video and Im sorry dude but you ramble way too much. What I gather is that you only want the cards you like to be good right? Metas will always have a dominant character/build/deck/etc, the only time this doesnt happen is because the focus is on complete balance, normally this always means a tiny roster, or a very samey one, you dont have uniqueness and variety while mantaining complete balance. Card games always struggle with this when compared to fighting games because archetypes are more limited so not every card is overpowered and the game turns into a game of chance on whether or not you had the counter. Placing your enjoyment of the game on playing with only the characters you like or the archetypes you find fun will obviously lead to a frustrating experience.
@trishal837 6 ай бұрын
Reminds me when I use to play Cod on a sniper focused map but there's always those handful that will want to use a shotgun or a knife
@norock_ 6 ай бұрын
@@trishal837 and then they whine about you "playing lame/the meta". It's wild that it happens in shooters.
@GodbodyRoku 6 ай бұрын
In fighting games if I played against the same character over and over it's just not fun. Tekken 4 had Jin vs Jin in damn near every tournament which is why Tekken 4 is deemed as one of the worst tekkens tournament wise for how INSANELY broken Jin was with all the bullshit he has. This is the first time where we have a tier 0 deck in Marvel Snap. Thanos Blob completely outclassed any other deck in the game and people were playing the same deck over and over. If I have to purposely play the counter to that deck in every game and it's an archetype that I happen to not like then it's kind of a fucking problem. I shouldn't have to play a counter deck every single time I boot the game up.. I should have agency in playing the decks I would like to play and have the playing field be somewhat competitive and NOT HAVE repetitive with one clear beastly deck. Tekken 4 had Jin with unblockable 13 frame moves that was guaranteed.. that's broke and not fun. Leroy t7 was clearly the best character with parry from highs and lows and was extremely easy to use. He was picked by every person in the tournament which made top 8 a Leroy fest and made Evo Japan one of the worst tournaments to watch during that time. People complained about Jin and Leroy because they were legitimately in a class of their own. Thanos Blob lockjaw is exactly that a class of it's own stated by some of the top players that it's clearly a tier 0 deck while Black Knight decks run second and it's not even close to being a tier 0 deck.
@GodbodyRoku 6 ай бұрын
Also I stated I'm a character loyalist so I play the characters that brings me the most fun which is why I'm a dedicated Ganryu player as I've played him for 15 years and know the ins and out of my match-ups and who is good against and worst against but also know how to punish damn near every move and what to side step. The characters in tekken have well over 60 moves on avg with over 50+ characters in the game. If with first person shooters certain maps will benefit Snipers if the map is big.. In my COD modern warfare days I never sniped but understood snipers were strong and normally knew where they were sniping at. I was pretty good at hitting snipers so I never complained about people camping in one spot because I knew where they were at and knew shortcuts to avoid or sneak behind them.. but that is a team game mostly and not so much an individual type of game. If a game has a lot of characters I should be able to see a diverse picks I play a character people see as bad but is not really that bad. Now there are people that are tier whores and will play the best characters.. You can tier whore all you want but I have at least a chance to beat that character. Now compare it with decks like Thanos Blob and it's like t7 Leroy all over again because it's just ridiculously too strong in the right hands.
@trishal837 6 ай бұрын
@GodbodyRoku but to that same point it's not impossible to beat I've always centered around control in this game and It runs none of the high end tech picks like chi or cosmo etc etc and haven't had crazy difficulty with it and I've seen move loyalists that's is arguably 1 of the most difficult archetypes to pilot overcoming them consistently in there streams. every player has different experiences so it's hard for me to say that group of cards needs a rework or not.
@sno3mane605 6 ай бұрын
It's a shame all these other big content creator need to speak up this BS thanks fam you gained a new subbed.
@GodbodyRoku 6 ай бұрын
Appreciate the sub.. I tend to do discussions and less gameplay I talk about what big creators won't and I don't hold back on my comments.
@voss451 6 ай бұрын
I just can't figure out that after a whole year of the game being out and them releasing however many new cards, they STILL feel the need to release completely broken cards like Ms. Marvel, Blob, etc... only to have to go back and 'nerf' them. I know for a lot of people the answer is 'just add tech cards'... yes you add them and what happens when the ONLY card that can help stop Ms Marvel either ends up on the bottom of your deck, discarded by a location, etc... then what ? Early last year, the 'big meta' deck was Shuri/Red Skull and SD responded by 'tweaking' Shuri and Red Skull because dropping 28 power on 1 turn was pretty hard to overcome. Now, there are people that drop Blob out on t4 and it can easily get to be well over 50 power and if Caiera is in play, Valkyrie and Shadow King are literally the only 2 cards that can do anything about it because NO OTHER card can come even close to that kind of power. As such the meta being in such a mess is literally the devs own fault. And as scary as it may sound, in another month or so, they'll probably change how Blob works and will release yet another stupidly OP card and start the whole thing all over again. In the end though, it's not entirely their fault either. Some that play the game, love to make decks and see what works and what doesn't and it's that experience that makes the game fun. Sadly, for a lot of others, they could care less about that and just want to win.... period. As such, they constantly look out for what the 'top meta' decks are and just play those because those decks give them the best chance of climbing in rank. The end result is a good portion of the people playing the game end up all playing the same 4 or 5 decks and it's honestly a pretty boring experience.
@GodbodyRoku 6 ай бұрын
I stick with a few decks that I like to create or just enjoy with them being insanely overpowered.. but it's insane that Second Dinner will release a card and it's either broke as fuck or trash. Then somehow they will fix the trash card for it to be really good but everyone skipped out on it or take the insanely OP card and make it trash. The way they have balanced stuff has made absolutely no sense. They damn near killed werewolf by Night when all I wanted for them was to make his power less so he doesn't gain insane amount of power, but you also have to be very smart with the card. Now you either pray you have zabu by turn 2 or just decide if you really need to play WBN by turn 4. It's pretty dumb.
@jakubskonieczny5750 6 ай бұрын
Yo Roku. Let's start with it that I agree with your general take - meta is stale and Thanos is the best deck. I must argue altough that the nature of cardgame is that there are decks which are favorable against other decks and to minimize that advantage you put tech cards and general cards which improve your match-up. You can't just say "I don't want to play those cards" and try to win with a deck which by your own design (your deckbuilding aspect) is not suited to win this matchup. It was as if Thanos player have said "i don't like Blobb, i won't play it in my Thanos build" But you have to! This will weaken your deck. As not playing suprising tech-card (like cosmo, valkyrie, even ghost). The way you beat someone who is better OR who has a better deck is not by brute force and numbers battle, it's by wit and making plays which counter your opponent plays and make them reconsider their positioning - quake is now hot thing, all the move cards can contribute to victory if played very well. It's always been like this - you need to outplay them more times than they outplay you because they have better deck. If you both make similar complexity of moves, you will lose more than you win (in this particular match-up) So I agree, Thanos decks are outperfoming but you can and MUST use countermeasures. Also for last - i took a 2 weeks off from marvel snap (came back like 3 days ago) and holy damn, this was fantastic time. No fear of missing out, no worrying to complete daily mission even if I'm not in a mood for it, no need to worry about anything considering this game. Now I'm well rested and I enjoy being back, I enjoy the game just because I took this break, if not I probably wouldn't feel good about how things shake up right now. But you know what? It's contemporary, OTA will surely change things. Also I love that Loki is now gone, it was for me far worst experiance which prevent me to play certain cards in deck just because Loki existed. I don't know why they release cairea with all lanes effect when they CLEARLY will nerf them to effect one lane only. It's clear as day for me. I mean i know why - money. You invest in something, month later they destroy your toy and force you to invest in new toy. That's the crutial economy feature in this game and if someone doesn't see it, they are either blind or stupid. Also Prof X is gone as well but still playable and i think they nailed this change. Ms Marvel is still good (i hate that they drop her stats by 1 because Cerebro 5 is now completly dead), wolf is health at 4 mana. I just think they killed elsa and that's said. It should have more impact than this. People paid for that card and now it's complete trash.
@GodbodyRoku 6 ай бұрын
It's absurd that you should have to play counters in a deck that you want to play with. I'm not granted the agency to play with cards and decks that I want to use and now I have to play with cards and archetypes that I don't like playing. I think Valk is really good in c3 and pretty much the only use for her tbh as she is not great with other cards on top of that you might get your cards leeched by that point. This is one of the few times that a card is not only tier 1 but clearly tier 0
@trishal837 6 ай бұрын
I mean yea I see both sides but yea tech cards are there for this reason I mean if u don't like a card but it's the only counter to something and u don't want to play it I mean...vs have a deck with literally 0 counters I could 100% get onboard. But everyone has different experiences hopefully urs become better
@jakubskonieczny5750 6 ай бұрын
@@GodbodyRoku you like experimenting so making not obvious tech choice should be rewarding for you. I remember playing magneto in every single deck before it was auto-include in All those big stats meta. The ammount of times I caugh my opponent by suprise with pulling this ms marvel was sick back in ongoing meta. People started to tech it often a little bit later. If I had quake I would play it in every single deck, or legion. Anyway playing tech cards is part of the game, you dont have to play 5 of them, just one or two very well selected is enough for your chances for victory. Imagine not playing shang-chi in this meta - sure there are some decks which try to do their own insane stuff like hela or tribunal but if you go for a fair approach of putting numbers you just put shang-chi everywhere now because its reasonable thing to do. Tech cards go and left, shang-chi will go as well. Remember the ongoing meta when people played 4/2 copy ongoings? Noone was complaining about this card because people auto-win with it, with cards like valkirye or shang you still have a game to be played. I mean i understand your position, i dont like occupying deck slots with tech cards as well, but its important component to your deck stategy. After All we build them to win and tech cards are the single most interaction piece between you and your opponent. Playing around stuff, making conscience unoptimal plays which are optimal if you consider you will be hit with a tech card next turn.
@carlosb.6851 6 ай бұрын
*Hasn't played: makes a video to discuss the meta XD
@GodbodyRoku 6 ай бұрын
I haven't played ladder I've been playing conquest mode. I stopped playing ladder since its over ran with Thanos. I'm still running into Thanos decks in conquest. I stated that in my posts what I should have clarified more is the abundance of content creators talking about the same Thanos decks.
@GodbodyRoku 7 ай бұрын
After playing Havok for a bit in Conquest I won two gold tickets. I'm still using him in bounce and he is pretty dope. You can either cap him at 2 and viper which is niche but will annoy the opponent or you can play him turn 5 and make him a 2/8 following other cards if you played right. He fits in with Werewolf By Night, but I'm afraid that they will nerf him with the OTA. *I'm typing this on 12/21 at 4am*
@jakubskonieczny5750 7 ай бұрын
I was lucky to open Nico and havok, i'm really happy right now :-)