@sasmita406 27 минут бұрын
Hello Ankit sir , I saw this full video , it was awesome and clear the fundamentals of solving SQL questions . Thank you so much for making this video and made easy for all aspirants who are watching this video and start practicing the SQL questions onwards by seeing this video . Thank you so much . I would request you kindly make some more videos like this so that we can learn , understand and easy to solving any interview level of SQL questions. Thank you sir !
@ankitbansal6 18 минут бұрын
Glad you liked the video. Do share with your friends.
@E_aqua 52 минут бұрын
You are great 🙏 I started learning very late in my life journey but yes you the reason sir i do believe i will achieve it 🎯 You are "awesome" sir 🫡
@ankitbansal6 18 минут бұрын
Keep it up💪
@milindjogdand8630 10 сағат бұрын
Without CTE select order_date, sum( case when order_date=first_new_cust then 1 else 0 end )as new_customer_count, sum(case when order_date!=first_new_cust then 1 else 0 end) as repeat_customer_count from( select co.*,first_visit_cust.first_new_cust from customer_orders co join ( select co.customer_id,min(co.order_date) as first_new_cust from customer_orders co group by co.customer_id ) first_visit_cust on co.customer_id=first_visit_cust.customer_id order by co.order_id) group by order_date order by order_date;
@varunas9784 11 сағат бұрын
Good one as always! Here's my approach: ================================== with cust_count as (select *, COUNT(customer_id) over(partition by customer_id order by order_date) [flag] from customer_orders) select order_date, COUNT(case when [flag] = 1 then 1 end) [New customers], COUNT(case when [flag] > 1 then 1 end) [Repeat customers] from cust_count group by order_date ==================================
@niluthpalchowdhury 12 сағат бұрын
My approach : WITH ALL_DATA AS( SELECT *,DENSE_RANK()OVER(PARTITION BY user_id ORDER BY created_at ASC) AS no_of_purchases, DENSE_RANK()OVER(PARTITION BY user_id,product_id ORDER BY created_at ASC) AS product_type FROM marketing_campaign), user_level AS( SELECT user_id,max(no_of_purchases) AS Total_purchases,max(product_type) AS Total_Product FROM ALL_DATA GROUP BY user_id) SELECT user_id FROM user_level WHERE Total_purchases>1 AND Total_Product=1
@Swag-q7t 14 сағат бұрын
Great video.Kindly give dataset in csv format
@pradiptomandal6574 14 сағат бұрын
with cte as (select *,max(salary) over(partition by dep_id ) as maxi, min(salary) over(partition by dep_id ) as mini from salary) select dep_id, max(case when salary=maxi then emp_name else null end) as emp_name_max_sal, min(case when salary=mini then emp_name else null end) as emp_name_min_sal from cte group by dep_id
@rishabhralli9151 14 сағат бұрын
with cte as( select customer_id,order_date,row_number() over(partition by customer_id order by order_date) as rn from customer_orders) select order_date, sum(case when rn=1 then 1 else 0 end) as new_customer_count, sum(case when rn>1 then 1 else 0 end) as repeated_count from cte group by 1 my approach
@abhishekjain1418 15 сағат бұрын
Hi Ankit Sir, Please evaluate this solution, Instead of using a dummy date, i have used filter conditions as it can be possible that we didn't update the values of end date in real life scenario with total_billings as ( select *, dateadd(day,-1,lead(bill_date) over(partition by emp_name order by bill_date)) as last_date from billings) select h.emp_name, sum(bill_rate*bill_hrs) as totalCharges from total_billings t inner join HoursWorked h on t.emp_name=h.emp_name where (h.work_date between bill_date and last_date) or (last_date is null and bill_date<work_date) group by h.emp_name; Will this query cover all the test cases or am i missing something. Kindly let me know?
@vasistasairam5483 16 сағат бұрын
My Approach: SELECT *, row_number() OVER(ORDER BY company asc, salary asc) as seq_id INTO #temp_tbl FROM employee ORDER BY company, salary; WITH company_median AS ( SELECT company, CEILING(AVG(CAST(emp_id AS DECIMAL(10, 1)))) AS median_row1, FLOOR(AVG(CAST(emp_id AS DECIMAL(10, 1)))) AS median_row2 FROM #temp_tbl GROUP BY company ) SELECT company, avg(salary) as median_salary FROM #temp_tbl WHERE seq_id IN ( SELECT median_row1 FROM company_median UNION SELECT median_row2 FROM company_median ) group by company;
@grishmagajjar7234 17 сағат бұрын
what if there is no clear job description. so how can we make a resume ATS friendly in this situation?
@a_043_rashmiranjanbarik3 17 сағат бұрын
I don't think anything would happen if we use Union as even if there is any duplicate union wilk keep one instance exclude other and if there's none it will only be in gold here it doesn't matter if ther is union or union all well get same results
@chiranjeevivarma8258 18 сағат бұрын
Plz do it for phython as well Bcoz the way of explanation you have given with exceptional clarity we can't get it from anywhere
@vishwassharma3312 18 сағат бұрын
Thank you sir i have been waiting of complete sql video for a very long time. 👍👍❤️❤️🙏🙏
@AjayNayak-i2d 18 сағат бұрын
emp_list=[('Ankit',10000),('Rahul',12000),('Sumit',14000),('Dheeraj',21000),('Pavan',11000),('Mohit',13000)] def average(emp_mark): avergae_mark = sum(emp_mark)/len(emp_list) return avergae_mark avg_res=average([ele[1] for ele in emp_list]) qualified_emp=[ele for ele in emp_list if avg_res<ele[1]]
@AjayNayak-i2d 18 сағат бұрын
emp_list=[('Ankit',10000),('Rahul',12000),('Sumit',14000),('Dheeraj',21000),('Pavan',11000),('Mohit',13000)] def average(emp_mark): avergae_mark = sum(emp_mark)/len(emp_list) return avergae_mark avg_res=average([ele[1] for ele in emp_list]) qualified_emp=[ele for ele in emp_list if avg_res<ele[1]]
@mulikinatisiddarthasiddu8245 19 сағат бұрын
Bro where is the data set
@varunas9784 19 сағат бұрын
My attempt on SQL server: =============================== with partition_flag as (select *, ROW_NUMBER() over(order by (select 1)) [rn], case when category is not null then 1 else 0 end [partition flag] from brands), group_values as (select *, SUM([partition flag]) over(order by [rn]) [group] from partition_flag) select FIRST_VALUE(category) over(partition by [group] order by [group]) [Category], brand_name from group_values ===============================
@tnzlvisuals 20 сағат бұрын
Need same 2HRS video on python.
@varunas9784 20 сағат бұрын
Good one as always.. here's my approach on SQL server: ================================== with city_count as (select *, COUNT(city_id) over(partition by city_id order by year(business_date)) [new city count per year] from business_city) select YEAR(business_date), SUM([new city count per year]) from city_count where [new city count per year] = 1 group by YEAR(business_date) ==================================
@varunas9784 21 сағат бұрын
Good one as always! My attempt on SQL server: =========================================== with flagged_grp as (select *, case when LAG(status, 1, status) over(order by event_time) = status then 0 else 1 end [flag] from event_status), status_grp as (select *, SUM([flag]) over(order by event_time) [grp] from flagged_grp), sorted_grp as (select *, ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by [grp] order by event_time) [row num], COUNT(*) over(partition by grp) [count] from status_grp) select s1.event_time [login], s2.event_time [logout], s1.[count] from sorted_grp s1 join sorted_grp s2 on s1.[row num] = s2.[row num] and s1.grp + 1 = s2.grp and s1.status = 'on' and s2.status = 'off' ===========================================
@MrAlokmca 23 сағат бұрын
Great session Ankit bhai , please create more videos like the same, thanks 🙏
@ankitbansal6 22 сағат бұрын
I will try my best
@ajitmalakar6882 Күн бұрын
select customer_id ,sum (case when product <> 'Photoshop' then revenue end) NonPsRev from m_pra_adobe_transactions where customer_id in (select customer_id from m_pra_adobe_transactions where product = 'Photoshop') group by customer_id
@mohits4841 Күн бұрын
No one would accept during the interview that they follow Ankit Bansal, not even the interviewer 😂
@gauravpanchariya Күн бұрын
Your videos are really helpful in preparation of SQL. I subscribed your channel to learn more and in detail about SQL.
@peterpace3379 Күн бұрын
Where does DISTINCT come?
@ankitbansal6 Күн бұрын
After select
@gauravpanchariya Күн бұрын
Very aptly explained. I was asked this window sql question in Gainwell interview. I couldn't answer as I were not aware of it. I searched for these functions and saw your video. It is very easily explained and very precise to the core.
@ShivamGupta-wn9mo Күн бұрын
with cte as( select Callerid,Recipientid,Datecalled,Date(Datecalled) as date, max(Datecalled) over(partition by Date(Datecalled)) as max_date, min(Datecalled) over(partition by Date(Datecalled)) as min_date from phonelog) select Callerid,Recipientid,date,count(*) from( select Callerid,Recipientid,date,'last_call' as time from cte where Datecalled=max_date union all select Callerid,Recipientid,date,'1st_call' as time from cte where Datecalled=min_date order by date ) a group by 1,2,3 having count(*)>1 ;
@positivity1247 Күн бұрын
Thanks for this great efforts sirji ❤❤❤
@positivity1247 Күн бұрын
For data analysis sql and Power bi is sufficient
@ankitbansal6 Күн бұрын
@KapilKumar-hk9xk Күн бұрын
wow, alway mind opening yet simple solutions.
@pankajnegi9278 Күн бұрын
My Solution :- use practise; WITH CTE AS ( SELECT A.poll_id AS poll_id ,MAX(A.correct_option_id) AS winner_option, -- SUM(CASE WHEN A.correct_option_id=poll_option_id THEN amount ELSE NULL END) AS winner_cnt, -- SUM(CASE WHEN A.correct_option_id!=poll_option_id THEN amount ELSE NULL END) AS rem_cnt ROUND(SUM(CASE WHEN A.correct_option_id!=poll_option_id THEN amount ELSE NULL END)/ SUM(CASE WHEN A.correct_option_id=poll_option_id THEN amount ELSE NULL END)) AS single_unit FROM polls P JOIN poll_answers A ON P.poll_id=A.poll_id GROUP BY A.poll_id ) SELECT P.poll_id AS poll_id, user_id, winner_option, amount*single_unit AS winning_mount FROM CTE C JOIN polls P on C.poll_id=P.poll_id AND C.winner_option=P.poll_option_id
@HimanshuSingh-cf7wr Күн бұрын
with k as (select d.*, case when Gold in (select Silver as medal from events union select bronze as medal from events) then Gold else 'Other' end as Gold_other_medal_winner, count(Gold) over (partition by Gold ) as no_of_golds from events as d) select distinct Gold,no_of_golds from k where Gold<>Gold_other_medal_winner
@hairavyadav6579 Күн бұрын
Sir nice video ❤ To bring twist please use hindi also....
@mantisbrains Күн бұрын
select student_id from ( select * from exams4 where student_id in ( select student_id from exams4 where subject like '%Chem%' and student_id in (select student_id from exams4 where subject like '%Phy%')))m group by student_id having count(distinct marks) = 1; Thank you,Ankit !
@АлександрРусаков-в4с Күн бұрын
Lopez Charles Allen Joseph Hernandez Kenneth
@sanskaarraj1931 Күн бұрын
But what about in case of 0.
@ankitbansal6 Күн бұрын
Same as any other value like 1 or 2
@rasanivr Күн бұрын
Thank you, I used this video as a recap before my interview. ☺
@ankitbansal6 Күн бұрын
@MovieBuzz-uu8kp Күн бұрын
My answer is straigh forward and easy to understand select * from ( select supplier_id,product_id,count(*) as cnt,min(record_date) as record_date from ( select *, datediff(day,rw,record_date) as id from ( select *, row_number () over (partition by supplier_id,product_id order by record_date) as rw from stock where stock_quantity<50) a ) b group by supplier_id,product_id,id ) c where cnt>1
@raviagrawal2862 Күн бұрын
Superb explanation
@shatirdimag1011 Күн бұрын
Leetcode problem solved yesterday swap I'd if odd with consecutive name and leave the last row ..
Thank you, Ankit bhai it helps a lot. Keep sharing videos for different questions
@madhupincha7898 2 күн бұрын
This video was amazing for revision purpose Learnt the way how to think like SQL The way you compared and shown the difference of implementing things in Excel and SQL was something new i leaned The way sequence was execution of queries you explained was great now we no more have to remember those.
@ankitbansal6 Күн бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it 😊
@madhupincha7898 2 күн бұрын
Next video suggestion is please add some portfolio projects in SQL Bcz most of channels covers basic dummy projects Please add some which we can add in our resume and portfolios
@ankitbansal6 Күн бұрын
@mantisbrains 2 күн бұрын
select seat_no from (select *, sum(case when is_empty='Y' then 1 else 0 end) over (order by seat_no rows between 2 preceding and current row) prev_2, sum(case when is_empty = 'Y' then 1 else 0 end) over (order by seat_no rows between 1 preceding and 1 following) as prev_1, sum(case when is_empty ='Y' then 1 else 0 end) over (order by seat_no rows between current row and 2 following) as next_2 from bms1)a where prev_1= 3 or prev_2 =3 or next_2 =3; select seat_no from( select *, seat_no - rn as consecs from (select *, row_number() over ()rn from (select * from bms1 where is_empty = 'Y')a)b)n where consecs in( select consecs from (select *, seat_no - rn as consecs from (select *, row_number() over ()rn from (select * from bms1 where is_empty = 'Y')a)b)c group by consecs having count(consecs) >= 3) Thank you,Ankit !
@ArvindKumar-bf1ei 2 күн бұрын
Hello sir data analytics ka free course ya playlist bta digiye koy jo mujhe help karein please sir
@addhyasumitra90 2 күн бұрын
Run the below script to create table and insert sample data. CREATE TABLE covid_cases ( record_date DATE PRIMARY KEY, cases_count INT ); DECLARE @end_date date; DECLARE @loop_date date; DECLARE @num INT; set @end_date = '2021-12-31' set @loop_date = '2021-01-01' WHILE @loop_date <= @end_date BEGIN select @num = floor(RAND()*(1000-500)+500); insert into covid_cases(record_date, cases_count) values(@loop_date, @num); select @loop_date = dateadd(day, 1, cast(@loop_date as date)); END