@liamace1107 17 секунд бұрын
Those characters at the end aren't "the different tarnished builds", they're all new characters with new equipment, personalities and stories
@liamace1107 2 минут бұрын
The golden snake eye is more likely a connection to dragon communion than the golden order
@ryancumming9089 17 минут бұрын
That's actually amazing you saw it as a battle for control long before the part where it becomes obvious. You're one of the few, kudos.
@bigblue4364 3 сағат бұрын
The depth that they gave this character in less than 8 minutes is really outstanding. This cinematic was on a whole other level from their previous work tbh.
@tinypinata505 4 сағат бұрын
A great and unique perspective on a FromSoft IP. Kudos!
@hyllo 6 сағат бұрын
You should react to "Ocupied Cowboy" the new Boothills Trailer! I think you would love it
@nathanplumb3782 10 сағат бұрын
I had a lot of the same initial impressions about the possible lore implications of the different images.
@nicklaush7441 10 сағат бұрын
My favorite thing is that the dance they are doing is a popular one in Hispanic cultures and apparently it's never animated right cause of how difficult it is due to some of the sharp movements. A lot of people from Hispanic cultures are praising this video cause this is the best animation of the dance they have ever seen
@SourceOfTheRightArm 11 сағат бұрын
Its funny how everyone sees a topless man with golden hair while the narrator is talking about Michela and they think its marica
@nathanplumb3782 11 сағат бұрын
Ds3 is amazing. I love those dlc bosses so much.
@AshtonMonitor 12 сағат бұрын
One thing I love is how she shatters the background and the pieces fall out of place, before shifting perspective and suddenly the pieces get put back together but remain visibly shattered, like she’s shattered a beautiful but false perspective of reality to replace it with a true but broken reality that lies underneath, which really plays into her being a follower of Nihility.
@sameergill-raza711 14 сағат бұрын
Finding out that this was made in 2008, and looking back at stuff today. WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?!
@chestergordon7534 17 сағат бұрын
I beleive when they talk about "seduction" they mean Marika being seduced by power and control. And when they say"affair" they mean she was promised to soemthihg else (perhaps the crucible) and betrayed it for The Greater Will
@chestergordon7534 17 сағат бұрын
Basically, the way she became a god kf the golden order was through betrayal and super dodgy
@luckyowl6432 18 сағат бұрын
My first thought when I saw those Strands being pulled out was that it looked like hair from an infant's head. Also I'm almost positive that the figure holding them in the air as the Elden music plays is Radagon. It's definitely male and he had gold hair at the time. Just a theory.
@wagabunda6210 21 сағат бұрын
Greek iconography It reminds me more of biblical iconography Adam Eva, snake, exile from paradise, (Miquella here is a symbol of the divinity of light of what is good)
@robertvicentejr.5137 22 сағат бұрын
rinoa my crush quistis her eyes is lovely to look and selphie so funny even EDEA is beautiful..
@robertvicentejr.5137 22 сағат бұрын
one of the best intro and final music love it
@Schizoman0 Күн бұрын
It looks like Marika is reaching into a pregnant belly at the beginning. Perhaps the affair it speaks of is Marika seducing the woman from the painting who is pregnant and perhaps that woman is the Gloam Eyed Queen and Marika used Radagon to seduce her like she did with Rennala. Maybe Messmer is the child of Radagon and the GEQ but he was devoted Marika and Radagon? Perhaps the GEQ was Marikas sister and was going to become the new god but Marika used Radagon to seduce her and then steal the grace given to her from inside her pregnant belly?
@rowanmorris2187 Күн бұрын
Fantastic chat once again guys. You two ounce off each other so well. Thank you both for your time.
@Nayme666 Күн бұрын
I would love to see a "Mother conflict" between Jenova and Lucrecia
@qhodave Күн бұрын
Wow did I just watch 9 hours of Ff7re hype within 2 days? Kinda addicted, your views are so good. 👏🏻
@zaraguth Күн бұрын
I think the woman is Miquella considering the entrance of the DLC is Miquella's egg after defeating Mohg.....
@RoxyLuffer Күн бұрын
Not even the WHOLE trailer =O Here's the whole trailer. There's a..."Secret" Cinematic, that you unlock by defeating Bahamut in the Bahamut Raids. (THIS is not that "Secret" Cinematic.) kzbin.info/www/bejne/nmaXY4yYj9qqobM
@nicolasvenezuelaverde1184 Күн бұрын
When film maker discover more colours than orange and blue 😂😂😂😂😂
@chillylagarto7728 Күн бұрын
I believe the first half of the trailer was a memory, or history of how Marika ascended to Godhood. The Elden Ring requires a host, first it was the God of the Dragonlords, then it was the Gloam Eyed Queen during the time of the Crucible (the Primordial form of the Erdtree) then Marika & her Erdtree. This implies that the Transfer of power of the Crucible to the Erdtree was a Bloody affair as Marika ripped the strands of the Elden Ring from the corpse of it's previous host. A reminder that the Crucible is the tree of the Omen and the Crucible Knights with the Elden Ring's host most likely being the Gloam Eyed Queen who is the Leader of the Godskin Apostles. This makes Messmer much older than any of Marika's other children, being closer to age to Godfrey since he's fighting around the same time as when Godfrey was Marika's Greatest Champion. Messmer also seems to do all the Dirty work for Marika, impaling those who are considered "Blasphemous" being those of the Crucible, as well as something similar to his spears having Impaled the Giants that you see in the Mountaintops of the Giants region. I believe that Miquella is attempting to follow in the steps of his mother to ascend to Godhood, all so that he can find a cure to his twin(Malenia)'s curse, the Scarlet Rot. Since the Greater Will itself doesn't care to "fix" Malenia and the Golden Order has no solution for the Scarlet Rot. Miquella has forsaken his own flesh, the Empyrean flesh that binds him to follow the Greater Will, by dying to Mohg's corruption, he's freed from the Greater Will much like how Ranni released herself from her Empyrean flesh, Miquella has done the same. And now he's in the Realm of Shadow, attempting to ascend to his own Godhood.
@nossir Күн бұрын
Not related but i always wondered, why does Eggman say "Festive"? I'm not an English Native speaker so at the time i played this game my english was pretty basic so i thought he was just talking trash but years later... what's festive in this context?
@khangle6872 Күн бұрын
Alternate title: Messmer say "it's Messmering time" and Messmer all over the place
@LunarValkyria Күн бұрын
It is largely believed that Miquella and Trina are similar to Marika/Radagon, but after this trailer it makes me wonder if there is some difference. For example, it talks about how Miquella cast aside these different aspects of himself. What if this is how Trina was created. She is essentially a manifestation of what was left after the fact, Miquella's kindness. In other words, I have a feeling the final boss of this DLC is going to be Miquella. Not Miquella the Kind as he was known, but Miquella as what he has become. Miquella the "Hollow" This is just my for fun not at all serious crack theory/speculation based on vague lore and a few minutes long video. xD
@EmraHemingway Күн бұрын
All those characters at the end of the trailer are likely to be NPC’s in the DLC, with one of them being the narrator! We know this from them being in the gameplay DLC trailer~ 😌🌌🌄
@adamfranco6237 Күн бұрын
Great convo, but I gotta be a little bit of a Negative Nancy with Phil's constant slamming of OG here. I know you love it, but the storytelling was probably more poignant in OG because they didn't have mocap and voiceacting and everything else. They were able to tell a masterpiece of a story with "Lego characters." They exuded charm and emotions and overall humanity despite all the limitations of past tech. The cinematic language was different, not better or worse, and it shows a true testament to SE's artistic ways of telling stories.
@aldoluis89 Күн бұрын
Wow thought of sephiroth also!
@KSharp2 Күн бұрын
Personally I preferred the cgi intros as well but I think it was a bold move with the paintings lol. Pretty sure Miquella is just using us (like all of his followers) and we wont know for sure until the end
@WisdomBestowed 2 күн бұрын
I'm almost 90% certain that the beginning character is not Marika and is in fact her son Miquella whom the story is centered on this time around. That is a male who can pass as a female as seen by him also being St. Trina. Also the beginning may be bloody as Miquella has ties to Mohgwyn the lord of blood because Mohgwyn is working with the outer God of burning blood called the Formless mother.
@tommyllama4558 Күн бұрын
its not so much as "pass" as female for them, considering its 2 souls for 1 body, and Miquella a million times so, being the "god" of abundance.
@yuomovaeh3028 Күн бұрын
How do you explain that Miquella was not yet born when Erdtree was made?
@elaw13 2 күн бұрын
Illidan is one of the most powerful beings canon in the universe, most characters in the game storyline are sadly dumbed down because they are canonized as too powerful to make a balanced story, for example Malfurian probably could have single handedly prevented the burning of Teldrisil. I've been a demon hunter main since legion launch, and loved Illidan since I played through BC for the first time and I LOVED legion because of how much screen time he got, hands down my favorite lore character.
@SnipeAss 2 күн бұрын
Your theories and mine are pretty much spot on. I'm watching some of these other streamers play endgame and they keep whipping out the stupid Marvel Multiverse type crap, and I keep thinking no, no, no, no, no... lol. Cloud seeing Aerith is a continuation of the psychosis he's been having the whole game seeing Sephiroth everywhere. The rest of the party see's reality as it really is, Aerith's dust. 😒 They made pop her in some scenes as a spirit and stuff like they did in this, but I don't think she's going to be available in your party anymore. The way they did it indeed confused some people, especially people who didn't play the OG. But as I watched you talk through the scenes, it's almost like Yuffie's Doppelganger in how we were both thinking. Great playthrough, you gained a new sub. 🫡☄️
@Sikdomeshot 2 күн бұрын
Great reaction man. Love the analysis!
@DemonKingCozar 2 күн бұрын
I love seeing the mix between eastern and western ideologies. Specifically with Messmer's snakes. He gives off strong Devil/evil vibes and seeing that also appear in his animal companions is really striking but also due to the fact that I think they're actually dragons. They have wings and in eastern mythology, they are long and serpent like so it fits perfectly. There is also a lot of eastern inspiration with the human controlled omen lion heads. They look like a mesh between the parading dragons but mixed with the western lion with the blue eyes. It makes for a very striking visual and idea that is so unique that it could be heralded as one of the greats. Like Orcs from Tolkien. I also love how ER is art in every aspect. It's like a painting here at every frame, the music is so classical and story telling, and the gameplay itself portrays why games as a medium can be art itself with the art of the struggle and what not. It's so good! I also think why Messmer impales and raises his enemies is to offer them to the tree and to the golden order that's above them. (We also see the tops of the buildings also fall upward)
@Astrid-jx5dw 2 күн бұрын
Around 42:20 in the background, the poster (ad) says SHINRA CONSTRUCTION CO. - What we build are TRUST and PEACE OF MIND. So ironic. Love these little details!
@Doutrus 2 күн бұрын
4:00 that s a vagina
@komplexvizionkxv9387 2 күн бұрын
Sephiroth to cloud "i give you my blessing"
@Djamp_htx 2 күн бұрын
Is it possible some of this stuff isn’t super clever and is just meta-commentary for its own sake and to keep conversation going until the next game?
@mikaschnee 2 күн бұрын
Please react to Aventurines trailers!!! theyre really great as well
@soulstice94 2 күн бұрын
~90% certain the beginning character is Marika/Radagon, you can even see the hair having that red hue, and also not wearing anything on their chest, more like Radagon does. I think it's an imagine of Marika/Rady taking what looks like strands of gold or grace from what looks like pregnant belly to me, and the skin that we see looks akin to the Godskin clothes, so MAYBE it's the Gloam Eyed Queen, or some other God entity that she/he seduced (or was part of their faction and stole/sacrificed their own people?) ~The corpses look skinned, invoking the godskin idea, but also they look like they are piled up in the shape of a tree trunk, and the "Gateway" looks like the exit/entrance of the Erdtree. Maybe it's Marika/Rady creating a new realm. ~The Clouds are purple, which is the color code for the Gloam Eyed Queen who is related to the Godskins black death flame and possibly the Deathrite Birds ghost flame. ~Definitely Berserk vibes with the "wicker men" and the possibly sacrificing a whole people to enact something. Mesmer might have been sent by Marika to eradicate their past to hide their sins, or maybe he was invading and Marika was trying to run away (we won't know until we know obviously, I think it's that Marika sent him) ~The lion Dancer attacks Mesmer, making me think the city they invaded was home to the original people of The Crucible before they were labeled "Omen" or that it's a city of Numen, that had those people. The impaled corpses before the transition I think are separate parts of the Lion Dancer. ~the Lady? bent over in the burning city has a helix blade or spear, a weapon that Mohg has adopted, that possibly relates to the Godskins or the formless mother. It could be the Gloam Eyed Queen if the first shot isn't her body, it could be Melina's original body, or it could be just a random person. ~I'm not sure if they use the word "shed" literally or figuratively: ~the "golden flesh" Miquella sheds is interesting since it looks like it becomes sights of grace, and the Rune IS his rune shape. It's interesting to think that maybe all sights of grace are from Miquella maybe providing to help the Lord that he awaits (I assume the player). If literal, maybe since he was part tree, he can plant parts of himself, if figurative then I have no clue, maybe just bestowing some of his power into certain spots? ~Shedding his fate as St Trina is interesting. If literal, then maybe he split his soul, if figurative, then it might still happen, but was only delayed. ~St trina falling into what looks like a dream like scene, matching her connection as the god of sleep, in the same shape language as the nascent butterflies.
@WarrenValion 2 күн бұрын
Loveless is the key to everything. Genesis was right.
@Strawberry-fk6iw 2 күн бұрын
These are great. Love the reference to Stormlight. Great parallel.
@jasonmurray8203 2 күн бұрын
Cowards die first, the story trailer
@TheRealEasyEverything 2 күн бұрын
The music is amazing!!!
@CampfireGoth 2 күн бұрын
Getting strong 'Fall of Rome' vibes. Like something great that is being unraveled by the choices of the few and powerful. A city whose only source of light is the fires burning it to ash.
@LucasDimoveo 2 күн бұрын
Not to spoil too much, but it is more like “this is what was done to establish Rome”
@Noizzed 2 күн бұрын
This is more like the fall of Carthage BY Rome.
@The_Scryer 2 күн бұрын
Minor spelling mistake in the title. *Dies*
@azurite4296 2 күн бұрын
I honestly can’t remember the last time I was this excited for a game. And the way it isn’t a full game. Just an expansion! Can’t wait!!!
@F3nres 2 күн бұрын
Bro same