@luakabsalam1816 Күн бұрын
20:30. Manifesto? Shouldn't it be manifest?
@markdening9549 3 күн бұрын
yeah great documentary....lots of footage i have never seen before
@biggshow1045 3 күн бұрын
You gotta do what ya gotta do.
@tommyhijmensen6257 3 күн бұрын
Its a long way to mukumbura,its along way from home. Tot siens cecil rhodes❤Rhodesia And also gotta ❤mike westcott
@OziBlokeTimG 4 күн бұрын
The west is going down the plug hole as well, not far behind the African nations.
@MorrisonOscar-u6l 5 күн бұрын
Gonzalez Larry Johnson Melissa Smith Patricia
@allenlibby8885 6 күн бұрын
Look at the state of Zimbabwe now and all the atrocities committed by Africans on rhodesian whites
@Sumdumbwelder 7 күн бұрын
The pookie aka the us army huskies grandpa
@torco1963 9 күн бұрын
I remember when i was in high school seeing those Soldier of Fortune adds and wishing i was old enough to go and by the time i graduated it was over.😢
@rideawhiteswantrex 9 күн бұрын
Rhodesia, a once great and productive nation. A beautiful country. The Rhodesian Armed Forces - Top Tier Warriors all of them !!
@rossitherhodie5659 10 күн бұрын
And the UN, USA and UK want us to help them if war breaks out ..................Never will a Rhodesian be betrayed again, he has learned and lived the hard way and grown strong for it. To day the world wants us to back Ukraine, forget it.........For Israel we strive and support. The rest of the world can go to the imighrants as far as we are concerned. Life would have been great for ALL Rhodesians/Zimbabweans but no, they wanted socialism and got it and l;ook who suffers the most.
@colb715 11 күн бұрын
How good was the Rhodesian army!!
@colb715 11 күн бұрын
Rhodesia was a great country Zimbabwe not so much!
@MerleDoughty-yw6cl 12 күн бұрын
and look at the meddling the Un and Britain and the USA caused once Mugabe took power. The skullduggery that went on when the talks happened in London, the British government were nothing short of criminals. Lets not forget that the Rhodesian police force was made up almost 98%of the black population.> So what did the communists do for this country and others that they meddled in, nothing? My husband was approached by someone wanting to recruit soldiers, as he had in 75 completed his TFV training. The New Zealand government would cancel your passport if you went to this conflict, I know of some men from this country who went for the adventure.
@BillyWilly-w6r 16 күн бұрын
Worst narration ever
@user-fj8rp3eh7b 16 күн бұрын
It was not about black nationalism It was about the struggle between Chinese communism and Russian communism
@echohunter4199 18 күн бұрын
Former Legionares??!!! Damn, I figured they would’ve done very well their failures comes as a surprise. As a retired white American US Army Infantry Senior NCO I see this as nothing more than a genocide against every single white person, nothing more. Then letting Mugabe have power was a slap in the face. We all knew what would happen to the country under black rule and they didn’t disappoint. You can’t expect a population who one generation before we’re living in dirt huts and didn’t even make shoes to protect their feet from jiggers. They lack every basic skill required to just maintain existing infrastructure let alone advanced construction projects. When the blacks took power, the UN and WEF pumped billions of US dollars into the country to get the new government going and they wasted it all on their corrupt government. Now they can’t keep their sewage from mixing with their drinking water and the farms the “soldiers” were given were promptly sold and the money was wasted then they moved back to their tin shack and put their hand out again for more free things, sound familiar?
@PlateletRichGel 18 күн бұрын
First British foreign policy, then jimmy Carter, have ruined not just Africa, but the world. Jimmy Carter is single handedly the biggest piece of shit ever. First the colonization, then the decolonization by England both hurt Africa. Imagine being an American and having to flee America if your family was here two hundred years.
@rodsinclair2573 19 күн бұрын
The FN FAL was always known as the FN in Rhodesia.
@kenbird8783 19 күн бұрын
You need to do some research. The Rhodesian government had been in talks with Joshua Nkomo from as early as 1976. In 1978 Nkomo accepted the leader position of the internal coalition. This left Mugabe out in the cold. The downing of the Air Rhodesia Viscount (first) alienated Nkomo and brought Mugabe back in to play. To this day there is no evidence of who shot the Viscount down, but the only beneficiary to the act, was Mugabe! The prime minister, Muzorewa, led the nation into Lancaster house talks.
@MothaLuva 20 күн бұрын
Im missing the Reims Cessna 337 „Lynx“ mentioned here.
@splod44 23 күн бұрын
J.V.P rest in peace my friend An ex Rhodesian Selous scout ex Legionnaire who never said the word " Zimbabwe" You were too good for this world.
@user-hd3on9ou7g 25 күн бұрын
PHUCKE ZIMBABWE! Crippled Eagle 77-81. Rhodesia's 'Illegal Independence' was a Political LIE. Black & White Rhodesian's fought and died for their Unified National Pride and Love for their Homeland. FMT. It was the RLI Soldier's passion and love of their Nation and their camaraderie that kept me there. Went in as an ASA Comms Liaison and returned when enlistment was up as a Crippled Eagle.
@chiefxanaxbars 25 күн бұрын
RIP Wyno, hope Creeper is still gangbanging not giving a f**k.
@bogenious8474 29 күн бұрын
Gee what a surprise that sack of S--- carter backed the communists in Africa
@Krokmannetjie 29 күн бұрын
The fact that Portugal halped Rhodesia was. 2 of there colonies we're alsy fighting for independence thay are known today as Mozambique ang angola
@john-rambo-1982 Ай бұрын
Rhodesians never die!
@paulbrownett3673 Ай бұрын
It was a tad hairy at times. Selous Scouts were tough as - but in the bush there was only so much roast baboon you could eat - very stringy.
@akwida Ай бұрын
10:25 It's the "Rebel in Rhodesia".... I read his articles when I was a kid. They were great!!
@antskaljurand3091 Ай бұрын
They should have claimed to be jewish and the west would have helped them beat zanu zapu.
@thewizardsabode Ай бұрын
21:51 Best mate I ever served with. Hope ya still rockin on Johnny.
@Gzuptvmedia Ай бұрын
🫡 to the homie creeper from The hood!
@NotThatGuyPal. Ай бұрын
Many of those foreign fighter photos were former members of MACvSOG. The hardest operators this world has seen.
@patrik421 Ай бұрын
Wonder what happened to Leka Zogu's guards...did any of them return to Albania with him, and maybe join the Kosovo Liberation Army in the 1990s?
@howelltaylor6774 Ай бұрын
What nonsense "illegal independence". The Rhodesian government had every right to declare independence. Just like the 13 colonies in America did.
@TimSerras Ай бұрын
There were thousands of ex-Portuguese Army soldiers, black, white and mulatto that were willing to join the Rhodesian Army but were refused. Some were excellent soldiers like Daniel Roxo or Carnaval Ribeiro, who joined the South African Army instead. Why? Because they couldn’t speak English, the Rhodesians never accepted them. South Africans being much more practical solved that problem by creating a Portuguese speaking batallion. Many white Portuguese did join the RLI because they had some English knowledge. Some ex-Flechas (blacks) did join the Selous Scouts but most prefered to join Renamo. South Africans can thank many of those ex-Portuguese Army volunteers, hardly mentioned off-course. Rhodesia prefered to use Renamo in its external operations. That is also hardly ever mentioned. The blowing up of the Beira oil deposits was done with the help of Renamo, for example. Or the destruction of Mutarara raiway bridge. André Matsangaissa, a formidable soldier and founder of Renamo, offered his services to Rhodesia but was turned down. Fortunately an ex-Portuguese secret service agent, Orlando Cristina, convinced the Rhodesians to help and form Renamo. That they did, as long as they operated only in Mozambique.
@paulcarden5200 Ай бұрын
British soldiers went cause they were only seeing action in Ireland and U. S vets went for the same reason
@simonh6371 Ай бұрын
Re. Bren guns rechambered to 7.62mm - and called LMGs - we were still using these in the British Army in the early 90s so really it's incorrect to refer to it as obsolete/outdated. They weren't a substitute for the GPMG, but as the name implies a lighter alternative, and very accurate too.
@claudiolombene3018 Ай бұрын
Yt dupremacist being themselves
@rolandjaycutter3504 Ай бұрын
I'm surprised you didn't mention the Lynx planes.
@salvagemonster3612 2 ай бұрын
It is amazing to see the vast progress that Rhodesia made after kicking out the whites. They have thrived the last fifty years
@bogenious8474 29 күн бұрын
Yea , they printed a one million Doller bill , that sure is progress
@Pavlos_Charalambous 2 ай бұрын
09:25 only 80 million?? That's a fair price even by 80s standards! Well spent money indeed
@UPNorthNick 2 ай бұрын
Shoutout canada
@arrogleinadtra 2 ай бұрын
Big helis is indeed prone to small arns fire or mandpads cause its big on eyes
@arrogleinadtra 2 ай бұрын
In my opinion papua new guinea shouldn't let the executive outcomes go home but to help the military to defeat rebels.
@mikerilling6515 2 ай бұрын
Is it an interesting that none of these black leaders ever fought over that area in the 400,000 years that the tribes existed in the southern part of Africa?? Does everybody understand that only once the white people built an entire country with all the infrastructure and all the icing on the cake only then did the black leaders rush in and brawl over who would be in charge once they kick the white guys out?
@mikerilling6515 2 ай бұрын
Is it an interesting that none of these black leaders ever fought over that area in the 400,000 years that the tribes existed in the southern part of Africa?? Does everybody understand that only once the white people built an entire country with all the infrastructure and all the icing on the cake only then did the black leaders rush in and brawl over who would be in charge once they kick the white guys out?
Executive Outcomes did more in fighting terrorism while the UN did everything to stop them and prolong terrorism in africa. The UN arms terrorists and cultivates them from young. UNWRA comes to mind
LOL the conflict of africa can be best be summoned as predatory capatlism fighting predatory socialism and predatory socialism is wanting the lavish lifestyle that capatalism offers
@goodbarbenie5477 2 ай бұрын
As Dr Albert Schweitzer stated. The worse thing that the Colonialists could have done especially in Africa was to pull out of Africa by leaving the African to rule...It all should have been done under a Stewardship. As Dr Albert Schweitzer describe in 1963 that the African has no need of advanced training. As Agricultural nor Science nor an Industrialision, is his greatest need lies in Agriculture.The African has never come to grips with or bothered to imbibe a "Moral Authority". Which is not through threats or bullying or beatings but an understanding of a "Devotion and Veneration which is important for anyone's Physical, Mental and Spiritual progress" .Rudolf Steiner. As we can now see from Cape to Cairo that, they have no respect for life nor do they have any reverence for it either. I am speaking of an ethical background ... For if U want to check see the morality of a country then U must see how they treat their women and children.😮... And lastly, what the World learns from History is that nobody learns from History itself...Otto von Bismarck. The African...as far as one can remember the African has no human endeavour. His cognitive ways are always ways of movements, gestures of an outward nature and which are predictable and monotonous...Only to be repeated without much concern for his people or the country, without much concern for the future...As politics is never an answer to anything nor does it add any value to anything either.😢😮😢.