@juliafitzgerald6463 2 минут бұрын
Made it!
@MoistVegan 34 минут бұрын
@iamhis1594 Сағат бұрын
Wow! How good is Jesus! What mercy and grace!
@papermoon1 2 сағат бұрын
I think he’s right on reincarnation. Lorna Byrne’s teachings also align with this.
@Cathy_fifties 2 сағат бұрын
Made it. I have to say Megan's NDE doesn't really resonate with me, it's hard for me to believe that God has a goddess to me it sounds like a fairytale. But no body knows the answers to the afterlife, everyone has a different experience I get that. One day when we die we will know everything even if God has a goddess. I am not there at the moment so it's hard for me to believe what she is saying. As for Freddie Mercury I knew about the love of his life it's on the internet. In fact just last week my husband and I was listening to his music and I googled Freddie and it came up Mary Austin that was the love of his life that's easy to find. As for Marvin Gaye talking about civil rights etc I don't believe that either. Once you finish this life you move on to a better place you don't think about the earth, you are finished you accomplished what you needed to do here on earth and move on I think. The best NDE I listened to was John Davis he is authentic there is no one that can top him in my opinion. As for Muhammad I don't believe that either he was terrible.
@Sunny910. 4 сағат бұрын
My dog landed away this past may and she was my best friend we have all not been the same w out her , our four kitties have given us a lot of love and support thank you for sharing these stories of hope and thank you for sharing your cute pets !!!
@JohnChamberlain-ef4ro 5 сағат бұрын
The lady said something that stood out towards the end of her testimony. 29.00 We start out worthy. Gen 1:26-27 Then God said, Let's make man in our image, I think this is a big take away, the prayer Jesus gave us also tells the same, Your kingdom come, your will be done. on earth as it is in heaven. We have part of God in us. That which taught us to learn our mother tongue and to walk in our first year. This can be activated through meditating on 'Holy Spirit, in breath, 'Kingdom of Heaven. out breath, come from your quiet place and be persistent and it will be done. Blessings
@natashka8880 5 сағат бұрын
Many atheists, like me, don't believe gods exist because we investigate the evidence and don't see enough to warrant the belief. This woman changed her belief in a god because of sexual assault. But I wonder: Why did rape change her belief?
@DianaEmma-bh1ki 7 сағат бұрын
@gregsayles9253 8 сағат бұрын
Her accounts sound oddly "familiar"... Similar to those of psychiatric patients with whom I've had to deal... And I've had my own NDE, which I proved to doctors, after being on an operating table and being revived later, having seen and heard what others in other parts of the hospital said during that time as my proof thereof...
@gregsayles9253 9 сағат бұрын
HEATHER!--I've had an NDE, which I proved to my doctor's after I told them what was going on & being said in another part of the hospital before I was revived during an operation / I have also studied THOUSANDS of NDE's, worked in hospital operating-rooms, gone to conferences, etc. / HOWEVER, this woman brings up Muhammad, whom probably never existed as stated in the Muslim religion, which I have also studied extensively--& Many World Experts, along with additional historical accounts, some of which were presented on the 60-minutes television show yrs-ago by people like Dr. Patricia Cronauer, now indicate that "Prophet" Muhammad could never have existed, because the city of Mecca where he was said to have lived & done many things, never even existed in his time! Some Muslims today, at the highest levels of research into their religion, have now admitted they are Indeed Concerned by this & other glaring contractions in the Koran & the associated "hadiths" / There was one Persian General, 150 yrs after Muhammad's supposed to death, that decided to have two writers come up with a religious character to counter the Jews Moses and the Christians Jesus, & use this "Prophets" teachings as an excuse for violent conquests!-- The character of Muhammad was a very violent person, a misogynist, & both a murderer and raper, even by the Muslims own accounts!! / Please go to KZbin and start watching people like Dr. Jay Smith, whom has devoted his life to studying this and interacting with Muslims worldwide...He & other archaeological & religious scholar's have the Muslims now in a corner at this point over these Very Serious "religious" issues! / This also obviously brings into question your guests account of meeting "Muhammad in heaven"... I hate to say, but I believe she is "embellishing" on her own accord... Keep in mind that if Muhammad were in heaven, God would have to have approved of his raping a 9 year old girl, whom he made his "wife"--even by Muslims own accounts 😮 / Oddly, Muslims believe that Jesus is the only person on Earth who has ever lived a life without sin. Even Muhammad, they say, had sinned, but was still a "excellent example" of a man on Earth, and that Jesus would still have to come back and follow Muhammad's "lead" by being his right hand man, carrying a sword and cutting off the heads of the "Infidels" whom didn't believe in Muhammad (Yep, that's what they preach as God's "True Word")... Again, this does not bode well for your guests account of Muhammad being in heaven... & the only physical proof of a Muhammad anywhere in the Middle East existing at the time & brought fourth by Muslims was a picture of an individual on a coin 75-years after Muhammad (which is merely an adverbial phrase, not actual name, meaning "the anointed one") supposedly lived, praying, but to the Christian Cross!!--On the back of said coin, is another Christian icon of a fish 🐟... Again, this is highly contradictory to what the Muslims believe Muhammad's role is according to their own religious texts, which are based on one man, Muhammad, just saying that he had a whole bunch of dreams over 21 years, & that everybody should listen to him and only him & do as he says because he says so--& because the angel Gabriel in his dreams told him to say such things, on God's behalf 🤔... / I am sorry Heather, but I am not going to be duped by that made-up "prophet"--nor unfortunately, by your guest today...Other guests you have had in the past were much better, & her accounts sound oddly familiar to anyone whom has worked with psychiatric patients...
@dannystout7715 11 сағат бұрын
Thanks for sharing these beautiful testimonies! God bless everyone in Jesus precious name Amen!
@tinamturi6599 13 сағат бұрын
Did she say Muhammad????In Heaven???someone Collect me.but Jesus Christ Loves You all
@bengt2247 13 сағат бұрын
Maybe it would be interesting to learn about how the christian church and the new testament came about.
@tommihail2178 13 сағат бұрын
Of course she went to heaven as there's a book to sell.🥴
@tommihail2178 14 сағат бұрын
St.paul wrote about his NDE? Was he dead??
@carolbraswell4488 15 сағат бұрын
It's a lot to think about. Which is a good thing!!
@neolithic.cosmonaut 16 сағат бұрын
There are no humans in heaven. Our Earthly body is what makes us human and our body does not go to heaven.
@MW-eg4gu 16 сағат бұрын
@ruthyk7083 16 сағат бұрын
Total evil and BS
@carina8273 19 сағат бұрын
Once in hell for good it is etenal it is only in ndes that a person can be saved
@pabloareas2258 23 сағат бұрын
I pray for howard to have a recovery and that may the Lord be with him and protects his health, you are a beatiful kind soul Howard Storm
@roxanne_george 23 сағат бұрын
Just now scientists have come up with a scientific explanation that indeed there's a possibility of an energy form of sentient life inside stars ❤
@pabloareas2258 23 сағат бұрын
It’s very interesting, that Howard mentioned this…just this week I was poundering about this. And it came into my mind the exact same words that Howard said….as long as you are close to Christ and whatever church brings you closer to God. and I have no doubt it was the same spirit of the Lord who revealed the same to me this week. And Howard just confirmed that to me
@sherw7635 Күн бұрын
Beautiful experience...salvation and redemption.
@sherw7635 Күн бұрын
Existentialism is simply seeking meaning in one's suffering...it doesn't automatically denote atheism. Viktor Frankyl certainly wasn't self-centered. " Man's Search For Meaning " is a great inspirational book. BTW...I am a Christian. Lifelong.
@chicbets60 Күн бұрын
Made it. Fascinating. Wanting more. Thank you HUGELY for this fabulous channel. xo
@aarong8457 Күн бұрын
"If you don't respect the religion are you embodying who Christ is?" John 14:6 Jesus says, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me".
@sfktube Күн бұрын
Got news for you, Howard: You are STILL an artist! You create beautiful images in people's hearts and minds! A wonderful artist, Indeed! ❤️
@JeffreyMobilia Күн бұрын
Heather Tesch and guest are Real
@Spiritualpanda2 Күн бұрын
*forgiveness is for you. I had a similar situation except mine was in the form of dreams. My sister had gone to school 8-10 hrs away from home and during the winter break I had offered to drive her back so my father didn’t have to drive in the bad weather( he was 70 yrs old at the time & didn’t want harm to come to him). Now I had recently gotten into a horrible car accident that I SHOULD HAVE DIED IN not but a month before this so I was TERRIFIED OF DRIVING but I told my father nonetheless that I would go in his stead. I made it there with a horrible encounter with snow almost pushing me off the road into a deep ditch below and was freaking out but I had an objective in my mind. I picked her up and drove back. Her then fiancé broke off their engagement and she was VERY depressed but after I returned home I lost MY car keys and the new semester at college was rapidly approaching in a couple of days. I tried to wake my sister up to allow me into the car but she refused and it ultimately led to her physically assaulting me and I was arrested by my father overhearing this commotion(he has brain damage). While arrested I was sexually molested by male cops who when checking my body for anything had groped my chest and my vagaygay. I had been raped 2x before this and this was enough to send me over the edge. so I was falsely arrested by both my father who called the cops and my sister who went along with it and homeless and HUNGRY for months after this( at 5’11 I was the smallest I ever was a size 0 at 115 lbs from lack of food and stress of going to court on both my sister & what my father did to me- 2 separate court cases). For reference just my rib cage alone despite every rib sticking out was a 38”. I looked horrible! I only ate once every 3 days living off $7/week. I had nightmares almost every night of her and my father getting over on me, running from the cops and any bad guys. I had a HUGE RESENTMENT towards her & my father FOR YEARS. I forgave my father quicker since he has brain damage and this wasn’t completely his fault despite my deep seeded hatred towards him, but my sister was completely justified…I had tried to make amends with her explaining any fault I had and how she affected me and to move forward but I was denied no less than 5x. She would just brush it under the rug as if it never happened while still trying to be friendly towards me. I NEEDED AN APOLOGY FRKM HER and she felt she had no part in my pain. So the bad dreams of them continued for 8+ years waking up with tears on my pillow many mornings. The backstabbing I received from them both who I did a good favors for put such a hatred in my heart FOR THEM. It wasn’t until I forgave her In my heart that all of these nightmares involving my sister and my father left. I didn’t have to say I forgive her in person but I did so secretly on my behalf. Forgiveness isn’t FOR THEM but FOR YOU!*
@ozzylogano6732 Күн бұрын
Precious soul
@kurtisdyke8193 Күн бұрын
Why do i sense that she's makkng it up and never had an NDE. I immediately got this sense right when she started talking. I didn't even finish listening to the whole story
@jjl7852 Күн бұрын
I watched her full video and questionable just saying
@lajuannarichardson667 Күн бұрын
Heather Mae is a beautiful soul. And so is Heather Tesch! :)
@kevinhensley4643 Күн бұрын
That's awesome!!
@toddparker6807 Күн бұрын
As far as Christian NDEs, the NDE Jesus should line up with the scriptures such as what Howard Storm and other Christian NDErs have reported. Satan masquerades as an Angel of Light and is the father of lies. He has great power especially over atheist and non Christians. Satan and his demons have been defeated by Jesus but are on a leash, so to speak until the appointed time of their punishment. *The Jesus in this NDE is New Age Jesus (red flag). I say this as an experienced New Age Explorer. Deception is Satans specialty and he roams around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. He wants to lead people away from Jesus just enough so they are not saved. I am sure this lady experienced this NDE and is genuine about it so I believe her however from a Christian perspective, the NDE she was given is a deception - false Jesus. Muhammad and some of the other religious leaders in this NDE are anti Christs. Many Christian NDErs have reported that Muhammad is in Hell and not heaven. He denied the divinity of Jesus, Crucifixion and his Resurrection. He also rejected him as Gods only begotton son. I know this is a little heavy and I dont wish to offend anyone here but my intention is to tell the truth as best as I can with the little I know (believe from the Gospel) . If you want to find out about Jesus goto to the Gospels of Mathew, Mark, Luke and John and there you will find Jesus. An NDE Jesus should line up with the Gospel Jesus. * Finally, Jesus said many will come in his name and deceive many and in my opinion, this can include NDEs.
@VirginiaDeibel Күн бұрын
Helpful definition of forgiveness and how to forgive. However, how can he go back to farming, killing cows and contributing to the carbon emissions that result from his industry.
@tommihail2178 Күн бұрын
Of course Freddy Mercury's in heaven & Buddy Rich playing your favourite Queen song..🤑🤑🤑🤑🤔🤑🤑
@Plethorality Күн бұрын
Walked into a bar...
@tommihail2178 Күн бұрын
All these people go to "Heaven" then return with a book they want to sell you..😢😢😢
@bloggerty-schmoo2698 14 сағат бұрын
haha not only that she was TOLD to sell a book. Almost as if she made it all up to sell a product.
@tommihail2178 Күн бұрын
Even the interviewer's facial expressions reveal "Im not buying this"!!!😅😂😂😂
@bloggerty-schmoo2698 14 сағат бұрын
Yeah, Heather should really pull this one because it's obviously made up rubbish.
@wombat3455 Күн бұрын
An outstanding series of interviews, with excellent questions from yourself. I had a cardiac arrest aged 13 and went to the dark place that the guest describes - I too cried out and was given a second chance. I didn't encounter other beings, so can only tell of a blackness and fear that human words cannot describe. This discussion is helping me a lot, to understand what happened to me
@tommihail2178 Күн бұрын
Howard talks about "purgatory" being in Heaven..this is "Christian Universalism" that all will eventually enter? Revelation 20.15 tells us different..
@tommihail2178 Күн бұрын
Im cautious about ndes as people contradict each other..as an example.. several have said they saw Michael Jackson in Heaven whilst another said they saw him in Hell..They both cant be right🤔
@mariaandvitobenincasa9429 Күн бұрын
Hi Heather I have just watched these. It's so difficult to navigate. I liked your questions as always, but in this instance I am referring to the questions asking how does one know this isn't a dream, and how do we know it's not trickery by evil forces. I really don't think there's any way we can possibly know, no matter how sure we think we are. The message of Love is definitely one we can all go with, and as for the rest, let's hope it's real, and keep hope alive. ❤ from Melbourne. Maria (Aussie) 🇦🇺
@kevinn5976 Күн бұрын
Her ego is massive. I woudve thought an NDE would have transformed her and sje would ooze humility
@mintpatty Күн бұрын
My best friend Chloe the cat passed away four days ago and I felt the bed bump last night upon retiring. I can feel her love now, and this video assures me that I'll see my sweet girl again.
@silverfire01 Күн бұрын
I don't like commenting on the truth of these videos if it gives people comfort. I accept what she says felt real and I can't say it wasn't but I do hope she is right.
@Ghalion666 Күн бұрын
(made it). I've recently listened to a dozen or so NDEs involving hell and I had a hard time believing a single one of them except maybe this one, which I'm still not sure because he didn't describe it much. But my biggest reason why I suspect (contrary to what this guy says) most NDE experiencers are lying is because everything I know about christianity indicates that hell is in fact a punishment/sentence for those who reject God, humans and demons alike, but all the other NDE people I heard describe hell like it's a total playground for demons and only punishment for humans, and God is just, so why would he let evil demons have a giant playground for eternity at the expense of humans? It just makes no sense to me. I mean maybe I'm wrong o r I misunderstand something but for now I trust this testimony the most because nothing he says contradicts my conscience and my inner intuition of what I think a Just God (who also is willing to forgive even those in hell as long as they ask and accept it). Of course I'm not God so again, maybe I'm mistaken as to what justice is but I believe the holy spirit communicates to us through our conscience and I'm basing this on my conscience. I have to wonder though why otherwise good people would lie about demons having a total gay old time torturing humans for their NDEs? What if they were deceived by Satan (something that sounds plausible since Satan would like to dominate thru fear rather than love), but what then would Satan gain by scaring the @%#@% out of people in order to believe in Christ? Would like to see if anyone has some considerate opinions on this. please disregard the number on my name. My username does not in fact have that number anymore, Google simply REFUSES to update the display despite me changing it in profile settings. It's just back when I was a edgy teenager gamer and it was my gamer tag where one plays games playing good or evil guys in competitive spirit so I had it to make my character 'bad' rather than actually represent myself, whom I've never actually even remotely praised evil or satan or whatever... The number of the beast is an equation that amounts to 666 anyway, it isn't actually just 666.