スツーカの歌、パンツァーリート、旧友などの ドイツ空軍軍歌が大好きだが、この歌もゾクゾクするほど好きな歌だ。軍歌の世界では世界的名曲といっていい。ドイツ軍の栄光を彩る。 素晴らしい軍歌だ、、、、プロイセン海軍の【 誇り 】が漂う。。。 この歌は、軍歌の傑作だろう。ドイツ軍歌といえば、【 エリカ行進曲 】、運動会でも流される【 旧友 】をすぐに思い浮かべる。ドイツ軍歌は傑作の宝庫だ。バッハ、ベートベン、ブラームスらを生んだゲルマン民族の優秀さがよくわかる。 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ( English Translation) I love the German Air Force military songs such as Stuka Song, Panzerlied, and Old Friends, but this song is one I love and it gives me goosebumps. It can be said to be a world-famous masterpiece in the world of military songs. It colors the glory of the German Army. It's a wonderful military song... it exudes the pride of the Prussian Navy. . . . This song is surely a masterpiece among military songs. When I think of German military songs, I immediately think of the Erica March and Old Friends, which is played at sports days. German military songs are a treasure trove of masterpieces. It really shows the excellence of the Germanic people, who gave birth to Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, and others.