@lm4585 7 күн бұрын
Women can not be players. That was your first mistake and now you can not get the man you want so you are single like most women these days.
@Ghsup 18 күн бұрын
@brette-iu6uz 24 күн бұрын
Hi cutie
@Envixity727 24 күн бұрын
Bro your like a 9 year old and you post videos about Fortnite, get off your iPad and go outside💀💀💀
@lovvejuliette 24 күн бұрын
@@brette-iu6uz heyyy
@angelaholland811 29 күн бұрын
You're so pretty
@lovvejuliette 29 күн бұрын
@@angelaholland811 🥺 the sweetest thank you
@AnnieAnderson-t5e Ай бұрын
Slay queen they're just insecure ❤❤❤
@Terminal.Rainbows Ай бұрын
judging by the wild comments, i think you accidentally posted your video to the incel side of youtube
@mop4093 Ай бұрын
Wtf is youtube doing recommending me a professional yapper
@HayleeFox-t9j Ай бұрын
Slayyyy definitely getting a like and subscribe
@lovvejuliette Ай бұрын
@@HayleeFox-t9j 😙❤️
@privy2743 Ай бұрын
Nobody cares
@rustledjammies8769 Ай бұрын
1. No idea why this was recommended 2. You kinda led him on 3. He fancies his sister 4. He's a massive creep, run 5. The opposite sex can be a great study partner, you must chose wisely 6. You were 100% right in reporting him
@JayP-vh9wc Ай бұрын
She lying
@choppergirl Ай бұрын
Wow, do not date pretty looking college girls at all! It sounds like he only tried to pursue you, when you you rejected him because of the reason... he never romantically tried to pursue you. So like a clumsy clod, he tries to share some intimate knowledge in a text that he fantasized once about you, and you immediately call him out in public for it and shame him! Worse, narc on to him to the cops. Ouch! Burn. Toxo as h377. Everybody loses! I'm not saying he is faultless, oh no, it's certainly inept at dating like most people that age... but yeah. Do not date anyone in college. In fact, do not go to college. I left after the first year after I found it was a corrosive environment unfit for learning. At least my University was. What a disappointment after 12 years being an A+ student, only to find out, college was a big lie and fraud. My dating while there was actually the only good thing that happened... but that was decades ago and times were different. Not good, just different. Not a good environment either for dating... but you salvage what you can. I don't think you were ever in danger, but I think he's as done with you as you are with him. Even before narcing him out. Now that you have, yeah, that's death blow for that friendship.
@garthh7314 Ай бұрын
@cybermanne Ай бұрын
This dude for sure has some sort of problem understanding social situations. Reporting him was absolutely the right move. I don't think it's neccessary for females to only study with other females though. Most guys are able to understand if a girl is not at all interested in anything more than being friends. And out of all those that somehow "test the water" to figure out if the girl is interested, I don't think many are as tone deaf as this guy. I mean there's for sure less creepy ways to do that than to send a text saying he's jerking off. But at least he didn't send a video of that whole mess he mentioned. He doesn't seem like he's doing it with malicious intent though. So just block his phone number and forget about him and you should be fine I think.
@Menardie Ай бұрын
Glad you shared, Takes a lot of courage to report things and I hope by reporting him it gave you the confidence to go back to that class. The guy sounds a tad delusional and made up a imaginary relationship in his mind. Let's hope this is a wake up call for him.
@lovvejuliette Ай бұрын
@@Menardie 🫶🫶🫶
@mr7teen922 Ай бұрын
these comments lmao
@MattNineFive Ай бұрын
Like many others, I was recommended this but that is awful how you were treated and hopefully these person doesn't bother you anymore.
@BKNeifert Ай бұрын
You're a good girl. Definitely, stay away from him. He's a sociopath. Like, you just have to reconcile people are getting dangerous. Note, I'm very suspicious when women start this kind of stuff. But, I think you have good reason. Yeah, I'd be terrified too if someone sent me that nasty of a text. That's gross. Green light? I wouldn't even talk to my wife that way. That's really gross stuff. Kids are getting that way these days, though. You stay chaste. And stay far away from him. He's a danger to you. God speed. That's not okay. Eww. That's gross. Stay away from him. I'm telling you that, as someone extremely skeptical of women who make these kinds of claims. You are perfectly justified, and keep him away from you. I'll pray for you. That's very scary. It's scaring me. Like I'm furious right now. This is making my blood boil, but know this stuff is becoming more and more normalized. You did nothing wrong. Absolutely nothing. Peace. I can't watch the end of this. Like, stay away from him. There's lots of people like that, too. You see anyone wormy like that, stay away from them.
@nephastgweiz1022 Ай бұрын
*Inconvenience happens to women* Women : I think I can ruin his life over it
@dextersuarez9948 Ай бұрын
16 mins of blabbing just to try and get the internet to give you validation for your victim mentality, no one cares.
@jaweel6205 Ай бұрын
You’re not pretty
@captainchaos1741 Ай бұрын
I didn't order a yappuchino
@Kailey-bd3hh Ай бұрын
@swanTM Ай бұрын
this all could have been avoided if he was attractive
@garthh7314 Ай бұрын
@conorJames12 Ай бұрын
Good story, your way to nice to him and should of told him he's a creep for sending you messages like that, instead of trying to reason with him in my opinion
@JimiVexTV Ай бұрын
Obviously the guy has negative rizz, and what he said was crude, but reporting him to the university was unnecessary. You have no reason to fear going to university just because a guy got the wrong message and over-stepped in a gross way. He wasn't being threatening, just maybe lacks some social skills - he'd clearly misread the situation. I appreciate you'd put across that you weren't interested, but the truth is, many girls do give mixed messages, and that can be hard to navigate as a guy. That's not an indictment on you, maybe you had made it clear as far as you're concerned - but him lacking social grace doesn't make him a bad person. All the same, Christ, no wonder you were put off - it was gross - man needs to up his game. I remember a girl in my class randomly messaging me that she had "just had a wank" over me when I was at uni. I just told her I wasn't interested, and she was subtly petty about it - but she got over it and life went on. I really didn't feel there was anything to get over, coz there wasn't. Unless he's then stalking or harassing you, leave him to learn his lesson and move on. Even if he didn't show signs of remorse or embarrassment then, that would have eaten him up when the dude finally matured. You're acting like it was a moral imperative to save other girls from him, when he wasn't violent or anything close. You going out of your way to potentially ruin that guy's chances of getting a degree, by publicly shaming him through official channels, is way disproportionate to an inappropriate message like that.
@JamesVestal-dz5qm Ай бұрын
He doesn't sound qualified to tutor physics. I did get a couple laughs out of your misfortune. My recommendation for physics is work through more problems with pencil and paper.
@canadianpsycho1867 Ай бұрын
youre a lot more beautiful than any of those models. me personally i would do anything to be with you and i would appreciate you and the body that you have.
@MrBrad00 Ай бұрын
She just wants attention
@navboi12 Ай бұрын
It's only hurtful and disrespectful because you're not attracted. Though that satisfactory smile upon reading the text seemed a rather odd response to purported disgust. Perhaps don't go looking for male study buddies. Congrats though, you get better grades, he gets a possible record/injunction for exercising bodily autonomy and a natural biological process sans direct physicality unto you (shock horror, the same happens in absence of express knowledge). Meanwhile, non committal Chad gets to do as they please and more, all for them genes! Funny old world.
@dudebro91-fn7rz Ай бұрын
You're cute, but you really need some sleep or something..those bags under ur eyes look like u been up for 5 days
@Cobsondidnothingwrong Ай бұрын
neutralblogging if it foid
@Throwawayfake Ай бұрын
Wtf was this recommended to me?
@richlondonrich Ай бұрын
if i wanted to study, i would study, the idea of getting a partner to do it is very foreign to me. maybe thats how he thinks too. from that perspective maybe it makes more sense.
@lovvejuliette Ай бұрын
@@richlondonrich I study alone as well , but sometimes it helps if you have questions , you can help each other and learn better
@chronometa Ай бұрын
Not sure why this was recommended but the stark contrast in respones are crazy.
@lovvejuliette Ай бұрын
@@chronometa facts
@TBPC30 Ай бұрын
non-existent lips, very sad
@lovvejuliette Ай бұрын
@@TBPC30 it’s what God gave me
@conorJames12 Ай бұрын
Man your some sad loser hating on some girl who just making a video who's telling a story
@captainchaos1741 Ай бұрын
People that make fun of the way people look are insecure
@lucygarris8738 Ай бұрын
The other is prettier though but you’re both pretty
@lucygarris8738 Ай бұрын
@danor6812 Ай бұрын
Umm the word "DO" was him asking. It' isn't a demand. You could have said no. What did you want? Him to send flowers asking you if you wanted to study? Also getting a degree in some worthless major where you will never get a job except working at Starbucks. Hope you enjoy paying the loans back with your Starbucks paychecks.
@lovvejuliette Ай бұрын
I think you're misunderstanding what I said. In the video, I said he texted me "study with me", not "do you want to study with me" . As for your comment about my 'worthless' major, I can only deduce that you're projecting because you yourself can't find employment with your degree, which is probably why you have the time to comment hate on my channel, when you easily could have scrolled, because you have nothing better to do with your time
@danor6812 Ай бұрын
@@lovvejuliette I don't have a degree. I drive truck. I'm an owner operator. I earn more per year than you probably ever will. See trade jobs pay very good. My son has a degree in accounting. Which is a real degree with real employment opportunities. He is a certified accountant. He had his job lined up after he graduated with him Bachelors, but didn't have to start until he finished with his Master's degree. They even paid him to take the summer off before starting that fall. He doesn't make what I make per year, yet. And he's been out of college and working for 6 years.
@Dandan-tg6tj Ай бұрын
@@lovvejuliette You are still a child. Men all talk different. I asked my wife out saying: "- Let's have a date tomorrow". I didn't ask her. She didn't have time but then I came at her workplace and took her to a date right after she finished her work. Soon she got pregnant, then we got married and we're husband and wife for 18 years now. Asking is nice but sometimes asking is the stupidest thing to do. Anyway, to tell my girlfriend or girlfriend to be that my sister or my mother or my dog said I should or shouldn't have a relation with her, that's not a man, that's an idiot.
@BusterCherry666 Ай бұрын
@lovvejuliette Ай бұрын
@@BusterCherry666 just looking out for other girls
@pwtprojects5610 Ай бұрын
Girl, you are too young and maybe too stupid (no offense intended, young people are stupid, i've been there, now i'm 46) to understand some things. Of course that guy is fucked up, so stay away, but you should grow up, dont put men in the friend zone, there is no such man as a friend if there is physical attraction, every man will try to make a move to have you as a girlfriend, so be prepared. What is the solution? Simple, only hang out with a group of people made up with girls and boys where they know well each other, get inside the group and stay there, you will know all the details of the individuals, get attached to a honest, loyal, strong and educated one, you'll be safe.
@AriannaFeliciano-l4o Ай бұрын
repent and trust in Christ for the salvation of sins and hell
@hardcorevoyeur Ай бұрын
Grow up. You’re average. I’m average. Most people are average and that’s ok. Get a grip and stand up for yourself. Move out if you’re not happy at home. Stop complaining.
@toysarealive1 Ай бұрын
I have absolutely no idea why this was recommended to me, but I'm sorry that happened to you. The guy sounds incredibly immature and you didn't do anything wrong in reporting. Coincidentally, I also had a bad experience under dramatically different circumstances some semesters ago. I'm a bit older and went back to school to get a degree. Most of our classes have had a whatsapp group. At some point one dude starts making some extremely inappropriate transphobic and homophobic remarks. I push back, he doubles down, he eventually gets banned from the chat but starts texting me with even more inappropriate transphobic remarks. I tell him I'm sending it to the dean and block him. He texts me from his gf's number and cowardly starts begging me not to. I didnt follow through because it got extremely busy with finals and just didn't want to deal with the bs. I'm a cis male, but there were def lgbtq students in that class, which is why I pushed back on the rhetoric. I regret not reporting him.
@lovvejuliette Ай бұрын
@@toysarealive1 I’m so sorry that happened to you , and thank you for standing up for those students in your class !
@jaweel6205 Ай бұрын
Freedom of speech, stop trying to get people punished for differing opinions
@toysarealive1 Ай бұрын
@@jaweel6205 An example of when a child doesn't understand how freedom of speech works, lol.
@VladislavBabbitt Ай бұрын
Cannot live without your iPhone?
@lovvejuliette Ай бұрын
@@VladislavBabbitt guilty 😅 happy to hear tips on how to cure my phone addiction
@VladislavBabbitt Ай бұрын
@@lovvejuliette Go out for a day, doing your daily activities, without your iPhone. Just talk to people face to face. I usually have my phone on me, in case of emergencies. Otherwise I do not use it.
@MDC33 Ай бұрын
Why do you think anybody cares? The full blown narcissism, egomania and complete lack of self awareness of the population is insufferable right now. Roman Empire...
@gellertcsont-kelemen825 Ай бұрын
@lovvejuliette Ай бұрын
@@gellertcsont-kelemen825 sziaaa mizu
@gellertcsont-kelemen825 Ай бұрын
@@lovvejuliette Gondoltam köszönök. Sok sikert a videózásban!
@lovvejuliette Ай бұрын
@@gellertcsont-kelemen825 nagyon szépen köszönöm !
@oksonerko278 Ай бұрын
omg i m glad to listen all this thanks for sharing will you be my girlfriend
@Mikemyers2948 Ай бұрын
Why don't even know her 😂
@aaronbrun8270 Ай бұрын
Delete your channel. Imagine making a 16min Video about a mediocre encounter with some lame-ass dude who happened to be horny - and then reporting it to the authorities. Grow up.
@juanitavega5976 Ай бұрын
My dad works in the Cardinals