How To Play Vaesen | Combat
4 ай бұрын
How To Play Vaesen | The Lore
@marcbennett9232 2 күн бұрын
I am starting to design my own RPG system, this looks really intuitive to build one on alchemy. is there a way to handle cards in alchemy?
@DenizensRPG 4 күн бұрын
We are going to be using Alchemy for some of our upcoming APs! Great to hear about all the dev work you are doing on your VTT!
@flouserschird 6 күн бұрын
This would be so much cooler if it had modern ChatGPT built into it
@TravisTraps 3 күн бұрын
I’m definitely planning on having that pulled up on another monitor to help, gonna need dope. But an integrated solution would be preem
@geneybaby 7 күн бұрын
still not sure what this is
@tinytim2thumbs655 8 сағат бұрын
same. trying to figure it out
@kylecommunist 11 күн бұрын
I bought this edition last night. It’s beautiful, but I hope you will bring the Settlers and Wanderers books to the VTT. Will that happen soon? This should be a high priority as they both add so much to the game, especially Wanderers. I’m finding the “actions” area a bit cramped. Could we have horizontal tabs within that region? Such as NPCS | LOOT | Etc. I fear that the list will get confusing. Also, the area is quite small on the screen. This seems like a critical area for the GM, so making this region bigger would also help.
@VastyVastyVoid 17 күн бұрын
The safety tools are a good thought, but as described, I doubt I could use them. A living campaign will change, and it is more or less impossible to say at the outset what _might_ happen at some future date. Let alone provide the specificity required. I think Alchemy could stand to benefit from inversion. Instead of telling players what will happen, ask them what they want. I would remove "content warning" as a concept, or at the very least, I would make it react against the *player* preferences. Give them the tools to define what they prefer or what doesn't work for them. Then, the GM and the players can look at that list and craft a campaign with those restrictions in mind. Way I see it, the other way just leads to huge lists that like as not will fail to convey relevant information. I think I'll file this as a feature request. Lines and Veils are a good concept, but it could be expanded.
@hannahschooner3568 18 күн бұрын
Thank you!!!
@alchemyrpg 18 күн бұрын
That's our virtual tabletop, Alchemy RPG. Check it out:
@KyleRaney-xe5uu 18 күн бұрын
Plz do dddice implementation! Some 3d dice rolling across the screen makes me happy.
@kaylenvanhousen4767 19 күн бұрын
I want to stream alchemy to twitch so bad without my DM things showing up so its just as immersive for my viewers as it is for my players. idk if a cast option will be available or turning of the feature that will kick people from getting kicked due to inactivity so obs wont get kicked as a viewer. I really love alchemy though and really want to use it as a primary way of playing ttrpg
@stalinavgn497 19 күн бұрын
I want to become a creator in AlchemyRPG, with tons of content. How can i start?
@Karsten_W 16 күн бұрын
We have to wait for release of the System Builder for the public first. Hope the release will be very soon! Actually afaik, there was no info, how to setup stuff on your own and grant this to the public.
@BrianBushtastic 20 күн бұрын
Can you draw on the tactical maps? Or on any of the images or backgrounds? For example, as the players explore the map, it's fun to put little check marks or something on the explored locations. Is that possible?
@BrianBushtastic 20 күн бұрын
Do you have the adventure cards as a handout?
@BrianBushtastic 20 күн бұрын
Is there any kind of automation for monster attacks? It looks like you have to jump back and forth a few times each time you do a monster attack. On the roll 20, it actually rolls from the character sheet and provides the type of attack in the chat. Is that possible for alchemy?
@BrianBushtastic 20 күн бұрын
How does alchemy handle the card system with initiative? There are feats that allow you to draw two cards and pick the better, there. Also, feats that allow you to retain your previous initiative card. It seems like the only way to redraw initiative is to shuffle it. But that removes a bunch of the character and play options.
@DeadMarsh 21 күн бұрын
You lost me at safety tools. I would have invested so much into this! I'll stick with foundry.
@jerichojeudy 18 күн бұрын
Seriously? That’s a game breaker for you? You just need to not use them. Because otherwise, the platform is really cool and pretty unique in what it offers.
@mikk01975 21 күн бұрын
Why do people try to invent the wheel again with systems like the Tales of the Valiant? It people like D&D, they are probably already playing 5E and aren't likely to switch to "almost 5E" system. And people who don't really like D&D aren't playing another 5E-like system either 🤷 Thankfully, there are a lot of great systems out there and some of them are already ported to Alchemy 😊
@ochoigualigual 21 күн бұрын
Can't wait for Vampire to be available. Alchemy always seemed to me like the perfect platform to play dark, moody games because the UI is so lean and gorgeous and I'm so eager to move my games and enjoy them here!
@darshyneizumi385 22 күн бұрын
I dont see the action point menu in my game ?
@darshyneizumi385 22 күн бұрын
Great news, maybe more PBTA support like Blades in the dark would be great for Totm RPG style.
@pedrocentieiro7755 22 күн бұрын
Another devlog, another disappointment with streamer mode…
@Vampyre_Bytes 22 күн бұрын
Regarding NPCs: What I do is keep a single scene with all predicted NPCs for a session. Then I can search under "in-game" to add them to whichever scene I need. Yes, this scene gets overcrowded after several sessions, but one-offs can be removed, and if you never use that scene as an active scene, it doesn't seem to matter much.
@ErikFrankhouse 22 күн бұрын
Want a checklist of boxes for streamer mode? Each one checked off spit-out browser sources for OBS. For example, maps and handouts would give me a browser source for that UI in Alchemy.
@SokK 22 күн бұрын
Prompt is a nice new tool to play with ! Thanks !
@DimiusG 22 күн бұрын
Will there ever be a way to unlock the character bar where our avatar/hp bar/exp bar/etc. is and move it around? Not a huge deal but sometimes gets in the way of battlemaps
@MiruninOath57 22 күн бұрын
its not a true Alchemy RPG devlog without streamer mode being put off again, despite it being the only feature remaining, and it being advertised prominently on the website. Cant wait to make use of the tools when they eventually get released as im loving the improvements to the feel and stability of the program
@naturalonerpg 20 күн бұрын
Yes, somehow only new systems are ever added, but one of the most important sources for the future popularity of Alchemy is always put to the side. After that, V1 is finished and as many systems as possible can be added. Unless it has become clear that creating a second window/OBS browser source is not possible and they are now trying to sweep the issue under the carpet (which I can't imagine).
@darshyneizumi385 23 күн бұрын
What about status condition ? LOTS of system need this feature.
@muhammadmannan8621 24 күн бұрын
can you guys do one on mork borg
@Pandaman94 24 күн бұрын
Absolutely incredible instruction. I've been waiting for you guys to get further along into the development of this system you've created and now I finally feel like It's time for me to invest. Do you ever feel like you'll make a Android system type app to allow me to create, join or even run games from a phone for more mobile users? Definitely a niche request to ask for but I'm genuinely curious.
@jamesbratten305 25 күн бұрын
Thanks, guys! Running my first LTP session tonight and its always really handy to have these posted recordings to go back and reference.
@alchemyrpg 25 күн бұрын
Strange FPS issue during Dan's intro to Character Creation in the background. Don't worry it goes away after a few minutes!
@alchemyrpg 25 күн бұрын
Huge list of Chapters in the Description for you to find exactly what you're looking for! Thanks for watching!
@alistarmcguffin2919 25 күн бұрын
Highly appreceated! Thhank you! (Tom Murr here)
@gergelymajoros620 Ай бұрын
Is there any way I can get access to the full music during the video?
@alchemyrpg 27 күн бұрын
The music used in this video is included in the Alchemy Enhanced version of Vaesen on our platform!
@SigfridSWE Ай бұрын
The app/program for role and more that pops up in the video, whats that? Where can I get it?
@alchemyrpg Ай бұрын
That is our virtual tabletop! You can find this and more at
@totallymojo Ай бұрын
Is it available in Swedish?
@hockeyslapper Ай бұрын
Just found your VTT and holy moly the pure quality of the UI is something that’s so rare in the space. Everything is so clean and straightforward. Wish it was easier to find when just googling around but luckily came across it from a KZbin video. Keep up the great work 👍🏼
@PSOHBMedia Ай бұрын
Two-state pips are cool, yeah. But you know what's even cooler? Three-state pips! Sincerely, a Chronicles of Darkness fan. ❤
@SokK Ай бұрын
Rolling dices outside of games would be awesome to test actions. As a "GM/worldbuilder" I'm on board with the idea haha.
@espeodorii8571 Ай бұрын
Wait I didn't get what he said about streamer moder? They won't be doing it anymore?
@alchemyrpg Ай бұрын
Streamer Mode is still in production and is one of the last things we are putting out other than the many systems we are implementing before putting a stamp on our Version 1 release!
@mikk01975 Ай бұрын
I was positively surprised this week to find out that my choice of the Modern deck includes Vampire the Masquerade and from that two state pip tracker I can deduce that it might be coming sooner than later ☺️👍
@Grazzt Ай бұрын
So the "Hidden Action" only works if we create it in a Universe ? Because that was to be my next question for you guys, how can I roll some dices as a GM without my players seeing them, but when I try to create this Hidden Action in a Game (not a Universe), it doesn't seem to have this option ?
@jamonster66 Ай бұрын
Every week these updates make it feel like Christmas. Thank you Isaac and crew. 😎👍
@ErikFrankhouse Ай бұрын
Friendly, this makes PC token tracking much more effortless. Will this recolor custom theme tokens if they are a set white or black as well? Cause if so....
@JGraylion Ай бұрын
Love heariing about Tales of the Valiant coming up Duplicate scenes is fantastic Thank you
@shiny_stevie Ай бұрын
Thats exactly the Music for Dragonbane! Really nice Video!
@knaz7468 Ай бұрын
Just jumping in here to see if this might be better for me than FGU for a Fallout game. The one thing I was wondering (but cannot find any info on) is does this thing have an API or some way to augment it for features it doesn't presently have? I can code/dev and there are a few things I'd love to add while waiting for things to be done officially. Some other VTTs allow for this, so I was wondering if Alchemy was heading that way.
@knaz7468 Ай бұрын
Cool overview and looks like a nice VTT. I'd really like it is there were two things covered: (1) actual combat example with battle map and a couple players, and (2) exactly what CAN'T this VTT do for Fallout presently and how hard is it to manually handle core rule set things the VTT doesn't do automatically? You mentioned it can't do it all (yet) but you don't talk about what it cannot do other than the rule book being very big. I'm presently using FGU but the DM tools are super clunky and the VTT looks like it is from the 1990s. Would love to try yours but only if I can wing stuff. Thanks!
@ren_kitsune Ай бұрын
since I'm new to all this, do you have a way for a gm to hide their rolls?
@jrodpaul Ай бұрын
So I’m going to go ahead and um, you know, go ahead and you know, go ahead and stop watching. Tried several times to make it through this video.