If you left click on your division card the camera will stay centered on your lead ship of the division.
@MrDavePed8 ай бұрын
Sharp turns slow you down and make you an easy target. Keep your division card (bottom center) open so you can see your actual speed.
@MrDavePed8 ай бұрын
There's a simple trick to beating any fleet on the hardest level. Today my four CA's wiped out a +40 ship armada without breaking a sweat. I generally prefer battlcruisers once the technology allows them. BC's become essential in later years as the technology advances. At least to win my way. Starting in 1890 though you can defeat anything with four heavy cruisers until about 1918 or so.
@BunTheFuriousFighter8 ай бұрын
Thank you for the information i hope you like my vidoes