@annaf8143 4 ай бұрын
Lets be honest: GPT would be capable to automatically add codes to a whole transcript with one click within 3min. Its just a question of Maxqda implementing this feature. This would supercharge the whole qualitative analysis process. If they dont create function this soon, someone else will. And Maxqdas market leadership will be destroyed over night.
@mikahundin 5 ай бұрын
1. Using ChatGPT to Summarize Coded Content: The presenter suggests that after reading interview data and doing initial coding in MAXQDA, researchers can copy the text into ChatGPT and have it generate a summary. This can save time and effort compared to manually writing a summary. 2. Summarizing Coded Segments: Similarly, researchers can export coded segments from MAXQDA into a spreadsheet, then copy that into ChatGPT. The AI can then provide a concise summary focusing on commonalities as well as any exceptional cases within the coded data. 3. Generating Code System Ideas: By taking the content of important coded segments and providing that to ChatGPT, the AI can suggest new code ideas that may help describe the data more effectively. This allows the researcher to develop a code system grounded in the data but enhanced by the AI's insights. 4. Defining Codes with ChatGPT: For any existing codes, the researcher can copy the coded segments into ChatGPT. The AI can then generate a definition and example for that code, as well as identify any segments that may not fit the code properly. This helps the researcher refine and improve their code definitions. 5. Maintaining Researcher Control: The presenter emphasizes the importance of the researcher maintaining control - only using ChatGPT for summarization, idea generation and definitional tasks on content the researcher has already reviewed. Blindly trusting ChatGPT's output is risky due to potential hallucinations. 6. Internal vs. Formal Use: The presenter recommends using ChatGPT's capabilities for internal tasks like writing memos and summaries, but cautions against directly incorporating any AI-generated text into formal research outputs, as this could lead to academic integrity issues. 7. Embracing the AI Assistant: Overall, the presenter sees great potential in using ChatGPT as a powerful research assistant within the MAXQDA qualitative analysis workflow, as long as the researcher remains vigilant and maintains appropriate control.
@20kt20 6 ай бұрын
hi, how can I move my document in the viewer so that the assigned codes can be read in full? the document sits in the middle of the pane, and there is space to the right, but the code bars on the left are cropped. Thanks
@MeanPeregrino 6 ай бұрын
hi po good evening ✨ 0:45
@GhumroQadir 9 ай бұрын
Very useful
@telzos 10 ай бұрын
Lieber Herr Müller, Ihre Videos zum AI-Einsatz sind wirklich hilfreich. Deren Einsatz zur Analyse von Evaluationsdaten scheitert aber derzeit von seite meiner Institution daran, dass die Server nicht in Deuttschland stehen. Selbst die Cloud-Dienste, deren Server in Deutschland stehen, wurden bisher nicht akzeptiert. Wie gehen Sie mit diesem Problem um, bzw. wie haben sie es ggf. gelöst?
@herrferdinand2581 8 ай бұрын
Wenn Ihre Institution ein bisschen Geld übrig hat, können Sie sich theoretisch ihr eigenes LLM in den Keller stellen, sogar komplett vom Internet getrennt. Ist tatsächlich auch nicht so kompliziert wie man meinen sollte.
@QInsights_Qeludra Жыл бұрын
Thanks for your ideas how to integrate the new tools into a workflow. In real life it is not as straightforward as you show in the video. While going through the data marking everything in yellow, you could as well put a label next to it. After all, you are already thinking about why this is important. You suggest to mark larger segments as this would be better for AI Assist later. The problem with this is that the AI is then suggesting subcodes that mix different concepts. In your workflow what you ideally want are ideas for high level codes. The AI will suggest something - it does not know anything about how a qualitative researcher thinks about coding and the suggested codes will probably on all levels of abstraction. Also dangerous for novice researchers who have not yet an idea how to evaluate the suggestion. It is not as easy as you present it to be. The AI also has no knowledge about your research objective and research questions. Thus the suggested codes will not be on point. Next point, after you extract some code suggested by AI, you have to go through all yellow segments and apply let’s say 7 high level codes. And then you have to go through all of those segments again, creating subcodes. Doing this WITHOUT AI assist is probably faster. In a recent workshop on AI for Qualitative Data Analysis, the researchers genuinely looked at the AI assist as an add-on - The second opinion if you work on your own, someone that might suggest something that you yourself have overlooked. Calling on it if you get stuck, generating fresh ideas with the new AI tool that suggest codes. What you leave out in your video is the critical view. You don’t tell your audience that the summaries are ok - but not something to rely on. They might be wrong, but not because something is wrong with your coding- as you suggest - but because the AI does not know anything about the context of your research. Yes, you can use them as the starting point. But you will want to check back with the data to make sure - and then you will modify the text. Which for me is better than starting from scratch on a white canvas. So I do appreciate the AI assist - but if one were to follow the suggestions blindly, taking the summaries to be the final results - what you will get is a bad and probably faulty analysis. I would appreciate a video where you take a more critical view, pointing out what to pay attention to as a guide for especially novice researchers.
@muellermixedmethods Жыл бұрын
Hello there! Thank you so much for taking the time to provide feedback from your own experience in such detail. You are right that this is an initial idea and not a final method (which is why it is only a 7-minute KZbin video and not a book or article) The developments are so fast at the moment! Yes, AI Assist is an Assistant and thus one should never overly rely on it. Instead, is (as you poin out) an add-on that can provide a second opinion on your data. I have more extensively talked about that and the lmitation of AI in my other videos and also in my live webinars. For example, this video has a more critical view: kzbin.info/www/bejne/iHLFd5WufJtjjck At the moment, I am working with several researchers who implement AI Assist in various ways into their work. This video is one such way (with its advantages and drawbacks). However, there are many different ways e.g. I currently see an interesting appraoch in a more Grounded Theory style workflow. Thank you again for your interesting comment. And yes, it is never as easy as it seems in a video: because qualitative research is never easy, with- or without AI 😉
@lallawmzualasailo6282 Жыл бұрын
Whas good vro
@muellermixedmethods Жыл бұрын
If you are interested in not only using prompts, but applying an integrated workflow that uses AI throughout the research process, check out this video: kzbin.info/www/bejne/lZDYen-AnpqeeK8
@abcufcanada Жыл бұрын
I had to laugh at first because of ChatGTP, but your prompts really woked. so thanks a lot <3
@muellermixedmethods Жыл бұрын
😄 great to hear that you still found the promts useful!
@MeanPeregrino 6 ай бұрын
​@@muellermixedmethodshi po good evening 3:27
@batmanonholiday4477 Жыл бұрын
Hallo, nice summary. I have a few questions: maxqda is like 200 euros annually, too expensive for me atm! this is why I am wary of hooking up my research with these paid systems and then getting it locked up if I suddenly ran out of cash. Are there any less expensive or free alternatives to MAXQDA with ai integration that you could recommend? I was thinking of using a linux coding soft + ChatGPT as an alternative, but I am on the fence about trusting GPT with summarizing complex or sensitive conversations (data ethics, hallucinations etc.). Is the AI in MAXQDA more trustworthy or is it an embedded GPT 3 (4), that we are really working with?
@muellermixedmethods Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your question! MAXQDA uses Chat GPT 3.5 for AI Assist. As far as I know, a student licence for two years (including PhD Students) is something about 90€. You can export all your data once you are done and use the free reader to still look at your data if your licence runs out. I know Atlas.ti and Nvivo quite well, but their AI features don't match with what MAXQDA can do at the moment. I have not tried anything Linux based, but I am curious to hear about it!
@RobinMario Жыл бұрын
The main problems when considering whether or not to use A.I. to analyse qualitative data are privacy concerns. Safe use mens that the a.i. must be able to run nativly on your computer (offline-mode). Using chatgpt to analyse actual interview, especially those containing sensitive infirmation is highly unethical.
@farukensar4912 Жыл бұрын
Kann ich nur empfehlen. Ein Einzelgespräche in ca. 1h und alle spezifischen Fragen wurden beantwortet. Hat sich somit auf jeden Fall gelohnt.
@mohammedabdullahi2112 Жыл бұрын
Good an informative video
@m-tc1wk Жыл бұрын
Klare Weiterempfehlung der Trainings von Herrn Müller!! Wir hatten ihn für einen zweitägigen MaxQDA-Workshop für Doktorand:innen an der Uni Salzburg zu Gast und der Workshop hat alle Erwartungen (über)erfüllt. Perfekte Mischung aus Grundlagen und maßgeschneiderten Inhalten je nach individuellem Bedarf. Zudem eine sehr angenehme Atmosphäre und auf auch auf Englisch. Danke!
@ClaraFischer-r8h Жыл бұрын
Vielen Dank für ein hervorragendes zweitägiges MaxQDA Training im vergangenen Jahr am BICC. Wir haben unheimlich davon profitiert, dass Du das Training so genau an unseren Bedarfen ausgerichtet hast und wir in angenehmer Atmosphäre so viele für uns neue Funktionen des Programms kennenlernen konnten.
@wolfgangulbing1878 Жыл бұрын
Vielen Dank für die zwei großartige Einheiten zur Einführung in die empirische Forschung und zur Beratung diverser Forschungsvorhaben an der Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt! Kann Herrn Müller wärmstens empfehlen!
@mohammedabdullahi2112 Жыл бұрын
Beautiful, thanks Andreas for the wonderful free introductory session to MAXQDA. I am really excited about this feature.
@abdo1234. Жыл бұрын
He probably also used chatgpt to write the script of this video
@muellermixedmethods Жыл бұрын
Only to write the video description 😄
@delmarie 7 ай бұрын
Be kind, I also mostly say GTP instead of GPT hahaha What matters is the video is great and we learned:)
@margretjaeger2289 Жыл бұрын
Sehr informativ. Ich kann Herrn Müller als Trainer sehr empfehlen, wir haben als Team sehr von der Weiterbildung zu MAXQDA profitiert. DANKE!
@gcantara Жыл бұрын
Ich habe mir mehrere Ihrer Videos angeschaut. Sie sind alle wenige Minuten kurz, auf den Punkt und sehr gut erklärt. Vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe
@muellermixedmethods Жыл бұрын
Vielen Dank, das freut mich sehr! Ja, kurz und auf den Punkt ist mir immer wichtig. Ich versuche weitere Videos folgen zu lassen. Gibt es Themen, die Ihnen besonders wichtig wären?
@Louisianish Жыл бұрын
I use MAXQDA in my job and was looking for a good video to share with colleagues if they ask about applications of AI in qualitative data analysis. And this video is perfect! AI shouldn’t be a replacement for human qualitative analysis, but it has the potential of being a powerful tool and assistant that can help make the analysis process more efficient, as long as people don’t rely on it without confirming the text it’s producing. As you said, hallucination is a common issue with large language models and other types of generative AI. If you’re heading up a research team and are considering incorporating AI into your workflow, it’s important to understand how this technology works before you decide to get rid of half of your research staff because you assume the AI will just do all the data analysis for you and do so with 100% accuracy.
@muellermixedmethods Жыл бұрын
Thank you, so glad this video could help. In addition, MAXQDA recently released the AI Assist feature. You can see what it can do here: kzbin.info/www/bejne/iHLFd5WufJtjjck
@muellermixedmethods Жыл бұрын
Hey there! If you are still interested in using AI & MAXQDA this video might be interesting to you. It is a workflow of how to use AI along the entire coding process kzbin.info/www/bejne/lZDYen-AnpqeeK8
@michaelgizzi Жыл бұрын
Andreas - another hack for a document summary is to highlight the entire document, and create a unique code and apply it to the document. Then do a summary. Works pretty well, especially for my data which is not interview based. Great video introduction to the tool!
@muellermixedmethods Жыл бұрын
Thanks, Michael, a great tip! That's even easier especially when you don't work with interviews!
@srg1266 Жыл бұрын
this is just what I was looking for - thanks!
@mohammedabdullahi2112 Жыл бұрын
Great tip. Thanks both!
@michaelgizzi Жыл бұрын
@@mohammedabdullahi2112 it’s even easier in 2022.7. Just highlight the entire document, right click and select the AI assist summarize option!
@muellermixedmethods Жыл бұрын
After I had finished editing this video, I noticed something. Here is what ChatGPT said about it 😅 me: how bad is it, if I say ChatGTP instead of ChatGPT in a KZbin video? ChatGPT: It is a minor mistake, but it might confuse some viewers who are familiar with the correct name "ChatGPT". However, as long as the rest of the content in the video is clear and informative, this mistake should not significantly impact the overall quality of the video.
@ektasingh6284 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, it kept bothering me that you said ChatGTP :P. But great stuff.
@Louisianish Жыл бұрын
haha It didn’t bother me. I use ChatGPT every day, and even I slip up here and there and call it ChatGTP.
@thiarkker2638 Жыл бұрын
well done. weiter so Herr Müller.