Hello sir, The sound of the lecturer is very low. The sound of the audience is much much better. I hope you can re-record these lectures.
@MohamedSHbib5 ай бұрын
7:39 Hello sir, Until the minute 7:39, there is no sound, and the sound afterwords is really low and distorted. Thank you
@jollyscaria192210 ай бұрын
Yes greated all ...p sy chrommentry .. inphysics . Psychrommettry ..is the study of water vapour contwntofairits specific heat ..latent heat of vapourisation ofthw water contentofairleatent heat of conden condensation ..volume of air and heatcontent.these are very importsntfor air conditioning and refrigwration. Calculations .. ..))air.... at fristlet us under stand the structure and properties of air.. air is a mixxtureof gas which is invisible odourless and tastesless ol airs is surrounding the earrth is 400 miles thick .airdirividd into several layers air fromsea level to 30.0000feet is called atmomosphere) andfrom 30.000to 50.000feet(10miles ) to 200miles lonosphereis the out erlayerbet ween200to 400miles .olat mospre consists of a mixture of gasses thd tablesvgivein bey ween showes gas abd su stances tgmhat makup air is a mixture of air nitrogen .oxygen carbon dioxde .hy drogen water vapour dust particles and rare gases ..chemicsl symbols exples short waerd s point marking ex..pls nig ..n2 75.47amount78.03 vlome...s 0ok ox..02..carben co2..o.o4..oo3.okHyH2 watr H2o..dust--..