Thank You Pastor Fang and Blessed CNY to You and Everyone here in Taiwan ❤🙏 May all of us continue to walk closely with God and receive His Love and Blessings ❤🙏 Hallelujah 🙌🙏 Praise The Lord 🙌🙏 AMEN And AMEN 🙏🙏
Dear Rev pls pray for my throyxin suddenly very high!? I need see dr asap pray for patient Dr n good communication as I very anxiety n can’t focus Pray lord peace with me M healing with me as I can’t stop eating!? Maybe this also one factor that lead to my above problem! Really need to cling to Bible in order to overcome my weakness! Thanks so much really appreciate all this while your preaching details youmust have putting in lot of hard work! It is so important to me especially when I am alone n nobody seem to understand me😢! Your Counselling really help me to understand lord m his value in my life! Keep it up looking forward for your voice everyday!have a blessed 舍年!舍去老我换来新我 舍去富贵换来基督 🙏舍去看戏换来讲道❤舍去零食换来灵粮舍去虚荣换来荣美 仆人敬听🙏主恩浩大🙌 敬