@fitforfreelance 5 сағат бұрын
Fake offense is aggressive... But it shows the effects of the hash markers between leagues
@CadeRathbone 20 сағат бұрын
Fire video per usual🔥🫡
@ThaSouthMU Күн бұрын
Good stuff. Id also say that its much harder to assemble the amount of talent at the receiver pos in the NFL, as in college..
@Gardenstategreat1225 Күн бұрын
This is a offense based off of the run and shoot. Not air raid. Different concepts. The reason its called veer and shoot is because of the amount of rpo’s and overall options per play. What makes it unique is the wide splits the receivers take. I see people arguing if its a run first offense. No its not. Its not a pass first neither. Overly simplified. The way it works is you get to the LOS and youre making a decision based on the box count whether youre running or throwing. The reason TN in particular has high rushing numbers is because defenders are stretched due to the wide splits. They rather take the chance on the defense making a stop in the run than give a receiver a great look. Remember this is based off of the run and shoot. Which did run the ball when the box allowed. The offense takes what the defense gives. The reason its not ran much is because you need smart players to run it. Your receivers have to see the same thing a QB does. I will say again. This is not a air raid offense at all. The reason some think it is, is because they utilize a short passing game with the rpo’s. But thats it. A air raid throws to set up the run. If they even decide to run. The run and shoot utilizes motion and choice routes. Its highly intelligence based. Not for slow players. The veer and shoot is a slightly dumbed down run and shoot. Key difference is the wide splits and the fact that they will use power more. Theyre very similar though. You can make the case theyre the same. Difference being whether a coach uses a wide split and a tendency to run more due to advantageous boxes.
@michaelmazingo64 Күн бұрын
derek car is what happens when the greatest minds of our time (us) get together
@slaw_fb Күн бұрын
couldn’t have done it without you buddy
@CaptainCanada-lq7rd Күн бұрын
Proud to have been in call when this went down
@BanterMan101 2 күн бұрын
The Carr car at the end was certainly a sight to behold
@annerussell8741 2 күн бұрын
ending is a jumpscare
@annerussell8741 2 күн бұрын
sweet thumbnail, you’re welcome 🤫
@mlc808 2 күн бұрын
Every single NFL team uses route conversions (i.e. choice routes) on the majority of their snaps. Maybe 1 guy, maybe all 5. I’m gonna have to file this one under ‘yet’, as in ‘you will never see an NFL team run RPO’s/Air Raid/etc.” … until you do. KC is an Air Raid team in all but name. Belichek duing the Pats glory years studied *only* college offenses in the offseason (even inviting Mike Leach, Urban Meyer and Paul Johnson to visit). Your point on field spacing is 100% accurate, but I’ve already seen some ideas on how that might be overcome.
@bluewater5463 2 күн бұрын
Haven’t watched the video yet but this video could be summed up in one word: Hashmarks
@10oneluv10 4 күн бұрын
Very interesting video
@KevinSamuelsKid 4 күн бұрын
You have half field and full field passing concepts. Half field concepts the QB is committing to throwing to one side of the field no matter what. Full field is when they make full progression if the pocket is stable
@Lottoboi100 6 күн бұрын
I'm not the one on who misses those old Baylor teams 🫡🫡🫡
@obcane3072 9 күн бұрын
Briles said it made no sense for a receiver to run a route that was not going to them so he didn't want then to run. The DBs have to stay with them si they did their job. He preferred for them to conserve their energy so they could explode when it was their turn.
@fiend6999 10 күн бұрын
Nfl is trash
@beatingu8347 10 күн бұрын
Been watching football since I was 12 years old. Religiously. Mostly NFL until the last couple years. And I still didn’t realize the hashes were so far apart.
@Asshat237 Күн бұрын
In the NFL, the hash marks are 70 feet and 9 inches away from the nearest sideline. The distance between them is 18 feet and 6 inches. In college they are much farther apart (40ft) and only 60 feet away from the nearest sideline.
@SlimSavageBlanco 10 күн бұрын
Fake offense? Lol. Call it any name that makes you feel better about yourself but football is played to win. Heupel wins. Not only does he win, he's currently reviving a CFB powerhouse that literally had been driven off the side of the Grand Canyon and left for dead. Heupel accepted a job that he knew had a built in excuse if he wasn't able to perform a miracle. Yet, somehow, with his "fake offense", he's not just turning Tennessee into a winner again, he's slowly building a terrifying destructive destroyer of worlds disguised as a football team. They just scored 65 points in the first half with the starters only playing the first quarter. The opponent is irrelevant when you can score 65 points at halftime. Ten years ago Tennessee would have struggled for three quarters then finally finished that team off in the final minutes. Tennessee could have stayed in the locker room at half and still easily won that game.
@blade_of_alur4922 11 күн бұрын
Terrible take. None of these are NFL players so the spacing of the hash marks in the NFL is irrelevant.
@chadbutspelledwithane 10 күн бұрын
@koolpapiadam 11 күн бұрын
That’s why none of his skill position guys ever work
@matthewblevens1229 12 күн бұрын
There is nothing said in this video that is incorrect. However calling it "gimmicky" or "fake offense" is only correct from an NFL perspective not a football perspective. It's a genius offense for college taking advantage of everything possible. Why would you want an OC/offense that doesn't take advantage of everything possible? Its not fake, or gimmicky. It's just not possible in the NFL. But the NFL isn't the only place where football is played. The coolest part in my opinion is how it does almost the exact opposite of the Sean Mcvay's Offense. In his offense he condenses the formation (think tight bunch) to take advantage of the long distances from the hashes to the sideline in the NFL since they are so close to the center of the field. Its still the same concept of making the defense cover all 53.5yds of grass. But, one has evolved in a different way because of the rules it has to play by.
@A.F.Whitepigeon 12 күн бұрын
The hashes thing is overblown, IMO. Sure, there's not as much space to the wide side, but there's also more space to the narrow side. A more symmetrical version of this scheme could be even more dangerous because it would force the defense to declare formation strength pre-snap. An NFL-adapted veer raid would thus probably be even more high-flying, at the cost of effectiveness in the run game. This is exacerbated by the shorter distance linemen can go downfield, which effectively neuters the RPO, something which wasn't even mentioned in the video. That's what poses the real problems for the jump to the pros.
@navidzunaid 13 күн бұрын
Great video. Please consider mixing your videos a little louder in the future.
@johnmeyers8588 13 күн бұрын
One point I'm taking from this excellent video is that some QB's who have great stats in college are not necessarily going to make it in the NFL.
@matthewblevens1229 12 күн бұрын
over 66% of Qbs drafted are considered busts. Most Qbs don't make it in the NFL regardless of stats. The difference is smart NFL teams don't draft based on stats. They draft on traits (physical and mental), projectability, processing speed, and football IQ.
@jefferydriggers523 13 күн бұрын
Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand. Believe in the Messiah Jesus Christ for eternal salvation
@valdezjones 13 күн бұрын
I really like the format of breaking down a specific offensive scheme. I’d love to see more of these kinds of videos!
@samright4661 13 күн бұрын
Ga don’t have a problem shutting down Rocky Flop 😂
@cialee1989 13 күн бұрын
Kind of reminds me of the Late Coach Mike Leach's original Air Raid Offense. The system as a whole would not be successful in the NFL, but many of its route concepts have been adopted; especially in Spread Offense type formations the system is based/rooted in. But we all know; The Pirate's Air Raid Offense is the Purest of them all... 92% Pass, 8% Run. As it should be. Truly a system for those who get a kick out of being a Grade A- A$$hole!!!🤣 Gassing the opposing defense's Linebackers and DBs for four quarters- in order to defend every square inch of grass, is just plain devilish!😂 RIP MIKE LEACH.
@samhawkins1996 13 күн бұрын
I think the receivers not running routes on the off side keeps the defenders in place rather than dragging them down field. Makes it further for them to pursue a long ball across the field. maybe
@Asshat237 Күн бұрын
Exactly. And its just fewer guys in the QBs line of vision, less chaos, simplify the decision making.
@tristanpeyton2747 13 күн бұрын
No Cam Ward? Smh
@coop1osrs 13 күн бұрын
Why are NFL coaches interested in picking Heupul’s brain every off season?
@rustymaximus9179 13 күн бұрын
I think UT is slowing down quite a bit. JH used the personell he had to try and outscore the competition. Now in year 4 the defense is much better and most importantly much deeper. They can rotate in 3 sets of DL players. They are also using 2 tight ends and taking advantage of that in blocking and creating wide open check downs. They may get up to the line fast, but they are not snapping the ball as quickly as in the past. This is because they have gained depth and top talent. What they accomplished in 2022 was amazing considering the limits they had on the roster.
@KornPop96 13 күн бұрын
It doesn't have to work in the NFL. The NFL and college football are 2 different beasts. And this "gimmick" has been scoring 60 points a game.
@gwhite7136 13 күн бұрын
The first 3 games of TN this year is proof the offense doesn't need to spread you or tempo you to beat you. Every fundamental of QB and offense is in it. Your just not understand what your seeing. If it's a deep enough team they can go more traditional offense or more Tempo Spread. But you must be elite at QB, especially in passing to run it. But when done right, and with a good enough defense, it's a scheme that is almost impossible to defend. If you can't sub for 8 snaps, your not going to defend well. If your not deep enough to stop it's run, it will just keep running on you than hit you over the top when there's a huge bust in coverage. Lastly, every coach that runs a form of the Tempo Spread, customizes here. What Freeze, Frost and Heupel ran aren't the same. Not even Ar Bryles and Mike Leach. At times Freeze would use islands, Heupel really never has. Frost didn't have the speed to run what Heupel does when Frost was at Nebraska. This is why it didn't' work. You need the speed advantage and conditioning at your lines. TN looks for athletic guys they can bulk up at it's lines because that is what freakish size and speed is when your linemen were never giant rolly polies who could never go 8 snaps without subbing. Now imagine goin 13 deep now on a D line with guys that can? That is what TN roughly has in Knoxville this year. Now you have enough conditioned TE's to do this. Same at LEO.
@gwhite7136 13 күн бұрын
This is about the dumbest video I've seen for it's take. TN has never had a pass heavy offense under Heupel. Always vastly ran the ball more than threw because it set's up anything they want to do. And surprise, just when tards like this think they have it figured out, he runs 12 personnel l with TE's and doesn't even spread you wide when he does it so far this season at TN. Sure, they can and will spread you most of the time but they don't need to and don't at times. Not when you can run the ball at an elite level. The crap they are running in the NFL today would get smoked if they allowed the hashes wider and are putting up some ugly numbers. Hendon Hooker is proof, that system at TN makes you a better QB. It can take a dual threat QB, coach up his passing ability and you get a pretty good QB. Dobbs isn't bad either and Joe MIlton out shined Drake Maye all training camp with the Pats. Any system like this teaches you fundamentals first. You have to be a good passer to run an Tempo Spread offense, first thing. Second, mechanics and reads have to be good because your living off of what the defense is giving you. Tell me why QB's in the old system still can't do this nor have the mechanics down when they get to the NFL. No one's complaining about any former TN QB or from Heupel's tree needed remedial mechanics in NFL training caps. You throw the ball, you run the ball. You make reads, lead your WR's and when you do that more than any other style of offense when your running more plays, makes you better, oh and you have to do it in a much shorter time than anyone else. Stop it with the gimmick offense BS. The reason you can't run it in the NFL is because the hashes aren't wide enough but that has nothing to do with knowing how to throw the ball and make reads. Milton, Dobbs, Hooker, Drew Lock should all have never made it through training camp if there were any truth to this nonsense take. Gimmicks have no long term plan. Look at the QB's lined up and committed to TN. Two #1 QB's of their class, the rest of top what, 5? This system is designed to make you better at throwing, making reads, running tempo and recognizing what your best reads are. It does that and oh, it's pretty good for long pass play touch. The NFL will not widen the hashes because every defensive coordinator in the NFL would take a nose dive in success against it. And they aren't' adept at stopping it and with depth on that team, they don't even have to spread you wide to run the ball down your throat all game lone. TN Titans would be a better offense with Hokoer than Levis. Levis is still making dumb mistakes and costing his team with his decision making. The talent is there, the football IQ is lagging. Any offense can beat you if they run the ball well enough and hit you over the top. This style of offense allows yo also when you are deep enough to incorporate other schemes into it so it's a bust trying to draw up a D plan for it .
@Aquariun9iteMMare 13 күн бұрын
I can't finish the video tonight but I am loving what I see! This is a great video so far. Ant kindof film breakdown [Oklahomas defense under Brent Venables would definitely bring in a lot of extra subscribers.
@7bridgesroad213 13 күн бұрын
You need to actually look at stats. UT has been a run offense under heupel.
@slaw_fb 13 күн бұрын
@7bridgesroad213 13 күн бұрын
@@slaw_fb didn’t make it that far. It was too painful to watch.
@Hunter-vl6ft 13 күн бұрын
Oilers did in the early '90s and almost made it through the playoffs. Dalls also did it, but mixed in running also.
@richiebailey282 13 күн бұрын
Do yall even know what the word gimmick means?😂
@kdzidoc 13 күн бұрын
Good thing the Vols aren't in the NFL.... GBO🧡
@wesleyreed3549 13 күн бұрын
Unsure if you mentioned this but Alex Golesh, the HC for USF, was the OC at Tennessee for the 2021 and 2022 seasons. As a Vols fan I was sad to see him leave, but I would not be surprised if he gets a HC job at a major university in the near future. Great video.
@ztonner5166 13 күн бұрын
He’s already at a major university lol
@slaw_fb 13 күн бұрын
Yup! That's why I used their film throughout the video, never said it though so thank you for mentioning it.
@vinceventura4453 14 күн бұрын
Very accurate breakdown , and why people need to understand when players like hyatt don’t translate . He’s not underperforming from lack of effort , he physically doesn’t have the attributes to not get stuck at the line of scrimmage, let alone even sniffing seperation when he breaks .
@ArticLight14 14 күн бұрын
Tennessee is a run first offense. Not sure why everyone thinks they are an air raid offense.
@Therefferee 13 күн бұрын
They put up crazy numbers through the air. The lowest amount of points they've scored through 3 games in 2024 is 51.
@Truth_Seeker95 13 күн бұрын
@@Thereffereestill a run heavy offense. We run the ball over 55% of the time lmao
@ArticLight14 13 күн бұрын
@@Therefferee where are you getting your information from? Out of the first 3 games only one game they threw for over 400 yards. The NC St and Kent State games they had more rushing yards than passing yards. In those 2 games alone they combined for over 700 yards rushing. It’s not an air raid. Educate yourself.
@loganwatson5905 13 күн бұрын
@@Thereffereewhile you’re not incorrect about putting up crazy numbers through the air, they also put up crazy numbers on the ground. They just put up crazy numbers period lol, it is a very balanced offense though. A lot of people view it as an air raid because Josh Huepel’s scheme lends itself to big passes opening up so deep passes for a lot of yards end up being relatively common
@samright4661 13 күн бұрын
Remember that time Rocky Flop was #1 for 3 days😂
@garrethparsons9211 14 күн бұрын
I feel like you are both correct and incorrect. I love the video though, you do a great job of breaking it down. I feel like this could be said about any offense. In its current capacity the VNS won't work at the NFL level, but just like the Air Raid, Spread, and RNS it will have to be adapted for the Pro game. Regardless you do have a great breakdown and you do have a point.
@modernprofessionals9512 14 күн бұрын
@robert45tn 14 күн бұрын
It doesn't have to work in the NFL
@toddbrothers1520 14 күн бұрын
Art Briles is a good man who was used as a scapegoat
@jacobbryant9177 14 күн бұрын
4:50 you really dont 😂
@jeffreyjeffries9500 14 күн бұрын
Dig the video man. Really enjoyed how you explained how this offense works. Definitely would be interested in more videos on other offenses and how they work. Keep up the good work!
@benjaminwatkins1305 14 күн бұрын
@matthewblevens1229 12 күн бұрын
Thats what he said in the video
@koldonn1111 14 күн бұрын
because it's niche...