Movie mistakes: The Mule (2018)
Movie mistakes: Speed (1994)
3 жыл бұрын
Movie mistakes: Groundhog Day (1993)
Movie mistakes: The Aviator (2004)
Movie mistakes: Seven Samurai (1954)
Movie mistakes: First Man (2018)
Movie mistakes: Topaz (1969)
3 жыл бұрын
Movie mistakes: Rocky (1976)
3 жыл бұрын
Movie mistakes: Green Book (2018)
Movie mistakes: Coffy (1973)
3 жыл бұрын
Movie mistakes: Toy Story (1995)
Movie mistakes: Halloween (2018)
Movie mistakes: Roma (2018)
3 жыл бұрын
Movie mistakes: The Faculty (1998)
Movie mistakes: Alexander (2004)
Movie mistakes: American Pie (1999)
@christopdeck3457 6 сағат бұрын
When Hamidou leads Billy towards that secluded area, you can see varous guards clothes hanging on hooks, so it was near a guards changing room. That is why Billy was able to get some well fitting guards clothing.
@RudyKeane 23 сағат бұрын
just one thing, the United planes at LaGuardia, they aren't actually United, they are Continental, which did have that livery up until they merged with United. If you look up close you can see that is does say Continental, not United.
@HomeWarrantyClaims 2 күн бұрын
Not sure if this was a blooper or intended as I cant find it mentioned anywhere; after Snake lands the glider and is inside the building, as he is putting away his radio, a figure runs across in the mirror, at first I thought Snake was being ambushed, but I think it looked like crew member running with equipment, Snake walks away as if the room was deserted.
@evansmith3589 4 күн бұрын
Weren't some scenes meant to be in Ceylon?
@MaximusDecimusMeridius-c2m 7 күн бұрын
I recently noticed another mistake in one of my favorite scenes. At the beginning, when heroes are entering the gate, the monk in the scene, carrying a water jug to clean Adso's hands (during the shot when other monks are bowing to William) , has clearly a beard. But later, when he pours water over Adso's hands, he is shaven.
@4-dman464 8 күн бұрын
you've really got to love a film to notice all that.
@Keyer-bn3dp 11 күн бұрын
I loved the 1974 version… farrow Sinatra did a great job. Another blooper was the fly mosquito in the opening, by the mirror and the pictures of daisy
@tiborfeher6509 12 күн бұрын
Shadow of equipment/crew is also visible early into the movie when the three men are running down a hill in the desert fleeing from a stone avalanche.
@irinairina3271 13 күн бұрын
В начале фильма Ришар заглядявает в кафе с красоткой. За ним следит одна из фурий и видит их за стодиком слева у стены, Ришар спиной. И тут же, когда она стоит за дверью, за стеклом мы видим, как мсье, чертовски похожий на Ришара и одетый прям как он, с кем то беседует, сидя к нам лицом. Или я ошибаюсь??
@pjimmbojimmbo1990 16 күн бұрын
@5:50 The AE-35 unit Never switched Hands, the Image reversed, as shown by the Air Hose to the Helmet that also changed Sides
@N07tony 18 күн бұрын
Capsule water landing filmed at Lake Powell, a large reservoir: water level stains visible.
@paulaharrisbaca4851 19 күн бұрын
Interesting but I think the shirt color and Gatsby being "dry" is symbolism. Or it's just sloppiness. I liked the film but it was panned by the critics. I prefer it to the DiCaprio version which seems very affected to me, but I dislike him so maybe that's just prejudice on my part.
@archiecanon4528 20 күн бұрын
@Tatjanashon 22 күн бұрын
На кольца, бантики внимания не обращала, но вот панорама современного города сразу бросается в глаза¡
@shaziasultan-hq4wr 22 күн бұрын
@user-gx1os6em3e 22 күн бұрын
А ещё Шерлок был женат,и к томуже провославный!!! Так как у него обручальное кольцо на правой руке!!!😀
@hazystudios 23 күн бұрын
How is "may or may not be capitalized" a mistake? If it may be capitalized and it is, then it's not a mistake. Just because they didn't see Dobbs' body by the watering hole doesn't mean that the bandits didn't go back to cover up their crime. Just because it wasn't shown doesn't mean it didn't happen.
@stangiles2001 24 күн бұрын
But whole story is fake, A relative gave up big bin for $20 million Cia funded coverup movie Duh
@mskid1166 25 күн бұрын
These continuity errors as far as furniture and switches and what not (including when you see Kool Aid in the shot)….when they are happening you are in, or the movie is teetering on the representation of the novel that Jack is writing, that has been influenced and motivated by the Grady story he was told and the circumstances he now finds himself in within the hotel. Same as when the typewriter changes and the big sculpture in the room he writes in disappears There is no way Stanley would allow such enormous things to change on set without it being on purpose
@aleksandarstojanovic6574 3 күн бұрын
The type-writer also changed color during the fiim. Deliberetly?
@djtforever1414 26 күн бұрын
The newspaper near the end shows the date as March 1953, but earlier Russell and Kim watch the movie Roman Holiday - which was released in August 1953.
@SickSoundingStuff 27 күн бұрын
Did you play a lot of those Spot The Difference Between These Two Pictures games as a kid?
@rotting_flesh3274 28 күн бұрын
Oh well, it's all part of the process of film making.
@chadwedul1787 Ай бұрын
Picky picky picky.
@Dee-Wayne Ай бұрын
I would think that Damiens 666 birthmark would've been visible upon being given a baby bath. Still enjoyed the suspension of disbelief
@adikimanov2055 Ай бұрын
Только башня попалось да, а собаки всякие бывают, только башня и все
@user-fk3ku6xk4w Ай бұрын
Хороший фильм оставьте в покое уже!
@CALLMESIR... Ай бұрын
Was this really neccessary?
@user-mx5pk4ev9s Ай бұрын
Киноляпы ищут идиоты! Они есть в каждом фильме.Главная цель поиска киноляпов- это умаление художественных достоинств картины, силы ее психоэмоционального воздействия на зрителя. Дело недостойное, ничтожное и грязное..Так считала когда мне было 15,35,55,65. Даже, когда вижу киноляпы в хорошей картине ,никогда не обращаю на них особенного внимания. Кино- это такая же работа, как и всякая другая, а не ошибается только тот, кто ничего не делает.. Перестаньте искать ошибки у других, лучше поищите их у себя!
@zxch79edvin63 Ай бұрын
А вот сцена, где белогвардейцы ночью проезжают через кладбище угоняя отобранных у крестьян коров. Видно же, что снимали не ночью, а днём. Это объективы камер были затемнены. Луна, которая была видна сквозь дымку облаков, на самом деле была не луна, а солнце. Это же видно даже по тому, как на ней нету пятен, означающих кратеры.
@KishoreG2396 Ай бұрын
Jack Daniels is technically considered a bourbon
@user-sr5ij6le6e Ай бұрын
Ну и что что графин не там стоит, может кто-то попил воды и поставил не на место так бывает и в жизни, воображение нужно включать. Затем убрали так как помешал протоколировать. Ни какие это не ляпы. Фильм прекрасный, эти мелочи ни сколько не испортили его!
@dsolosan Ай бұрын
My understanding (correct me if I'm wrong!) is that when the arm starts turning to open the emergency entrance, the pod should turn as well. Same principle as when Dave is using the screwdriver to unlock portions of HAL's brain--except there he's holding onto the wall with his other hand. When Dave goes to rescue Frank, he exits at a 45 degree angle to the ship. Later, the stars indicate that he's turning down relative to the ship, and then to finally reach Frank, he turns back up. I guess it's possible he's a lousy pilot and not taking the simplest, most direct route. Also, not sure how close the Discovery is to Jupiter when the troubles hit, but at some point they have to turn that ship around and start firing the engines to slow down. Otherwise, they're going to race right past it.
@rubenvillanuevarubio1796 Ай бұрын
Salvatore having the lleft hand in his right arm was the worst mistake
@jdh1969 2 ай бұрын
In the train scene that shows different flowers, Eva Marie Saint's hairstyle also changes.
@vevans0009 2 ай бұрын
That Ball Mirror was the REAL deal breaker for me. HOW did they fuck that up!?
@cexartv 2 ай бұрын
When they get down from the red car, she forgets to use the handbrake and the car moves slightly back. She kinda notices for a second but then continues with the scene.
@user-zt7xg4eu6k 2 ай бұрын
Ну ооооочень дотошно. Браво. Единственное , что достойно внимания - это про "Стомпанато", остальное - "лирика"
@knivesseveren7230 2 ай бұрын
Про одежду на перуанцах тоже засомневался. И про музыку. Но фильм всё же годный!
@user-qy3ml6bv1d 2 ай бұрын
Pink Floyd: "There is no dark side of the moon, really. Matter of fact it's all dark.".
@user-qy3ml6bv1d 2 ай бұрын
Oh, and how did the sun come up from below the horizon and reach the zenith over the monolith in the few minutes the astronaut team started down into the pit and the monolith sent out its signal. On the moon, it would've taken nearly two weeks to do that! And another two for the sun to set! A two week day and a two week night! (Oops, ONE week to rise and ONE week to set, sorry.).
@user-qy3ml6bv1d 2 ай бұрын
Worst offender in this, my favorite movie of all time, is the Aries sequence. Finally really noticed it last year when I started working on my model of it. We see the windows on the upper part of the dome looking down at the moon, then there's a shot of the ship looking up to the stars, and in both cases the pilots are looking down at the surface of the moon! How the hell does that work!? And we also have the stewardess come in behind the pilots, supposedly from the center elevator, but that back wall is actually the floor and would open on the ceiling of the passenger level! What the FRAK!!?? As notoriously meticulous as Stanley Kubrick was, I just can't understand how this and the other things you've pointed out could've gotten past him. I can only imagine that the incredible complexity of the production made it impossible to be everywhere at once, though it could've been improved in the editing. To be fair, it was the most complicated film Stanley ever made, and all with old school technology; no CGI! It still remains his masterpiece, in a great body of work. Meantime, I've had to completely rework the flight deck on my model to make it accurate to the ship, rather than the movie's screw up, flipping it upside down, putting the seats on the top wall and putting the elevator door on the ceiling, so it will open into the central elevator instead of the passenger ceiling! All of which is harder than it sounds! Tsk, tsk, Stanley! And the film's designers who committed that fau pah. And yet, it's still the greatest film ever made! Have a better one!
@user-qy3ml6bv1d 29 күн бұрын
Yeah, and I forgot to mention the galley part, where the stewardess comes out of the center elevator, gets a couple trays of space food, goes up around the wall and through a side hatch; THEN comes into the pilot deck! What the flyin Frakking hell!? That hatch would've taken her into another part of the lower level, not up to the flight deck! There would probably be luggage and supplies in there, and ships operating systems and the like. This thing is a nightmare. The engineers at Boeing must have been on acid when they built this thing! (Or, at least, the set and model teams on the production.). Well, it WAS 1968! Maybe they were "experimenting" in there. Oh, just for inspiration, of course! And all that makes the whole model kit a challenge to build worthy of Sysyphis and his boulder, or Sinbad's quest for the Golden Fleece, trying to build a model accurate to what we see on screen! Zen and the art of scale model building, you might say. Forget motorcycle maintenance! Try building a model this complicated! I have a lifetime of skills to draw on, so I'm up to it, but I'm not so sure if my amount of patience is! We'll see... Have a better one!
@nufogirlful 2 ай бұрын
Думаю что небрежность к книге обьясняется его, Корсо, шоковым состоянием, да и на самом деле важны уже гравюры и их смысл, сама игра,в которую он включился, а не книга сама по себе и мысли в ней.Возможно именно такая игра со смертью, да еще и ввиде гравюр и тайного вполне реального общества, и могла затянуть азартного человека, для которого ранее азартом были деньги и их количество)Посмотрите как он стремится быть первым в перехвате книг из коллекций и как торгуется, это же азартный человек, Полански всетаки гений психологии
@bluearagon8823 2 ай бұрын
I totally missed most of these, thank you!
@dooderino57 2 ай бұрын
maybe that's not brother Berengar, just another fat monk...
@jgrab1 2 ай бұрын
Your bloopers had bloopers: There was no lobby on board the Hindenburg. That was called the promenade. The airship circled up and down New York City. It had six hours to kill. They knew the tear in the fin covering happened on the Graf and not the Hindenburg. It’s hardly an error, just something to add to the thin plot. In real life the ship didn’t run into St Elmo’s for on that trip either. And more importantly, the REAL error in the fin scene is that the man is shown being swept off the side of the fin. With the air flowing backwards over the fin, he would have been pushed backwards, not sideways.
@JustSomeKittenwithaGun 2 ай бұрын
I feel like most of these are a joke. Shmi's hand changes? She uses her right hand to caress Ani's face. I don't see anything sus there.
@dmontes133 2 ай бұрын
During the ballroom dance scene, you see the prince dancing with a man in the background. It’s hilarious!
@PungiFungi 2 ай бұрын
To be fair, the climbing pyramid scene may be editing error or they were trying to do a force perspective thing
@liannapfister8255 2 ай бұрын
2:13 I KNEW IT I rewatched that sequence like 4 times, I KNEW it was different!
@jotai8516 2 ай бұрын
Also, during the meeting of Simon Baker with Demi (when she acknowledges the work of the rocket scientist as accurate), the knot of the tie of Simon Baker changes during the scene.