@Octiethecoolest 3 ай бұрын
@mikolajwardawa727 3 ай бұрын
amazing part!!
@mikolajwardawa727 6 ай бұрын
Amazing quality and customer service!
@mikolajwardawa727 7 ай бұрын
high quality is exactly what i need!
@mikolajwardawa727 7 ай бұрын
amazing car parts!#
@mikolajwardawa727 8 ай бұрын
Top quality. Loved the customer service!
@mikolajwardawa727 Жыл бұрын
Nice quality
@mikolajwardawa727 Жыл бұрын
Nice quality
@mikolajwardawa727 Жыл бұрын
Very nice
@mikaelr7633 Жыл бұрын
People you have already may have saw this but. The public needs to understand How corrupt the satanic freemason police of Birmingham uk is... The corrupt freemason police of Birmingham westmidlands. Waste millions of tax payers money trying to gangstalk. The dopey real slow corrupt westmidlands Birmingham police fools freemason filth. ...wasted a next few thousands pounds of tax payers money trying to gangstalk me with the tax payers funded police helicopter. Flying over me trying but not to gang stalk Me and its not cheap to fly them things ... I was chilling not bothered in fact i was chilling with smile on my face while they waste the Birmingham tax payers money. YAWN I know but they feel nothing In wasting millions over five years on just me 1000s of pounds daily. Especially the times we in with the protests. Of folk not getting fair pay. The government has millions to give the westmidlands Birmingham corrupt police. Who try their best but not to gangstalk me. With the oil crisis The Birmingham westmidlands police are corrupt they try and gangstalk me using tax payers funded. Police cars The dopey real slow corrupt westmidlands Birmingham police fools freemason FILTH try and gangstalk me using police cars If you see these licence plate number it's the corrupt satanic police of westmidlands Birmingham police BX21 LKU, Dl18 FND, PLUS OU69EAA, BX67 FVP plus Bx21 MLH also. LX18 EPG GREY CORSOR, KR20 ERZ is the tax funded police vans number. Plus Bx70 ARZ, PLUS. Bx66 KHK is the police car number plus they use plain cars if you see the licence plate number... BL17 OKG a grey coloured Nissan jeep ALSO A BLACK VAN BL22 XLV. Its a corrupt satanic police of Birmingham. Who try and gangstalk me daily ...they have wasted millions in five years I lie to you not..... The corruption of the Birmingham westmidlands police is shocking especially with the police rapist that was found out. I say all the police are fully corrupt... especially the westmidlands Birmingham police. I've got no reason on earth to lie what would I gain in that but the public has the right to know. The uk police should be made to dismantle by force for being a corrupt satanic institution. Its widely known.....stop supporting them and stop giving Information to them. They and all police are corrupt corporate policy enforcers only.....
@barbarabarbara6423 Жыл бұрын
Wow 🚗