Great story! Meaning that you are an eagle and of higher standards of chickens. At first the eagle had a good plan to get a meal to survive. That symbolizes when you have a good plan and execute it. Where he went wrong is that you are your environment and he stayed and got comfortable instead of sticking to his plan of feeding his belly! Great story stick to your plan and never get comfortable!
@Mr.breadmanis18 сағат бұрын
@leroy734819 сағат бұрын
@محمددليمي-خ5ثКүн бұрын
@fkins7296Күн бұрын
This "eagle" looks like a vulture.
@ГаджимурадМагомедов-с6е3 күн бұрын
Who 2025?😅
@Lance-Urbanian-MNB3 күн бұрын
Very good animation, story and script. The old classical drawing style with only music and sounds to round it up is great for anyone to enjoy. This is highly entertaining. Great work!
@maritariese49455 күн бұрын
So why didnt volture lay an egg to save itself...
@mastii3589.6 күн бұрын
After ending of video it's was running in my mind and I realised chicken doesn't needs of breeding by males. 😅😅😅😅
@paskudztwoludowe61887 күн бұрын
The best day to go to gym was yesterday... 10 years ago
@HackerGal7 күн бұрын
I keep on coming back to this video lmao. It so funny
@UZBEK-s1c8 күн бұрын
2:16 is wild bro☠️
@4arOne2 күн бұрын
@pedroangeat34498 күн бұрын
Eagles or vultures?
@safiullahkhan40109 күн бұрын
Your habbits and diet are what makes you either a chicken or a eagle. Creed or race has nothing to do with superiority. What I concluded
@SeriousDragonify9 күн бұрын
1:00 Ripper Roo laugh.
@Vidyarthi2510 күн бұрын
The eagle went to farm in search of food , pretended what he was not. In future, the eagle had to behave like hens in terms of food, mating, behaviour to other eagles. The eagle transformed to something he never thought he would.
@HeetSeek1ngmIssil312 күн бұрын
an eagle that looks like a vulture and ended up becoming a chicken
@KenedWendel-t6w12 күн бұрын
Muito bom 👍
@exoticyy14 күн бұрын
1:57 why did they give her tits. It's a chicken. Chickens don't have tits.
@ssjineon703214 күн бұрын
This is just America in a nutshell.
@meteorain294014 күн бұрын
Why is this his only video in 10 years? I would like to see more of his animations and artwork
@Granny4D.Vloper115 күн бұрын
@furkanoguz176415 күн бұрын
Finali hiçbir anlam ifade etmedi
@BAC0Nhunt15 күн бұрын
Im Da Biggest Bird
@فهدكمال-غ4ح17 күн бұрын
As you judge, you will be judged.
@axener_18 күн бұрын
Wow 👌 🎉🎉🎉🎉❤️🔥
@Blue-God19 күн бұрын
2:14 💀
@Mr.Farelka19 күн бұрын
@Iamreal11xingping20 күн бұрын
@Jamile-r3c21 күн бұрын
@HdCC_Gamer21 күн бұрын
Domestication be like:
@RoyKristian-l8i21 күн бұрын
I love how the eagle is into chicken food and stop eating chickens
@evilcrashbandicootthetouho275322 күн бұрын
Is this Japanese cartoon the artworks style and the quality better than those anime
@GalaxVerse23 күн бұрын
2:10 bruh that is not how chicken breast looks like that's so wrong ☠️☠️
@NewGuy-w9m24 күн бұрын
Accurate depiction of chickens. They big.
@mr.fruitcup449525 күн бұрын
i guarantee this eagle had it out with a few of the hens after he tried the slop the farmer fed them.
@Lionwoman25 күн бұрын
Eagle? hmmm not quite sure of that (vulture) but... Did... did they just draw boobs on a CHICKEN?
@FoodNinjaBoy27 күн бұрын
🦅 & 🐔 0:07
@ThatOneLovinFurry28 күн бұрын
2:15 ermm 2:00 AYO
@ManoloDiaz-j2vАй бұрын
@ariannymartinez7274Ай бұрын
I agree that the eagles look like vultures
@MasterOogway-v9cАй бұрын
2:15 uhh
@catherinecook8355Ай бұрын
They have huge buts
@gaieow282Ай бұрын
босс кфс
@Community_AntiTikTokАй бұрын
@السيد-ه7حАй бұрын
من عاشر قوما أصبح منهم
@korndogwithak2231Ай бұрын
Wasnt that more of a vulture than an eagle? Funny either way just asking cause im such a critic and all.😅