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Kai Bishop - NAGA (Audio)
2 ай бұрын
2 ай бұрын
Kai Bishop - Earthwisdom (Lyrics)
@madabouthollyoaks411 20 күн бұрын
this sound is super cool but the voice literally sounds out of sync :/
@KaiInMotion 21 күн бұрын
@KaiInMotion 21 күн бұрын
*ACT 1* *1 PRETTY GIRL ANTHEM:* The intro track Pretty Girl Anthem was maybe the second song I made, and I knew I wanted it to be the intro and the album title as soon as I finished it. It felt like the perfect encapsulation of the playful vibes I wanted the album to have, and it absolutely communicates that this one is a funny, jokey, dreamy pop album for the girls and the gays. *2 BOY IS A PROJECT:* Boy is a Project is actually one of my favorite songs on the album. Little Red Riding Hood is my favorite fairy tale and I never get tired of retellings and homages to it. Red is the original bad bitch and that's that on that. This is a throwback to y2k pop-rap breakup songs I loved growing up, the 'I'm so done and over it with you' attitude and being unimpressed with the person you're essentially giving an ultimatum: shape up and get your shit together or we're done, because it will be your loss, not mine. *3 YO TIFF:* Yo Tiff was the first song I made for the album - I was playing around in BandLab studio while drunk and this was the result. I immediately knew I wanted to create an EP or an album based around this sound and around the character of Tiff, who is the narrator's best friend; an audacious, slutty, kind-hearted bimbo who treats life like a balloon and lives for fashion, the color pink, and the party life. She gets plastic surgery like it's going out of style. She's crazy, but she's a really good, loyal friend and a sweet person, so it balances out. Tiff is absolutely a character I plan on revisiting in various mediums. I would die for her. I had to record a lot of Yo Tiff near the end of album production because the original version wasn't hitting the way I wanted it to, but I'm in love with how the reworked edition ended up. *4 THE RULES R THAT U MAKE UR OWN:* The Rule R That u Make Ur Own is actually from an EP I did a couple years ago called WAYOUT that was my take on EDM-Pop and cyberpunk-lite vibes. I polished it up a little and added it to the album because it absolutely fits with the mean girl queen bee confidence of doing what you want, playing by your own rules, and being willing and able to improvise and take control in any situation; The Rules R That U Make Ur Own is actually about making music. I was reading a ton of Grimes interviews and she was talking about how art has no rules and artists can constantly reinvent themselves and create their own parameters for taste and style, and it spawned this song about the control we have as creators and how powerful it makes you feel sometimes, how freeing it is to remember you can retake control of your process or life at any time, however you choose. *5 PLANET VAPE:* I will fully admit I actually like smoking a pipe like an old sailor more than I like vaping. I DO like vaping, but I saw a post once from some guy whose vape pen exploded in his mouth and embedded shrapnel in his cheeks, so I'm always nervously twitching when I vape. Still, there's something to be said for the sweet flavors available and the futuristic feel of technology in your hands in a sleek stylish little pen that has pretty lights on it to boot. Planet Vape is a world where you can escape your troubles and responsibilities and get high as hell while being a cute queen. This song is inspired by the sounds of Dua Lipa, Doja Cat, with a blend of disco and vaporwave stylings. I hope I did that vibe justice, I'd never tried it before and I wanted to push myself and do something dreamy and playful and kind of funky. *6 EUPHORIA:* Euphoria was a beat I made that felt sparkly and pretty and I couldn't figure out what to sing over it. I must have recorded like four songs over this beat before I gave up and decided it would be more of an instrumental song with very minimal lyrics, and the word euphoria just fit because that's what the song and the process of making the album felt like to me: capturing the vibe of digital euphoria, the current iconic landscape of the music industry with hot girl shit and brat summer popping off. So I switched from a lyrical focus to a vibe focus and Euphoria was the result. I'm 98% sure the woman saying 'Virtual Euphoria' at the beginning is from FreeSound but she might be a BandLab sample. Either way, it really fit. I love vocal chops and using vocal samples as instruments so I went in for that on this with some stunning female vocal samples for the backing. *7 APPROVAL IS JUST A GAME:* Sometimes a 'mean girl' is just one who doesn't need or seek approval from others or society at large and isn't shy about saying so, and so gets scapegoated and villainized. Approval truly means nothing, and while it's nice to have it, you can't jump through hoops for it or live your life for it, no matter whose opinion or approval you may be courting. It's always okay to walk away from a situation where you're forced to compromise yourself, your morals, or your boundaries in exchange for approval - real pretty girls don't play games like that. Play the game by your own rules, or if you want, just don't play it at all. In the words of the great ancient Greek philosophers, The Bratz Rock Angelz: "They can't tame us, so they blame us for everything." Ladies...be an inconvenient woman and wear it like a badge of honor.
@KaiInMotion 21 күн бұрын
*ACT 2* *8 KILL UR BOYFRIEND INTERLUDE:* Kill Ur Boyfriend Interlude is actually the second version of the interlude I recorded. The first was too halting and messy and kind of sounded jumbled. I am so happy with how this one came out; sometimes you have to pretend to like the guys your friends are dating, and when they finally come to your senses, the catharsis you get by finally being able to talk shit about him with them is borderline indescribable. *9 LIKE U HATE MY FEELINGS:* Like U Hate My Feelings is another song I made a couple years ago that really fit with the bright, digital, futuristic but nostalgic sounds I wanted this album to have. I think this one almost borders on pop-punk vibes, and it fit so well after Kill Ur Boyfriend that I felt it fulfilled the emotional promise of what the interlude set up, like if we're supposedly going to kill someone's shitty ex-boyfriend, we should have an angry song up next, so we're going to torture this man because he's a scrub and he ain't shit. Another way lots of women are scapegoated into that 'mean girl' persona is they have emotional responses to being lied to, cheated on, disrespected, condescended to, etc, and in return for standing up for themselves and voicing said emotions instead of biting them back and smiling, the men in their lives start to resent their emotions and get aggressive when any emotional conversation starts. Once a relationship hits that stage I think it's best for a woman to leave - he resents you for literally having needs and feelings and he's not going to change. *10 I LOVE U PROZAC (SOULMATE IN A PILL JAR):* I've been on and off Prozac for like eleven years, and I don't know why I ever stop taking it. I've been on it for like six months now and it's insane how much it helps with mood stability, focus and attention span, and energy/exhaustion. There's a lot of shame and bullying that comes with taking medication even when it's clearly improving your quality of life beyond anything you could choose without it, and it's insane that we'll avoid taking meds we need because some layman asshole says we're weak or overcompensating when in reality our actual medical doctor insists we should be taking them, and the results speak for themselves. So this is a love letter to Prozac, because being a pretty girl means listening to your doctor and prioritizing your health even when haters say you're weak for taking depression or anxiety meds. *11 ME, TIFF, STACY, LACY, VERONICA, LANCE, AND VANCE, VERSUS THIS BITCH NAMED VIVANCE:* We've all had one crazy bitch go in and blow up the group chat, right? I wanted to round out the narrator's friend group beyond Tiff, so we have the twins Stacy and Lacy, who were homeschooled Christian girls and basically are the moms of the group, Veronica, the confident, badass leader of the group, her boyfriend Lance, the jock, Lance's twin brother Vance, the quirky artist, and, of course, this crazy fucking bitch named Vivance who wants Vance to change his name because it's too close to hers and she's got some kind of jealousy complex. This is a fun little spoken word interlude type of song that I made while I was really stoned. I adore it - it kind of felt like when you're playing with Barbies as a kid making up insanely wild stories with them, which fit the vibe of this album and concept amazingly. *12 DIAMONDS TO BLOOD ONYX:* Diamonds to Blood Onyx is a dark trippy digital pop song that ended up being nothing like I expected. I knew early on I wanted a song on the album called Diamonds or something with Diamonds in the title, like, Diamond's Are A Girl's Best Friend For A Reason, or something, but it kept not working out and everything I was making felt forced or corny, so I gave up that focus and expectation and just followed my instincts, making whatever felt fun/real to me in the moment, and Diamonds to Blood Onyx was the result. Blood onyx is just what I was calling red onyx, which is not a name I think anybody typically calls it, but it's my song and I can do what I want. This is about transformation, shedding your shell and evolving into a new era of your life. *13 VIDEO GAME MUSIC:* The Video Game Music instrumental was kicking around for a year or so while I tried to find something to do with it, but it took a long time for the first lyric to come around: first place, blue ribbon, big bitch smile. From there I knew I could flesh out the rest of the song. I knew I wanted to hone in on the video game sounds and vibes of the piece. It reminded me of Super Nintendo background music, like I was playing Pocky and Rocky or something. This is a bitch song about knowing you're That Girl and being a gamer girl who slaughters everyone and wins every match. "They're all coming for your crown so you better get ready for battle royale" etc. All you need to do to be a pretty girl is 1: decide to be one, because it's a mindset, and 2: Win every match and kill every bitch. Because being a pretty girl is cool but being a gamer girl is better. *14 BUTTERFLIES:* Fun pop song about being in love and getting butterflies whenever you look at some dumb dude. I wanted to have a cute, soft, sweet bubblegum pop type of song on the album, and butterflies are obviously very beautiful, iconic, showstopping, spectacular, never been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, etc, so I love them, and originally this song was just the first minute and seventeen seconds or so, and it faded out. But I decided it was too short and it was lacking something, so I added the last half and the song ended up being three minutes, and thank God, because the second half of the song, which was made later in August, ended up being my favorite part of the song. This is a shimmery, light, dreamy song about that fluttery lovey feeling that makes your feet lift off the ground. *15 ONLY PRETTY GIRLS GO TO HEAVEN:* What it says on the tin: only pretty girls go to heaven. When the rapture comes us hot girls and gays will float away while the uglies (homophobes, people who clap when planes land, people who hate animals, Mormons, Scientologists, etc) will stay on earth and probably eat each other or something, idk. Join the pretty girl club today to get into heaven. All you have to do is delusionally believe you're sexier than everybody around you even if none of them agree. *16 PS IT'S NOT MY FAULT I'M PRETTIER THAN YOU:* It's Not My Fault That I'm Prettier Than You was finished literally the day the album came out and got tacked on last second as a bonus track. I was thinking it was a scrapped song that had just never materialized, but as I was enjoying the album release process I caught a second wind and finished it, re-processed the vocals, added the tribal type drums and a new fx synth in the background, some more shimmery sounds, and suddenly the song was one of my favorite pieces on the entire project. I love how the drums ended up sounding, I was afraid to add that sample because it didn't fit the vibe of the song and the piano loop I'd added at all, but once it was in place it elevated everything beyond what I imagined and really turned it into pure ear candy. This song is about how hateration is a disease and must be treated. Instead of being bitter and jealous of people's success and what they have, try to be happy for them and actively proud of them; that's what real pretty girls do. Nobody likes a bitter jealous bitch! The 'popular girl' or 'pretty girl' may be attractive, have money, nice fashion, shiny trinkets, etc, leading you to assume she's vain, or shallow, or spoiled with no problems, but with your outside view you don't know what interior problems people are coping with or what trials they already overcame in their past to get to where they are! You can't project your insecurity onto others and essentially make up a mean girl that doesn't exist. For all you know, inside her head where you think she has nothing going on, that 'mean shallow pretty girl' may actually be rooting for you and thinking nice things about you.
@indywho 22 күн бұрын
This is cool
@KaiInMotion 22 күн бұрын
*1 PRETTY GIRL ANTHEM:* 👄 The intro track Pretty Girl Anthem was maybe the second song I made, and I knew I wanted it to be the intro and the album title as soon as I finished it. It felt like the perfect encapsulation of the playful vibes I wanted the album to have, and it absolutely communicates that this one is a funny, jokey, dreamy pop album for the girls and the gays.
@KaiInMotion 22 күн бұрын
*2 BOY IS A PROJECT:* 🐺 Boy is a Project is actually one of my favorite songs on the album. Little Red Riding Hood is my favorite fairy tale and I never get tired of retellings and homages to it. Red is the original bad bitch and that's that on that. This is a throwback to y2k pop-rap breakup songs I loved growing up, the 'I'm so done and over it with you' attitude and being unimpressed with the person you're essentially giving an ultimatum: shape up and get your shit together or we're done, because it will be your loss, not mine.
@KaiInMotion 22 күн бұрын
*3 YO TIFF:* 👁👄👁 Yo Tiff was the first song I made for the album - I was playing around in BandLab studio while drunk and this was the result. I immediately knew I wanted to create an EP or an album based around this sound and around the character of Tiff, who is the narrator's best friend; an audacious, slutty, kind-hearted bimbo who treats life like a ball and lives for fashion, the color pink, and the party life. She gets plastic surgery like it's going out of style. She's crazy, but she's a really good, loyal friend and a sweet person, so it balances out. Tiff is absolutely a character I plan on revisiting in various mediums. I would die for her. I had to re-record a lot of Yo Tiff near the end of album production because the original version wasn't hitting the way I wanted it to, but I'm in love with how the reworked edition ended up.
@KaiInMotion 22 күн бұрын
*5 PLANET VAPE:* 🚀 I will fully admit I actually like smoking a pipe like an old sailor more than I like vaping. I DO like vaping, but I saw a post once from some guy whose vape pen exploded in his mouth and embedded shrapnel in his cheeks, so I'm always nervously twitching when I vape. Still, there's something to be said for the sweet flavors available and the futuristic feel of technology in your hands in a sleek stylish little pen that has pretty lights on it to boot. Planet Vape is a world where you can escape your troubles and responsibilities and get high as hell while being a cute queen. This song is inspired by the sounds of Dua Lipa, Doja Cat, with a blend of disco and vaporwave stylings. I hope I did that vibe justice, I'd never tried it before and I wanted to push myself and do something dreamy and playful and kind of funky.
@KaiInMotion 22 күн бұрын
*4 THE RULES R THAT U MAKE UR OWN:* 🏁 The Rule R That u Make Ur Own is actually from an EP I did a couple years ago called WAYOUT that was my take on EDM-Pop and cyberpunk-lite vibes. I polished it up a little and added it to the album because it absolutely fits with the mean girl queen bee confidence of doing what you want, playing by your own rules, and being willing and able to improvise and take control in any situation; The Rules R That U Make Ur Own is actually about making music. I was reading a ton of Grimes interviews and she was talking about how art has no rules and artists can constantly reinvent themselves and create their own parameters for taste and style, and it spawned this song about the control we have as creators and how powerful it makes you feel sometimes, how freeing it is to remember you can retake control of your process or life at any time, however you choose.
@KaiInMotion 22 күн бұрын
*8 KILL UR BOYFRIEND INTERLUDE:* 🪓Kill Ur Boyfriend Interlude is actually the second version of the interlude I recorded. The first was too halting and messy and kind of sounded jumbled. I am so happy with how this one came out; sometimes you have to pretend to like the guys your friends are dating, and when they finally come to your senses, the catharsis you get by finally being able to talk shit about him with them is borderline indescribable.
@KaiInMotion 22 күн бұрын
*11 ME, TIFF, STACY, LACY, VERONICA, LANCE, AND VANCE, VERSUS THIS BITCH NAMED VIVANCE:* 🤡☠ We've all had one crazy bitch go in and blow up the group chat, right? I wanted to round out the narrator's friend group beyond Tiff, so we have the twins Stacy and Lacy, who were homeschooled Christian girls and basically are the moms of the group, Veronica, the confident, badass leader of the group, her boyfriend Lance, the jock, Lance's twin brother Vance, the quirky artist, and, of course, this crazy fucking bitch named Vivance who wants Vance to change his name because it's too close to hers and she's got some kind of jealousy complex. This is a fun little spoken word interlude type of song that I made while I was really stoned. I adore it - it kind of felt like when you're playing with Barbies as a kid making up insanely wild stories with them, which fit the vibe of this album and concept amazingly.
@KaiInMotion 22 күн бұрын
*15 ONLY PRETTY GIRLS GO TO HEAVEN:* 😇 What it says on the tin: only pretty girls go to heaven. When the rapture comes us hot girls and gays will float away while the uglies (homophobes, people who clap when planes land, people who hate animals, Mormons, Scientologists, etc) will stay on earth and probably eat each other or something, idk. Join the pretty girl club today to get into heaven. All you have to do is delusionally believe you're sexier than everybody around you even if none of them agree.
@KaiInMotion 22 күн бұрын
*7 APPROVAL IS JUST A GAME:* ❤‍🔥Sometimes a 'mean girl' is just one who doesn't need or seek approval from others or society at large and isn't shy about saying so, and so gets scapegoated and villainized. Approval truly means nothing, and while it's nice to have it, you can't jump through hoops for it or live your life for it, no matter whose opinion or approval you may be courting. It's always okay to walk away from a situation where you're forced to compromise yourself, your morals, or your boundaries in exchange for approval - real pretty girls don't play games like that. Play the game by your own rules, or if you want, just don't play it at all. In the words of the great ancient Greek philosophers, The Bratz Rock Angelz: "They can't tame us, so they blame us for everything." Ladies...be an inconvenient woman and wear it like a badge of honor.
@KaiInMotion 22 күн бұрын
*14 BUTTERFLIES:* 🦋 Fun pop song about being in love and getting butterflies whenever you look at some dumb dude. I wanted to have a cute, soft, sweet bubblegum pop type of song on the album, and butterflies are obviously very beautiful, iconic, showstopping, spectacular, never been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, etc, so I love them, and originally this song was just the first minute and seventeen seconds or so, and it faded out. But I decided it was too short and it was lacking something, so I added the last half and the song ended up being three minutes, and thank God, because the second half of the song, which was made later in August, ended up being my favorite part of the song. This is a shimmery, light, dreamy song about that fluttery lovey feeling that makes your feet lift off the ground.
@KaiInMotion 22 күн бұрын
*6 EUPHORIA:* 🎉 Euphoria was a beat I made that felt sparkly and pretty and I couldn't figure out what to sing over it. I must have recorded like four songs over this beat before I gave up and decided it would be more of an instrumental song with very minimal lyrics, and the word euphoria just fit because that's what the song and the process of making the album felt like to me: capturing the vibe of digital euphoria, the current iconic landscape of the music industry with hot girl shit and brat summer popping off. So I switched from a lyrical focus to a vibe focus and Euphoria was the result. I'm 98% sure the woman saying 'Virtual Euphoria' at the beginning is from FreeSound but she might be a BandLab sample. Either way, it really fit. I love vocal chops and using vocal samples as instruments so I went in for that on this with some stunning female vocal samples for the backing.
@KaiInMotion 22 күн бұрын
*16 PS IT'S NOT MY FAULT I'M PRETTIER THAN YOU:* 💅 It's Not My Fault That I'm Prettier Than You was finished literally the day the album came out and got tacked on last second as a bonus track. I was thinking it was a scrapped song that had just never materialized, but as I was enjoying the album release process I caught a second wind and finished it, re-processed the vocals, added the tribal type drums and a new fx synth in the background, some more shimmery sounds, and suddenly the song was one of my favorite pieces on the entire project. I love how the drums ended up sounding, I was afraid to add that sample because it didn't fit the vibe of the song and the piano loop I'd added at all, but once it was in place it elevated everything beyond what I imagined and really turned it into pure ear candy. This song is about how hateration is a disease and must be treated. Instead of being bitter and jealous of people's success and what they have, try to be happy for them and actively proud of them; that's what real pretty girls do. Nobody likes a bitter jealous bitch! The 'popular girl' or 'pretty girl' may be attractive, have money, nice fashion, shiny trinkets, etc, leading you to assume she's vain, or shallow, or spoiled with no problems, but with your outside view you don't know what interior problems people are coping with or what trials they already overcame in their past to get to where they are! You can't project your insecurity onto others and essentially make up a mean girl that doesn't exist. For all you know, inside her head where you think she has nothing going on, that 'mean shallow pretty girl' may actually be rooting for you and thinking nice things about you.
@KaiInMotion 22 күн бұрын
*10 I LOVE U PROZAC (SOULMATE IN A PILL JAR):* 💊 I've been on and off Prozac for like eleven years, and I don't know why I ever stop taking it. I've been on it for like six months now and it's insane how much it helps with mood stability, focus and attention span, and energy/exhaustion. There's a lot of shame and bullying that comes with taking medication even when it's clearly improving your quality of life beyond anything you could choose without it, and it's insane that we'll avoid taking meds we need because some layman asshole says we're weak or overcompensating when in reality our actual medical doctor insists we should be taking them, and the results speak for themselves. So this is a love letter to Prozac, because being a pretty girl means listening to your doctor and prioritizing your health even when haters say you're weak for taking depression or anxiety meds.
@KaiInMotion 22 күн бұрын
*9 LIKE U HATE MY FEELINGS:* 😠💘 Like U Hate My Feelings is another song I made a couple years ago that really fit with the bright, digital, futuristic but nostalgic sounds I wanted this album to have. I think this one almost borders on pop-punk vibes, and it fit so well after Kill Ur Boyfriend that I felt it fulfilled the emotional promise of what the interlude set up, like if we're supposedly going to kill someone's shitty ex-boyfriend, we should have an angry song up next, so we're going to torture this man because he's a scrub and he ain't shit. Another way lots of women are scapegoated into that 'mean girl' persona is they have emotional responses to being lied to, cheated on, disrespected, condescended to, etc, and in return for standing up for themselves and voicing said emotions instead of biting them back and smiling, the men in their lives start to resent their emotions and get aggressive when any emotional conversation starts. Once a relationship hits that stage I think it's best for a woman to leave - he resents you for literally having needs and feelings and he's not going to change.
@KaiInMotion 22 күн бұрын
*12 DIAMONDS TO BLOOD ONYX:* 💎Diamonds to Blood Onyx is a dark trippy digital pop song that ended up being nothing like I expected. I knew early on I wanted a song on the album called Diamonds or something with Diamonds in the title, like, Diamond's Are A Girl's Best Friend For A Reason, or something, but it kept not working out and everything I was making felt forced or corny, so I gave up that focus and expectation and just followed my instincts, making whatever felt fun/real to me in the moment, and Diamonds to Blood Onyx was the result. Blood onyx is just what I was calling red onyx, which is not a name I think anybody typically calls it, but it's my song and I can do what I want. This is about transformation, shedding your shell and evolving into a new era of your life.
@KaiInMotion 22 күн бұрын
*13 VIDEO GAME MUSIC:* 🎮 The Video Game Music instrumental was kicking around for a year or so while I tried to find something to do with it, but it took a long time for the first lyric to come around: first place, blue ribbon, big bitch smile. From there I knew I could flesh out the rest of the song. I knew I wanted to hone in on the video game sounds and vibes of the piece. It reminded me of Super Nintendo background music, like I was playing Pocky and Rocky or something. This is a bitch song about knowing you're That Girl and being a gamer girl who slaughters everyone and wins every match. "They're all coming for your crown so you better get ready for battle royale" etc. All you need to do to be a pretty girl is 1: decide to be one, because it's a mindset, and 2: Win every match and kill every bitch. Because being a pretty girl is cool but being a gamer girl is better.
@KaiInMotion 2 ай бұрын
LYRICS: Her scales gleam she's a naga queen cobra hood flares out when in doubt, don't mistake the fact that she will strike first benevolent but when she does her worst you'll die no escape if she decides to take your life Naga, residing in Patala, she's divine, in her own right, you're out of your mind if you think you won't fall in love trust me, you'll revere her as an idol naga queen nagavanshi patala queen her divinity radiates out bless yourself and bow down I used to be afraid of snakes but I see the beauty now all hail the serpent benevolent and beautiful <3 I thought I knew but now I truly know So beautiful
@KaiInMotion 2 ай бұрын
For some reason the Amazon delivery driver looked like a slightly older Joel McHale... I fell in love with him in four seconds flat and HE DROVE AWAY NEVER TO BE SEEN AGAIN. The one that got away.... 😢
@Angela-Merkel 5 жыл бұрын
This isn't my type of music but I like it anyway. How are you a so tiny creator?