Phew! Interest rates go south!
28 күн бұрын
Going for gold-Santana Minerals
Tax for investors 101
2 ай бұрын
EROAD’s highway to the USA
Why invest in ETFs from NZ?
5 ай бұрын
@davidneal6920 Күн бұрын
Need to grow more land to build on…..
@mattclashhibs Күн бұрын
If we want people to invest in productive capital (I agree this is important) why is the profit on owning investment properties not taxed in the same way as the profits of a business? The lack of capital gains tax (which is widely used around the world) encourages people to invest in houses and without adding any real value gain large profits. Houses are important as homes that people can afford. They should not be a source of speculative income.
@thewhalsons7624 Күн бұрын
Get rid of QV, disconnect the value base rates valuation. Houses over 50 years start to depreciate, clean out councils of power tripping planners and go back to the principles of the RMA that are to enable people to live on the land. Let the housing market be a market not a superannuation policy...
@austinbar 2 күн бұрын
In the USA, individuals living in cars due to partial homelessness result from a complex interplay of factors. High housing costs relative to income, stagnant wages, and income inequality drive this issue. Job loss, weak social support, medical expenses, evictions, and lack of affordable housing also contribute, while systemic problems and inadequate policies further perpetuate the phenomenon.
@jcurdrayeric243 2 күн бұрын
I’m closing in on my retirement and I’d like to move from Minnesota to a warmer climate, but the prices on homes are stupidly ridiculous and Mortgage prices has been skyrocketing on a roll(currently over 7%) do I just invest my spare cash into stock and wait for a housing crash or should I go ahead to buy a home anyways?
@joshbarney114 2 күн бұрын
Considering the present situation, diversifying by shifting investments from real estate to financial markets or gold is recommended, despite potential future home price drops. Given prevailing mortgage rates and economic uncertainty, this move is prudent, particularly due to stricter mortgage regulations. Seeking advice from a knowledgeable independent financial advisor is advisable for those seeking guidance.
@rogerwheelers4322 2 күн бұрын
This is precisely why I like having a portfolio coach guide my day-to-day market decisions: with their extensive knowledge of going long and short at the same time, using risk for its asymmetrical upside and laying it off as a hedge against the inevitable downward turns, their skillset makes it nearly impossible for them to underperform. I've been utilizing a portfolio coach for more than two years, and I've made over $800,000.
@FabioOdelega876 2 күн бұрын
Can you provide instructions on how to contact your advisor? I'm experiencing erosion of my funds due to inflation and looking for a more profitable investment strategy to make better use of them.
@rogerwheelers4322 2 күн бұрын
Certainly, there are a handful of experts in the field. I've experimented with a few over the past years, but I've stuck with ‘’Marisa Michelle Litwinsky’’ for about two years now, and her performance has been consistently impressive. She’s quite known in her field, look-her up.
@JJisMe1972 3 күн бұрын
If they really wanted to bring down house prices they wouldn't of put 2.3 billion $ + back into landlords pocket. If you make it a high return investment then pump the country full of immigrants , house prices are going to rise. Supply, demand and return.
@lindsayepae 3 күн бұрын
its not the housing market that's broken, it's the monetary system that's broken.
@GlenisRetiredNZ 3 күн бұрын
One solution is to heavily tax people who leave homes empty purely for capital gains because we have no capital gains tax. Either they'll rent or sell if the the tax is high enough. There's over 20,000 empty properties in Auckland alone. Prices or rents will drop
@samsmeele8343 3 күн бұрын
This guy is a total idiot
@doctorsoflaw 3 күн бұрын
Great interview 👍. Chris comes across as very humble and open to ideas 💡. Awesome attitude
@ben9l351 4 күн бұрын
The big company house material suppliers are excessively over charging. Criminal and anti humanitarian. But guess what year it all changes as the Government is in for massive change as are the Councils and its all good for the people as it should be
@ben9l351 4 күн бұрын
Red tape and ongoing regulations have forced house prices up 30 % since the 70s. Council inspections should include checks for any concrete poured, structural integrity with framing and insulation, and sign off. Also drainlaying, plumbing and electrical checks. Now a builder can get knocked back for missing a screw in a sheet of gib. An inspector under the guidence of a corrupt CEO forcing revenue collecting to come back to inspect that one screw. How many pre 1970 houses have fallen down
@jackpotbear4559 4 күн бұрын
Repatriations will easily fix the housing problem
@Lagoon269 4 күн бұрын
House prices only follow the rate of currency devaluation.
@user-oo4zo8yy5u 4 күн бұрын
Pakeha greed and white supremacy is the problem.
@rosettalambo9076 4 күн бұрын
When you have councils ramping up the property RV for extra rates income this is where the issue starts. Looking at some properties on the market several properties had their RV increase by $1 million dollars, then you see other properties having RV increases 40+%. Councils like central governments MUST stop borrowing. In Hamilton, $3000,000 for one roundabout. This is what happened in the 1929 collapse. Still have not learnt.
@jimzenglish1 4 күн бұрын
If you want to help reduce house prices use incentives and taxes to steer property investors to commercial property rather than residential. There will always be residential landlords but their percentage of overall house ownership needs to come down.
@davidthompson245 4 күн бұрын
Our shitty incompetent governments over time have been useless!absolutely hopeless..this mouthpiece is exactly the same ..we have been put over a barrel and flogged.
@todretex 4 күн бұрын
I have a house in Dunedin that I restored. Spent 350k in 2018 stripping it back. New floors, new walls, new everything. I would say the villa is worth 700k or thereabouts. Here are some facts I think about. You couldn’t buy an old villa and restore for that now. It would cost 550k for that level of restoration. And the house itself would cost 400ish. The second thing is we have to insure it for over 1 million for fire or earthquake etc. because if it were to be built from scratch it would cost 850k I guess plus legals and site management and cleanup and other hidden expenses. And I find this odd. That a house worth 700ish on the book. (No way we would ever sell it for under 800k because it wouldn’t be worth it as fittings and quality was a bit overboard)…. Cost waaaayyy more than that to build now. The maths is all out. And until it isn’t out, then we are all living in wierd times. It isn’t just houses that are out of reach it is also the cost of building decent houses. And there is something to consider in that. That will require innovation and outside the box. House prices can’t come down too much as they are tethered in some way to the expense of making one.
@bluesstinger1975 5 күн бұрын
SO his government comes in, gives tax breaks to the rich house thieves, cuts funding to health, cuts funding for first home buyers, changes the education system making it harder, tries to bring in new gang laws (no wearing patches and no gang insignia allowed anywhere you are based WTF) trying to reinterpret te tiriti o waitangi through a little weasel who can't dance for sh.t, tries to cancel out māori wards, brings back in oil drilling and smoking.......and now this guy talking out his other end????
@Froggability 5 күн бұрын
Full scale capital gains tax, could help rein in inflation and put a lid on runaway house prices
@seanwhitley5602 5 күн бұрын
bring in rent to own system. but with realistic prices
@seanwhitley5602 5 күн бұрын
arsome speech, should be in the labour party. not national.
@renesmit6774 5 күн бұрын
Make it harder for the purchase of a second house, as they do in Singapore. We have to many overpaid duel income households of bureaucrats & lawyers keeping the rest of us poor.
@nztttttt 5 күн бұрын
There are a number of levers that the two main parties could have pulled, and didn't. Self interest stops meaningful change. Place an unoccupency tax to start with on all properties
@jonv570 5 күн бұрын
we need this guy in Australian government
@chkravartin 5 күн бұрын
Capital gains or salex tax is the only way to bring down house prices. Everything else is just an excuse for inaction.
@williamfrost6933 5 күн бұрын
These politicians have been reading this same script for over a decade now and expect us to just sit there and believe them. This government is interested in the investment opportunities and huge returns of our hyperinflated housing market and does not care about the social outcomes. As a 21 year old, I have grown up watching the idea of home ownership slide further and further away from my reality. I don't want to admit that my own country has become corrupt and incapable of being proactive but this government and its classist tax system is the final nail. As a 4th year student in Dunedin, all my peers are planning to move to Aus. Multisectoral issues such as housing, austerity and lack of infrastructure are not being addressed in any way close to adequate and will result in unimaginable social fallout in the decades to come. Sadly, I and all my proactive and skilled peers will have left by the time there's any urgency to do something about them.
@apiadventures3213 5 күн бұрын
everyone busy blaming each other while the banks are smirking as always
@hamishglenn4900 5 күн бұрын
Drop the Petone-Grenada road, concentrate on housing, sir. Stop smashing wages and salaries, tax wealth or capital gains
@danielalexander3406 5 күн бұрын
Bringing down housing prices pits half of the country against the other. He talks of wanting houses to be 3-5 years annual income (that also used to be based on single family income). This means anywhere from a 30-50% drop in housing. There is no way of doing this that won’t put a large portion of homeowners upside down on their mortgage’s, and every boomer loosing a sizeable portion of their wealth.
@simonmanning1844 5 күн бұрын
To re-iterate CBs final point. Less money spent of housing and accommodation, much less, means much more money to spend on goods and services. That means the rest of the economy gets a huge boost in demand. Good for hospitality and retail, but further still, it means investment in those and other things that contribute to productively and prosperity.
@simonmanning1844 5 күн бұрын
Part of the answer imop is build-to-rent. In such a way that risk stays with one building owner. That would reduce costs enormously.
@simonmanning1844 5 күн бұрын
CB totally gets it! Awesome. I think it was Bernard Hickey who called our economy a housing markets with a bit tacked on. Sadly it wasn't Jucinda I don't think. Far too insightful.
@carlosalot 5 күн бұрын
Rent should contribute to ownership.. that would get everyone on the ladder. Obviously an idea that would require someone smarter than me to present a feasible model..
@barthanson3043 5 күн бұрын
The problem is a place for people to live. Long term security and social cohesion mean home ownership is the best ultimate goal. Fact... unless the entire economy is artificially depressed house prices will not come down. Solution... Allow STEPPING STONE solutions. Things like tiny homes, shared ownership models, govt. investment in social housing all can help. There is no single magic bullet fix. New Zealand has always been a great country with limitations like low wages and low opportunity.
@Kelvinpaul4 6 күн бұрын
If Chris is concerned about capital gains on residential property investment, why doesn't National to introduce a Capital gains tax, in order to deter investment in property for the sole reason of providing income that is tax free.
@matthewviliamu2679 6 күн бұрын
Sounded like all the ideas are from the previous government lol
@quashmonkey 6 күн бұрын
Our housing stock is so terrible, there should be a minimum requirement to rent it out, far above the current healthy homes standards. Seperately, building smaller is making the issue worst. We have so much space to build and most cities are so small it doesnt make sense for them to have shoe boxes everywhere. No one wants those houses to raise a family in. The cost to build and cost of materials needs to be looked at.
@quashmonkey 6 күн бұрын
Why won't govt build their own houses end to end and put their hat in the ring to make housing competitive. Do cookie cutter houses building where they are spending the most on housing to other providers.
@richieflood3923 6 күн бұрын
There is a guy i know who has a rare disorder which gives him a large amount of hospital admissions. The treatment is 25k a month. Its not pharmac funded. He cant work. He also has 2 kids with muscular dystrophy and his wife has ro stay home to care for them. She cant work. This couple has ended up homeless but they finally have a house but pay very high rent. He cant afford to pay for his treatment. How is this family ever to own their own home? How can they expect stability?
@richieflood3923 6 күн бұрын
He has flares of his disorder every 2 weeks. Who can afford 25k a month for their health? When is this country going to help people like them? He is also a double amputee. He was born with severe club feet and so far, along with this rare disorder, he has had 54 surgeries. I know people are doing it tough but most of you dont know what tough is compared to this family. They go through more then most of the country ever will and they dont get much help.
@denyswoodroffe490 6 күн бұрын
Don’t blame foreigners, look at the stats, the blame must start with you. See my other message.
@denyswoodroffe490 6 күн бұрын
If New Zealanders had a big change in attitude their dream of ownership could be a lot easier. The main change starts with their wanted to be well educated, then their work ethic’s. Followed by money management, savings and learning to go with out all the mod cons as big T.v., cars, furniture etc etc.
@HandSolitude 6 күн бұрын
It's pretty simple to fix it. Repair the tax system. Reduce GST and income tax and bring back land tax. Look into Georgism.
@DanielleA2023 6 күн бұрын
Policies written by The Atlas Network 🤮 Objective: Siphon tax payer funds from health, education & employment Reason: typical right winger goals- power and wealth for them only
@tweaktalimited2222 6 күн бұрын
Taking advise or listening to a minister equates to be fast asleep to the truth.
@kingbill40 6 күн бұрын
No way housing will come down, it will never happen here.
@user-cv3hl9xb9z 6 күн бұрын
Bishop what a farce - NZrs need to be paid more simple
@stevefox7469 6 күн бұрын
$50-70k for a balcony doesn't "smell right". Reference please.
@Froggability 5 күн бұрын
Perhaps an estimate, where a neighboring appt minus such can be built that much cheaper
@colincameron5219 6 күн бұрын
NZ housing is cheap compare a 4brm dble garage on its own section compared to the UK not a UK house two room wide two storied in a row of 100 on a concrete jungle were you have a single garge 100 meters away. Have just brought Fri a 3bedroom house on quater acre for 330k were average wage is 70k look out side of of major city and this house is 100yrs old needs work and aint that flash but is liveble. Dont waste money on ciggies/vape, alcohole, eating out etc etc.
@ConcernedCitizen117 6 күн бұрын
Not sure why immigration isn’t mentioned. Govts always talk about supply but never demand, which they exacerbate with mass migration.