Torah says Sarah could not have children says nothing about Abraham being impotent. It is blasphemy to add to The Torah!! WOW You better adhere to The Torah only and stay away from all other manmade lieing books!! I shall move on now.
@ChuckBorzaАй бұрын
One’s fate is decided on Rosh Hashanah and sealed on Yom Kippur. G’mar chatimah Tovah
@zackmano2 ай бұрын
After centuries of murdering and persecuting Jewish people, this generation of Christians instead takes the path of deception and manipulation. They dress like rabbis, use Jewish terminology, target the elderly, even print New Testaments in Yiddish. No trick is too low. No lie is too immoral. If you had any honor, you would finally just leave Jews alone. Stop. Absolutely shameful. But the Jewish people will survive this, as we survived all the liars and oppressors that tried to destroy us throughout our history. You will fail as they did.
@ivynigh99362 ай бұрын
@ivynigh99364 ай бұрын
@ivynigh99365 ай бұрын
@ChuckBorza5 ай бұрын
The Motivations Behind Korach's Rebellion Let me chart a little theory here for you that has to do with that question we asked about before, what was the motivation behind his rebellion? If you look carefully, I think you'll find that there were several different layers to his motivation. Let's read some text here, I'll show you what I mean. Level 1, Korach's overt words. The entire nation is holy, why do you lord yourself over them like this? Now if I had to summarize that argument to you, I could do it in one word, communism. We're all equal, we're all holy, we don't need any leaders. So at face value that sounds like his argument, but if you keep on reading the text begins to tell you another story. Vayishma Moshe vayipol al panav - Moshe hears what Korach says, falls on his face and replies; Hame'at mikem - was it really too little for you Korach; Ki hivdil Elokei Yisrael etchem mei'adat Yisrael - that as a Levite G-d set you aside in your tribe; L'hakriv etchem eilav - to be close to Him; La'avod et avodat Mishkan - to serve in the Tabernacle. Was that really too little for you, U'bikashtem gam kehunah - that you also want the priesthood? Okay so that's Moshe's retort. But I'll tell you something if I'm Korach and I'm listening to that, I would have said, Moshe did you hear what I said? I'm not interested in being the leader myself, my whole point is there should be no leader. But interestingly, Korach doesn't say that, he accepts Moshe's premise, why does he accept that? Unless, Moshe got his motivation right at some level. What Is the Meaning of Korach's Words? Evidently Moshe heard something in Korach's words that was a little deeper than what Korach said overtly. Overtly it's there shouldn't be any leader, covertly it's maybe I should be the leader? It's like George Orwell back in Animal Farm: "All animals are created equal but some animals are more equal than others". Communism is the veneer, power is the goal. Except that if you listen a little bit more closely and you keep on reading, you'll find even a deeper level of motivation that saturates the words of Korach and his followers, and it's here that we get to the idea of grief or mourning. From Korach to Datan and Aviram Listen to Moshe's next dialogue with Korach's prime followers Datan and Aviram. Moshe calls to these men but they answer: Loh na'aleh - we will not go up to see you; Hame'at ki he'elitanu me'eretz zavat chalav u'devash - was it not enough for you that you brought us up out of a land flowing with milk and honey, out of Egypt; Lahamiteinu bamidbar - to kill us here in this desert? Ki tistarer aleinu gam histarer - that you also want to rule over us like this? Loh na'aleh - we're not going up to meet you. Listen to that word going up, it's the first thing they say, we're not going up to meet you. It's the last thing they say, we're not going up to meet you. Why? Because you have failed us. What was your central promise? That you would bring us up to a land of milk of honey but the opposite has happened, hasn't it? Egypt, that was the land of milk and honey, this is just a barren desert and here is where we're going to die. Moses is the one who said to Korach; Hame'at mikem - is it not enough for you Levi, that you also want to be a Kohen, and here Datan and Aviram it's like, oh; Hame'at ki he'elitanu - wasn't it enough for you Moses that you took us out of this land of milk and honey? They're viciously angry. If you have to characterize their motivation here, their motivation is not communism. Level 1, their motivation is not even power for themselves; Level 2, it's just rage at Moshe and Aharon for having brought them here to the desert to die. This isn't the first time that people have complained in the desert about begin brought there to die, the difference is this time it's real. You see, the people had always talked about their fear that they might die in the desert. In the sin of the spies just before Parshat Korach they had talked about their fear that they would die trying to conquer the land. But you see, that lack of faith in God it had been the last straw, after the people's rejection of God's willingness to go before them and help them conquer the land, God had decreed that the entire generation currently living would all die in the desert over the next 40 years, none of them would see the land of Israel
@covenantranchministry17085 ай бұрын
Well said
@ChuckBorza5 ай бұрын
Rav GC: Don’t Dumb Down the Torah, you would only be giving into other’s imagination. When you look at the reality that comes in knowing Hashem, try directing your imagination towards the future. Ultimately, the fuel for hopelessness is actually in the imagination of our mind and not in the treasure of His word in our heart’s. It's just that instead of directing imagination towards the future, hopeless person directs it towards the past. Be of courage -Shabbat Shalom.
@ChuckBorza5 ай бұрын
If you do not speak and express Hashem’s light in you - you will be consumed by it. Good message.
@ChuckBorza5 ай бұрын
A good message on Torah… I guess it’s easier to follow the Fathers command than manipulate man’s thought.
@ChuckBorza6 ай бұрын
Another good message, praise my Father that I and my wife are blessed, are by grace chosen - like the hat
@macho13us6 ай бұрын
Greet message brother
@ChuckBorza6 ай бұрын
Yes, I’m ready to go…. My purpose, to be with Him forever. Keep His instructions.
@ChuckBorza6 ай бұрын
I believe the man is right far we take our faith - one day at a time and praise His name as Holy.