@your_moms_favorite5864 2 күн бұрын
how can Pinoys vote for responsible candidates? the good ones keep getting assassinated
@joesama3282 3 ай бұрын
I do not know everything in depth of the Philippines economy or culture like you sir, but this is what I've experienced when I'm working in the building company that have tons of migrant labors including south asian, PRC, vietnamese, filipinos, etc. I will compared on what I've observed, the work ethics of the filipinos is actually quite unique but typical. So I have 2 filipinos and 5 vietnamese assigned to my team and my project was to reno the apartment studio it takes 10 days of work finish. The vietnamese they have no problem they do as what shown and guided by me and my supervisor what to do, they did their job well and only slack when the wiring team came after they had done all the pipes. They eat their lunch break quickly and proceed to work and ended their shift even before 6pm and they went back to their dorm and do whatever they want. On the other hand, filipinos do the same as they're told to do but the problem was that they have the habit to cut corners not from the work itself, but rather delaying time and slacking on unsupervised timing. When I told them after they eaten their lunch to go finish up installing that sink quickly so that the cleaner team will come to clear the dust and dirt they're on standby already. The filipino responded "Yeah we get it done after this break" and I ask "how long?" and he said "30mins". I come back and it took them over an hour and by the time they finish their today duty it ended up being 7+pm, I can't go home neither do the cleaner team as well and they don't get overtime pay either, we all are delayed due to their slow work and laziness. My supervisor did give them some opinions and thoughts to improve their work attitude, but yeah he realized that they are both in an complete different world of thinking between what is "okay" and "effectiveness" hence my supervisor just stopped trying to talk reasons with them. After that project, it greatly affected filipinos to get into this industry because most building companies will give score to each nationality and put it on telegram for the whole companies to see and many filipinos often get replaced by other nationality To my conclusion... Filipinos are enable to do stuff or make decision only for the conveniency for themselves, no regard to teamplayer and effectiveness. Their mindset tend to be "good enough", "it needs time", "at least we done it". Accountability is like non-exist in their education and culture. Whatever opinions or criticism we throw at them, they will dodge everything like Neo from the Matrix and stick with their own narrative long enough to convinced themselves that it's just fine and won't greatly affect their reputation. Not all filipinos are like that as I've work with some very good filipinos designer talents in my team, but yeah the good amount of filipino reputation is not on par with the standard the industry are looking for unfortunately
@AndrewPremacio 4 ай бұрын
The only solution is become a province of China
@UseYourBrain00 5 ай бұрын
Good work. Waiting for next update.
@jjhomeandlifestyle 5 ай бұрын
It depends on what it is meant to be a rich country. If in terms of natural resources that will make us rich like saudi, that is called oil.. we dont have that.. become rich like japan by industriaization and export driven, not happening since America and eu rarely build factories here. Why? Corruption and red tape.... So what is left to make country rich without oil and geopolitical help? We can either develop our own research and development to be leader in technology so we could compete to the innovations of west,, we can develop our other natural resources for the purpose of getting enough money to capitalize on our other sectors that could promise growth,, we can develop our human resources by sending more slaves abroad (sorry to offend ofw but its a gov strategy since Marcos sr time),, or we work harder and pray until our combined efforts will pay off (but we are undoubtly culturally lazy and even shamefully relly on our children for pension). Most of these are futile in short term, since breaking the uppepr middle income bracket for Philippines will be after half of this century probably
@jjhomeandlifestyle 5 ай бұрын
Why did Philippines skip industrialization growth driver and become consumer growth driver economy? Because of OFWs. If so, the industries we have are not really mature, and is full of monopolies and oligarchies. Then the rich and elite would starve middle class currently working in the Philippines by slowing wage increase, how? By tight control of gov policy makers. Ofws on the other hand is helping this elites by buying cars from their banks, buying house and lot from elite's vast land holdings and property development, if they get home .. so how can middle class grow? The video is right in determining that open competition open economy will make middle class go up the ladder, as well as those in poverty to become middle class. With our numbers growing in the % in population, we can demand the gatekeepers policy makers in the government to think for the better future of their cobstituents and not be protectors and subservient to elite class. With all available technology we have, every legal age people should be able to vote on critical decisions and policy of our bureaucracy, and should have the voice for passage of laws.. comelec should accept middle class participation in our democratic system by direct vote from legal age people, and not representation in congress or senate.. charter change is needed
@AnnoyingNeighborPhilippines 5 ай бұрын
This is not just a Philippine scenario, it is universal .. an uninformed or misinformed Middle class is what Elites want, because this elites hoard the resources. They became rich from directing the flow of money to their businesses. They attain elite status by having strong connection in the government. If middle class can do that and project power as a group, it will be attempted to be crushed by the elites by government regulation. An individual middle class does not hold any strength to change the uneven gaming field
@kaeci. 5 ай бұрын
Walang taong mahirap sa taong masikap 😆
@newetman4382 5 ай бұрын
Nice try AI generated channel. I'm no expert in economics and am no lefty person, but you missed a major point in your defense of the capitalists. The words "corruption" and "red tape"! This directly and inderectly affects the wages of laborers. Plus AI generated channel, this many tycoons and rich business owners are involved im this. There are more stuff to talk about, but unless you've never been a minimum wage earner, you will never understand the sentiments of these people. Again, I'm no lefty!
@philippinefederalistreview7477 5 ай бұрын
Our channel is not AI generated. It is AI enhanced. There is a difference. We use AI to enhance voice and we use software for animation but our scripts are manually written and our claims use actual human research. Most if not all our graphics are human selected and generated. Indeed, it would be very difficult if not impossible for AI to react to a Labor Day meme which is the topic of this video. Just want to clarify that. Next, you claim that RED TAPE and CORRUPTION affect the wages of labor in the Philippines. Sadly, FACTS AND LOGIC don't support your claim. RA 9485 of 2007 or anti red tape act has been around for 17 years and wages are still low in the Philippines. Thousands of Filipinos still choose to leave the Philippines DAILY due to unemployment or underemployment. Red Tape prohibition hasn't done away with the need for TULFO IN ACTION interventions against government fixers who offer shortcuts in exchange for payoffs. As for CORRUPTION, even if there is NO corruption in the Philippines, its counterproductive and COMPETITON-SQUELCHING policies will ensure there will continue to be monopolies due to restricted FDI and hence fewer high paying jobs and less jobs overall. Besides, CORRUPTION is the favored explanation of the POWERS THAT BE to distract the electorate from the kind of COMPETITION BOOSTING SOLUTIONS the Philippines needs to create more high paying jobs, reduce prices, and boost service and product selection: FREE MARKETS, OPEN FDI, FREE TRADE, and FREE LABOR (no minimum wage / no fake security of tenure) and LOW TAXES AND FEWER REGULATIONS. I just spelled out the HISTORICAL FORMULA Singapore, Hong Kong, and other countries used to RISE FROM POVERTY. The Philippines did the reverse - we LEGISLATED OURSELVES INTO POVERTY. The many paying taxes and exorbitant prices to the benefit of the FEW. The good news is you can do something about it - CHANGE YOUR MIND, RESEARCH AUSTRIAN ECONOMICS, and JOIN THE FIGHT FOR A BETTER PHILIPPINES!
@sidodoysabukid2742 5 ай бұрын
Dahil sa omnibus election code basta marunong lang magbasa pwede na maging senador at presidente. Pero pag mall janitor kailangan college level at kukuha pa ng NBI. Dapat meritocrcratic tayo ibig sabihin may good credentials ang pinipili nating mga politiko
@JunelDemotica-u6s 5 ай бұрын
look at the mindanao people's are foor 😡😡😡 because of the lader
@JunelDemotica-u6s 5 ай бұрын
it's because people on the Philippines is berry corruption so that's so people on the Philippines still are foor 😡😡😡😡😡 because of menny lader are corruption 😡😡😡😡
@antoniojosepereirarodrigues 5 ай бұрын
So, I believe that the problem is the mindset of the people. But the video is very well made
@invenom8894 5 ай бұрын
@Victory88831 5 ай бұрын
Paano kontrolado ng mga mayayman na may company or reastauran fastfood kong mag pa sweldo sa aming empleyado binabarat pa kaya dapat tuloy na ang cha cha tignan natin kong ung mga investor nakapsok dito sa pinas at mamasukan kami i bet u ill be rich like u dahil hindi sila barat mag pa sweldo sa tao hindi katulad ng mga kapwa pilipino na may busines binabarat nila mga nila mga empleyado tas d naman natin control ung oil mataas talaga kaya bilihin at matataas sweldo kampopot kaya ang mahirap lalo nag hihirap 😢
@philippinefederalistreview7477 5 ай бұрын
You are absolutely correct in pointing out that WITHOUT COMPETITION from Foreign investments and Foreign free market imports, local prices and local wages will CONTINUE to be controlled by monopolists, crony capitalists, and bureaucrats. What happens when there is COMPETITION? Take Du30s Retail Modernization Act - it allowed the entry of Swiss-owned DALI groceries. DALI charges LOWER prices than PUREGOLD and PAYS its pinoy workers HIGHER wages than PUREGOLD, ALFA MART, and other players. THIS is COMPETITION IN ACTION: Lower prices, MORE JOBS, higher wages, BETTER QUALITY products and services.
@eddiejackson2411 5 ай бұрын
Pilipinopolitician are corrupt , they don’t care much about the plights of the people
@eddiejackson2411 5 ай бұрын
Some of this people are from other island where there is no proper education, because of luck schools or they are mostly farmers and live in remote area where is no industries to earn more money, Chinese are also to blame because they control 90 % of businesses and less educated pilipino becomes thier slave
@Dodong-pf8dc 5 ай бұрын
Is it true Philippines is richer than Singapore or South Korea?
@AndrewPremacio 4 ай бұрын
ahh did you watch the video? Philippine is dirt poor so why the notion?
@dantankunfiveancestorsfist 5 ай бұрын
Colonial mentality that is the main reason leaders are mostly in office to enrich themselves not the nation and whenever there is a nationalist Filipino leader that will truly serve the country they end up either dead or get persecuted by USA such as the late Magsaysay and the present Duterte. Spanish free trade benefit the Spaniards not the Filipinos same with USA colonial era all trade were in favor of the USA not the Filipinos.
@armandizon1128 5 ай бұрын
Filipino poor because abnoy Aquino family. a.k.a team LP Lucifer Party..
@chucky387y 5 ай бұрын
Phillipines is slave to USA that's why.
@manuelilagan3054 5 ай бұрын
The video they make said exactly the reason why the Philippines is poor and what your doing now is called pinoy baiting so stop your disgusting
@philippinefederalistreview7477 5 ай бұрын
No. We made this reaction video because the original video was built on premises and offered solutions that have always failed. It is ironic that the original video uses SINGAPORE as a model yet the Philippines refuses to implement key economic policies that made SG rich in the first place like free trade, free flow of investments, no regulatory capture, etc. Instead, the video parrots the standard ruling elite line of corruption, blaming colonialism, and others we've all heard millions of times before. Doing the exact same things again and again only ensures the same results. We offer real solutions that actually produced changes in ASEAN countries that implemented them. Waiting for a PERFECT POLITICO to save the Philippines is not a solution. We've tried that with Cory and Marcos... the Philippines is still reeling from the consequences of those two presidencies.
@nolove857 5 ай бұрын
My Filipina gf told me it's hard to get a job in the Philippines because of these ridiculous requirements 😅😅😅😅 and i see it here. There are a lot of poor people here in the Philippines. Beggin' for money and no way to feed themselves. And no organization in the workplace. Everything is on paper.......😅😅😅. And to think they some of them really think they are educated. A lot of th3m are not. But the people are good not all but a lot of them are. You will see your ignorant Filipinos here. Haterzzzz😅
@HateAndSuffer 5 ай бұрын
Poor if you're are lazy 😂😂😂
@carinamelendres4640 5 ай бұрын
Because Phils is corrupt corrupt corrupt hssst 😡
@philippinefederalistreview7477 5 ай бұрын
Even if morally perfect leaders materialized out of nowhere and began to lead the Philippines, the economic policies the Philippines pursues will ensure its continuing poverty. Protectionism, regulatory capture, over regulation, high taxes, ridiculously large government, excessive red tape discouraging business formation, strong legal barriers to foreign investment, food security destroying land reform, etc etc caused the current state of affairs of the Philippines. These are the real cause of PH misery. So Korea and the US have formalized levels of corruption and their economies enabled a much higher level of human development than the Philippines. Policies matter. Waiting for a MORAL PINOY MESSIAH only serves the interest of those who benefit from the current system-monopolists, bureaucrats, and other people President Javier Milei of Argentina calls PARASITES.
@shawnmoore7517 5 ай бұрын
​@@philippinefederalistreview7477What you wrote there is so true. Philippines is rated the fourth country that's the hardest to do business with in the world between Nigeria, and Algeria (the top one is Venezuela). That's what a studdy showed in 2010. Not in 2022 or 2023, but in 2010. Since then they had 14 years to reorganize their systems, but did fuk all about it. NADA! I would not count on mister Beautiful Speeches Marcos to change things. He's doing nothing but sweet talks to create diversion. And it works pretty well since ph people are gullible.
@pipeds9979 5 ай бұрын
It's just due to poor quality education, ineffective family planning and corrupt election process. 1. Poor Quality Education. Although it is now Free to enroll for elementary to college, the educational system is not geared towards developing the kids critical thinking and discipline. Rather, it is geared towards producing more lambs for the workforce that rich people will exploit. 2. Ineffective Family Planning. Poor people having way too many kids while rich people having less, thus increasing the gap between the poor and the rich. This also leads to poor development of the kids from the poor family since they cannot be taken care of properly resulting in most of them being a trash of society that contionuously multiply. 3. Stupid Election System. Only rich or famous candidates have a chance to be elected. It is geared towards having money to let more people know about you. This means that no matter how excellent you are, the one to be chosen is the popular one. You'd need to have a deal with the devils (businessmen) to get the funds for election. These are three major things that needs to be corrected. Once its done, most of the country's problem will drastically reduce
@philippinefederalistreview7477 5 ай бұрын
You raise a good point. Pinoy parents actually PAY TAXES TWICE when it comes to education. Pinoy working parents already pay taxes and that goes to fund the inefficient and low quality PUBLIC education system. They they pay A SECOND TAX in the form of tuition for PRIVATE schools. Why not just PRIVATIZE THE WHOLE EDUCATION SYSTEM through vouchers? This is what some school districts did in the United States and it produced MUCH IMPROVED education outcomes for historically disadvantaged student populations.
@pipeds9979 5 ай бұрын
@@philippinefederalistreview7477 that is if these private schools give efficient and adequate education. Been enrolled to public and private and I can say that they are all ineffective in instilling the required discipline and critical thinking to the youths of the country. The curriculum itself and the teachers are the primary reason for this. Curriculum that is focused more on memorization instead of personality, discipline and critical thinking development. Teachers that are lazy, underpaid and impassionate about their careers.
@victorianopimentel2042 5 ай бұрын
Poor but happy and contented with a simple life. Bless are the poor, Jesus said. VIVAT JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@philippinefederalistreview7477 5 ай бұрын
We're actually working on a video on whether Catholicism keeps economies poor and backward. Subscribe and hit the bell icon to get notified of when it drops. It's gonna be interesting for sure. We'll expose the truth behind the long held belief of PROTESTANT / SECULAR WORK ETHIC versus CATHOLIC VIEWS on poverty and industry.
@DarkAngelBright 5 ай бұрын
Kase ang binobito nila puro artista na walang alam 😅😅😅😂 ayaw nila ng bata pero lawyer lol
@jayafrica4665 5 ай бұрын
Philippines is a developing country but to say poor is an understatement. Go visit now there and you'll see progress.
@philippinefederalistreview7477 5 ай бұрын
Due to lack of federalism, the development is badly imbalanced. For every BGC or Ayala Alabang, there are many other underdeveloped areas.
@WengKa-yl3pb 5 ай бұрын
Wdym? Philippines is just a poor country, wag mung Sabihin nasa gitna kahit growing pa man Hindi parin ma reach natin Yung goods kaya nasa poor parin tayu!
@jamiekatesalcedo6301 5 ай бұрын
The country is poor. Our politicians are corrupt AND inefficient. They could have been just corrupt but still push nationwide progress, but no, they chose to be corrupt and incompetent at the same time I hope my fellow countrymen will be wiser next election. But i have low hopes. The masses are distracted with trivials stuff on tiktok
@WeGetWildTV 5 ай бұрын
You clearly have never been. The vast majority of the country lives in actual poverty. The average wage is 400 usd/month
@philippinefederalistreview7477 5 ай бұрын
Excellent and nuanced point about corruption. Actually, China is very corrupt but their corruption works to SPEED UP development instead of SLOWING IT DOWN.
@shivamthakur6597 5 ай бұрын
philippine can do better . every country have some problem philippine just needs time. cheer to philippine from India. hope for the better future
@shawnmoore7517 5 ай бұрын
They try to normalize problems by saying that other countries have problems too. Well, sorry but Philippines have much more problems than most other countries.
@creestee08 5 ай бұрын
5:10 i think this is false. china and the a few philippine islands had already a trade commerce in place even before spain entered the scene. the southern chinese people have a siginficant amount of their citizens already living in one of those islands.
@philippinefederalistreview7477 5 ай бұрын
Yes and no. In terms of historic presence, Chinese have always been in the Philippines-especially Luzon. Some relics even trace back to the Tang Dynasty. Indeed, it is the Chinese trade in silks and porcelain that formed the bulk of the Acapulco Galleon Trade between Intramuros and Mexico during the colonial era up until the 1820s when Mexico gained independence. Indeed, according to at least one genomics study, up to 25% of the Filipino genome is Chinese compared to less than 1% for Iberian Europeans (aka Spanish). What our video refers to is the percentage of distinctly Chinese who did not intermarry and who form a business core. Thailand, Malaysia, and other ASEAN countries have far larger percentages of this population than the Philippines. Although Filipino Chinese dominate around 90% of the economy in PH, their small numbers tend to dim the overall positive effect of overseas Chinese entrepreneurialism on the overall economy compared to Indonesia, Thailand, and other ASEAN states.
@creestee08 5 ай бұрын
@@philippinefederalistreview7477 oh wow. i didnt expect a comprehensive answer. thank you!
@shawnmoore7517 5 ай бұрын
The biggest poverty in Philippines is people's mindset. Their egos and stubbornness refuse to acknowledge their problems.
@philippinefederalistreview7477 5 ай бұрын
You are absolutely correct. One mindset that leads to even more poverty is thinking that the STATE is almost always the solution. It turns out that statism is the single most crucial factor in the Philippines' continued self-legislated poverty.
@shawnmoore7517 5 ай бұрын
​@@philippinefederalistreview7477Yes, I went there and people don't take a single ounce of criticism. They find strategies to deny problems that are right under their eyes since ever or find ways to accuse others for everything. That's the perfect recipe for failure.
@scoobydoobap68 5 ай бұрын
before you put comments on other country make sure you fix your homelessness, violence, drug epidemic and migrant issues in your country. you talked like everything in your world is so perfect. every country has its own issues so why don't you mind your own damn business.
@shawnmoore7517 5 ай бұрын
@@scoobydoobap68 That's exactly the Filipino mindset I was referring to. Thanks to prove my point.
@mariodalagmas5373 5 ай бұрын
Literal. .pilipino still proud to themselves even in the worst situation. Never accept failure even in the front of there eyes. .still do the same. Thats why change is impossible. .
@ethiehetherington5086 5 ай бұрын
Greedy people focus on the poverty in the Philippines because it sells well to make money. They always put old pictures on the internet and not the new ones. Singapore got rich quickly because of their laundering money in which coming out now. Today, anyone who thinks that Philippines still all the way poor, please go and visit the country.
@suskagusip1036 5 ай бұрын
Poor???🙄 You just got to the squatter areas. California homelessness is worst than the Philippines. Go to Manila, Iloilo City, Cebu, Davao. What's your point? Singapore is only 1 Island. Philippines is made of 7,600+ islands. Do your research without Biases/ Discriminations.
@hexsanitygaming5350 5 ай бұрын
Yeah, the Philippines is divided by 3 major islands, each with their own problems, especially mindanao. Plus, the smaller islands are only reachable via boats. Our water transportation is crap because of an old law. You know what our laws are shit, they need to fix that first before we can reform and improve the country's situation.
@philippinefederalistreview7477 5 ай бұрын
@@hexsanitygaming5350 Thank you for referring to the antiquated CABOTAGE LAW which produces the RIDICULOUS situation where it is CHEAPER to ship from China to PH than from LUZON to ship to MINDANAO
@johnpaullenmac7827 5 ай бұрын
Yes there are homelessness in California but CALIFORNIA is more richer than the whole country of the Philippines . The Philippines has
@robgonzalez4936 Жыл бұрын
Why are most foreigners leaving the Philippines? A few of my friends that still live or did live in the Philippines have told me the things that they find make living in the Philippines challenging. These are guys that vary from 30 somethings who came over for a holiday or to work and decided to stay and set up businesses to retirees who were travelling, sometimes with family and decided to stay. Some of the latter are now in their 80s: I lived there, based in Manila from 2015 until 2022 and met many people both ex pats and locals. I found the country both frustrating and charming. Here are my thoughts. You’re never fully accepted into the country. For example during covid a friend who’d lived in the Philippines for over 30 years was told to go home when he arrived home (Scotland) after a trip aboard. You’ll often be viewed as a cash cow and are expected to contribute to everything from local functions to staff and their extended families hospital bills and weddings (check the same person hasn’t died multiple times) but you’ll often get little if anything in return. No respect, no thanks, no loyalty, no bonhomie. The rule of law works against you but not for you. If you do wrong you’ll get big fines and need to employ local lawyers to act on your behalf but if you’re wrongly done by you’ll still need to pay to receive any help. Example, you pay taxes and give money to the community, Barangay, the local police, fire brigade etc but if you have a fire there’ll be demands for payment if you want the fire dealt with and if you’re home is robbed you’ll be expected to hand over some money if you want a real investigation. Bribes, fixer fees and kickbacks are so commonplace that they’re sometimes requested as if they’re nothing out of the ordinary at all. With elderly friends I’ve experienced being threatened at gun point by a driver who almost drove into our table in his heavily tinted SUV in a golf club car park. He opened the door and almost fell out while holding a gun and yelling incoherently. He was completely intoxicated and luckily a passenger restrained him. Another friend went to check up on an unmoving car that was on a traffic island in the middle of the road outside his house at 1am. The intoxicated driver came to and realising that my friend was not Filipino started yelling “You’re not Filipino, I kill you” as he lurched out of the car with a gun in hand. My friend ran away not wanting to give his home address away. Scary stuff for a foreigner and very little chance of any police intervention. If you’re involved in an accident you’ll almost always be at fault, even if you weren’t. I had a motorbike rider ran straight into the wing of my car as I was driving into my workplace car park. He was riding along in the cycling lane and didn’t take notice of the security guard and stop like the rest of the traffic. I was worried about him then about myself as an angry mob who hadn’t even seen the accident gathered. One guy started yelling at me and was getting very aggressive. Thankfully our security guard and a workmate sorted the situation out. The security guard pointed out that the whole incident was on my dash cam and was being recorded on the worksite cameras and my workmate countered his aggressive behaviour with his own. The rider was escorted to the hospital three doors away but didn’t go in. Others tell of stories where one occupant in a car or tricycle has turned into five, all with injuries and where stopping to help when a car in front has veered off of the road has ended up with them being accused of causing the accident. Lesson learnt/learned, be aware that you’re not in your home country and some see you as an easy target. Be wary of trusting too much. You can think that your friend, girlfriend or employee can be trusted because you’ve known them for some time, been good to them, sympathetic to their needs, put their children through school and have helped them through all sorts of problems. The problem is that their loyalty may be swayed by greed or external pressure or even threats. They’re family may pressurise them to borrow money or even steal using guilt and loyalty to family as leverage. Many Filipinos are also regularly in debt and the (illegal) loan shark’s interest rates are high. Money back or else may force an otherwise loyal helper to steal. Then there’s they’re parent’s, brother’s, sister’s, children’s operations, lawyer, drug habit, education m, funeral etc etc. Blood is definitely thicker when a family of 12 are putting the pressure on.
@jezreelpalminco4050 Жыл бұрын
It is cycle of economy that people need also participate to its goal to improve our life here in Philippines,,
@Sir_Sway Жыл бұрын
Good info!
@diosdadoreyes144 2 жыл бұрын
yes I'm so very much agree bos