All about stocks
[email protected] 👆🏻👆🏻Mail me for any queries 👆
Having problem reading quarter results?
having problem for picking up right stocks?
couldn't find companies news
when to buy or sell stocks? and many other topics which came in beginers investors mind,,all will be solved in this channel.
This channel is for the ones who want to invest their money directly in stocks but don't have idea or don't have proper knowledge to decide whether the stock is good or not.In this channel there also be video regarding the companies fundamentals,financials and many more which is required to analyse before selecting any company. Hot news and important companies meeting ,announcement and everything of the companies will be covered by the videos.
DISCLAIMER:- I am not sebi registered, I only give my point of view.
So before putting your money in any stock please do your research also or consult your financial advisor.
I should not be responsible for any profit or loss