Pacific Mornings on 531pi
Hīkoi mō Te Tiriti
2 ай бұрын
@Stomparr 3 сағат бұрын
Hana Hoha is just a attention seeker, a poser who's only achievements in parliament since the 2023 election has only been theatrical performances for the camera's, like Shane te pou said Te Pāti Māori better start actually doing something or they'll end up losing their voters to Labour.
@Stomparr 3 сағат бұрын
Can't stand women with moko kauae, Most of them think their superior to others and expect to be treated like royalty 😂
@Adadafsdr 17 сағат бұрын
Why don't you tell the truth new Zealand is a zombie corporate and going more and more zombieish every day do you own studies new Zealand our country is funucked do some research on economics people we are all funucked bye these cununts
@milton1448 6 күн бұрын
Women DEI drivers. ROFL!
@Stomparr 7 күн бұрын
You can't play victims of oppression with a ancestry connection to the 1835 mass genocide of 300 peaceful Moriori people including women and children so they could forcefully take the Moriori's land.
@Stomparr 7 күн бұрын
Hardcase how Māori say honour the treaty yet behind closed doors another group of Māori are trying to change the treaty with the Matike Mai reconstitute transformation kaupapa 🙄 it's clear Māori don't move collectively alot don't even like each other and from the 2023 election we Te Pāti Māori having just 3.8% in the polls they seem to think they speak for all 1 million Māori 😂
@neilmacaulay5081 8 күн бұрын
A simple question here, are their engineers on this vessel or is this a fully automated engineering system that does not need engineers. My simple minded marine engineering background would ask why the engineer onboard if they had one did not check from the engine room that the propulsion units were fully functional for a start and confirm that they were being controlled by AUTO PILOT. It would appear from my simple position on this is that the whole complete bridge watching team from Captain downwards were totally incompetent in the fact that they had no idea what the operational status was of the ships helm and engine control. A ship when moving within closed confined navigation or near possible land groundings would in most cases ensure that the Captain or senior competent bridge officer was in charge to oversee safe handling of the ship in these tight operational seaways. It appears this was not the case, excuses of lack of training, faulty drive units, a junior officer was in charge, the engineer failed to step up and point that they were in Auto shows a lack of incompetence and respect from the Captain who should have stepped up and sort advice and council from her executive team and made a safe decision to save the ship. The Captain and her DEI agenda sunk this ship and in the end when her DEI world was falling down around her she ordered ABANDON SHIP, thankfully the locals came to their aid or there could have been loss of life. The Captain is accountable and should be demoted and released from the Navy…….
@Stomparr 9 күн бұрын
This is nothing but utilising seymours bill to gain support and momentum to push the Matike Mai agenda for reconstitute transformation which means get rid of the original treaty and reconstruct a new one. Seymours bill was never going to pass in the house and we've all lost count of how many times luxon said he wouldn't support it past the first reading so why the hikoi's. We also know Toitū te Tiriti was registered as a company under the Tamihere name so they cash in on the merchandise sales. As for Te Pāti Māori what have they achieved since the last election in terms of policy gains for our people absolutely nothing, then we have Debbie referring to Labour as adopting Te Pāti Māori manifesto in her interview with Jack Tame where I think Jack even heard 🦗 crickets after hearing her say that.
@jmjm1920 10 күн бұрын
Tatau from Ancient Tongan Lapita Origin Settlement of Polynesia 😊
@JesseKennedy8791 11 күн бұрын
@broniabutler4166 11 күн бұрын
Luxon continues with the division, we are New Zealanders, not Maori/non Maori
@rafaelmanalu5926 16 күн бұрын
🙏Izin Share🙏 ------------------- *Definisi Genosida Dari Sudut Pandang Ilmu Biologi dan Medis* A. Asal Kata GENOSIDA (GENOCIDE) Kata Genosida (Genocide) berasal dari bahasa Yunani dan Latin, yaitu Geno yang berarti ras atau suku atau kelompok etnis. Sedangkan, Cide berarti pembantaian atau pembunuhan atau pemusnahan. Istilah ini digagas pada tahun antara tahun 1941 dan 1943 oleh pengacara berdarah Polandia-Yahudi yang bernama Raphael Lemkin, dalam bukunya yang berjudul Axis Rule In Occupied Europe yang diterbitkan pada tahun 1944. B. Asal kata Genetika, GENO dan CIDE 1. Asal kata Genetika Genetika berasal dari bahasa Latin “GENOS” yang berarti suku bangsa atau asal usul. Genetika diserap dari bahasa Belanda “genetica” yang merupakan adaptasi dari bahasa Inggris “genetics”, yang dibentuk dari kata Yunani, “genno”, yang berarti melahirkan. Dan genotipe adalah sifat genetik yang dimiliki oleh seorang individu. Genotipe adalah sifat yang diwariskan dari orang tua. Dan genotipe juga merupakan keadaan genetik individu yang berhubungan dengan DNA. DNA adalah rantai molekul yang mengandung materi genetik yang unik untuk setiap makhluk hidup. 2. Asal kata Geno Kata "Geno" merupakan akar kata dari banyak kata yang memiliki arti ras, jenis, keluarga, atau kelahiran. Geno berasal dari kata Genus (Genos). Kata Genus (Genos) dalam bahasa Latin dan Yunani Kuno berarti “asal usul/suku bangsa; tipe/jenis; kelompok; ras; marga/garis keturunan; dan kerabat/keluarga”. Dalam ilmu biologi dan kedokteran, Genus merupakan salah satu cara untuk mengelompokkan makhluk hidup dalam klasifikasi biologi dan dikenal sebagai marga. 3. Asal kata Cide Sida (Cide) berasal dari kata latin Cida yang artinya pemotong, pembunuh, dan racun. Makanya setiap racun hama berakhiran Sida (Cide), misalnya Pestisida, Fungisida, Bakterisida, Rodentisida, Moluskisida, Insektisida, dan lain-lain. Dan beberapa merek racun hama yang beredar di Indonesia adalah sebagai berikut: Bulai-Cide, Hiper-Cide, Miko-Cide, Copper-Cide, Rainlu-Cide, Bensida, dan lain-lain. C. Apa Definisi Genosida Dari Sudut Pandang Ilmu Biologi dan Ilmu Medis? Dalam arti sempit dari sudut pandang ilmu biologi dan ilmu kedokteran, Genosida dapat didefinisikan sebagai pemusnahan atau pembantaian atau pembunuhan terhadap suatu genus (genos) atau genotipe tertentu. Sedangkan dalam pengertian yang lebih luas, dalam ilmu biologi dan ilmu kedokteran, Genosida dapat didefinisikan sebagai pemusnahan atau pembantaian atau pembunuhan terhadap suatu genus (genos) atau genotipe atau suatu kelompok suku bangsa (etnis/ras) dengan menggunakan gas beracun, suntikan kimia, bom beracun, senjata kimia, senjata biologi, atau zat beracun lainnya; dan benda/alat yang dapat digunakan untuk melukai, menghancurkan, dan menembus tubuh bagian dalam maupun bagian luar, dengan tujuan agar genus (genos) atau genotipe atau kelompok suku bangsa (etnis/ras) tersebut punah dari muka bumi. Dan definisi ini sama persis dengan operasi kamar gas yang dilakukan oleh Nazi Hitler pada tahun 1942 terhadap kaum Yahudi. Perlu diingat, niat dan tujuan Hitler dalam melakukan genosida terhadap Ras Yahudi adalah Hitler hendak mewujudkan gagasan nasionalismenya yang berlandaskan pada superioritas Ras Arya dan Lebensraum (ruang hidup/ekspansi) karena Hitler ingin mengulang kembali kejayaan yang pernah dicapai oleh Imperium Jerman Kuno. Kejayaan Imperium Jerman Kuno inilah yang membuat Hitler ingin menjadikan Jerman menjadi "tuan dibumi" melalui Ras Arya dan Lebensraum (ruang hidup/ekspansi) sehingga Hitler melakukan genosida terhadap Ras Yahudi dan menjalankan politik imperialisme. D.Contoh Genosida Contoh 1: Indonesia memiliki beberapa Suku terbesar, yaitu: Jawa, Sunda, Batak, Melayu, Bugis, dan Minangkabau. Dan suku Batak terdiri dari beberapa kelompok etnis atau puak, yaitu: Batak Toba, Batak Karo, Batak Simalungun, Batak Pakpak, Batak Mandailing, dan Batak Angkola. Misalkan, etnis Batak Toba diusir dari Indonesia, diasingkan, dilarang berbahasa Batak Toba, dilarang menerapkan prinsip "Dalihan Natolu dan Suhi Ampang Na Opat", dicabut kewarganegaraannya, dicabut hak-hak politiknya, dilarang menikmati akses pelayanan dari pemerintah daerah dan pemerintah pusat, dan dicabut hak-hak lainnya. Jika etnis Batak Toba memberontak, maka etnis Batak Toba akan diperangi hingga punah, inilah yang disebut dengan Genosida terhadap etnis Batak Toba. Pertanyaannya: "Siapakah yang mengalami Genosida, apakah Etnis Indonesia atau Etnis Batak Toba di Indonesia?" Contoh 2: Pemerintah Myanmar membantai Etnis Rohingya. Fakta menunjukkan bahwa pemerintah Myanmar mayoritas beragama Buddha. Sedangkan Etnis Rohingya mayoritas beragama Islam. Dalam kondisi ini, bisa saja Pemerintah Myanmar yang mayoritas beragama Buddha melakukan genosida terhadap Etnis Rohingya, namun tidak dapat dikatakan bahwa Pemerintah Myanmar yang mayoritas beragama Buddha melakukan genosida terhadap umat Islam karena umat Islam di Myanmar tidak hanya Etnis Rohingya. Dengan kata lain, genosida adalah pemusnahan genus atau genotipe tertentu, bukan agama, karena agama bukanlah genus atau genotipe. From: Rafael Manalu *(Mahasiswa Indonesia Anti Teroris/The Legendary Sannin)* Catatan: Tulisan ini telah di repost dan direvisi beberapa kali dan merupakan hasil dari penelitian mini melalui studi literatur dengan pendekatan kualitatif yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa Konoha State yang merupakan Sannin Legendaris di bidang penelitian mini di Konoha State.
@rafaelmanalu5926 16 күн бұрын
Genetika merupakan adaptasi dari bahasa Belanda "genetica". Ini berarti genetika (bahasa Indonesia) = genetica (bahasa Belanda). Mohon dimengerti. Oke.
@rafaelmanalu5926 15 күн бұрын
Ingat Cida berasal dari kata latin Caedere 😉
@kingmaoricolossus 20 күн бұрын
Body shaming?she fine as hell
@p0ooLahH 20 күн бұрын
Although Pacific islands are all connected through history and culturally connected, our Samoan pe’a is a very distinctive art that defines us. our Measina/treasure is very distinctive to Samoans. Each island country has their own distinctive symbols/motifs that signifies/identifies who they are to the world. In other words, what exactly makes them stand out. As the world can see, our pe’a, tatau for men and malu for women, is what identifies us as Samoans. Our ancestors were marked with the symbols of mana, and up to now our people are still marked carrying on a unique culture that never died! Our Tongan brothers and sisters surely had their own tattooing symbols back then but surely was not called “malu”. I hope some1 can research deeply and finally finds out the true term for the Tongan tattoo. Until that comes to light please leave our “malu” out of your dialogue faafetai.
@tamaManuatele 21 күн бұрын
Wow. A man from another country knows that Olohenga is a part of Manu'a. Thats the truth.
@TheInvoice123 22 күн бұрын
Whats that red button for? "POTS?" anybody hungry for noodles?
@TheInvoice123 22 күн бұрын
Couldn't drive!
@Vaa-e9l 23 күн бұрын
Debbie Sorensen is an amazing woman. She has served the Pacific communities for many years. God bless you Debbie.
@Yayme1613 25 күн бұрын
why does debbie keep mentioning Atlas and not blackrock?
@L2daA123 28 күн бұрын
Bro your videos was great up until the 16th min then from there all I heard was lies from that separatist racist person
@gregtorpey4219 28 күн бұрын
You are not indigenous. You traveled here.
@johngriddell1058 29 күн бұрын
Cor she knows how to twist things. While you can be proud, you also have to listen, and do things with decorum. Te Pati Maori founder knew how to protest and make a meaningful contribution to society by showing respect and being truthful.
@moanaroseerickson5008 Ай бұрын
He’s been missing his AAA meetings 😂
@tumeke4328 Ай бұрын
Fuluola🇳🇺 🖤🤍♥️
@DaveRave13579 Ай бұрын
The hikoi was all about john tamihere manipulating iwi / maori to boost support for his mafia styled outfit TPM.
@DW_Kiwi Ай бұрын
This TPM has to be investigated for all sorts of corruption. Ideally needs to go this year. De-funded, disbanded
@bobbuilder-h8b Ай бұрын
that womans scribble on her face is demeaning. yuck.
@paulthomson2288 Ай бұрын
Minister of Defense Collins is more interested in scolding "misogynist" commentators on social media than actually being competent in the role. Completely out of her depth much like Manawanui is now.
@seanworkman431 17 күн бұрын
Sounds to me like no-one knew their ass from their elbow and why is the New Zealand Navy surveying waters in Samoa? Employ people based on merit if you want success.
@peautukuafu8025 Ай бұрын
I would say Tongan are the pirates 🏴‍☠️ for the Pacific. They’re master of trades and thieves.
@tonyryan43 Ай бұрын
Adjusted to reality... Apply DNA tests and half of Pacifica disappears. Examine education and half of the remainder disappears. Hey, we are back to 1970.
@lendus.adolla Ай бұрын
Allow me to summarise: Everything has turned to crap !
@berniefynn6623 Ай бұрын
all the more reason they must assimilate and stay in their communities, ENGLISH only, official forms must be ENGLISH ONLY, or we will be having differing ethnics vying for more than others,
@maieldmik5233 Ай бұрын
All people born in New Zealand are pacific Islanders!! DER. Why do we even have racial profiling? It's not the kiwi way .
@kamokauapasekab2208 Ай бұрын
He’s right,what he’s saying about samoa and Tonga ,and also the rest of the pacific.the palangi is making this division,but we all one people the people of Oceania.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@lextai6470 Ай бұрын
@@kamokauapasekab2208 No disrespect to Tonga but we're not one
@vikparker736 27 күн бұрын
U need to grow up, we are one. Your colonised brain is talking ​@lextai6470
@CouplesLite Ай бұрын
Been over 35 years since ive been back, lovely seeing this and the effort to promote revitalization.
@lenetanielu9893 Ай бұрын
This is a broad daylight robbery of "Measina like the Malu, Malofie, Pe'a, Soga'imiti", which is significant to Samoan culture and people. The fact that all Polynesians have the art of "tatau" (tattooing), does not necessarily give others the right to rob Samoan of their cultural identity.
@rick-the-anglo-saxon Ай бұрын
Send that Irish woman back home to Derry - foreshore foreshore.
@theephraimite Ай бұрын
Samoans and Tongans are closely related. Even Malietoa was related to the Tuitogas, even when they had the war, as were many other Samoan kings and chiefs.
@mikeoxmaul5465 Ай бұрын
Sonny you have a Tongan citizenship now😂❤ 🇹🇴
@TerryPalmer-d2l Ай бұрын
three quarters irish and still calls herself indigenous, what a load of hogwash, I believe she flew to wellington and stayed at a flash hotel, a flash hikoi
@pmnnews9698 Ай бұрын
​If you enjoyed this video, then listen to Pacific Mornings on 531pi from 6am--9am each weekday, your best frequency below, or live stream on our website 531pi frequencies: Auckland 531 AM | Whangarei 103.6 FM | Hamilton 103.4 FM | Tauranga 103.8 FM | Rotorua 103.9 FM | Taupo 104.0FM | Hawke’s Bay 103.9 FM | Taranaki 103.9 FM | Manawatu 103.4 FM | Wellington 103.7 FM | Wellington 104.1 FM | Christchurch 104.1 FM | Dunedin 103.8 FM | Invercargill 103.6 FM
@vailevi7869 Ай бұрын
Tatau plays a significant role in the samoan culture and I believe that if it did the same to any other culture then we wouldn't have this conversation. Growing up in the village I always wanted a tatau but to get one you have to earn it. When you're old and strong enough you join the aumaga and that is where you learn to perform certain tasks and special skills. From the umu or cooking to performing cultural ceremonies to speaking the language chiefs speak. When you master all that you'll then be honored to have a tatau if you wish. If you do ,you're now entitled to have a tatau and become a soga'imiti, not a chief yet but you've earned it to be a leader of the aumaga. Now you teach those under you and let them perform their skills under you watchful eyes. Once they master those skills they too will have earn their tatau move up to be leaders of the aumaga while you now earned a spot on the next level as a chief .Once bestowed a chief title your days of serving are over you'll now sit amongst the chiefs and be served. And that is why we didn't lose our tatau. It is part of our culture .As for me l struggled with those skills and that is why I dont have it. Tatau is not for show or for strength, it has purpose and has meaning within the samoan cuture.God bless.
@SiosaiaTuitavake Ай бұрын
Most selfish explanation I’ve herd so far lol man your narrow mined usi i mean uso fucking ufa I’m gonna go get a pea and you cannot do shit about it 😂 that’s your answer
@KindergartenOne-vw3bi Ай бұрын
What's wrong with naming things Tongan, it would sound awesome, TonganMcnugget,Tongan in the box,Mctongans,United States of tongans,tongXmas,Carl's tongan,waltongan, rock,papers and tongans,on your marks get set ready and tongans,it goes on and on
@chicotata Ай бұрын
If our language is so similar. Why is it so far fetched that we all call it Malu? I think this Dr has a point. We were ONE ☝🏽.
@chicotata Ай бұрын
If our language is so similar. Why is it so far fetched that we all call it Malu? I think this Dr has a point. We were ONE ☝🏽.
@motivate-your-mindset Ай бұрын
100 % Sonny, Tattoos are a significant part of many indigenous cultures, serving as a way to express identity, cultural values, and spiritual beliefs. End of story!!
@zm1172 Ай бұрын
My Point pertains "SPECIFICALLY" to Sāmoa's🇼🇸🇦🇸 "MALU." WHICH has been the MAIN "Topic" of some "DISRESPECTFUL," RIDICULOUS, AND FRANKLY Idiotic "Talanoagas." #REALTalk👍🏼 IT'S ABOUT SĀMOA'S "MALU" aka "SĀMOA'S" MEASINA. *** "MEASINA".... As IN A "PROTECTED," "A National TREASURE," Sacred as in NOT Holy BUT "HIGHLY Regarded." I put EMPHASIS "ON" the word "PROTECTED."👊🏼 The following was respectfully written by Mr. Fa'amausili but w/"my" take on it. There is NO such thing as a "Tongan" MALU, NEVER was. NO History. FULL STOP. There is no such thing as a "Niuean" MALU. There is no such thing as a "Cook Island" MALU. Or a "Maori" MALU. Here's a short summary of "TRUE" Accounts, "BACKED" History, AND "BACKED" FACTS for those of you (including Sāmoans) who DON'T KNOW your History. Sāmoa's "MALU" and "MALOFIE" aka PE'A, "IS" A "MEASINA" Samoa. "BORN" AND ORIGINATED from Samoa. PASSED DOWN from Generation to Generation. An "UNBROKEN" Practice of adorning our bodies with "OUR" Ancestor's (also "BACKED") INDIGENOUS Motifs/Symbols/Markings; DEPICTING "THEIR" LIFE'S Story, "THEIR" History, "THEIR" IDENTITY, "ORIGIN," Values, Beliefs, "Traditions" etc. Going BACK THOUSANDS+ of years... Throughout the years, there have been slight changes to the structure of Sāmoa's "MALU," that reflects "OUR" History with the introduction of Christianity. It makes absolutely "NO" sense To "TAKE" Samoa's "MALU" **STRUCTURE** which is INTRINSICALLY "LINKED" with Samoa's "ANCESTRAL'S," Cultural History, Aganu'u, Fanua, etc.. and SUPPLANT it with patterns from "OTHER" islands. To me, it's the EPITOME Of "BLATANT" DISRESPECT. NO Doubt. LOOK to "YOUR OWN" History, DO YOUR "research" and go to the right practitioners who may help you to wear something that IS CONNECTED to "YOUR" Culture, and "NOT" Appropriate from your neighbors. IF you're "using" A WORD from "ANOTHER" Language to "describe" the markings you want, it is a pretty CLEAR "Indication" that THOSE "markings" are "NOT" Indigenous to you or your culture. The responsibility of UPHOLDING the "Integrity" of "OUR" Cultural Markings is on "BOTH" the (RESPECTED) Practitioner/Tufuga AND the person seeking to wear "their" cultural marks. This is about being AUTHENTIC and being GOOD, TrustWORTHY, Stewards of "OUR" Legacies, for GENERATIONS to come.
@Que684 Ай бұрын
@billiessphincter4104 Ай бұрын
DEI and ESG happend
@springwater3723 Ай бұрын
Coming from a Tongan this shouldn’t even be a topic there’s no such thing as a Tongan Malu this is just one individuals opinion
@mikeoxmaul5465 Ай бұрын
Alu moia faeluaki mo panita’e 😂😂😂
@Titus.99 2 күн бұрын
​@@mikeoxmaul5465teepilo there's no tongan malu