@donhillsmanii5906 6 сағат бұрын
“Don’t Recommend Channel” NOT INTERESTED
@donhillsmanii5906 6 сағат бұрын
*ANOTHER* Lame-ass Psuedo Science clickbait bullshit channel for Minuteman to thoroughly DEBUNK THESE LIES & BULLSHIT
@redandwhitefeatheredserpen1156 7 сағат бұрын
Its a bloodline.
@integratedalchemist 7 сағат бұрын
The oldest dragon depiction is in a cave in South Africa its over 70000 years old, it has horns and everything. As far as I know cave art was generally based on things that they saw around them, as well as symbols and possibly spirits/aliens. But the thing looks damn near what a dragon looks like today with horns and everything
@christophetreboutte2656 9 сағат бұрын
yes, i agree that dragons had lots of stories through history and dragons have nothing less than dinosaurs when it comes to probabilities of existence. Dinosaurs on the other side raise lots of questions
@kkkk-oq9yi 9 сағат бұрын
هذه الاثار لا تصلح ان تكون اثار قوم عاد ، هذه اثار بدائية جدا ، شعب عاد كانوا اعظم امة في العالم و لتاريخ اليوم ، هذا بحسب القران
@kkkk-oq9yi 10 сағат бұрын
أنت مخطاء يا صديقي القران لم يذكر شداد بن عمدا بل ذكر قوم عاد و هم اعظم أمة وجدت على سطح الارض كانوا عمالقة و بناياتهم و اعمدتهم عملاقة و لم يخلق او يوجد مثلها في كل العالم ، هذه البلد هي مصر و أثار مصر ولكن ليس أهرامات الجيزة هذه بنيت قبل الطوفان بواسطة أحد الانبياء المعاصرين لنوح
@frankmount226 14 сағат бұрын
How much did this cost? Where did you get it? And how do you know that you could achieve a certain level before moving on?
@MAJMAJESTIC 16 сағат бұрын
Dinosaurs had avian respiratory systems. (Hollow bones.).. we have a lot of fossils of those.
@foodforthesoul1326 21 сағат бұрын
Do you take everything so literally? I've unsubbed. You are obviously not a serious researcher.
@xuisoko 19 сағат бұрын
From time to time I make videos that focus on expanding the perspective, instead of looking for answers. This is simply an alternative take. Feel free to unsubscribe or whatever, this is not a science journal it's a KZbin channel and it's not only for research or science it's meant for the expansion of our beliefs and to entertain wild thoughts and theories you otherwise wouldn't. If you're not up for this, please unsubscribe
@Marius89100 22 сағат бұрын
It's quite possible that ancient people had some ideas about dragons-dinosaurs buried in their subconscious and through spiritual awakening remember their existence. The human mind has many layers of collective understanding inside of it, or what might be labelled as generational memory, it's not at all beyond the scope of reality that our ancestors tapped into this generational knowledge of distant life and invented creatures that had been alive.
@xuisoko 19 сағат бұрын
A very interesting thought, thank you
@blumiu2426 23 сағат бұрын
If they existed, they may pose an issue as a contradiction in evolution as they aren't included. As much as they've tied the link between birds and lizards, which I believe are not the same at all and can have likeness as humans and apes do. Throughout history sighting and recordings of giant lizards and dragons have been noted, yet ignored and conveniently dismissed as fabrications or exaggerations. Presentism is a crippling mindset in that if we don't see something, it doesn't exist and anyone less educated than us doesn't know what they are talking about. It's amazing the hubris we possess at times, in particular the dogmatic academic community. Many have questioned the evolutionary theory, turned against it, others presented their own theories and all are dismissed in favor of the one that has to be modified continually the more genetics in particular, was/is discovered. Some even come out of the academic circles and say how these professors admit among themselves that much of what is pushed as fact in the sciences isn't true or faulty, caution against those that find this out in their sincere investigations because they not only endanger their own career, but the entire foundation it's been set upon. And you noted how bones can be put together wrong. Imagine you already have a bias against something existing, you discover it, but then intentionally or not believe it's wrong and restructure it. The T-Rex has always been the most nonsensical animal I've ever seen. It could only have been cross-bred to have midget arms that hinder it and we see no other creature with these proportions. To me, it always struck as it likely had a form that contradicted positions or denoted another creature existing, so they put together something plausible and distant enough from (my belief) a dragon they could. I forget the land-based one without wings (drake?), but easily could have been that given bone density. It's wings would need to be enormous to fly. Dinosaur was a term I believe that only started usage in the 1900s, so they were just giant lizards prior. Was it Herodotus, the founder/creator of museums that wrote about a small one in a neighbor's garden. I think the size of a small dog. Then a record in Greece of a large one (seemed like smaller brontosaurus type) that wondered outside a cities walls and had to be slain. Marco Polo has his book (which I have in PDF) that records him sighting and being near these creatures on his way to China, or East in general. Bigger variants of kamodo dragons that the Chinese had tamed I recall being one. We have biblical record of a serpent tempting Eve. it's description matches a rainbow scaled and feather (?) winged wyrm found in other culture's mythos. Nimrod slayed them and we see them similar hunted down in other cultures, most familiar in the West through Europe. If they were as majestic, large and vicious as said, it makes sense they would be hunted to the smallest numbers or to extinction. If only certain ones deemed so, well then we have other large lizards still surviving today. Another commentor mentioned how if not all shared the same bone structure like flying ones or those that could glide through air, they would be confiscated and locked away. It wouldn't be the first time such has be rumored and done; we know the Roman Church did it for similar reasons and with the same dogmatic stance on sciences, our modern academia would readily do the same that threatened their careers. If one realizes that those that formed how education systems were structured and intended to effect young minds, then being free thinkers was not the goal. It was to bring conformity of thought. Freedom of thought is a natural condition of humans and pursuing discovery has to be allowed, so the box is widened, but only so far. I don't think people are without reason to think to some degree certain creatures could have existed at one point in time, we are just trained through media, mythos mired in the fantastical at times in order to dismiss as childish or impractical. The same thing is done in other sphere of study or conspiracy. We do have a tendency to go too far and become extreme, then belief systems also structure what we are and are not willing to accept. I don't think we will have all the evidence for things, yet we do have enough information and common sense to grasp certain things.
@idie6606 Күн бұрын
I know it exists. I have seen it once. It appears whenever I piss on the bed, its name is "my mom"
@buckaroobonsaitree7488 Күн бұрын
Dinosaurs= dragons. But only the fire/steam breathing ones.
@meh.7640 Күн бұрын
all dinosaur bones are like bird bones. otherwise they wouldn't have gotten so big. it's likely there were advanced, globally connected civilizations long before current mainstream science likes to admit. this explains why dragon myths are everywhere on the planet. there are a lot of things that are everywhere on the planet, used by supposedly separated civilizations.
@JPBroadcasting Күн бұрын
Theres also lots of pictures of knights fighting giant snails.... Why does everyone think imagination, creativity and metaphor was invented fifty years ago! Dragons and giant snails did not exist. The snail was a metaphor for slow weak enemys carrying too much armor. We still don't know why they all drew "dragons" but they are all drawn differently... Almost like they where not drawing the same thing. People made up crazy shit back then. Its not real. Or do you beleive the viking storys and think a giant snake holds the world together? Let me guess we just havent found the snake yet? Get real!!! 😂😂😂
@xuisoko 18 сағат бұрын
Thank you for the long reply, funnily giant snails existed - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Campanile_giganteum
@jnemo2605 Күн бұрын
Chinese zodiac has 12 animals of which 11 are real, the one that isn't is a dragon. And if you really want weird look up was Yahweh (G--D) a dragon. Just interesting that's all.
@xuisoko Күн бұрын
That's true, I've seen mr Mythos's video on Yahew, very interesting
@MrQuick999 Күн бұрын
Ask free or paid AI: "When did Dragon stop being God to Europeans." It should say the rise of Christianity.. Search engine: "Is Dracula an alien" Look at the Saucer picture. Why does the Church not point out the same germ Vlad used as a weapon against Islam was also used against Christians too? Because they don't want to explain how he did it under orders of GOD to stop cannibal culture to end continuous consumption of the YOUNG.. Why was it so powerful? Church made people eat bugs and Chitin drains immunity because human's can't digest it, and they also banned meat which crashed meat down to humans. They came for young in Vlad's territory during no war. For what? FOOD. America was founded against the Church and now elites both sides of a "war" are meeting Pope. We're about to attack Earth again. This time? Full genetic WIPE of all religious DNA.
@SPQR748 Күн бұрын
I had a dream that I was a dragon 🐉 and I was shot down and killed and when I hit the ground I was a man 🧍🏾‍♂️ So the reason that there’s no dragon bones 🦴 is because we turn into men.
@nocomments5029 Күн бұрын
What if the T. rex is a dragon and they purposely made it retardant
@ericpressman9213 Күн бұрын
I feel stupider for watching this 😂. Everything he says is so easily debunked because we do have bones of birds and giant flying pterosaurs. I love the Game of Thrones clips though 😂
@xuisoko Күн бұрын
I never said we don't have bones of birds? What do you mean? Lol. They just fossilize harder because they are hollow
@jnemo2605 Күн бұрын
You just admitted you were stupid to begin with.
@Chameleon1981 20 сағат бұрын
​@@xuisokoits all good people who live in the bubble seldom look outside of it , contained within it is the narrative backed up by " experts " and " science " little do they know their experts and scientists are bought and paid for pretty much nothing more then glorified prostitutes who would loose their precious grant money should they release any information or data that contradicts the official view of reality , the Smithsonian hides so much , bones of giants as an example , there is nothing wrong with asking questions , what if ? Rather then blindly accepting the blatant lies about pretty much everything , I guess it comes down to there's the truth then there is the overwhelming truth and its a bitter pill to swallow for most so they protect the precious bubble , these are the same people who call us conspiracy theorists without realising who actualy created the label conspiracy theorist and why it was made
@brindlebriar Күн бұрын
No wonder he's so famous. The guru-following movements of the '60s--90s are over. People are too cynical these days. _And yet,_ somehow he rockets into celebrity on some borrowed teachings. This is how the current global world order works. You pledge yourself to one of the secret societies of the globalists(they are all departments of the same organization.) You are usually required to *kill somebody close to you* - a loved one - to seal the pact. This is a pact of allegiance to Lucifer, as well as to the secret cabal's leadership. Then the Jewish/Satanist cabal's fame-machine hypes and promotes you to stardom. The lives of countless celebrities follow this exact pattern.
@Homemovies1989 Күн бұрын
The fire could simply be exaggerated. A massive roar could feel like fire if it was next to you and distort/warp the cold air nearby looking like heat waves
@blumiu2426 23 сағат бұрын
Or they had sacs that produced a chemical reaction. Looking at some dinosaur skulls, it's possible. These people weren't stupid and likely smarter than us, they knew what fire looked like. Different cultures describe this being a trait. Either they could do it with mixture of chemicals in body or when those chemicals hit the air. Imagine no other animal not being able to do such and the one that does is commonly attributed to being violent and dangerous to where needed to be hunted down. When pagan tribes first saw firearms, they had a basic understand what was occurring with these "fire sticks".
@brindlebriar Күн бұрын
Dragons - an evolutionary thought experiment Terrence McKenna famously characterized the Big Bang theory in the following way: "give me one free miracle, and I can explain the rest." He meant to poke fun at the Big Bang theory by pointing out that it requires a free miracle. Precisely what the empiricists who adhere to it won't allow when it comes to positing an uncaused God, btw. But that's a subject for another time. McKenna was pointing out the hypocrisy. Nevertheless, the Big Bang theory remains very compelling because it does explain the rest. And that's not to be expected. That's quite interesting, quite compelling. If you do give it that free miracle, everything falls into place. And that makes it such a compelling theory that nearly every physicist on earth over the last century has subscribed to it - even though it requires a free miracle. So bear that in mind when I say this: give me one free given that isn't even a miracle - something far, far, far more plausible than a Big Bang... and I can predict nearly every single attribute of the standard dragons of myth, legend, folk lore, and modern fantasy novels, down to uncanny levels of detail based on the standard modern Theory of Biological Evolution - 'Darwinism.' What is the free given that I need? A reptile that can breathe fire. Wait! Don't leave just yet. You'll be glad if you wait till the end! There are already reptiles that can spit acid or poison from a gland in their mouths. That should already give you pause. That's not fire, and I need actual fire to make everything fall into place, because they need to be able to cook meat. But you gotta admit, it's an uncanny similarity. Now, how could we get the ability to breathe fire? Not as unlikely as you'd think. You'd need just such a gland as the venom-spitters have, and in the same place, but instead of creating acid or poison, it creates a flammable liquid like... oil(fat) or... methane. Organic substances that bodies create in real time. It would be so easy for evolution to produce a gland that secretes oil or methane into a pouch, because animal bodies already produce those. Btw, when human circus performers spit fire, they are spewing paraffin out of their mouths over a torch held in front of their mouth. All you need is a spew of a flammable liquid or gas, and something in front of it that can make a spark. Just a spark. Well, chickens store rocks in their gullets(or whatever) to help them grind seeds - in lieu of having teeth. And we know that there exist rocks which, when struck against each other, create a spark. It's called flint. Could we imagine a reptile with a gland that spews oil or methane while simultaneously creating hitting two flint pebbles in front of the spray? Well, it's tough, admittedly. But if you have any familiarity with exotic creatures, or have even studied mundane creatures like ants in depth, you know that evolution has produced stranger things. Still, I'm only trying to show that this is plausible. That the Free Miracle I'm asking for would not actually require a miracle. Evolution could produce it. It's no less likely than a lot of other creatures evolution has produced. Still that doesn't make the idea worth thinking about much. What _follows_ makes it worth thinking about, imo: (Continued in Reply - YT comment length exceeded.)
@brindlebriar Күн бұрын
Imagine you take a common crocodile, give it this 'Free Miracle' ability to breathe fire, and sit back and wait a hundred thousand years. (Crocodiles have been around for over 50 million years, so there's plenty of time.) What would most likely happen, is that it would become ever increasingly intelligent. Here's why: Harnessing fire allowed the intelligence of pre-human ancestors to leap forward, because it increases the efficiency of getting calories from meat. Meat is already the densest source of calories in nature, and cooking it makes it easier and more efficient to digest. This allows the organism that cooks it's food to re-allocate resources from chewing and digestion to other traits. (Evolution does this over generations.) Evolution could 'choose' any number of beneficial traits to augment, such as larger size, bigger teeth and claws, harder armor, faster mobility. But in humans, we know that the benefits of increased intelligence out-weighed all those other options, because that's what we got. Now, note first, that reptiles already exclusively eat meat. So anything that improves meat as a food source is going to directly affect them even more so than us. Crocodiles are already extremely well suited to their environmental niche - so much so that they've been around, unchanged, for over 50 million years. That's a lot. Their form is at what's called a 'local optimum.' And that means, there's not much room for improvement when it comes to scales, claws, teeth, mobility. Not unless something else changes. They already completely dominate their niche with the tools they have. Bigger teeth wouldn't help, for example, even without any trade-off cost. Almost nothing would improve the crocodile. But intelligence probably would help a fire-breathing crocodile with extra capacity for structure, because it is the most versatile tool evolution has created. That means there's almost always a way to use it to advantage. It allows a species to adapt to changing threats/environments dynamically, in real time, instead of the long, slow process of mutation and natural selection. It would quite likely be the best option. Evolution would likely allocate the extra capacity for structure to the crocodile's brain. Again, the key is that the use of fire unlocks meat's full potential as a food source. Now, before we move on, consider that, of all the species on earth, only humans use fire. And humans are also the most intelligent species. Other now-extinct human hominids, like Neanderthals, used fire and were also approximately as intelligent as we are. The correlation between intelligence and using fire is strong, and for the reason outlined above: it allow a species to use meat - already the most efficient food source - more efficiently. So isn't it already a bit interesting that in all of myth, legend, folklore, and modern fantasy literature(I'll refer to these henceforth as Fiction), there is usually one, and only one, non-hominid species that also uses fire(dragons), and they are also the only non-hominid species usually portrayed as having human-like intelligence? You must realize that the authors of these Fictions, weren't making that prediction based on evolutionary theory or knowledge of digestion, but merely on some sort of archetypal intuitive feeling. Isn't it odd that they paired intelligence and use of fire together like that? It's a bit of a coincidence. But one coincidence is just a coincidence. (Continued in Reply - YT comment length exceeded.)
@brindlebriar Күн бұрын
So far, we've predicted from biology, that our 'Free Miracle' fire-breathing reptile would probably become intelligent, and we've noted that the Fictions about the fire-breathing reptiles, just so happen to describe them as being highly intelligent. Now, to continue. You may be surprised to learn that crocodiles do not experience senescence: they don't age. They have no in-built lifespan. If nothing kills them, they live forever. Furthermore, they also don't have an in-built growth-cap. If nothing kills them, they keep getting bigger forever. The reason they don't actually ever get bigger or older beyond a certain point, is that it becomes harder and harder for them to continue to feed themselves as they get larger. They don't get much faster with size, so there's no additional benefit beyond a certain point. But there are two lethal draw backs. 1) They need more food to sustain themselves as they get bigger. 2) It gets harder and harder for them to sneak up on prey, because big things are easier to spot moving, especially in shallow water where they live. So as they need more food, they get less able to attain food. So they die. But if, in addition to all the tools they have, they also possessed human-like intelligence... then they could get a lot larger and older before becoming unable to feed themselves. The Fictions tell us that dragons grew to be very large and very old. So that's two predictions from evolutionary biology that just happen to match what the Ficions describe without recourse evolutionary theory. Let's continue. Dragons are reptiles. And reptiles don't have empathy. As far as we know, only mammals have empathy. This allows mammals to become 'social species' by forming social bonds. There are a few bird species that mate for life, so it's possible they may be using some rudimentary empathy. Other than that, I believe empathy to be mammalian only. Of all mammalian species, humans seem to have the highest capacity for empathy. So, one might be tempted to think that intelligence and empathy necessarily go together, or correlate very strongly. But not so. We can dispel that expectation by considering human sociopaths. They are us, mammals and humans, but they have little or no access to empathy. Like reptiles, they care only about themselves. They can respect the achievements and abilities of other humans, but cannot care for them. But sociopaths are not less intelligent. So we know that intelligence and empathy are quite separable, and quite possible entirely unrelated. We just happen to have both because we are mammals that gained intelligence. Thus, if a reptile, via fire, were to achieve human-like intelligence... it would almost certainly be a 'sociopath' creature. That just means, not a social species. It would not form communities. There would be no cooperation or division of labor, no laws, no culture or social conventions. No tribes, clans, cities or nations. All of those require the empathy in order to form social bonds' and become thereby, a 'social species' - empathy that reptiles do not have. So, we'd expect dragons lack anything like human compassion. Also, to be solitary creatures like crocodiles or tigers. There may be lots of crocs in a river because that's their habitat; but they don't commune or cooperate. (Continued in Reply)
@brindlebriar Күн бұрын
Now, as they get older and larger, thus needing more food, we'd expect them to spread out from one other, in order not to have to fight over food supply. Thus, they would be few and far between. And hey, coincidence #3: That's exactly what the Fictions describe. They lack any notion of human compassion, they live alone, and they are few and far between. I could call that 3 separate coincidences, but whatever. I'll just call all of those coincidence #3. Now, being intelligent and also endowed, as all creatures are, with the will to live, they would realize that eating makes them bigger, and that getting bigger beyond a certain point, dooms them to starvation and death. They would presumable want to prevent that. Right? Well, it's preventable for an intelligent species. You just have to eat less. If humans eat too much, we get fat. If our hypothetical 'dragon' were to eat too much, it instead just grows bigger. It doesn't want that, even more so than we don't want to get fat. Right? All it has to do is restrict is caloric intake to a level that matches it's metabolic need. Any growth would be from extra calories beyond those needed to feed the mass they already have. Thus a dragon on a diet would not get bigger. Thus, an intelligent dragon would grow to a certain size - large enough to be completely dominant, I suppose, and then just live indefinitely long without getting any bigger. The young dragons would hunt more frequently trying to put on size. But the older, bigger dragons would rarely hunt. And that's what many of the Fictions describe also(though this is less often mentioned). Coincidence #4. Cut me some slack since I assigned 3 coincidences to coincidence #3. Now, you might expect that a highly intelligent species that doesn't socialize, therefore doesn't belong to a species that creates any sort of 'entertainment,' and that also doesn't spend much time hunting/eating... would get bored out of it's (literally)ever-living mind. I would think so. Well, I can think of two ways such a creature might contend with such boredom. 1) Spend almost all of it's time in hibernation. Remember, it can get all of it's caloric needs very quickly and easily because it's a hyper-predator - probably more dominant than humans. But that it doesn't want more food than the minimum. Well, that happens to be an ideal formula for near-constant hibernation. You wake up once every 10 years, kill a sheep or a cow or goat, and digest it slowly over the next 10 years, while sleeping, so you don't get bigger, and you don't get bored. In the Fictions, the dragons almost always hibernate, even though in the real world, reptiles don't hibernate. You wouldn't expect Fiction composers, therefore, to come up with that as a consensus by random chance. So that's coincidence #5. (Continued in Reply)
@brindlebriar Күн бұрын
But wait, there's more: Creatures that hibernate have to do it in some kind of den or cave, or buried in mud. Otherwise, you'd constantly be waking up to shoo away the creatures that come along and try to nibble on you. You'd also be constantly beset by changing weather and temperature, which would make hibernation far less efficient. Not to mention acorns falling on your head. Everything that hibernates, hibernates in a hole. And of course, in the Fictions, the dragons hibernate in caves or dens. Coincidence #6. 2) But what if you just can't sleep sometimes, eh? You're going to be awake some of the time... and with nothing to do. It would be nice to at least have something interesting or beautiful to look at. Wouldn't a bored, intelligent fire-breathing reptile decorate it's cave/den with pretty objects? I think it would. The perception of non-sexual beauty is related to complexity and pattern. We must expect that this would carry over to any intelligent species, not just humans, because intelligence is the ability to wrestle with complexity and recognize patterns. But of all the pretty objects that can be found either in nature or pilfered from men who make things, all tarnish, fade, rot, and crumble away in time -and we've established that our hypothetical evolutionary dragon would live a very long time - with the exception of gold. Golden decorations don't tarnish, fade, crumble, or rot. Ornaments/objects made of gold last essentially forever. Not to mention that they are glittery/shiny in the gloomy den. One only has to puff fire in the dark to see golden treasures shine and sparkle. Wouldn't you expect our evolutionary dragon to be particularly fond, then of ornaments and objects wrought of gold - pilfered from men since they don't have hands with which to forge and craft? Something to give them beauty that doesn't rot away while they sleep? Yes, you would expect that if they are intelligent. And you don't need me to remind you that the dragons of Fiction horde gold, pilfered from men, upon which they slumber(hibernate) in their caves and dens. So that's coincidence #7. A reminder: the composers of these fictions were not making these predictions from an understanding of evolution. They were just... imagining, based on archetypal, intuitive feelings.... yet coming up with what modern theory would predict based on modern knowledge. So, based on evolution, we predicted that a hypothetical fire-breathing reptile, after many generations of evolution, would most likely have the following characteristics: 1) Human-like intelligence. 2) Be able to grow very large and get very old. 3) Lack empathy and associated feelings like compassion, love. Thus be a non-social species, living alone, few and far between. 4) Would hunt rarely upon reaching maturity, and live potentially forever. 5) Sleep a lot(hibernate). 6) Live in dens or caves. 7) Like gold a lot - more than humans do, because everything else rots within it's lifespan. I could go on. For example, lacking hands, thus unable to fabricate human tool technologies, but with high intelligence, wouldn't it be more likely to attempt to acquire other abilities that might serve some of the functions that technologies serve for humans? Like honing psychic ability? They say that humans can do that, and that animals seem to do it better. Dogs and cats, for example, are said to be able to sense coming events that should not be possible to sense. Isn't it reasonable, then to expect that our highly-intelligent evolutionary dragon would seek to amplify these innate abilities within itself, and others? Well, gee, that's starting to sound like... magic. If your dog who can sense when you're coming home or when somebody's about to die, were to get an IQ boost from dog-level to human genius level or beyond... would you have a 'magic dog' at that point? (Continued in Reply)
@brindlebriar Күн бұрын
8) In the Fictions the dragons often have magical abilities. If you don't believe in psychic abilities, leave #8 out of your model. It's not necessary. But no matter how far you take this, what the Fiction composers came up with by accident matches what evolution would predict, given a fire-breathing reptile. And a fire-breathing reptile is actually quite doable. Evolution can make one. In conclusion: This is too much coincidence for me. A single coincidence is to be regarded as random. Two is potentially worth investigating. Three or more is a pattern. And we're up to 7-8. I believe there were dragons. As it happens, I don't expect they evolved from crocodiles. But people know about crocodiles, so I used that example. More likely would be Gila monsters or Komodo dragons. But actually, I suspect that there were once flying serpents that evolved into dragons. But you don't have to accept that to accept the conclusion. You can imagine Komodo dragons evolving. Before we end, there is one more topic to consider. People will wonder, 'if there were dragons, why haven't we found dragon-skeletons?' I'd like to answer that. It's quite easy. First of all, almost nothing that dies leaves a skeleton. 99.9%+ of all animals that die rot away completely, leaving no trace to find. Secondly, of the animals that do leave a skeleton when they die, we humans have found probably less than 0.001%. Thus, given our evolutionary dragons' being a sparse population spread thinly... we should expect not to have found any dragon bones thus far. And we should not expect to ever find any, though it may be possible. Consider the Denisovans to make the point. They were a social species like us, lots of them living densely. Yet, thus far, we have found from them exactly one tiny, tiny bone-fragment - a bit of a finger bone. That's it. Nothing else. That's how we know they existed. And we only found that because we were digging for human remains, and they happened to live in the same cave in which humans had also lived. You can see why we would not have found dragon bones. However, on the contrary, if dragons lived in dens and caves, that would increase the likelihood that some bones may be preserved. So there's hope. But what do you think would happen if such were found? Well, it would turn history upside down. It would render the myths and legends true, and the History false. If the people were allowed to know, that would reveal that, knowingly or unknowingly, the world establishment has been peddling bullshit to everyone for centuries at least, and that they are, consequently, not to be trusted. Governments would collapse, discredited. People would abandon the tedious plod of science in search of magic. Any governments remaining would lose control of their citizenry. Nobody would attend the government schools or seek employment in the corporations. And... the people at the top of the current world order would lose everything but their lives. All their power and wealth, gone. Their control and their luxuries. Even their safety. No, they don't want that. They classify anything that might embarrass them politically a little bit - cost them a few votes. You think they'd tell you about dragons?! The government would take them, hide them, and not tell the public. Their stooges would discredit any claims from local villagers who found them... or not bother, because who would believe it? In other words, if humans have found dragon bones, would you know it? Very unlikely. (Continued in Reply)
@sfbadboy Күн бұрын
I believe in dragons more than dinosaurs
@andreaglass2950 Күн бұрын
You make a lot of sense. Everything is in front of our eyes if we choose to see. Love your videos 🐉!
@andreaglass2950 Күн бұрын
@xuisoko Күн бұрын
Thank you! 🙏
@Szi_Gabor Күн бұрын
Hey brother! Have you ever heard of Vadim Zeland’s “Reality Transurfing” ?
@xuisoko Күн бұрын
I've read it. It's a must read and makes perfect sense
@cristristam9054 Күн бұрын
Grey aliens are reported in different parts of the world quite similarly ,giants also ,sky-fathers also with striking similarities (YHVH of the bible ,Zeus , Jupiter ,Dyaus etc). Would it not be more logical to posit an collective unconscious (like Jung did) rather than believe every semi-uniformly described entity is/was material? This collective imagination does not require any transfer of information over distance ,it just says that many of the things cultures imagine are similar ,because they use the same mechanism(human brain) for said imagination. And because human brains are not identical there will be some entities that are not reported from all parts of the world but just in some places. Different cultures have imagined billions of non-existing entities ,would it not be a chance that some match since we all use the same brain architecture?
@Thefloorsspeakyiddish Күн бұрын
I’d go one step further and say our perceived timeline of humanity/earth is much longer than it actually is. All these grandiose claims of X million years ago with vast discrepancies in time are just ridiculous
@rockindave438 Күн бұрын
The creatures we call dinosaurs were called dragons in the ancient world.
@abrahambobst4602 Күн бұрын
Yep, the word dinosaur wasn't invented until the 1800s by the same people that wanted to push we came from cavemen and monkeys lie, and that there was no giants. Yet, there are giant skeletons everywhere that they have atttempted to cover up.
@seytex7200 Күн бұрын
make more Gateway videos
@meezglo Күн бұрын
That beetle comparison to the possibility of fire breathing is crazy. Nice work brother 🐉
@zouce Күн бұрын
I love conspiracy theories
@Chameleon1981 11 сағат бұрын
Before using that as a label I hope you realise who created that and why it was created ...then you may be less inclined to say it
@abrivanstraten2975 Күн бұрын
Dragon, from the Greek, derkesthai meaning the Sighted ones. Sighted meaning full perception of the Higher light spectrum. This goes back 285 000yrs to the time of the Serpent kings. Ie...snake in the garden of eden.
@zepar221 Күн бұрын
Did dinosaurs exist? Were they reptiles with hot breathe or acidic saliva? Did Dinosaurs and humans exist at the same time? Humans killing the last of the flying dinosaurs?
@cristristam9054 Күн бұрын
1st question : Yes 2nd : Maybe 3rd : depends exactly which phenotype you are referring to ,human did coexist and still do with crocodilians and Descendents of the raptor family but so different in phenotype(morphology) that you would say they are not dinosaurs. 4rd : No ,all winged dinosaurs were extinct by the time primates evolved but the raptors grew wings(before primates appear in the geological record) and became what we , today call "birds".
@Michael-iw3ek Күн бұрын
think satan before the fall
@leroilapue15 Күн бұрын
Yahweh was a satan also imo
@CervicalBullish Күн бұрын
Anderson Dorothy White Jessica Thompson Robert
@time4awakenning534 Күн бұрын
"Ancient traditions tell on the days when our world had no Moon. About 20,000 BC a wandering planet, Luna, approached the Earth raising huge tidal waves, then receded to approach again. The threatened peoples turned to moon-worship to propitiate the Moon. Finally, about 10,000 BC Luna came too close and was caught in the Earth's gravity drawing immense tides from north and south to engulf doomed Atlantis."
@AdMan-The-LabRat Күн бұрын
5:25 Bombardier Beetle cousin to the FireBreathing Dragon... Thank you for making that connection.
@avatarion Күн бұрын
I appreciate your efforts lol.
@krs4976 Күн бұрын
Have you looked at mudfossil university, Roger has some compelling work on Dragons. Remain open to possibility as most of history is nothing more than theory and speculation passed off as irrifutabal fact
@machinemaker2248 Күн бұрын
I think dragons are on the borderline of the physical and non-physical realms, and likely still exist today, but stay out of sight.
@solrubrum Күн бұрын
I would agree with you. I think dragons might have been real, at least in some version with respect to popular mythology. I also believe that entities that straddle our reality would mimic them. Just as they do to other most likely real creatures and objects: bigfoot, lochness monster, ufos, ghost lights, etc.
@cristristam9054 Күн бұрын
Obviously they exist in the mental realm ,otherwise we could not even mention them. Unless you mean something different than mental by "non-physical" ,if so ,what?
@machinemaker2248 Күн бұрын
@@cristristam9054 by non-physical I mean astral and above. In this case, low astral.
@sfbadboy Күн бұрын
plus modern humans have a very narrow range of vision physically and metaphorically
@cristristam9054 Күн бұрын
@@machinemaker2248 Can you give an example of another astral entity ? You mean like among the stars ,extraterrestrial?
@machinemaker2248 Күн бұрын
Were you able to attend The Monroe Institute?
@gamingSlasher Күн бұрын
It could also be that the Smithsonian Institute got to the dragon bones first.
@LeonardoPisano-sn2lp Күн бұрын
It's because they were not actually dragons they were the reptilians
@Tuhar Күн бұрын
Like the giant skeletons, crystal skulls, or a bunch of ancient tech - I think this might be the case.
@meezglo Күн бұрын
@andreaglass2950 Күн бұрын
I was thinking the same thing! 😀
@dextermorgan1 Күн бұрын
I'm pretty sure dragons still exist. I've heard quite a few compelling accounts from eye witnesses.
@geraldglass5323 Күн бұрын
Your mom
@christupper0 Күн бұрын
No such thing as coincidence 🐉 dinosaurs existed why not dragons 🤷
@AB-C1 Күн бұрын
Good video. I'm pretty sure there was something like this. It's only an extension of Pterodactyls, which would also be deemed impossible if not for a few remains found.. (and some compelling photos supposedly from the 1800s of a few Pterodactyls that supposedly survived and were hunted by hunters at that time!?) ALMOST EVERYTHING is deemed "impossible", UNTIL it's "PROVEN"! - You NEVER hear from the "Respected" deniers (after) the proof is published! In fact they MOST OFTEN HIDE the evidence to save Face! Like the Skeletons on Giant "Humans" just one example..
@vikingskuld Күн бұрын
Hey thanks for the great video. Yeah it's easy to see dinosaurs we're dragons to the ancient people. The breathing fire could be an exaggeration on them having a venomous bite. If I recall correctly there were some stories of the flying serpentine having a poisonous bite? Thanks again