@looknaround9559 6 ай бұрын
The evidence at this link supports the defamation concern of this video... kzbin.info/www/bejne/pJaQnoerf851n68 ;-)
@luisabbott2469 6 ай бұрын
Promo`SM 😔
@looknaround9559 7 ай бұрын
It may seem silly to get so basic but what is a vote, and what is a campaign for that vote? My belief is a vote represents a contract between the voter and the party voted for. The terms of the contract are the promises and commitments of the party's campaign. Obviously there's some wiggle room in this contract and wiggle room in campaign promises and commitments, but not to the level of saying one thing and doing the other. Or saying anything that comes to mind and later doing just anything at all. That defeats the entire purpose of campaigns and voting. At its most basic an election is a negotiation and awarding of a contract. From this basic view comes a key context on lying on the campaign trail. It has no place. It destroys the process. If one party keeps to the truth and the truth is moderately good, while a 2nd party lies all is a disaster and only he can make the World great again, this is not a debate. The lie of the 2nd party is too far from reality for any rational debate. When this is done repeatedly as an election campaign style it can gain overwhelming momentum, as it fraudulently promises people what they want to hear. Basically it's a style that feeds off human greed. Free speech may be claimed as a right to lie and in the context of "total free speech" perhaps that's true, but a Presidential campaign tied to any sort of federal government funding, tax breaks or other federal campaign benefits is required to follow federal law(s). Federal law, according to SCOTUS is Joe Biden won the 2020 Election. Any party claiming federal related campaign benefits accepts Joe Biden's 2020 win, when accepting 2024 related federal tax deductible campaign cash. Donald Trump was president. He knows how that stuff works. Bottom line: an election can't be a contest between truth and lies. To close this comment, I watched part of Pseudo President Trump's speech in Michigan (2024--2-17) this evening and once again he was on stage calling the Supreme Court Justices a pack of liars. Trump's repeated claims the 2020 election was stolen makes "pack of liars" fit SCOTUS perfectly.
@looknaround9559 7 ай бұрын
ATTN: Marshal of the United States Supreme Court Gail A. Curley My previous posted comment observed the irreconcilable differences between the Supreme Court of the United States and Donald Trump in terms of constitutionally mandated free speech and law. SCOTUS has primary responsibility to ensure speech in America conforms with the free speech principles of the Constitution, including protecting free speech from lies and fraud which may be wearing a disguise of free speech. When free speech comes under attack within its purview the Supreme Court is obligated to act to protect free speech. Lies can overwhelm and decimate free speech. A foundation duty of SCOTUS is to protect free speech. That made clear, I return to my plain fact observation today in terms of the 2020 Federal Election. The Supreme Court of the United States maintains on behalf of the Constitution the 2020 Federal Election is fully resolved and over with no real outstanding matters. That Supreme Court position is a Constitutional fact of law. Donald Trump is running an extremely visible, seemingly never ending, public campaign targeting the Presidency. The "political" public position of Donald Trump is the opposite of that of SCOTUS, maintaining the 2020 Election was stolen and remains rife with fraud. Trump has pulled in from the public tens and even hundreds of millions of dollars from that SCOTUS contrary position. He has not made any credible claims to any proper authorities on the claims he shouts to the public. Many many people believe his lies. They are proof of his success defaming the Court, again, as in MAGA World Trump is the TRUTH and SCOTUS is a pack of liars. . ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ******UPDATE******: Todd Blanche, the lead attorney representing Trump , said on 2024-02-15 in a Courtroom that jurors should not be asked whether they believe the 2020 election - which Trump lost to now-President Joe Biden - was "stolen." "Over half the population of this country believes the election was stolen," Blanche complained. As the SCOTUS position on the 2020 Election is the Constitutionally mandated law of the land, the contrary position Trump maintains must be viewed as fraud. Money gained from use of the contrary position is money obtained through fraud. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Further, it's my understanding Donald Trump is now criminally charged with crimes relating to insurrection and is under a bond to maintain good behavior. As raised in the video here and in this comment, Trump is not maintaining good behavior, and is in very obvious fact broadly and widely engaged in fraud under the guise of a political campaign. The very foundation of the purported campaign is directly contrary to the extensive reviews and findings of SCOTUS making the campaign a fraud. There can be no contest between truth and lies, particularly an electoral contest. Further, Trump is accused of engaging in insurrection, with agreement with the Courts to not engage in insurrection as a bond release condition. However, there is clear in plain view public evidence Trump has continued his insurrection, in the guise of a political campaign**, fueling his insurrection with floods of lies and threats of violence. This insurrection has laid itself upon the legal election related efforts of the Republican Party. Through his continuing act of insurrection Donald Trump is attacking, with effect, the present Government of the United States. The media headlines have documented numerous negative impacts upon the Government and its objectives. For clarity I note a standard for this case - based in truth it's a campaign. Based in lies it's an insurrection. The two can look similar. The proof is the lies. Overwhelming evidence is publicly available at The Library of Congress. ** From an old English perspective Trump's endless campaign against President Biden looks more like a French Taunting that never shuts up. So we have the President working to sort out a border disaster, with zero help from the House apparently under the wishes/direction of Trump, and Gaza blowing itself up staging a mass terrorist attack over its border, and the Ukraine which Trump might give to Putin and on top of all that this French Taunt (Old English Translation) kzbin.info/www/bejne/mXiQcoyMl5h_faM If I may be candid, Trump appears to be running a "TOTAL FREE SPEECH" scam similar to the "TOTAL IMMUNITY" fraud(1) he has attacked and defamed SCOTUS with. There can be no rational debate when one side follows truth as defined by SCOTUS and the Constitution, while the other side employs lies, often presented with a false SCOTUS approved label and backed up with threats of violence. A key part of Trump's present crimes is a grossly defective view of free speech which claims lies are protected free speech. That is directly contrary to the Constitution which celebrates truth and sanctions lies. Lies have no part in free speech. They corrupt free speech. There are many many instances where shades of grey cast room for welcome debate, but with a bare faced black and white lie, such as Trump's lie(s) on the 2020 Federal Election, there is no debate. It's clearly fraud, potentially now being used as a tool of insurrection. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2024-02-15 Reminder for those who claim to be Christian, and a whole gamut of other faiths, God in his Commandments forbids lying. Just for the Christians and in particular for the "CHRISTIANS" a reminder Jesus Christ followed the Commandments of his Father and said you have to as well. I'm not positive these days SCOTUS can't elevate itself above all that and declare lying in some instances OK... and just to heck with God... because that's what a bunch of powerful folk have been demanding! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I believe SCOTUS is tasked by the Constitution to stop the crimes described here. regards, R.Ellis (1) as background it's common and legal for a person to shout out; "I'm taking my case all the way to the Supreme Court!" Usually the case has an actual chance to be considered by the Court. To shout at the Court a demand that itself is vile, and impossible for the Court grant relief to, is not lawful speech and its effect is corrosive on the Court and the Constitution. I believe that's called criminal contempt of Court at minimum. Trump has been warned of his right to remain silent. He's constantly surrounded by lawyers available for advice. It appears regularly his loud voice to the public is not the same voice as his lawyer's formal claims to the Court. Also see supporting comments with this post. END
@looknaround9559 7 ай бұрын
I'm curious... I keep getting stuck on a pair of irreconcilable facts concerning SCOTUS and Trump. SCOTUS holds the opinion the 2020 Federal Election is settled. Trump acts and collects money from the foundation the 2020 election was stolen from him and to this day is rife with fraud. SCOTUS and TRUMP hold opposite positions. While both the Constitution and SCOTUS celebrate and support free speech and debate, for a functioning nation and society some things must be settled as law and not open to debate. The Constitution sets SCOTUS as the authority on these matters of law and SCOTUS holds its responsibilities to the Constitution most seriously. As such when the opinion of SCOTUS is the 2020 Federal Election is settled... that is a fact of law. Any position to the contrary is by US law a lie and fraud. I know of no Constitutional exception to the plain facts above. Political campaign speech in the USA must follow the Constitution's truth as defined and set into law by SCOTUS, just like all other speech in America. As Trump's contrary campaign is famously known and he has now made his presence before the Court known, exactly how do the Court and Trump reconcile their contrary public positions, or just deal with the defamation PDQ and that's the end of Trump with less time wasting drama..
@looknaround9559 7 ай бұрын
Some details on Trump's Monday filing to SCOTUS - www.yahoo.com/news/ex-trump-white-house-attorney-010019408.html PLUS an observation the instance of defamation of SCOTUS by Trump is not mentioned at all by the former Trump fan. One item I'm positive Trump has not submitted is a legal path SCOTUS could follow to grant Trump the TOTAL IMMUNITY he has directly and loudly shouted at the court. That is an impossible task and full measure of the contemptible fraud Trump has placed upon the Supreme Court of the United States. www.yahoo.com/news/trump-pushes-total-immunity-including-150750146.html “EVEN EVENTS THAT ‘CROSS THE LINE’ MUST FALL UNDER TOTAL IMMUNITY, OR IT WILL BE YEARS OF TRAUMA TRYING TO DETERMINE GOOD FROM BAD,” Trump wrote in all capital letters on his social media platform, Truth Social. He added: “SOMETIMES YOU JUST HAVE TO LIVE WITH ‘GREAT BUT SLIGHTLY IMPERFECT.’ ALL PRESIDENTS MUST HAVE COMPLETE & TOTAL PRESIDENTIAL IMMUNITY, OR THE AUTHORITY & DECISIVENESS OF A PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES WILL BE STRIPPED & GONE FOREVER. HOPEFULLY THIS WILL BE AN ***EASY DECISION***. *** GOD BLESS THE SUPREME COURT!”*** *** In fact it is an impossible decision as the Supreme Court is not permitted by the Constitution to play God. I trust Trump didn't solicit money along with that fraudulent demand. One cannot solicit money demanding relief from the Court when it can't grant any such relief. The claim of easy decision defames the Court which can't make any decision on such a demand other than reject it. The rejection is easy but opposite of what Trump collected money on. Plain old fashion fraud using the Supreme Court's good name.
@looknaround9559 7 ай бұрын
(written by a NATO veteran) And now there's NATO! So now Donald Trump has told NATO - in effect - if Putin launches one of his familiar economic attacks on a NATO member and that attack shows signs of success, such as the "victim nation" struggling with NATO bills, America will join the attack and encourage Putin to do further damage. As Trump is now demonstrating his SCOTUS domination through his defamation unanswered by SCOTUS, the NATO ministers can now perceive Trump owns SCOTUS now and is more than capable of leading an attack on NATO from within while coordinating with Putin. Thus, it would appear to be wise for NATO to start defining how to best meet this unique Trump/SCOTUS America threat against it. IMHO Further reading- www.yahoo.com/news/why-trumps-comments-on-nato-are-drawing-international-backlash-205358986.html One key step will be giving the boot to all the US defense industry sales coming from a now unreliable partner. The timing on all this is not that bad. Putin has expended Soviet forces in Ukraine to the point it obviously is in no shape to attack NATO. Putin is now IMHO waiting for Trump to surrender Ukraine to him. This creates a window of time to evict the threat of Trump American forces and defense related technology from NATO and fully utilize Euro industry and resources. Maybe not as good as made in the USA, but certainly more reliable as things stand today.. According to google search: The US Defense Market size is estimated at USD 617.29 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 651.16 billion by 2032, growing at a CAGR of 0.67% during the forecast period (2024-2032). NATO sales is a portion of the 617 billion total defense market Trump is about to drive into chaos. SCOTUS might take note. The stock market should take note now and prepare for the timely market disclosures necessary when overseas orders are suspended and cancelled for cause due to Trump. There are real defense and real market consequences to Trump's rants. IMHO As a side note Putin's Russia now has a huge need for military gear to replace what it lost in Ukraine. A Trump White House could fix that IF Trump can figure out an American line of credit for Putin. Yachts for tanks maybe? + www.yahoo.com/news/trump-latest-nato-gaffe-proves-104501298.html + www.yahoo.com/news/biden-trumps-nato-comments-shameful-205233686.html + www.yahoo.com/news/nato-secretary-general-trump-stop-113300507.html + www.yahoo.com/finance/news/memo-to-trump-nato-is-a-bargain-172743464.html
@looknaround9559 7 ай бұрын
Related questions from pinned Reference kzbin.info/www/bejne/boDWlGinqtiUaJo More strange: As I noted to a friend a short time ago; Some folks might picture a Supreme Court now crippled before Trump as the majority can't interfere with their "party" leader's ascent. There is however pre-existing conflict between Trump and the Supreme Court which voids its support of candidate Trump. That is that the Supreme Court fully recognizes the results of the 2020 Election, Donald Trump does not and both can't be right. More on more strange: Donald Trump holds critical opposite views to those of the Supreme Court on the 2020 Election, with Trump's money collecting based on a line opposite to that of the Court, That's long known! I've heard rumors there's some sort of free political speech issues here. Interesting. In Trump context TOTALLY FREE POLITICAL SPEECH would mean Chief Justice Roberts could announce a ruling perhaps Trump and his followers wouldn't like, and "ever candidate" Trump could tell his followers Justice Roberts said just the opposite and who ever has the biggest voice and biggest mob wins. Just musing a bit... I wonder what Donald Trump's current bail conditions are? He is I believe "out on bail". Is he supposed to be of good character? If so his current employment is running an election campaign with a foundation premise opposite to the findings of the Supreme Court. Now how in America does the Supreme Court define "good character"? The Court says the 2020 Election was clean. Trump's very existence these days is based on his lies of the opposite. Both can't be right. Why hasn't Trump's bail been pulled? Just wondering.
@looknaround9559 7 ай бұрын
Just musing a bit... I wonder what Donald Trump's current bail conditions are? He is I believe "out on bail". Is he supposed to be of good character? If so his current employment is running an election campaign with a foundation premise opposite to the findings of the Supreme Court. Now how in America does the Supreme Court define "good character"? The Court says the 2020 Election was clean. Trump's very existence these days is based on his lies of the opposite. Both can't be right. Why hasn't Trump's bail been pulled? Just wondering.
@looknaround9559 7 ай бұрын
More on more strange: Donald Trump holds critical opposite views to those of the Supreme Court on the 2020 Election, with Trump's money collecting based on a line opposite to that of the Court, That's long known! I've heard rumors there's some sort of free political speech issues here. Interesting. In Trump context TOTALLY FREE POLITICAL SPEECH would mean Chief Justice Roberts could announce a ruling perhaps Trump and his followers wouldn't like, and "ever candidate" Trump could tell his followers Justice Roberts said just the opposite and who ever has the biggest voice and biggest mob wins. And that strange ties to this strange... kzbin.info/www/bejne/m3ile52Pf9CHnas
@looknaround9559 7 ай бұрын
More strange: As I noted to a friend a short time ago; Some folks might picture a Supreme Court now crippled before Trump as the majority can't interfere with their "party" leader's ascent. There is however pre-existing conflict between Trump and the Supreme Court which voids its support of candidate Trump. That is that the Supreme Court fully recognizes the results of the 2020 Election, Donald Trump does not and both can't be right. Assuming the Supreme Court is right and Donald Trump is wrong, Trump has burned through tens, if not hundreds of millions of dollars on a lie (source : Supreme Court). (related rabbit hole: kzbin.info/www/bejne/m3ile52Pf9CHnas )
@looknaround9559 7 ай бұрын
So as best I figure it now, Trump having been refused what he calls "TOTAL IMMUNITY" from a lower court has announced his intent to appeal higher. As an administrative issue in all this, any American Justice granting Trump immunity from God's 6th Commandment would have to break his/her Oath to God to do so. The administrative issue is upon breaking the Oath to God the Justice is no longer a Justice thus any ruling is void. And that's the end of "TOTAL IMMUNITY".
@looknaround9559 7 ай бұрын
IMHO... No decision by a lower Court can cure Trump's defamation of the Supreme Court. The Court is obligated by the Constitution to defend itself. The Supreme Court Justices are obligated to defend the Court from vile attack, to uphold their Sacred Oaths, and even to defend their personal Christian beliefs proudly worn under the robe they used to wear before an "emperor" rendered them naked. The "emperor" is still collecting money from blinded supporters. Supporters blinded by negligence , growing over time, by the Supreme Court of the United States.
@looknaround9559 7 ай бұрын
A foundation Constitutional Duty of the Supreme Court of the United States is to prevent murder. Donald Trump is demanding the Court permit him to murder. That is directly antithetical to the Duties of the Court. Any of Trump's lawyers could have told him that before he shouted it out to the public. None of Trump's lawyers would have imagined the $millions the grift can pull in.
@looknaround9559 7 ай бұрын
Reference: kzbin.info/www/bejne/boDWlGinqtiUaJo
@looknaround9559 7 ай бұрын
I guess the really simple way of putting it is; "No Donald, You may not ask for immunity from God's 6th Commandment, period. To do so is to Sin against God."
@looknaround9559 7 ай бұрын
Background skaters aided the text passing through any stray content filter to fact check level. Did a great job guys from a decade ago!
@looknaround9559 7 ай бұрын
Basically this is a 911 video. It's a report of events colliding at the time of the first posting and now.... and now. How does one call in a "crime in progress" of this nature? Not sure, so this public square is the backup.
@looknaround9559 7 ай бұрын
The Abomination cloaked in peace calling for global tariffs war, dog whistles social war expecting no reply. For the present this RAGE is for his many, many, many, many victims. kzbin.info/www/bejne/iXPNgmyqqtqHgLM
@looknaround9559 7 ай бұрын
Absent any last minute input from my fact checkers this post goes live in 5 hours. From that time I'll have no further comment on this post. It is what it is. Period.
@looknaround9559 7 ай бұрын
Down the hill... kzbin.info/www/bejne/hqTZY4yHbtaeY5o
@looknaround9559 7 ай бұрын
What's this God stuff about? Background here... kzbin.info/www/bejne/boDWlGinqtiUaJo Mayan Warrior!
@looknaround9559 7 ай бұрын
I suspect in the Official naming of Mount Donald or Mount Trump in the USGS Cyber Volcano Name List, the ultimate choice is up to President Biden. It doesn't "Officially" have to be either. With Disney blessing it could be Mount Minnie Mouse, Or Mount Donald Duck. For the farmers in the mid-west he could name it Mount Barnyard, as a good warning of what it's erupting. I could go on but I think you get my point. cheers... ;-)
@looknaround9559 7 ай бұрын
WARNING!!! All you eco warriors out there who believe such eruptions with all that hot air contributes to global warming be warned,; for personal safety, if you try to plug at the source you'll need a sturdy butt plug to prevent explosions from the other end. That's kind of rude and crude but a necessary warning. ;-)
@looknaround9559 7 ай бұрын
FYI I have copied NAS Fallon on this post. I'm serious about this Top Gun stuff and they're serious Top Gun. The thing is Top Gun isn't about crashing the jet. It's about real smooth, real fast, and usually above the ground! That is amply demonstrated by these Maui ground level pilots.
@looknaround9559 7 ай бұрын
Direct link to an equal different ride... kzbin.info/www/bejne/r3u4lHemqMtkr8k Here's direct to the full above ride... kzbin.info/www/bejne/f5bJqpWda6iUq6M I've been back and forth on which is best. They're equal but different.
@looknaround9559 7 ай бұрын
Last month I started a Burning Man project - kzbin.info/www/bejne/boDWlGinqtiUaJo - which was side tracked when I fell down another rabbit hole that became the pinned comment and its' reply string on the page. Basically IMHO it concludes Trump's latest role is that of Satan. Shocked? read the logic string in the linked post. Now I see another rabbit hole before me, plain as day. Trump has declared himself equal to God loudly in his public demands for immunity from God's Commandments and the Words of Christ. That by the way for non-Christians is how Christians term what Trump has been demanding. THAT means House Speaker Mike Johnson is forbidden by the numerous Oaths he has taken to listen to or follow Donald Trump. That's black and white. As of the moment of this post Johnson has not been called on this, even though he's constantly surrounded by people proclaiming themselves to be Christians and they loudly and repeatedly proclaim the capitol "C".
@looknaround9559 7 ай бұрын
Quite simply Johnson by his faith should be denouncing Trump. By his faith is foundation to his Speakership. Sorry, it is what it is.
@looknaround9559 7 ай бұрын
AND ANOTHER QUESTION!!! kzbin.info/www/bejne/m32zpqeOfsiImsU (What's it called - Mount Donald? Mount Trump? )
@looknaround9559 7 ай бұрын
I suspect in the Official naming of Mount Donald or Mount Trump in the USGS Cyber Volcano Name List, the ultimate choice is up to President Biden. It doesn't "Officially" have to be either. With Disney blessing it could be Mount Minnie Mouse, Or Mount Donald Duck. For the farmers in the mid-west he could name it Mount Barnyard, as a good warning of what it's erupting. I could go on but I think you get my point. cheers... ;-)
@looknaround9559 7 ай бұрын
F-35 longboard in action at Huntington Beach, Cali... kzbin.info/www/bejne/opPTq3mOlrB0rq8
@happycleanbc1270 8 ай бұрын
@nipsandtucks 8 ай бұрын
thanks for the upload! great set!
@looknaround9559 8 ай бұрын
They put out some awesome sound.
@looknaround9559 8 ай бұрын
Summer ride by in my hood... kzbin.info/www/bejne/fYHHin6XrrqXas0
@looknaround9559 8 ай бұрын
YAHOO... Mosey along!
@looknaround9559 8 ай бұрын
The World is so strange. At this moment Donald Trump is claiming before American Courts he has the right to violate Commandment 6 of the Christian Ten Commandments; " You shall not murder". Trump claiming to be acting for the benefit of his christian followers on one hand, is asking the courts to confirm his immunity from God's 6th Commandment of You shall not murder, based on the notion the United States Constitution permits his immunity from God's Commands. His christian followers are aware of this and to date condone Trump's sin. Well, there goes the Ten Commandments down the drain. What a strange world we're living in.
@looknaround9559 8 ай бұрын
Two of numerous references; www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-demands-presidential-immunity-cross-the-line-1234948795/ www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-immunity-2020-election-case-appeals-court/
@looknaround9559 8 ай бұрын
Obviously a Supreme Court decision in Trump's favor will necessitate a change in one American pledge which in the Court revised version will say; I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation above God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
@looknaround9559 8 ай бұрын
Closing this logic string, the trigger of a Supreme Court decision in favor of Trump's immunity claim, including immunity above God's Law: "you shall not murder", would trigger the automatic invalidation of the existing United States Pledge of Allegiance. With one goes the other. I'm not going speculate on how such a mess gets fixed. I expect Americans would be quite angry. Russians would probably shrug.
@looknaround9559 8 ай бұрын
*UPDATED 2024-02-06* All caps alternate opinion: www.yahoo.com/news/trump-pushes-total-immunity-including-150750146.html “EVEN EVENTS THAT ‘CROSS THE LINE’ MUST FALL UNDER TOTAL IMMUNITY, OR IT WILL BE YEARS OF TRAUMA TRYING TO DETERMINE GOOD FROM BAD,” Trump wrote in all capital letters on his social media platform, Truth Social. He added: “SOMETIMES YOU JUST HAVE TO LIVE WITH ‘GREAT BUT SLIGHTLY IMPERFECT.’ ALL PRESIDENTS MUST HAVE COMPLETE & TOTAL PRESIDENTIAL IMMUNITY, OR THE AUTHORITY & DECISIVENESS OF A PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES WILL BE STRIPPED & GONE FOREVER. HOPEFULLY THIS WILL BE AN EASY DECISION. GOD BLESS THE SUPREME COURT!” ***PLUS*** www.yahoo.com/news/republicans-divided-whether-donald-trump-222157037.html Trump’s attorneys did, in fact, argue that presidents may be prosecuted if they are first impeached by the U.S. House and then convicted in the Senate. But Trump didn’t make that distinction Thursday on Truth Social. Trumps attorneys proposal God's 6th Commandment against murder and Jesus Christ's direct words against murder be replaced by U.S. Congressional debate flies directly in the face of God's commandment; " I am the Lord thy God. Thou shalt have no other Gods before me." UPDATE: Trump demand repeated 2024-02-06 on Truth Social; “EVEN EVENTS THAT ‘CROSS THE LINE’ MUST FALL UNDER TOTAL IMMUNITY, OR IT WILL BE YEARS OF TRAUMA TRYING TO DETERMINE GOOD FROM BAD,” and... kzbin.info/www/bejne/m3ile52Pf9CHnas
@looknaround9559 8 ай бұрын
Wikipedia example of total immunity ( en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohammed_bin_Salman ) Mohammed heads a repressive authoritarian government in Saudi Arabia. Human rights activists and women's rights activists in Saudi Arabia routinely face abuse and torture by the regime.[72] Critics, journalists and former insiders are tortured and killed.[72][73] The government has targeted Saudi dissidents who are located abroad, most famously Jamal Khashoggi, a columnist of The Washington Post, who was murdered by the regime....
@outbacktrek 8 ай бұрын
@looknaround9559 8 ай бұрын
Thanks, I hear you have a great slightly used truck deal? kzbin.info ;-)
@garyellis3175 8 ай бұрын
THIS tune is addicting. For safety reasons it has be shrunk by 9 hours... kzbin.info/www/bejne/Z5fEhJmqiZKMi7M
@garyellis3175 8 ай бұрын
Where'd that Llama go?
@looknaround9559 8 ай бұрын
This used to be 10 hour long. It's down to an hour. Shrinkage! kzbin.info/www/bejne/Z5fEhJmqiZKMi7M
@tarekhammouda7879 8 ай бұрын
@looknaround9559 8 ай бұрын
..... kzbin.info/www/bejne/iJiyfquKrbyDq7M .....