Life On Mars Proof
9 жыл бұрын
Planet of destruction-part 6: Warning
Planet of destruction-part 5: Retreat
Planet of destruction-part 4: Return
Planet of destruction-part 1: Dissent
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Cheap portal gun!
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Alonsireviews NEW site!
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Entry for WhovianStudios Competition
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dalek voice tests number 1
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@paulholgate4664 26 күн бұрын
5 legends unlike weasel faced Tennant and Mrs Ncunti Gaytwat.
@Eltonlaleham Ай бұрын
Suprised to see Tom Baker on a panel with other Doctors when I saw him at cons he did not do panels with other Doctors.
@user-tv2bz2ci6b 2 ай бұрын
I'm always impressed by how devoted the vast majority of Doctor Who actors are to the series and fans.
@Eltonlaleham 3 ай бұрын
This is a rare occasion to see Tom on a panel with other Doctors
@secondlevelcinema6228 6 ай бұрын
Yeah, these are VERY GOOD! Can’t wait to see more reviews :)
@LarryRobinsonintothefog 7 ай бұрын
Don't how they got Tom Baker with the other Doctors.
@mdatkinson92 9 ай бұрын
I adore every single one of these men. I met them eleven years ago and cried afterwards.
@Nargon46 11 ай бұрын
It's cool to see Paul up there with them, honestly just listening to them tell whatever stories about the show they feel like it wonderful
@justice_productions_ Жыл бұрын
Sooooo cool seeing 4&8 together! My two favorite doctors!
@MadmanWthABox Жыл бұрын
This is COOL
@valmid5069 Жыл бұрын
*Time Is Relative! Multiverse Is A Hologram! BUY CRYPTO! BBBBBBBBYEEEEEE!!!*
@josephchambers2000 Жыл бұрын
This panel looks like one man getting the DNA results to find out who his dad is out of four options.
@hollybigelow5337 Жыл бұрын
It is so good to see this. I've often thought if all of these men could spend quality time together and get past the tentativeness that they would actually get along in spite of previous awkwardness, and it does seem to be playing out. I think a lot of people are very tentative around Tom and expect him to seize the spotlight, but I think a lot of that comes from the fact that he is just one of those Type A personalities that wants to get the job right and in doing so is completely oblivious to the fact that he is ruffling feathers. I get the impression that he respects people who care enough about getting the job right that they are willing to basically fight with him, and as long as they give him a fair hearing, at least until the very end of his tenure as the doctor, I got the impression that he wasn't too worried when he didn't get his way. Louise Jameson clearly won his respect when she stood up to him and told him she cared about the program and getting it right. From what I can tell, that seems to have been the turning point in them going from being at odds to getting along. Elizabeth Sladen never seemed to take any of it personally and respected his dedication to the role and the program. She clearly also could see that he was sometimes wrong and sometimes unintentionally was ruffling feathers more than he realized, but she could also see it came from a place of passion and wanting to get things right. The Pyramids of Mars is definitely a masterpiece, but it really sounds like the reason he didn't get along well with the director was not because he wasn't getting his way, but merely because the director was so focused on the special effects aspect of the episode that she wasn't giving the actors' input a fair hearing. And while it is perfectly understandable that from a practical point she did have to prioritize the special effects, I do wonder if the episode would have been even better if Paddy Russell had listened to Tom's and Liz's input about their characters. The Director takes ownership of the episode, but with different writers and different directors it really did fall to the actors to take a certain level of ownership of the characters and given them a certain level of consistency from episode to episode. While the character always seemed to be best when Tom was given SOME input rather than NO input or TOO MUCH input, in balance I personally believe Tom's passion for the character and his willingness to go to bat for his character is part of the reason his doctor is so popular. He may have ruffled many feathers in the process, and he may have been too dominate at times, but a lot of times he was right. I have always gotten the impression that the majority of it wasn't personal. As I said, as long as he felt the team gave him a fair hearing, and especially if the person disagreeing with him had a good artistic reason for over-ruling him I don't think he ever took it personally. So it makes sense that it would confuse him that the people around him would take what he was saying personally or might be scared to speak up and stand up to him. As he is slowly discovering that people around him were taking things personally, he actually seems to care about that, too. And as long as it isn't in a marriage or on the stage, he seems to be able to have very deep, meaningful connections with almost all of his co-workers. Anyway, my point is although its clear the other actors are a bit tentative around him, I don't think they need to be. Tom may sound egotistical, but when you listen to what he is actually saying it is almost always self-deprecating humor. He may struggle at times to find the right balance of contributing to a stage conversation without taking the conversation over, but you can tell that's what he wants to do. It takes practice to find that balance, and at first most people oscillate between accidentally taking over and then over-correcting by being silent, and then over-correcting again. All five of these men share that deprecating humor. None of them takes themselves too seriously. All them have a certain quirkiness and a certain unusual wisdom and interesting wit. They all seem to have very mature insights into what it meant - and what it didn't mean - to play the doctor. And they all share a fairly unique experience that very few people share. I kind of get the impression that Tom would love to be part of the party, but he's worried if he tries to join in they will all think he is trying to take the spotlight or something or even that they just don't want him in because they think he is pompous. And because they don't know him well and have heard about his reputation from directors and co-stars and stage hands, especially those who knew him at the end when he was having to deal with JNT taking over and a young, inexperienced co-star that was arrogant enough to be giving him acting tips, while trying to make a tumultuous marriage work, and most importantly was clearly mourning the loss of co-workers like Liz and Louise who understood him and respected him and worked with him, they really do assume he is pompous enough to not want them around now. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure Tom was unbearable to be around in those last few years. I personally am in the I respect what JNT did for Doctor Who, but still feel he did terrible things to a show I loved camp, so while I think the way Tom handled it was incredibly juvenile, I tend to think his artistic instincts were right. But it is kind of sad that this many years later, especially after he has clearly done a ton of self-work and has done his best to reach out to those he hurt over the years to try to make things right, that he is still essentially being viewed through the lens of his worst moments. And it is also sad because I truly believe there if all parties could drop their barriers Tom would absolutely love hanging out with the rest of the Doctors and trading stories with them, and I truly believe all of the other Doctors would love hanging out with Tom and trading stories and life philosophies and jokes with him. They do seem to be making progress, but there is so little time and health left, and I think a lot of potential incredible bonding moments between these men have been permanently lost. And that is an EXTREMELY long-winded way of me saying I am so glad they had this experience and that it has been recorded. While I wish there were many more of these moments, at least this one does exist, and I believe it is precious.
@Elnont Жыл бұрын
How is Paul McGann still so good looking ?
@Mrs_Christa Жыл бұрын
I believe he’s a vampire 😂😂. He is aging wonderfully!! ❤️
@zacharylewis2802 Жыл бұрын
Look at Tom Baker there. The man is slouching in the chair because if he sits up straight, he’s going to tower over the other actors.
@JurassicToys2000 2 жыл бұрын
"Is this your first time together on stage?" Doctors: *"Yes"*
@nintendiumarmour879 2 жыл бұрын
Legend has it that the advice Tom gave Peter was as swift "F.... Off". I don't know if it's true or not
@sodajerkclassic 2 жыл бұрын
I guess that 8 is the silent but deadly Doctor.
@Mrs_Christa Жыл бұрын
He’s amazing!!
@sodajerkclassic 2 жыл бұрын
Oh, do shut up Tom.
@BalefireBombshell 2 жыл бұрын
Peter just goin' nuts on that coffee.
@mantvydasberzinskas997 2 жыл бұрын
Bro that is nice when i buildid the portal gun it was nice.keep up the work man
@thesoundunit 3 жыл бұрын
Christopher from Manchester asks a question: Were EVER type cast into Sci Fi roles afterwards?😂
@alanpiper3711 3 жыл бұрын
I don't look at it like that. I don't say the classic or new show because it's the continuation of the same show albeit there was huge gaps between some seasons.
@stevenhale2935 3 жыл бұрын
That guy in the middle is the lighthouse keeper from fort boyard right? Never knew he'd been in Doctor Who
@TheSkirvo 3 жыл бұрын
Tom hogging the conversation surprise surprise
@stevenhale2935 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah everyone wants that tho since he does these things fairly rarely
@peterstangl8295 3 жыл бұрын
Oh look, the 5 Doctors! And Tom is actually in it for once! :D
@hcarter550 3 жыл бұрын
These guys hate the BBC i swear - you can understand Colin and maybe Sylvester but Tom and Peter as well🤣 But Mganns ok with them
@HerohammerStudios 4 жыл бұрын
You can really tell how much Tom hates sharing the stage haha
@Jo_Wardy 4 жыл бұрын
The best Doctor is Tom Baker and will always be tom baker. He is funny has a great voice was good looking in the early 70s. He played the doctor as an immature and innocent character in his first episode. He is so funny aswell.
@minicle426 Жыл бұрын
Not really. That would be Troughton. The fact that other Doctors (including Tom) hold him in such high regard reinforces that.
@danielsleeper2307 4 жыл бұрын
Tom doesn't even need the mic, his voice is so booming!
@mbrenner3629 4 жыл бұрын
Those damn question marks !
@azraelravenstar6616 4 жыл бұрын
I see metatron from supernatural didn't die after all
@subhadipbhattacharjee7691 5 жыл бұрын
others r doctors but The Doctor played Tom Baker from 1974-1981...Thats the power of Baker....He is the Doctor
@cervantestheherbalist1291 2 жыл бұрын
@minicle426 Жыл бұрын
Not really... 🙄 Bill, Pat and Jon were just as good (if not better) as he was on TV. Whilst Colin and Sylvester run rings around him on audio. Pat especially was instrumental in the shows survival beyond the 60s
@subhadipbhattacharjee7691 Жыл бұрын
@@minicle426 agreed..My most fav is David Tenant though but from Classic era i really loved Tom Baker.
@Radocto 5 жыл бұрын
4:44 that's like the classic version of the Day of The Doctor scene where all three Doctors turn to look at Clara xD
@airwolf276 5 жыл бұрын
I hope they're all friends in real life like very good friends
@shivercanada 5 жыл бұрын
I think Colin's coat was freaking awesome. Saw a couple episodes recently, kept admiring the coat!
@hungrydragonvsfrightendhob7799 5 жыл бұрын
A lot of people wouldn't agree, but I do. ☺️
@Jo_Wardy 4 жыл бұрын
Colin and the technicolor dream coat
@lancealot1235 Жыл бұрын
I thought I was the only one
@davidhovey5152 5 жыл бұрын
Hi Tom there are certainly worse things then being type cast as "Thee" "Doctor" lol... Yes I'm a Yank and you are The Doctor! Always will be but then led me back in time to Patrick Troughton! (My second favorite! And from there to all the Doctors magic! I'm sure as a working actor it sucks but!!!! 40 years later it must at some point be a unbelievable privilege to know you are the most universally recognized person to sit in that chair?!?! Who wouldn't like to be in the end? ☺️
@themastersmadface8241 6 жыл бұрын
Every one of these talks I've seen, Sylvester has mention every time that he has killed the show. 😂
@danielsleeper2307 4 жыл бұрын
It's so sad! He was fantastic and it was not him that killed it, it was the BBC!
@michaelhale316 6 жыл бұрын
Tom needs to make some more audio books
@mmjfilms 6 жыл бұрын
"Is this the first time you've all been together on stage?" Everyone: "Yes" Tom: "And it's the last" 😂😂 love Tom!
@CrrUptdSprt 6 жыл бұрын
Here's how it goes for them: ~There's the men with the fwhite hair. (And stories) ~There's the funny one. ~And there's the Moffet one. (Sorry Peter.)
@tealwashablemarker8886 6 жыл бұрын
Raty was obviously the best companion, hands down. Rose and Amy were nothing compared to her.
@DistantCousin 6 жыл бұрын
this was quite a historic gathering. Shame there weren't more official photos
@vingaxoc6543 7 жыл бұрын
What happened to 9,10,11?
@WhovianSentaiRiderFan 6 жыл бұрын
Gavin Cox they're New Who Doctors. This video has classic doctors!
@Alan1701b 7 жыл бұрын
3:29 -> 4:00
@johnmoraites6020 7 жыл бұрын
there's a picture of Sean Pertwee dressed up as his father. very spooky
@miaavigial4142 7 жыл бұрын
I love Tom bakers voice so much
@stevencassidy6982 7 жыл бұрын
it looks like tom's actually enjoying himself
@alexfinnigan1382 7 жыл бұрын
@Hilda_ogden 7 жыл бұрын