@chaos7soul819 11 сағат бұрын
This ties it, I must play this soon. This is great! I must see more soon. See you next episode..... P.S. I do hope it is soon.
@cameronmccallum593 12 сағат бұрын
Is there a way to play it on mobile?
@59nerevar 12 сағат бұрын
You've also got a cool voice.
@59nerevar 15 сағат бұрын
Your game looks fantastic! I'm very interested in seeing a Pilgrim player, since so many people play as a .age or Warrior.
@davidaue1869 19 сағат бұрын
I installed the game because of you! :P Ahhh.... memories so fond, so fond. Keep on playing. Even though, it is unforgiving at times you'll have a blast later on, when you are familiar with the game mechanics.
@TJ-vo3rv 19 сағат бұрын
Haha, that last altar spot took me forever to find too! It's tucked away in there for sure. That armor is damn near artefact quality at this point in the game, it's great. So glad you found it! Well, my binge is over I suppose. Looking forward to the eventual return! Consider using some of those respec potions now that you have some cool gear you want to use and a better grasp of the game's systems when you do ;) Actually...you might want to wait to use those until a certain reveal coming up for reasons that will become immediately apparent afterwards. You'll know it when you see it. Also, let me know if you want some spoiler-free, first-playthrough-friendly tips :). I wouldn't tell you about specific builds, items, item locations or anything like that, just gentle nudges about things that would be easily missable or misunderstand-able your first time through that you might regret.
@TJ-vo3rv 16 сағат бұрын
While it is fresh in my mind, here's some such tips below... - This one is too important to hide in the lower section: There's an option to have the Alt radial ability ("Click'n'Fight") menu pause the game, instead of slow it down! It isn't precisely what you might want from a push-pause, but it can buy you time to think in moments when you need it. It can be found in Options -> User Interface -> Click'n'Fight Time Factor -> Dropdown select "Pause" - Abilities labeled as "Auras" (ones that have a FP Reserved cost) are toggles! You don't need to reactivate them after the first time and can even take them off your bar if you don't intend to deactivate any time soon. - Use those scrolls and flasks! They can really get you out of a bind, *especially* those weakening orbs. I'd recommend using those for hard fights if nothing else. - "Power Multiplier" affects a lot of things that you might not expect! Pay attention to those highlighted numbers in tooltips. - There's a dungeon coming up that's quite literally a "dungeon" in every sense of the word. Keep an eye on your minimap when you get there, you'll thank me later. (it will be after the island map). - There's just so, so many easy to miss things in this game. Don't fret too hard if (when) you realize you can't craft or acquire a certain artefact piece of equipment. The only conceivable way you'd get them all on a first playthrough is with a guide. This is what comes to mind right now. I might add to this list later as I think of things.
@Suikojunkie 19 сағат бұрын
Suikoden !
@fantasywind3923 21 сағат бұрын
Audio only...well at least you have the good voice for narrating :)...anyway whenever I read the title Akalabeth....I am immediately reminded of Tolkien's Silmarillion portion of the story The Akallabêth :) hehe the tale of Downfall of Numenor...heh jokes aside it would be interesting have you ever tried doing playthroughs of other lotr games? And also as we talked earlier...you could also check out the Witcher games they are great too :).
@TJ-vo3rv 21 сағат бұрын
Great job against the "balrog." It was very funny how you stopped just short of securing the catapult in order to look around the map for the catapult xD
@orelas167 23 сағат бұрын
The bit with the healing potions and the boss was quietly hilarious. In a what the hell is wrong with this game sort of way.
@chaos7soul819 11 сағат бұрын
Huge Spiders are hard to kill anyway, but in this RPG they also cast poison spells or so I did notice. Probably need LVL 3 or 4 to challenge properly, Plus the Grandfather's Armor Set could not hurt.
@BeastMonster2K9 Күн бұрын
Great news. Kingdom Hearts is finally on Steam back in June 13th 2024.
@TJ-vo3rv Күн бұрын
Definitely a tough choice! Katras is dangerously charismatic lol
@ErikMalkavian Күн бұрын
Another Very Good Episode of Vendetta. Keep it up!
@TJ-vo3rv Күн бұрын
Conquest of Eo is awesome!
@TJ-vo3rv Күн бұрын
Paradox Magic is *very* strong. His Paradox spell is great because it can heal undead summons. With the right gear, you can just spam that bad boy on a big brawl for great results. His starting gear is freakishly good too--I often keep him wearing the robe + scarf and using his staff (deals AoE damage!) right up until until end-game basically.
@TJ-vo3rv 2 күн бұрын
I like putting Thrill of the Duel on Rohen (he can literally reach 100% block chance with it), but it would work on any battlemage-y type, really. Your Tahar is a great choice. Hubert is precious and must be protected at all costs.
@marianomaimone8870 2 күн бұрын
The audio is from another video!!
@marianomaimone8870 2 күн бұрын
I like your Chanel i hope i find you before
@TJ-vo3rv 2 күн бұрын
You made it to the creator's guild at last! It's wild that they made this whole bit oddly missable (?), though I'm honestly not sure if the game would force this party member at some point if you go too long ignoring his quest...I know you have to stop by the creator's guild as part of the main quest later, but dunno what would happen if you hadn't been there yet.
@TJ-vo3rv 2 күн бұрын
Huzzah, the firenettle! Congratulations xD Well done defeating that tormented miner and the wyvern! Not easy fights at all. That Draconid Axe is pretty great and borderline an artefact weapon in its own right. Also half the reason I respec Uram to strength lol.
@TJ-vo3rv 2 күн бұрын
Yeah, as you get further and further into the game, Circle Mage difficulty will expect you to have pretty optimized builds--there's a certain amount of mechanical knowledge you might need that's hard to acquire during your first playthrough in time for you to make build decisions (although, you can always respec). This is especially true for these kinds of "boss" battles, optional or otherwise. No shame in lowering difficulty. Hard might be the sweet spot for you.
@TJ-vo3rv 2 күн бұрын
Haha, I love how enthusiastic you got doing the RPG section in Everlight. It's great stuff!
@TJ-vo3rv 2 күн бұрын
Oh no! lol, yeah that berserker spirit appeared because you had the skull of Rol'Gar when interacting with that tent. He's a real surprise, especially being even tougher then the already very tough battle beforehand. On Circle Mage, taking advantage of as many boons and inflicted debuffs (including scrolls and throwables) as possible is essential for fights like that! I really feel like Zarach's Fang should have been a legendary with another effect or two. I mean, the Bone Gnawer's horn is one and that's what it is made of, so... I'm so glad you went back to Everlight lol
@islington87 2 күн бұрын
You should have chosen the advanced version. The last level features a hidden cave with nudity
@TJ-vo3rv 2 күн бұрын
Regarding those training blueprints: It helps if you pick one of the three to be your "main" race. Probably shouldn't try to buy up all of them on your first playthrough, there'll be plenty of other things you'll want to spend gold on. That artefact gear is all pretty hype. I always feel so conflicted because there's so many cool pieces of Epic gear too...I wish the game was longer so I could play with all the toys lol
@TJ-vo3rv 3 күн бұрын
Well done. I'd say you did a good job shaking off all that rust, only way is up from here! Maybe it is because I come from playing lots of Starcraft 1 + 2, but I was able to grok the RTS sections pretty quickly. There's a number of simple things everyone can do to make your life a lot easier in pretty much any RTS, like developing a solid build order (this is probably the best, simplest, easiest thing you can do as an inexperienced RTS player), proper control grouping, and so forth. Spellforce 3 makes life a bit better for non-RTS folks because of the powerful heroes you get access to. There's a few setups that can solo entire armies on their own. Well, at least CPU armies anyway :P I dunno how interested you are in these kinds of details, but there's a couple exceptionally potent builds that your character will (potentially) have available to them soon. I don't want to ruin the first playthrough experience for you by just blabbing in the comments, so I'll keep my mouth shut for now and you let me know if you want to know more :)
@TJ-vo3rv 3 күн бұрын
Oh man, really diving right back into the deep end, huh? Like riding a bike...er, in the deep end lol
@TJ-vo3rv 3 күн бұрын
Hah, weird binging my way through these and seeing an episode like this. Yes, good to be back, of course... I've found Frost Shell to have pretty limited usefulness outside of either being an "oh shit" button for a squishy wizard or, in the case of Isgrimm, combining it with his AoE taunt ability works great!
@TJ-vo3rv 3 күн бұрын
Ianna is pretty cool. She's my favorite companion from a narrative perspective; she always has really unique insights to give that are outside other companions' perception. Her abilities are fun too! She gets two unique skill trees, compared to the one every other companion gets. I could say a lot about all of them, but it suffices to say that they work best when used together. The daggers she starts with can hold you over for *quite* a while. I often just leave them on her until picking up a certain set of artefact weapons later.
@chaos7soul819 3 күн бұрын
Some helpful answers for you this time, I saw during this episode of the let's play, huge frame drops and they may be due to heat on the cpu package, the upper left "Temp. Gauge " said between 79 to 89'ish Celsius, which is a fairly high amount. As 89 C. is 192.2 F. and that kind of "BURNs" if you get my meaning. so perhaps it is the detail or simply CPU overload or something else. Still, I enjoy this LP very much. I hope this message helps you resolve the Heat Issue, that appeared during the frame drops... Best wishes and have a great day!
@chaos7soul819 3 күн бұрын
Till next time..... I can't wait... This is proving most fun to watch/Play?!... Soon I am thinking about playing Exit Fate myself.... I think so anyways. Well, Next time it is!
@chaos7soul819 4 күн бұрын
Glad to see you having fun, just don't break yourself with difficulty, still it is cool to see you trying new things. Peace and good wishes, for your playthrough here. Till next time.
@tavernking8695 4 күн бұрын
Can I suggest you try the Skyrim modlist 'Arkays Commandment' from Wabbajack?
@TJ-vo3rv 4 күн бұрын
Aw, you probably could have handled that bone gnawer with your massive 260 supply army, oh well. Re: using a guide to find the artefact pieces. Most of the ones that come up first in Google are for the vanilla (pre-Reforced) version of the game, and so sometimes aren't entirely accurate. That said, they are like...90-95% of the way there, just don't lose your mind if you can't find something a guide says should be there. Also, plenty of the pieces are missable and you may have already gone past the point where you can pick them up; however, by the end of the game the game has showered you in artefacts, so don't feel too bad if there's a couple you can't get anymore. Uram is fun. I like to respec him into a Strength dual wielder and give him gear that lets him leech health. He makes a great "vampire" dps/tank!
@TJ-vo3rv 4 күн бұрын
Getting the Nok is huge here! So glad you did that quest at last lol. Congrats on conquering this bear of a mission!
@TJ-vo3rv 4 күн бұрын
This is more-or-less how my first attempt went as well. This map is tough!
@TJ-vo3rv 4 күн бұрын
This map took me *AGES* to figure out on Circle Mage difficulty. Eventually I realized that--with the right setup--you can just rush the champions, assassinate them one after another (or, in the case of the Kae-Ran, do the diplomacy option) to steal their armies. With that newly bolstered force, you can easily overrun Krell's base before he can get properly set up. Once I got this strategy down, it turned what is normally an hour long brutal grind of a map one the hardest difficulty into one that takes like...five minutes lol. Granted, I guess you could call this cheese, but damn it sure is difficult doing it the "intended" way! That said, there's a million different ways to approach this one. It's wild that they start you off with this dragon of a mission as the player's first experience with playing the Orcs. They are definitely the hardest out of the three base factions to grok. Watching your playthrough is making me realize how much the devs like the "trial by fire" approach to teaching the player lol...makes me wish there was space in the campaign for more proper learning missions for each faction.
@TJ-vo3rv 4 күн бұрын
Love Gor, he's a riot to bring along in your party. Shape-shifting is good, I just always forget about it in the heat of battle! That bit of dialog about a human with an impressive aura is one I've never heard before! I guess he was talking about the party member you can find here; I always got him before starting the RTS section.
@TJ-vo3rv 5 күн бұрын
Exploring Mulandir the second time around is always a trip. So many hidden goodies!
@TJ-vo3rv 5 күн бұрын
That guy quit after *5 hours* because there were "no RPG elements?" I can only assume he was being hyperbolic and spent a long time in that initial tutorial section getting frustrated or something, eh. It isn't exactly a full fledged CRPG, granted, but it definitely has "RPG elements" lol... Loved your excited reaction to seeing the crafting menu, haha. Please check out Fallen God, I think you'll really like it ;) Rohen is one of my favorite companions in the base game's campaign, from a mechanical perspective. Fun block tank--you can actually get him to the block chance cap I think--with a couple of powerful artifact shields to choose from (if you can find them ;)) with strong elementalism to boot.
@TJ-vo3rv 5 күн бұрын
Love Everlight, such a cool map. Got me on the edge of my seat wondering when you'll finish the rest of it! There's a couple really cool quests still there, not to mention that final firenettle. Besides, gotta get that other party member lol... That Channeler's armor you could get from the quest reward is one of my favorite non-artifact armor pieces. So handy for battlemage types.
@TJ-vo3rv 5 күн бұрын
That last firenettle is tricky for sure! You were so close to figuring out the perfume! You just had to use it like any other flask consumable, just throw it at him. Took me looking it up to figure out what the game wanted me to do with it, they probably could have done it in a better way lol. Especially considering how useful the reward is!
@TJ-vo3rv 5 күн бұрын
Haha, oh my god I am so glad you remembered to go back for Jon. It literally took me until my fifth playthrough to remember him after that mission (yes, really), lol... 35:54 I *highly* recommend trying out that first option on any subsequent playthroughs. It's a riot. 40:00 "Cooking with grease"??? XD That weasel talisman might be the only piece of gear I use for the entire playthrough. You can actually find a hidden one in the very first area after character creation!
@TJ-vo3rv 5 күн бұрын
"Domeniqus Shiverlance." hmmmm, something about the name "Shiverlance." I wonder if there's synonyms for "Shiver" and "Lance" that make a familiar surname ;)?
@TJ-vo3rv 5 күн бұрын
Hah! I had no idea this mission turned into a wave defense if you don't take down the fortress first. I can't believe I am still learning new things about this game!
@TJ-vo3rv 5 күн бұрын
Well done! You're starting to get the hang of things! Funny how you did it just with infantrymen and arbalists lol. The alternative way to win (instead of guarding the refugee caravan) is to simply siege the enemy castle and take them out entirely.
@TJ-vo3rv 5 күн бұрын
3:30 You found another obelisk like this just outside the prison in Greykeep. There was a third one in that section of the Liannon map you didn't get to. If you light up all three, a pretty good piece of artifact armor appears here. You get another chance for it right before the end of the game though. Don't feel too bad about it, most people miss at least a few of the artifact gear in their first playthrough--the devs did a really good job hiding them! I really dig the dynamic they have going where you get to spend some time exploring the map with your RPG party before going into the RTS section. Lets you get your bearings so much quicker and easier your first time through!
@TJ-vo3rv 5 күн бұрын
5:23 this random hat is one of my favorite in the game. I sometimes even use it over artifact ones you get later lol. Easy for me to forget how difficult this game can be now that I've played it so much. It really puts you through your paces the first playthrough!
@TJ-vo3rv 5 күн бұрын
Interesting seeing what you miss and don't miss, this being a first playthrough. Since you mentioned color blindness, I'm wishing the game had some accessibility options for highlighting interactables. I think that might be why there were some fairly obvious ones that you overlooked, but the effect they use can be pretty subtle at times depending on the background--even if your eyes are fine--so I don't blame you at all. On that note, I'm so glad you went back and came across the Amethyst Cave to get that skull!
@TJ-vo3rv 5 күн бұрын
You handled that golem beautifully, well done!