Why the Regime Hates Homeschooling
23 сағат бұрын
How Government Propped Up Slavery
America Can’t Afford Global Hegemony
Why Trump Won the Debate
14 күн бұрын
The Origin of Money: Menger vs. Graeber
Old School Economics | Mark Thornton
@iniglowee 7 сағат бұрын
intellectual circle jerk
@StubbsMillingCo. 9 сағат бұрын
21:19 “Entrepreneurs” like to call this the “10,000 hour Theory”. That at 10,000 hours one can master a task or industry and generate revenue and production. Yet, just because you have studied and implemented something for 10,000 hours does not mean 1. You are doing it correctly. 2. That it is even productive or practical. You must continually learn and adjust as you do so. It isn’t a set amount of hours or a degree for being there everyday to pass whatever test. It is the consistent practice and execution of production that matters in education and industry.
@millenium6 10 сағат бұрын
Thank God for people like Robert Malone who are able to explain what so many of us felt but couldn't understand or articulate.
@hbarudi 12 сағат бұрын
No it is not a result of free market capitalism which we don't have. What we do have is corrupt politicians in office that need to be voted out.
@crashnreset6987 12 сағат бұрын
We outnumber our enemy 99 to 1, and yet they have been winning for decades !
@DariusExplains 12 сағат бұрын
You missed the whole point. The reason Bad Economics is Good Politics is because it's sold via Emotion, in particular Frustration. Which is not capped by Scarcity.
@DariusExplains 12 сағат бұрын
Rent Control, Tariffs, UBI, Price Gouching
@augustuswade9781 12 сағат бұрын
Dead last place between Lincoln and FDR is like asking who is worse for the Roman republic, Julius Caesar or Diocletian. Philosophically it'd be Lincoln/Ceasar as there will be no last step if there isn't a first one. Practically it's FDR/Diocletian as they are the one who hammer the last nail into the coffin.
@lubavasilieva3156 13 сағат бұрын
Here in US we have a big chunk of taxation levied partly on the principal of unrealized capital gains and no one seem to mind. Or put out an objection of how complicated it is to recalculate annual losses and claim or carry forward those losses. Only because the tax on unrealized capital losses are NEVER reimbursed to you under this CURRENTLY EXISTING type of taxation. What is this mystery tax? It’s called real estate property tax and it’s paid by everyone who is blessed to have a roof over their head - either you are an owner or a renter. No one seem to object the “fairness” of it, it seems..
@lubavasilieva3156 13 сағат бұрын
Here in US we have a big chunk of taxation levied partly on the principal of unrealized capital gains and no one seem to mind. Or put out an objection of how complicated it is to recalculate annual losses and claim or carry forward those losses. Only because the tax on unrealized capital losses are NEVER reimbursed to you under this CURRENTLY EXISTING type of taxation. What is this mystery tax? It’s called real estate property tax and it’s paid by everyone who is blessed to have a roof over their head - either you are an owner or a renter. No one seem to object the “fairness” of it, it seems..
@Kelsey_187 13 сағат бұрын
Nazi goose step!
@hollyhumeniuk8298 13 сағат бұрын
Banks=NWO. .... ?
@marcusmoonstein242 14 сағат бұрын
The first problem is that a lot of economics is counter-intuitive, and so doesn't make much sense to anyone who isn't trained in it. (For example, how rent control makes housing more expensive instead of cheaper). The second problem is that few people have the inclination to actually learn how economics works. Put these two factors together and you get people who favor bad economic policies because they "sound good" or "feel fair".
@burkean 14 сағат бұрын
Good commentary, but... At 35s, you talk about "imposing up to a 20% tariff" as supported by 0% of economists. That is a bit like saying that sending the military to Korea in 1950 was a bad economic decision. While it has economic implications, it is not exactly an economic decision. That you are acting like it is a purely economic policy suggests you don't know. Which is also hurting the reputation of economists.
@Ston247 15 сағат бұрын
He's a sick twisted person. Free will and sovereignty of the individual has lead to remarkable achievements such as A.C. current. The ability to dream, create and goof on occasion is what makes the humanity interesting and productive. Anyone who prattles on too long is usually selling you a lie. This monster wants to turn us into insects with no free will or autonomy. Our only purpose will be to serve The Hive.
@Ash_Ketchum78 15 сағат бұрын
Lame. She is the worst. Dope Communist
@TommyTwotone-i7w 15 сағат бұрын
Gold, silver, guns, ammo, and liquor.... My n3w world economics is most glorious, want medical supplies, food, water, ..... That will cost you your soul..... Now you know how the game is played 🤔🙃😉🤫🍺🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣...... King and God type of shyt.....Fukk'em......I got mine⛏️🪛🔨🪓🔫🤷‍♂️😉
@IzokayTobewite-wd8in 16 сағат бұрын
The sheep were willing to separate us and keep us from working and shopping for necessities, they called for our deaths and called us filthy names. I will never forget their treatment and never trust a liberal or anyone who puts their faith and loyalty in ANY government. I snicker when I hear the symptoms they're now suffering.
@eilenekellogg-ki2br 17 сағат бұрын
I was so surprised that so many were so scared by the false info put out most people turned into aflck of sheep going over the cliff. The injection didn't stop it or kept it from being contagious. I no the virious was true, cause my youngest brother died of it in 3 days. The rest of f it was false.
@-Aar-n 17 сағат бұрын
Remember folks, Diddy was a conspiracy for decades
@basedxennial6269 17 сағат бұрын
Roy Keane Doppelgänger
@Mr_T. 17 сағат бұрын
Austrian Economics, Chicago-School Economics and Neoliberalism are to blame,
@JohnSmith-de2mz 17 сағат бұрын
Wikipedia • The New World Order is a term used in several conspiracy theories which hypothesize a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. YEA, don't believe our lying eyes
@electricpaper269 17 сағат бұрын
The best evidence that we don’t live in a free market economy is to see what happens if you try to build an apartment complex or start a hospital. See how much the government controls everything. The degree of intervention in an industry is directly related to how expensive it is.
@teevee2145 18 сағат бұрын
Mises is no good for sure
@danspicer79 18 сағат бұрын
The new world order and great reset will destroy itself. Hopefully it won't take all the humanity with it.
@draconusspiritus1037 18 сағат бұрын
The problem with Economics is that without Government Interference, Economics is actually quite simple. Simple enough the average 5th grader has little or no trouble understanding it. It is only with Government Interference that Economics becomes such a complicated beast that it requires a special College Degree. Of the top 10 College level Economics textbooks, at least 9 admit openly to being heavily influenced by the writings of Marx. Or else being inspired by other writers who, themselves admit to being inspired by the writings of Marx. Espousing one or more Government Policies for the express purpose of reigning in the immoral excesses of Capitalism. Excesses that are only physically possible through excessive Government interference.
@23232323rdurian 18 сағат бұрын
much of the public everywhere is pretty much innumerate......cuz back when they were in public Middle School they didnt wanna study math. Plus it was <cool> to <defy authority> at that stage of adolescence.....so they missed math basics, and could never progress..... => and they KNEW they were gonna get a High School Diploma ANYWAY, so why study math?....very practical point..... => and didnt/dont WANT to........there are plenty of adults almost PROUD, certainly not ASHAMED, to be innumerate....while practically NOBODY is <proud> to be illiterate.... without the basic arithmetic skills, public isnt gonna understand much economics....
@theupson 19 сағат бұрын
ah yes, ludwig "if the evidence contradicts my claims, the evidence is wrong and you're a communist" von mises. theres a lot of people who could have some fun roasting economists but the austrian [sic; actual austria *hates* this] nutjobs are neither inclined nor even equipped for humor
@HillbillyHippyOG 19 сағат бұрын
Easier than changing ANY economists mind: just teach people their true value thru a brief work stoppage. Have them demand to paid in BTC as part of the COLLECTIVE bargaining process… and watch the rentiers fold like origami leeches. ✌🏼
@DanJohnsonAffordableAviation 19 сағат бұрын
Well done, Connor! Let 'em have it!
@lawyer1165 20 сағат бұрын
Economists aren’t evil. They just believe they know how economies work, and they suffer mightily from groupthink and egoruptcy.
@useyourbrain1539 20 сағат бұрын
That's why they're election campaign statements. Say anything, regardless of it's applicability or economic sense.
@Jacob6853 20 сағат бұрын
Her father was a communist that damn near put Jamaica at the brink of starvation. Food and staples were not in stock but sold by black market for exorbitant costs. The apple does not fall far from the tree.
@jaysonmarvich1297 20 сағат бұрын
@carlkinder8201 20 сағат бұрын
When people are too dumb to understand a concept, they blame it on the boogeyman. Example: supply and demand?? What's that?? NO it's cOrPOrAtE GrReEd!!!!!
@lareau6 20 сағат бұрын
Keynesianism suck! BUT... It was never given justice as keyne advise for austerity during economic booming.
@gidave 21 сағат бұрын
Read "The Great Reset" by Glenn Beck. The book explains everything.
@ScandalUK 21 сағат бұрын
If a service is run by a profit-based company and it is free, then you are the product.
@evanmarshall3487 21 сағат бұрын
Economist who have been correct about absolutely nothing for the last 60 years.
@kathrynwells5936 21 сағат бұрын
@kerwinbrown4180 21 сағат бұрын
Economists have continually been doing a lousy job for a lot of people's wealth.
@mikelreborn3254 21 сағат бұрын
He is basically explaining ten planks of Marxism on a global scale using technocracy and global economic order.
@mikelreborn3254 21 сағат бұрын
Dr. Malone, I've been following what you have been talking about on this video for 20 + years. It wasn't until I studied eschatology and became a believer in Jesus that it really started making sense. I don't know what you believe, but you should go down that path as well with your scientific mind and see what you come up with. It might give you more answers.
@nonyadamnbusiness9887 22 сағат бұрын
It's the fault of public education. The oligarchs do not want The People to understand economics. This "political class" term you use is a dangerous term. It implies that The People could simply vote their way out of this mess and that is not so.
@graciousbeth 22 сағат бұрын
I still have people cutting me out of their lives because of my ANTI COVID VAX RANTS!! I explain that I care about people that's why I am warning them. They don't want to trust my true intentions but only trust Doctors and big pharma. 🥲 Especially after many of their booster shots.
@djancak 22 сағат бұрын
the popularity of bad economics is because of rich people buying policy and pushing out propaganda like the mises institute
@conradolacerda 23 сағат бұрын
People should learn what "irony" really means. Please.
@Screenteck 23 сағат бұрын
Awesome author
@DoctorP007 Күн бұрын
when it's finally over i hope i can become an east european east asian refugee
@danguee1 Күн бұрын
WHAT'S WITH THE DRUMS? WHAT'S THE NEED? WHO DO YOU THINK YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE IS? Excuse the UPPER CASE - but I needed to shout to be heard above the drums....