@ironjohn5914 3 күн бұрын
I ask the questions... who's got the best doughnuts 🍩 whats your favorite 🍩 how often do you get doughnuts~ etc.......
@valentinejules8672 Ай бұрын
Keep thinking she big stills
@selfdo 2 ай бұрын
Reason zero and the most important: you dont HAVE to!
@StanislavKshevitskii 3 ай бұрын
@valentinejules8672 4 ай бұрын
She awesome
@JoanMcCants-cs9tq 4 ай бұрын
@scottishd0g87 6 ай бұрын
Sexy Asian lady. Bet she gives good head.
@stephenrozario5742 7 ай бұрын
@stephenrozario5742 7 ай бұрын
@stephenrozario5742 7 ай бұрын
@robertafierro5592 9 ай бұрын
These store ownets prey on vulnerable recipients with drug problems. They should never be allowed to.prosper on FOOD Stamps again. Shut down the store permanently.
@redpillscience1288 Жыл бұрын
Smh helping people who defraud honest tax payers
@GunviolenceMurderSurvivor Жыл бұрын
What's up with all these good stamp fraud investigations I can't even get any so how are they getting fraud in them Somebody let me know my babies need to eat too
@alyssayamroz264 Жыл бұрын
I was getting medicaid while not reporting my real husband's ( Richard Dudley ) income and had a section 8 apartment haha I use to work as a housing assistant I know all the tricks... don't pay for food I have the taxpayers and cops pay for me hahahaha
@alyssayamroz264 Жыл бұрын
you can't do nothing to me I've been living with my real husband Richard Joseph Dudley who got a job with the NYPD not because it was deserved but his dad is retired NYPD taxpayers sockets hahaha Now we live in Alabama 123 emma grace lane in a big house hahaha - you can't do nothing to us come and try.
@juliorosenberg2222 Жыл бұрын
Politely tell police unfortunately I am not a legal professional I don't feel comfortable and won't answer questions without a attorney present
@johnjameson6113 2 жыл бұрын
If I have multiple identities does it count if one of my identities does not qualify for food stamps as fraud
@gregoryk.9815 2 жыл бұрын
At this point I am invoking my 4th, 5th and 6th amendment and refuse to waive them. Remember they're not going to ask a question they already don't know the answer to police officers are going to try to make you incriminate yourself and to admit guilt even if they don't know anything they want somebody they can blame and lock up it's points on their career
@woswasdenni1914 2 жыл бұрын
people need to realize that this is "law enforcement" - law as in rules by the legislator. not "truth seekers", not citizens best friend. they are here so government can govern. in other words basically the wardens for all citizens. the difference between a criminal or innocentg citizen isnt that important, at the end youre a civilian aka someone to watch and command. and while there also some good law enforcement believing in doing good, that wont help that much as the entire system is made to govern not to protect
@Dr_Wrong 2 жыл бұрын
Conversely, if you piss off an irrational ego maniac carrying guns.. You can get dead..
@anthonyjordan631 2 жыл бұрын
Ive been arrested handful of times, I NEVER once been read my rights.
@ticks4ticks4 2 жыл бұрын
This is completely legal-they don't HAVE to read you your rights.
@anthonyjordan631 2 жыл бұрын
@@ticks4ticks4 Actually, yes they absolutely do, its even a supreme court ruling "Miranda Vs New Mexico" the entire point is to establish your constitutional rights during a police detainment.
@anthonyjordan631 2 жыл бұрын
Don't talk to the police.............
@crowncity2300 2 жыл бұрын
Can't outsmart law enforcement? The same law enforcement that doesn't know the constitution? The same constitution they sworn to up hold?
@RollerCoasterLineProductions 2 жыл бұрын
You can outsmart police, by not talking to them
@mistymoody6291 2 жыл бұрын
Shameless corrupt DPSS, lawyers, etc.., Who happened to be foreign decent have the nerve to publicized and inflict defamatory information about Food Stamp, Medical, Medicaid etc. , Fraud, when they have been publicing for years their involvement of USA tax payers money, funds, grants, resources etc., To house, feed, shelter, teach, educate etc..., Questionable countries and their people, with no questions against, no solid visual and physical evidence. Yet, USA American citizens, like myself are threatened like illegals, wetbags etc.., When we have fast way to proof our health, mental and financial status over foreign people and foreign countries. Therefore, lawyer like her, come off as making a public threat and/or intimidation.,
@1100eaj 2 жыл бұрын
I thought this was to show how to catch edt fraud .. You helping them get away with it ‼️ You are worst than them 🤦🏾‍♂️ Shame on you🇺🇸🦅
@1100eaj 2 жыл бұрын
I thought this was to show how to catch edt fraud .. You helping them get away with it ‼️ You are worst than them 🤦🏾‍♂️ Shame on you🇺🇸🦅
@NickFrom1228 2 жыл бұрын
You should make this statement "I am invoking my right to remain silent." You are done talking to the police. Get your attorney on the phone.
@richardmilliken8705 2 жыл бұрын
Indeed! If you have to tattoo that on your arm, to remember that wise advice, then do it. I've never trusted the police and where i grew up in the D-St Projects in South Boston, you could get a beating for talking with the police. You would be labeled as a rat.
@valuecalc 2 жыл бұрын
Never agree to an interview. They can pound sand. Your Constitutional rights come first.
@danwylie-sears1134 2 жыл бұрын
But the only reasons anyone would reasonably decide to talk to police are (1) if they think they're neither a suspect, nor at risk of becoming a suspect, and they think they can benefit the community by talking to the police; (2) if they think they're not a suspect, but the police might find it suspicious if they refuse to give the level of cooperation that a person in situation 1 would typically give; or (3) if they think they may be a suspect, but they have information so unequivocally exculpatory that it will lead the police to stop investigating them. Videos in this genre typically don't address these reasons. The last point here, "there's a procedure", does better than most, but it still doesn't entirely address situation 2. Most people don't lawyer up when they don't think they're suspected of anything. For that matter, most people can't afford a lawyer at all.
@richardmilliken8705 2 жыл бұрын
Only an idiot would talk with the police before speaking with an attorney 1st. Never, ever talk with the police. Nothing good can result from it. It doesn't matter if your innocent or guilty, don't talk with the police.
@danwylie-sears1134 2 жыл бұрын
@@richardmilliken8705 "Never talk to police" is good advice in general, but there are limits. A while back, a police officer held the door for me because the convenience store doesn't have automatic doors and I was coming out with a gallon of milk in each hand. I said thanks, same as I would if anyone else had done it.
@nickpizzi3678 2 жыл бұрын
Great, tell more scumbags how they can game the system. lets investigate how many taxpayer dollars are wasted every year on these low lives.
@bethdumont9020 2 жыл бұрын
You have come to the attention of law enforcement because you broke a law of some kind - NOT because they want to "trap" you. Now you may've committed said crime unintentionally. DOESN'T mean you didn't do anything.
@bethdumont9020 2 жыл бұрын
@C. Lord true - to some degree. Take Dante Wright for example. He was spotted driving a car with something hanging from his rear view mirror - which is apparently illegal - so Strike 1. Cops then ran his plates to discover the car was not registered - Strike 2. Yeah - they're gonna pull him over to find Wright's also unlicensed - Strike 3. Cops - even lazy and incompetent cops - have to show just cause for pulling you over to begin with - like a little known about law that says it's illegal to have something dangling from your rear view mirror, or driving erratically or what ever. And these days with body cams & cameras in police cars to capture the interactions with you - well it's all recorded. I live in Australia, where our police are generally better trained than yours when it comes to defusing a situation. However we too have had instances of police abusing members of the public - like a disabled pensioner undergoing opioid withdrawal cold Turkey who had developed a worrying physical symptom that had meant his Dr requested a medical check by paramedics who were supported by a police crew - when that member of the public gave the cop some understandable given the situation lip the cop peppersprayed him, had him hauled out of his home onto the lawn so he could be beaten by one of his buddies with his baton before a second buddy hosed his face became well effects of pepper spray. Our cop asked his buddy to do that again so he could get it on his body cam!! Luckily bodycam wasn't the only camera - the victim had security cameras that recorded everything with said footage winding up on A Current Affair - Ahmed Aubrey anyone? But we do seem to have less incidents of that type than you do in the US, including shootings - in part because we have strict gun controls. But also because we seem to have a little bit more consideration for our fellow humans. IMHO the proportion of Mericans who possess an "it's all about me & stuff you" attitude seems much higher - both in straight numbers (300 million vs 24 million popn) AND as a percentage of the popn. Nobody has the "freedom" they think they do - from a philosophical and moral viewpoint.
@bethdumont9020 2 жыл бұрын
@C. Lord cops got charged. One of em was a migrant, so wound up being deported back to his country of origin. Y'see in Aussie if you're a migrant & you get a custodial sentence of 12 months - boom, deported at the end of your sentence. Including if your skin is white. See - here's the thing tho - in Aussie our cops get training in how to defuse & de-escalate a situation. Which is regularly refreshed. That copper - well as he walked out his front door that day he stacked on a blue (got into an argument) - missus, kid, flatmate, pet, whatever. And he forgot to check his baggage at the door of the cop shop. So he goes out on calls just itching for a bust up with somebody. Human nature. As a race we gotta get better at dealing with our shite to make sure it doesn't impact on our dealings with others. Which means first up - we gotta recognise & accept we HAVE said shite to begin with. What I've noticed - whole lotta bucks (men) in the main who don't wanna do that. Dunno why - but I blame the presence of testosterone.
@bethdumont9020 2 жыл бұрын
@C. Lord I so agree. Yet we have peeps who have to demonise the other - LGBTIQ (one of our pollies said some real nasty stuff about his own sister during the public debates around same sex marriage - why she invited him to her wedding I don't know but he went because 75% of his electorate voted yes), people with disability or mental health issues & migrants. You have a whole pile of so-called Christian preachers who don't seem to have read their Bibles - or if they did they decided the verse in Mark (?) about being kind & welcoming to the immigrant didn't apply to them. You see - the rest of the West takes its lead from the US. First Nations peoples, black & yellow folk - they have different social values based on community & cooperation, not individualism & competition. Which appear to be more dominant in the US than elsewhere - we copy you. I don't know how you'll get the MAGAt's under control - does their voice need hearing? Yes - because in some cases people in rural areas have a valid point (like when it comes to getting drs into their hospitals & teachers for their schools & other infrastructure stuff so crucially needed). What they DON'T have any right to do is to demonise the other - but you've got a whole pile of preachers making a damn good living out of doing just that. Breaking up your current 2 party system would help in that to a big degree. So would more people voting - on both sides of the political fence. At the moment - the loudest voice wins by default. From my overseas viewpoint it took a lot of effort on the part of a lot of people to defeat Trump. But that support base is still there - just waiting on another 🤴 - as Beau noted. You've got some real smart guys (like de Santis) who know better parroting the line just to keep that base behind em, using that base as a springboard to power. Here in Australia our far right in the form of One Nation are only big in 2 out of our 6 states, KAP is only "big" in 1 state - MAGAts are in nearly EVERY US state. Same in Canada - small supporter base on a per capita basis compared to the US. You guys have to sort your shite out if this stands any kind of a chance.
@trekkiejunk 2 жыл бұрын
@Beth Dumont -- That's quite telling that you think "you've come to the attention of law enforcement because you BROKE a law of some kind." So, cops are always right, and if they question or arrest you, that means you're automatically guilty?? Ok, Stalin. I would hate to live in your police state.
@bethdumont9020 2 жыл бұрын
@@trekkiejunk you broke a law - like maybe you were speeding, or had something dangling from your rear vision mirror, or weren't wearing a seat belt or were using your phone while driving (& I DON'T mean thru Apple Car Play), or ran a Stop sign - these are all traffic laws written to help keep us safe on the road. I sincerely hope you're not advocating a free for all on the roads. Then we also have laws against hurting others - ABH, rape, murder - where they can get evidence of your actions. Laws that protect the community & provide for community services like tax laws. If you wanna do a drop kick thing - if you're the only person that'll be affected - go ahead, be my guest. I'm not gonna stop you. BUT IF YOUR DROPKICK ACTION COULD AFFECT ME (like say driving under the influence of alcohol or a drug) - THEN NO - YOU DON'T HAVE A RIGHT TO DO THAT. MORALLY/ETHICALLY SPEAKING.
@Monkeywrench542 2 жыл бұрын
Please remember that it is a felony to lie to a federal LEO.
@NickFrom1228 2 жыл бұрын
Which is one great reason not to talk. You can't lie if you don't say anything.
@EdMcF1 2 жыл бұрын
I am Michael Flynn, and I endorse this message.
@XxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXXxXxxccx 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this video
@petekdemircioglu 2 жыл бұрын
They did it to me 100 times. I built a high Tech Defense against them. 95% public trust to it.
@noellegunning3301 2 жыл бұрын
"I have no comment to make" "I wish to speak to my solicitor" is the only two thing any person should say to a cop, regardless of whether you are totally innocent or guilty. It's very dangerous to tell anything to the cops even if you are totally innocent.
@LectronCircuits 2 жыл бұрын
Cops can be very dangerous; you can't be too careful. Cheers!
@peterlightning9235 2 жыл бұрын
Even if you're a victim of a crime, as I have learned. You probably should not talk to the cops without a lawyer. Because if they discover ANYTHING that's not 100% on the up and up when they are talking to you. They're going to screw you over. And you were a victim!!!!!!
@richardmilliken8705 2 жыл бұрын
Indeed! How many rape victims have had the tables turned on them and made out to be looking for it, by the way they were dressed.
@caroleastmond9064 2 жыл бұрын
This should be taught in the last year of High School, by some good community lawyers, before students graduate out, into the world.
@trekkiejunk 2 жыл бұрын
Why wait so long? How about 8th Grade, and reinforce it every couple years?
@fproszek 3 жыл бұрын
#6. General Michael Flynn.
@derekinhawaii 3 жыл бұрын
I 100% agree with these five reasons.... HOWEVER, as I was a key witness involving Ken Brissette Boston Tourism Director, 5 teamsters from local 25 in Boston and the suspected involvement of then Mayor of Boston, Marty Walsh (now Secretary of Labor under Joe Biden), when they conspired to cancel permits for Season 13 of Top Chef on Braov. I can tell you that when the FBI knocked on my doctor they were seeking my emails, phone records and personal knowledge involving these thugs and the timeline of events. So NO not all interactions with law enforcement means they are looking for you to make incriminating statements...... That being said, I took their card, called my attorney and setup the first of months worth of interviews with the FBI. In the end Ken Brissette and a second city hall employee were found guilty of extortion and racketeering.... BUT the judge vacated the sentencing because he didn't agree with it..... My opinion only, not based on facts is that Mr Labor Secretary Walsh himself may have had something to do with that.
@richardmilliken8705 2 жыл бұрын
You should've spoke with your attorney 1st. And being from Boston, the FBI agents who handled Whitey Bulger & Steve "Rifleman" Flemmi as top echelon informants allowed these two serial killers to murder whoever they wanted to from 1965-1995. The FBI Agents are not to be trusted. They railroaded the amiraults in the phony nursery day school program, when the parents of the kids falsely accused them of sexual abuse. And Hitman Joe Barboza made false allegations against four Italian Men from the North End by accusing them of 2 murders, and FBI Agent Paul Ricco knew these men were innocent and he allowed them to get sentenced to Life in prison. After 30 years in prison, 2 of the men died and the other 2 were finally released. Always remain silent with the police and talk with an attorney 1st. It doesn't matter if they say that you're just a witness. Don't speak with them.
@marvinsmith8015 3 жыл бұрын
If you are a person of color you won't have the opportunity anyway, due to the fact that you have become a shooting fatality. They will make sure there is no witness to testify against them, they will say that you weren't complying or reaching in your waistband, or glove compartment, your cellphone looked like a gun etc. So if you are black, Hispanic, Asian or Native American, forget it, you will not leave that altercation alive!!!
@tammieknuth6020 3 жыл бұрын
Thank ron if something goes down here. He literally hates tamekka
@arilikeme 3 жыл бұрын
Correct about the Miranda rights but you can assert your rights at anytime during the encounter
@yesihavebedbugs2786 3 жыл бұрын
In ANY city, state, or country this is the best advice.
@anthonybobo7143 3 жыл бұрын
Hello how you doing today sexy lady smart Queen angel have a great day my pleasure to take your date
@wduncani 3 жыл бұрын
That makes so much more sense how you said there is a formal process! If I want to help with an investigation I can just do it through an attorney It's the best of both worlds: I'm protected from significant dangers, and I can help if I want with the investigation. Other lawyers make it sound like you can't have any dialogue whatsoever, and that seems counterproductive in some circumstances.
@Milesco Жыл бұрын
Well, you have to get an immunity agreement. Prosecutors may or may not be willing to agree to that, depending on the circumstances.
@machomachinmachinmachinmac6910 3 жыл бұрын
Infomercial for hiring a lawyer.......Don't believe him.......CONFESS!
@navyjohnes 3 жыл бұрын
what if you are transiting out of state
@StayPositive-sd8op 3 жыл бұрын
I had a letter from the food stamp office saying they got a audit on my cases caseworker that I was over paid for foodstamps after I was let go of my job from my disability. I appealed it 4 times and after the 3rd day in front of the judge I never got the letter of the judges decision after the third time. Come to find out someone that worked there changed my address that I lived at my brother's. He got it one day before my 4th appeal. Is there anything I could do to make whoever did it at the foodstuff office to be held accountable
@colonelfredpuntridge8799 3 жыл бұрын
Two questions: 1. If you refuse to talk to them, can your refusal count as hindering an investigation of a crime, if you know something about the crime they are investigating? 2. What if you see a crime and they ask you questions as a witness, not as a suspect?
@forsakenquery 3 жыл бұрын
1) yes if you give them reason to believe you know things and are obscuring the truth. N O NO NO if you explicitly invoke your right (with those words) to remain silent. That cannot be admitted to court. 2) same as above. If you have any reason to believe that for any reason there's a way that you might implicate yourself in a crime by saying anything, you have the right to remain silent. As there literally hundreds of thousands of laws, statutes, bylaws, orders and regulations you don't even know, this is always the case. Invoke the 5th.
@sanskaarkulkarni1036 2 жыл бұрын
If you say "I exercise by 5th amendment right to silence" you can't be prosecuted for hindering an investigation
@charleswilson7371 3 жыл бұрын
Great advice, use it!!