God is the supreme being not the head of religious cults when we project mortality on worship Mahesh chimanlal threebuyndas--ghiwala ❤
@stephenwatts26493 күн бұрын
This concept of God is not of a separate superior being, existing in some other realm, overlooking human affairs and loving or judging us according to our deeds. God is in each and every one of us, the most intimate and undeniable aspect of ourselves. God is the light of consciousness that shines in every mind. I Am the Truth Identifying God with the light of consciousness brings new meaning and significance to many traditional descriptions of God. Whatever is taking place in my mind, whatever I may be thinking, believing, feeling or sensing, the one thing I cannot doubt is consciousness. Consciousness is my only absolute, unquestionable truth. If the faculty of consciousness is God, then God is the truth. The same applies to other people. The only thing I do not doubt about you is that you are conscious and have your own interior world of experience. I can doubt your physical form-indeed, modern physics tells me there is nothing really there, no material thing, that is. All that I perceive of you is a projection in my mind. I can doubt what you say. I can doubt your thoughts and feelings. But I do not doubt that "in there" is another conscious being like myself. Like God, consciousness is omnipresent. Whatever our experience, consciousness is always there. It is eternal, everlasting. When I say "I am," I do not mean a separate entity with a body as its nucleus. I mean the totality of being, the ocean of consciousness, the entire universe of all that is and knows. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj God is omniscient, all-knowing. So too, consciousness is the essence and source of all our knowing. It lies behind all understanding. God is the creator. Everything in our world, everything we see, hear, taste, smell, and touch; every thought, feeling, fantasy, intimation, hope, and fear; it is all a form that consciousness has taken on. Everything has been created in consciousness from consciousness. I, the light of consciousness, am the creator. I am the God of my universe. And you are the God of yours. God is Almighty. What greater power is there than the power of consciousness to appear as the myriad of forms we experience, everything in the world we see, hear, taste. touch and smell.
@stephenwatts26493 күн бұрын
Erwin Schrodinger (Noblist) The total number of minds in the universe is One (God Consciousness); in fact, Consciouusness is a sinularity phasing within All Beings. To the best of our knowledge, we may assume that our universe existed way before we (as humans) appeared. Quantum physics suggests that for a particle to stabilize and acquire a fixed position within the space-time reality of our world, it needs to be observed. Arguably, the only power that can make observations is consciousness. Since not we humans, what observed the world that we found? An attractive answer would be that we consciousness observed it before we became humans. A slight sparkle of consciousness may have caused the Big Bang and subsequent orchestration of this universe. Some sort of consciousness may have imagined that a such-and-such world can be derived out of possibility waves and set to create it. Though our imagination is seemingly unrestrictedly opulent, we still have hard time to imagine how galaxies or birds came to exist without something having priorly imagined them. We can clearly understand how any of our creations was created but we feel utterly powerless to comprehend how anything that preceded us was created. That may be so because we mistakenly search for a different creator. What if we created everything? Remember, not we as humans but we as imaginative consciousness. Consciousness, imagination, creativity must have pervaded the universe all along. It only lacked technical solutions. Whereas by setting a simple set of parameters such as nuclear, electromagnetic, and gravitational forces it is a straightforward process to create simple things such as atoms, stars, and all sorts of condensed, orbiting balls… it required vast amounts of time and experimentation filtered by natural selection to create things that can create things, such as ribosomes, hands, and automated factories. The entire history of the universe seems like an arduous strife to organize itself geometrically; a valiant endeavor to order chaos directed by imaginative consciousness. And this process is only at the beginning. What is the universe set to make out of itself? A universal brain? A God? Does it know? Is the outcome of this universal evolution deterministically predefined? Or does it also create the process? Will it eventually dissolve and perish before entropy within its own boundaries? Or will it escape space-time to outer dimensions and keep evolving indefinitely? What exactly consciousness is and why it does what it does is another question. For now we may only speculate that consciousness is imagination acting as a link between our observable universe and the underlying quantum field: imagination extracting reality out of possibilities. “When we are identified with the physical body, we are operating almost solely through our senses, and we find our gratification in things of sense. When we identify with the mental realm, we are conscious of the inner play of random thoughts and images, and we delight in the play of thought. When we ascend a bit to the intellectual realm, we identify with the critical intelligence which discriminates, censures, and deliberates; thereby elevated in concentration above the rambling mind, we take pleasure in the clarity of discernment. Above this intellect, we experience our soul - at its lower level the repository of our karma, and at its higher level the bearer not only of our highest moral directive and purpose, but the driving impetus guiding us toward our own Source with a heartfelt longing, like that of a moth to a flame. The soul is drawn to the Light within it, and looks, not below to the realm of mental activity or the realm of sense, but above toward the Divine whence it comes.” ~ Swami Abhayananda “You don't have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body.” ~ C. S. Lewis “Man is a soul and has a body.” ~ Sri Yukteswar “So long as the sense of "me" and "mine" remains, there is bound to be sorrow and want in the life of the individual ... God is one's very own Self, the breath of one's breath, the life of one's life, the Atman.” ~ Anandamoyi Ma “We are the Unlimited, while appearing as limited; we are the Divine Self, the ultimate Reality, while living in this dream-like phantasmagoria as human forms.” ~ Swami Abhayananda "When I open my eyes to the outer world, I feel myself as a drop in the sea; but when I close my eyes and look within, I see the whole universe as a bubble raised in the ocean of my heart." ~ Inayat Khan “We carry inside us the wonders we seek outside us.” ~ Rumi “I long to escape the prison of my ego and lose myself in you.” ~ Rumi “Each man is part of the Creator, or Cosmic Man; he has a heavenly body as well as one of earth. The human eye sees the physical form, but the inner eye penetrates more profoundly, even to the universal pattern of which each man is an integral and individual part.” ~ Sri Yukteswar
@stephenwatts26493 күн бұрын
3.1. Space Every material in the three-dimensional Universe is made from particles encompassed with real matter, with a geometrical shape and volume in all three dimensions. Therefore, humans naturally believe that our space is three-dimensional. In the Universe, the material defines the dimension of its harboring space, and it came from human perception of its surrounding space. For example, materials such as a car, or humans are beings of three dimensions. Thus, they occupy three-dimensional space. On the other hand, a shadow is a two-dimensional being, and it harbors in a two-dimensional space. Finally, the border of a shadow is a one-dimensional entity, so it occupies the one-dimensional space. However, human perception could be deceptive, because the Universe human lives in are not three-dimensional, or any other single dimension, but rather composed by a combination of multiple geometrical dimensions, from zero, one, two, to three-dimension, to which the author names it the dimension of existence. In this dimension of existence, the notions of one, two, or three-dimension are a reflection of the state of existence of any material it describes. Contrarily to mass, energy is an existence from the void in a way that it does not occupy any geometrical dimension in the space. Therefore, it can be arbitrarily considered an existence of zero dimension. By arguing using the dialectics of yin and yang, the author names this space, where energy exists as the zero positive space, denoted 0+. In this space, matters do not exist, just as described in the works of the German polymath Gottfried Leibniz (Leibniz, 2001). According to Leibniz, in the null space, any points are indifferent (Leibniz, 2001). The description of the null space is similar to what the Chinese philosophy has described: big without a border, small without a limit (Hu, 2012). To conform with the M-theory, this zero positive dimension is equivalent to the fourth dimension, and the author names it the null dimension. The null dimension can be regarded as a four-dimensional space-time coordinate system described in Einstein’s theory with time set as zero. In this zero positive dimension, “genes” constitute the three-dimensional materials, similarly to Fermions that constitute all atoms. This “gene” would have no notions of time, matter, nor dimensions, and it can be called the fundamental energy. From the dialectics of yin and yang, the void where information exists is also the zero space, contrarily to the space where energy exists, this space is the zero negative space, denoted the 0−, to distinguish from the zero positive dimension where energy exists. Time in this dimension is also zero. Following the sequence in the M-theory, this space proposed by the author is equivalent to the geometrical five-dimension and the author names it the dimension of change. In this dimension of change, the energy it encompasses is called the intelligent energy. This intelligent energy, in turn, is the cause for the creation of three-dimensional materials, similar to the Higgs boson in quantum mechanics. The concept of the fundamental and intelligent energy, which respectively represents energy and information, came from the Eastern philosophical ideologies of “the myriad things came from the void (kong)” and “the myriad things came from the qi of yin and yang” (Hu, 2012). The concept of qi is described here as an energy concept. In turn, this qi of yin and yang came from wuji, another concept of energy that can classify as the six-dimensional space from the sequencing of M-theory. This six-dimension can also refer to as the dimension of wuji or dao. If viewed from a scientific perspective, this concept is similar to that of quantum entanglement, such that the fundamental and intelligent energy or the zero positive and zero negative dimension cannot be described independently from each other. The above concept was developed by combining the achievements of modern physics with Eastern philosophy, also known as oriental knowledge and philosophical ideologies from Ancient Greece. In addition, philosophical methods of dialectics materialism and logical reasoning were also used to verify this concept. 3.2. Time Time is a unique characteristic for all three-dimensional geometric mass (Smolin, 2017). It is the parameter that describes the change of all materials throughout their existence after their creation from energy. Time is a unique entity of the three-dimensional Universe, result from the rational perceptual cognition and technological creations of humankind, and it is the tool and the method to measure the process of existence of all the natural and artificial objects. In multi-dimensions deprived of any mass, the concept of time would not exist, for time is a unique property that is massless, and it describes the change of real matters and the three-dimensional Universe. In zero-dimensional space without real matters, time would either be zero, infinitely large or does not exist, while space would still exist, although not in a three-dimensional geometric form. All reflections over the Essence of the Universe and humankind must take into account this problem, otherwise, they would become faulty. 4. Theories in Modern Theoretical Physics 4.1. Theory of Relativity Einstein discovered the inseparable and closely interrelated relationship between mass, time, and space, and he used the speed of light to relate mass to energy (Einstein, 2018). This discovery of Einstein is one of the greatest discovery on the Essence of the three-dimensional Universe. Furthermore, when Einstein proposed that gravitation is the manifestation of curved space-time, it confirmed that space is more than only three-dimensional, and was later sequenced following the postulation of the M-theory (Einstein, 2018; Greene, 2018). In the multi-dimensional Universe, there is no mass, nor numbers, for numbers were a creation of humans, similar to time. In the three-dimensional Universe, the change in energy and information lead to the respective change in the occupied space and time by matters. Since space and time cannot be curved, their smallest unit is zero (Greene, 2018). The four-dimensional space-time is a notion within the three-dimensional Universe, and to study the Essence of the Universe, it is necessary to eliminate the factor of time because time is not absolute (Smolin, 2017). The theory of relativity, although a great theory in itself that explains the three-dimensional Universe and connects the three-dimensional Universe with the zero-dimensional Universe, is not the theory that explains the Truth of the Universe, because it can only adapt to particles with a mass. The scientificity of its unveiled Truth equals to the Newtonian mechanics and the electromagnetism developed by the Scottish scientist James Maxwell. These theories are all part of what defines the three-dimensional Universe, but they are not the Theory of Everything.
@stephenwatts26493 күн бұрын
The Holographic Universe "There is not a planet Earth but rather a HoloFractoGraphic Projection of Consciousness. Earth is a realm, it's a Holographic Projection happening on what we might call a HoloDeck. It is not a planet, it is not an object, and objects don't exist in locations, Earth is a frequency vibration, and location is one of the variables of this place we call Planet Earth that make it seem to occupy a place and space in TIME. Therefore, it can have no edge. Earth would be more easily defined as a system environment. Because you plug into it and connect, or incarnate on this HoloDeck. See this experience from insperience of living on a "solid" planet is only an illusion of consciousness. Earth occurrence is happening inside you and the master organ the Brain, which was created by consciousness to express itself in this dimension, is giving you the illusion of being physical. Just as well if you had no physical Brain to create the illusion you would bypass the projections and see all as pure energy. Physicality is essentially an anomaly, anything "physical" on a so called physical plane is a form of projected illusion which is holographic and fractal in it's fundamental nature. Every thing said about earth applies to your body. Your body is an advanced holographic multi-dimensional light being, and physical reality is happening inside you." Via:The Holographic Universe Workshops is an attempt to take a scientific look at the question of our reality, which, according to quantum physics and its in-depth research, is an illusion - a holographic projection as scientists call it and not a physical, material reality. How is this even possible? What is the evidence for it and the implications for our lives? Where is the source of this projection and most important: who is responsible for it? This journey into holographic reality will change the way we perceive the world and, most importantly, our lives. Contrary to the widely held belief that science generally rules out the existence of any intelligent creator whether in the form of a supernatural force or an undefined personal entity, quantum physics assumes something quite different and also very bold. According to quantum physicists and their research, there is no room for chance and some kind of intelligent energy; collective consciousness is involved in the creation of our reality. The first law of thermodynamics "energy can not be destroyed or created, it can be converted only from one form to another, ultimate energy is constant" proved the correctness of the spiritualistic concept of the immateriality of the soul as energy. Actually, everything of the universe is made of light [29], even heart and soul, which would be a new direction towards the modern world to understand the whole universe. ... Which means that everything that exists contains the information of everything else that exists. The information of the entire universe is contained holographically and energetically in every single cell. It’s hard to grasp when we’re sitting in traffic or waiting in the doctor’s office to get a flu shot, but science is revealing that our world is more of an energetic idea than anything else. As the famous Austrian theoretical physicist Erwin Schrödinger put it, “What we observe as material bodies and forces are nothing but shapes and variations in the structure of space. Particles are just schaumkommen (appearances).” That essentially everything is energy. I used to lie in bed at night for hours wondering how my hand and my pillow, the parquet tiles on the floor in my bedroom, and the sultry night air wafting over my body could all be nothing but intangible, energetic information. How was it possible? It was crazy! I mean, come on. This stuff is real! But what is real? How do we define it? As physical beings-oops-as apparentlyphysical beings of course we would define reality in physical terms. But given the inescapable scientific proof we have now gathered that everything is energy at the most fundamental levels, it seems this world (and everybody in it) isn’t physical at all. Whether we call it the unfolding implicate/explicate order, “irregularities in the fabric of space,” Planck scale information, or Platonic ideals doesn’t matter. Invisible, intangible and unfathomably powerful energies lie at the foundation of the universe, interconnecting and interpenetrating all life-unfolding as life. And these energies are best understood as information/intelligence/consciousness itself. As Swami Muktananda puts it, “The Self, Shiva, is supremely pure and independent, and you can experience it constantly sparkling within your mind. It cannot be perceived by the senses, because it makes the senses function. It cannot be perceived by the mind, because it makes the mind think. Still, the Self can be known, and to know it we do not need the help of the mind or the senses.” Bottom line, matter and energy, information and consciousness are just different ways of looking at the same thing. And if we include the experience of mystics who have directly grasped and taught that everything is energy and about the unified consciousness of creation for millennia, we can add the word “self” to this interchangeable mix as well. SELF = Intelligence = Information = Energy = Mass = Life = God = Spirit = Consciousness It’s all the same thing. It’s all ONE thing. And everything is energy.
@stephenwatts26493 күн бұрын
Actually, energy was not always seen as fundamental. The concept of energy started off as a very abstract notion defined as "the ability to do work". Until the advent of modern physics, no one could conceive of energy existing in the absence of objects (matter) in which the energy would be "stored". The same goes for momentum. Location, too, is a relative term and implies the existence of objects. In fact, except for people who claim to understand modern physics, everyone's intuitive notion tells them that matter is more fundamental than anything else. And I seriously doubt anyone, physicist or otherwise, intuitively understands how energy, a completely abstract notion, can be more fundamental than solid "stuff". But I'm not saying this thing or that thing is fundamental or emergent, only making the point that the difference between fundamental and emergent is completely subjective. A big question is then, that is conciousness fundamental or emergent? From the above, I would say that the answer depends on how you choose to view the world. If you believe everything is a creation of your own mind, or some universal mind, then consciousness must necessarily be more fundamental. I thought for some time that fundamental would be an obvious answer, but noted that some fellows instead considered emergent as an obvious one. I'm not really sure what are the typical beliefs conserning this. I'd say most people believe consciousness is fundamental and everything else is emergent. But most people know little about philosophical jargon, and usually express that understanding in terms of a sentient God who created the world with the power of His mind, or something alone those lines. Nov 6, 2009 #8 J12345 After sitting ZAZEN for many years, I have come to see that form is emptiness, emptiness is form. The sense of consciouness is the ever emerging firing of our synapse translated down to the level of illusion of "I am ". During long 'sits' I have had the experience of having it all suddenly momentarily STOP. No past, no future. The stream of consciousness halts. Consciousnessness I would gather is emergent based on the fundamental firing of that organ up there ever trying to create the illusion of a self separate from all else. At the Quark level we are the same as the universe. No separation. We are observers of various transmissions and vibrations. Want to test how much control you DON'T have of consciousness? Sit quietly, restful, half close your eyes, breath easily in silence and DON'T THINK OF AN ELEPHANT! Do my cats have MU? Nov 6, 2009 #9 madness I've never understood how anyone can believe that consciousness (meaning qualia or "inner experience") is entirely emergent from matter. But that seems to be the standard materialist viewpoint. Nov 6, 2009 #10 magpies I think its pretty normal if your spiritual to think that the mind and aspects of the mind are fundamental while if your not spiritual you think the other way. So it might come down to religious views on this issue. For an atheist to admit that mind can be fundamental is basicaly like saying a god like being could be possible imo. Nov 6, 2009 #11 madness Well I'm agnostic and I still can't understand the materialistic view. I see a fundamental difference between my experience of red, and the physical phenomena of electromagnetic light at a certain frequency. I gather from what other people say that they might not make a distinction. Reference: www.physicsforums.com/threads/fundamental-things-emergent-things.167487
@johnmarkey48628 күн бұрын
Very informative interesting etc
@bobiel90489 күн бұрын
People are not interested in God's existence but in their own afterlife.
@berttetenburg63512 күн бұрын
Very well explained. This makes me think about Taoism of 500 years before Christ. The Chinese called it Tao, the Hindi call it Shiva, the Jews call it Jaweh, the Christians call it God and 500 years after Christ the moslims call it Allah. Tao, Shiva, Jaweh, God, Allah: different human words for the same.
@jfphotography6913 күн бұрын
God, Gods don't exist, never have and never will. Self serving delusions are not reality, no matter how hard you want them to be.
@rkowlagi15 күн бұрын
Well narrated ❤👍
@Kelbelle-gt3dl16 күн бұрын
@jamilkhan71520 күн бұрын
Well explained. Einstein endorsing further corroborates Spinoza's viewpoint.
@Naidu-k8mАй бұрын
oh my god !! what a nasty kind of people who could say such things on a person !!! no wonder we still have endless religious menaces in the mideast by the same people.
@Naidu-k8mАй бұрын
if any of the any gods was a who, we should have at least one instance of such a one.
@maxelliot9426Ай бұрын
A very clear and concise explanation of Spinoza's concept of God. Quite understandable that Einstein would accpt the concept.