IILICA CE* XVII - Italian Americans
Carlo Tresca Commemoration
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NOIAW's Annual Luncheon - 2023
A Politics of (Self-) Omission
The Tower of Venice
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@theflash62281 4 күн бұрын
My maternal grandfather was a field artillery gunner with the 18th Artillery Regiment Gran Sasso (18° Reggimento d'Artiglieria Gran Sasso) of the 24th Infantry Division Pinerolo (24ª Divisione di Fanteria Pinerolo) in Albania and Greece. When Italy signed its armistice with the Allies in September 1943, his division joined the Greek People's Liberation Army (Ellinikós Laïkós Apeleftherotikós Stratós, ELAS) as part of an agreement between ELAS and the Pinerolo Division that was brokered by British Army officers assigned to the the Greek Mission of the Special Operations Executive. It soon fell apart and ELAS turned on the Pinerolo Division, capturing roughly half of the 8,000 of its remaining men. (They were 12,000 strong before the armistice but 4,000 were locked up by the Italians for refusing to fight the Germans with ELAS.) The rest of the division broke up into separate companies and fell back, fighting ELAS before getting away to dig into new positions in the Pindus Mountains to fight Army Group E of the German Army one more time. When the Germans attacked, they overran the last men of the Pinerolo Division and sent its survivors to Germany to be used for slave labor. My grandfather spent 19 months doing forced labor as a porter in a foundry in Lübeck, Germany before he was liberated by the British 11th Armoured Division at 1 PM on May 2, 1945, just three hours ahead of advancing Soviet troops.
@Geezerelli 16 күн бұрын
I know an Italian named Andre. He has a Ukrainian cat.
@HealthbyHayali 22 күн бұрын
Take me home.
@themedbvll1114 5 ай бұрын
@LillianSteele-u9v 7 ай бұрын
Example of a cultural component: The Roman Army had some of the best Physicians because Greek and Egyptian doctors came to Italy to be trained and to train the Roman Military doctors if I am correct.
@LillianSteele-u9v 7 ай бұрын
Although I am not Italian,I understand the situation and the concern. Survival comes in many forms. Do not forget your culture and yes continue to move forward. However your history it vital and this is something that all of us needs to understand. I get you and understand you as someone who has always loved the Ancient World with special reference to Italy and its surrounding countries. Will continue to support you folks in as many ways that I can.
@LillianSteele-u9v 7 ай бұрын
To the three Black and Italian and Haitian ladies. You have made a new friend in me. will read your books. I am a rtired educator and am also interested in Multicultural History in the Ancient World.
@sartainja 11 ай бұрын
Excellent job by that brilliant Italian-American English Professor from The University of Mississippi. His explanations were clear and concise and to the point. Dr. Barbera is obviously a real scholar.
@TheItalianCalifornian-fp3fn Жыл бұрын
It's ironic that White hate groups like the KKK used to hate Italian and Irish immigrants as well, yet in recent times some Americans of Irish and Italian descent that we now call "White" join racial hate groups. Perhaps if they knew their history it would give them a different perspective?
@mandystuart4909 Жыл бұрын
would sunflower lectin work in place of soy? and at the same quantities?
@wilbertwalters5927 Жыл бұрын
promo sm 😍
@pianofan1000 Жыл бұрын
molto interessante! Grazie
@charlesodonnell2993 Жыл бұрын
This needs to be watched more!
@mdnicholson42 Жыл бұрын
I came across your video while trying to learn about my family's history. My great uncle was an Italian military internee at a POW camp in Limburg an der Lahn, Germany. I wish I had been able to talk to him about this before he passed away.
@jhlfsc 2 жыл бұрын
I love how the other professors had to tolerate the open bigot in the middle as if he had a "point" about anything that fell out of his mouth! Lol
@VVHTV 2 жыл бұрын
Stories Calabresi far from home: That the brothers Greg and Ernie Schimizzi from Brooklyn is the story of two Calabrian-Americans who have made it, with sacrifice and dedication, without saying thank you to anyone, if not Read more. That Greg and Ernie Schimizzi from Brooklyn is the story of two Calabrian-Americans who have made it, with sacrifice and dedication, without saying thank you to anyone, if not for their beloved mother who is no more, but lives in every corner of their house, each picture or object to this and continues to teach them the love of family and roots, values ​​that we have perhaps forgotten forever and that Instead we should retrieve from oblivion that surrounds them and probably are the basis of their success. It 'a story of emigration, even if they were born and lived in America, but their parents were immigrants, driven to the New World by the hope of a better future, looking for something that they love, but was not in poor Calabria can offer. Giuseppe and Alfonsina, from Old Plat and Natile, crossing the ocean, not on a fast and comfortable aircraft, as we do today, but improvised on ships and slow, where time never passed and the questions grew more each day. Alfonsina there next to her mother, widow and already very old, but with a clear mission: to carry out its mission until the end, accompanying the child, the youngest of eight, to face his destiny. Arrived in New York, the lighting and colors never seen except in dreams, is married to Alfonsina's Joseph and their union were born a few years after Gregory and Ernest. Joseph works hard at Waljohn Plastics in Brooklyn, but finds time to devote to her children. Very often leads them to visit the studios of NBC in Manhattan, and it is there that one day the two boys are found for the first time to watch a television program, broadcast live from the ground floor of the TV and open to all ! It was probably there that Greg and Ernie are the inspiration for their future: making television! Both are graduating brilliantly at New York University, crowning the dream of their beloved mother, who, widowed, working as a seamstress to fast forward for women only, a whole family. In 1977, Greg decided to resign as a psychologist for his brother Ernie join the project: create a film production company, the Video Voice Inc. produces more than 150 films together, reaching within a few years with considerable success and are still together writing a book, "September 11, 1776, the first attack on peace in America," without forgetting that during the college had also invented an anti-theft device for cars, then patented by Chrysler! In 1994 Greg and Ernie decide to take another big step: to establish a television station! Thus was born the WVVH Hamptons Television, the official broadcaster of the entire Long Island. Since then, the road made it so much, their TV transmits the most important events in the area, dall'Hampton Classic Horse Show Hampton's International Film Festival! To keep pace with advancing technology, by 2004 their issuer is visible online, so as to extend their audience beyond the Atlantic! Every step they always do side by side, in a kind of symbiosis, theirs is a bond of brotherhood in the true sense of the word, a commonality of purpose that has always characterized them. Much weight in this beautiful relationship was certainly the father's untimely death, just 46 years, who injured them and inextricably united, without forgetting their existence throughout the primary role of sweet mother, who was able to teach them the ' importance of being supportive of family and day to day, looking to the future, never forget what it was! Even today those who come into their home has the impression that time has never passed and that the roots with that distant land who have never known, if not from their parents, are alive and robust than ever! Tales from the expanses of olive groves, the taste of the oil, pasta, homemade desserts of Christmas traditions that continue to perpetuate, recognizing the indisputable importance! Calabria Perhaps love anymore than we love living in it every day, because they understood that a tree without roots can not live, because it cuts off the life would be less ... It is a great lesson for us all and for all those who believe they can move forward without looking back ... Stories Calabresi away from home: the brothers Schimizzi Storie di Calabresi lontani da casa: i fratelli Schimizzi Quella di Greg ed Ernie Schimizzi da Brooklyn è la storia di due calabro-americani che ce l’hanno fatta, con sacrificio e dedizione, senza dire grazie a nessuno, se non a Leggi tutto. Quella di Greg ed Ernie Schimizzi da Brooklyn è la storia di due calabro-americani che ce l’hanno fatta, con sacrificio e dedizione, senza dire grazie a nessuno, se non quella madre adorata che non c’è più, ma vive in ogni angolo della loro casa, in ogni foto o oggetto presente e continua a insegnar loro l’amore per la famiglia e per le radici, valori che forse abbiamo dimenticato per sempre e che dovremmo invece recuperare dall’oblio che li avvolge e che probabilmente sono alla base del loro successo. E’ una storia di emigrazione, anche se loro sono nati e vissuti in America, ma emigranti erano i loro genitori, spinti nel Nuovo Mondo dalla speranza di un futuro migliore, alla ricerca di qualcosa che la loro amata, ma povera Calabria non era in grado di offrire.Giuseppe e Alfonsina, da Platì e Natile Vecchio, varcano l’Oceano, non su comodi e veloci aerei, come noi facciamo oggi, ma su navi improvvisate e lente,dove il tempo non passava mai e i dubbi crescevano ogni giorno di più. Accanto ad Alfonsina c’è sua madre, vedova e già molto anziana, ma con un compito ben preciso: svolgere la sua missione fino in fondo, accompagnando quella figlia, la più piccola di otto,ad affrontare il suo destino. Giunta a New York, tra luci e colori mai visti, se non in sogno, Alfonsina va in sposa al suo Giuseppe e dalla loro unione solo qualche anno dopo nascono Gregory ed Ernest. Giuseppe lavora duramente presso la Waljohn Plastics a Brooklyn, ma trova il tempo per dedicarsi ai suoi figli. Molto spesso li porta a visitare gli studi della NBC, a Manhattan ed è proprio lì che un bel giorno i due ragazzini si trovano per la prima volta ad assistere ad un programma televisivo, trasmesso in diretta dal piano terra degli studi televisivi ed aperto a tutti! Fu probabilmente lì che Greg ed Ernie trovano l’ispirazione per il loro futuro: fare televisione! Entrambi si laureano brillantemente presso la New York University, coronando il sogno della loro amata madre, che,rimasta vedova, lavora come cucitrice per mandare avanti, da donna sola, un’intera famiglia. Nel 1977 Greg decide di rassegnare le dimissioni come psicologo per aderire al progetto del fratello Ernie: creare una compagnia di produzione cinematografica, la Video Voice Inc. Insieme producono più di 150 film, raggiungendo nel giro di pochi anni un notevole successo e ancora insieme scrivono un libro, “11 Settembre 1776, primo attentato alla pace in America”, senza dimenticare che nel periodo del college avevano anche inventato un dispositivo di anti-furto per automobili, brevettato poi dalla Chrysler! Nel 1994 Greg ed Ernie decidono di compiere un altro grande passo: fondare una stazione televisiva!Fu così che nacque la WVVH Hamptons Television, emittente ufficiale di tutto il Long Island. Da allora ad oggi di strada ne hanno fatto tanta; la loro Tv trasmette i più importanti eventi della zona, dall’Hampton Classic Horse Show all’Hampton’s International Film Festival! Per restare al passo con l’avanzare della tecnologia, dal 2004 la loro emittente è visibile anche online, in modo tale da estendere il loro pubblico anche oltre l’Atlantico! Ogni passo lo fanno sempre l’uno accanto all’altro, come in una sorta di simbiosi; il loro è un legame fraterno, nel vero senso della parola, una comunanza d’intenti che li ha sempre contraddistinti. Molto peso in questo bellissimo rapporto ha avuto certamente la prematura morte del padre, a soli 46 anni, che li ha feriti e uniti indissolubilmente, senza dimenticare però in tutta la loro esistenza il ruolo primario della dolce madre, che ha saputo insegnare loro l’importanza dell’essere famiglia e del sostenersi giorno per giorno, guardando al futuro, senza mai dimenticare ciò che è stato! Ancora oggi chi entra nella loro casa ha l’impressione che il tempo non sia mai passato e che le radici con quella lontana terra che mai hanno conosciuto, se non dai racconti dei genitori, siano vive e robuste più di prima!Racconti di distese di oliveti, del sapore dell’olio, della pasta fatta in casa, dei dolci di Natale, tradizioni che continuano a perpetuare, riconoscendone l’indiscussa importanza!Forse amano la Calabria più di quanto l’amiamo noi vivendoci ogni giorno, perché hanno capito che un albero senza radici non può vivere, poiché recidendole la vita gli verrebbe meno. E’una grande lezione per tutti noi e per tutti coloro che ritengono di poter andare avanti senza mai guardarsi indietro… Storie di Calabresi lontani da casa: i fratelli Schimizzi <GregandErnieCalabrian_article_10_11.wpd>
@VVHTV 2 жыл бұрын
Wonderful lecture I enjoyed your presentation. My mom was Alfonsina Callipari, she was born in Natile, Calabria in 1915. My father Joseph was born in Platì 1914. Love to speak with you and share stories with you.
@todd1422 2 жыл бұрын
😢 p̲r̲o̲m̲o̲s̲m̲
@italianrap 2 жыл бұрын
There are two corrections I need to make to my talk: 1. Farfariello does not mean Little Flower but Little Butterfly; and 2. Alfredo Bascetta did not record the song "Inno a Mussolini"; Raoul Romito did. Joseph Sciorra
@ItalicsTV 2 жыл бұрын
The audio of "Stornelli a Dispetto" (14:40) was removed due to copyright issues. Follow this link to listen to the track: folkways.si.edu/bettina-di-domenico/stornelli-a-dispetto/world/music/track/smithsonian
@doclawyer 2 жыл бұрын
THE CATHOLIC CHURCH: the Holocaust, rampant Pedophilia and child rape, persecution of ground breaking scientists. How does this institution still exist?
@itadrummer1 2 жыл бұрын
Italian Americans or , better and more properly said , AMERICAN- Italians stay to Italians like Americans stay to Britons : two different groups with very little commonly shared threads. FACT !
@timetravellist1930 2 жыл бұрын
@ 0:37 1 cup soaked cashews @ 0:45 1 cup cashew So 2 cups cashews total, is that right?
@danielagioseffi579 2 жыл бұрын
Pete Panto was a hero to working men, and he gave his life for his fellow workers. Bless the memory of Pete Panto. I will be happy to donate what I can for the memorial Peter Panto's Grave Stone. May he rest in peace and be remembered for his sacrifice and bravery.
@Cristianodoc 2 жыл бұрын
Infatti in Italia esistono i menù per turisti stranieri.... Kechap sugli spaghetti scotti
@RabbitHorse777 3 жыл бұрын
2:34 to 32:18 CP. 33:25 FG (second speaker) "They were the dark thoughts of our minds that we projected onto them." 38:58 Q & A
@rinaldodelgallo4498 3 жыл бұрын
I enjoyed watching this in full!
@emilywhitfield2780 3 жыл бұрын
Love it!!! Nice and upbeat!!!
@johngilmore8476 3 жыл бұрын
48wsg vun.fyi
@НиканорДубровин 3 жыл бұрын
2rjbe vun.fyi
@farrahferdinanda9590 3 жыл бұрын
fwol9 vun.fyi
@GuscioRosso 3 жыл бұрын
Microaggression wtf LOL
@pierluigifrasso6516 3 жыл бұрын
Regarding food. Immigrated Italian people brought classic recipe too. The disappointing matter is the twist of our classic recipes. Lasagna bolognese, tagliatelle ragu', spaghetti carbonara should stick in the classic way to cook. Anything else made in USA is a different evolution. It seems you have to highlight the Italics naming any new dishes/recipes made in USA calling with what is closer to the classic Italian dish from Italy. Example don't call anything carbonara only because you put eggs in it: it's a new recipe, signature dish, can be a good dish. The meaning of "real" this or that can be overruled if you call a new recipe and name. Throughout the history of immigration, the Italians found a difficult on gathering the proper ingredients for the proper dish, many of the ingredients were very expensive in USA compare the easy way to collect in Italy. In here begins the twist of recipes from the original. I wish to call the USA recipes inspired by the classic Italian food. But, please, signature USA dishes and not call them with the Classic Italian names. I live in Ireland and a traditional Irish dish is Bacon and Cabbage, When Irish people immigrated to USA, pork was too expensive for those people and they start to make Corned Beef (another traditional way to cook beef) and Cabbage. It was so tasty that this new dish travel to Ireland and now it's eaten on St. Patrick Day. Italian American should take the Irish example and suggest new recipes to Italy, but controversy will always be on when American people (any roots) come to Italy and at first impression they get disappointed because dishes not met the expectations, off course the taste will overturn the feeling. You have Chicago Pizza, New York Pizza, likely we have Roman Pizza, Napolitan Pizza, Sicilian Pizza, there's nothing to compare among all those way to make Pizza leaving very subjective/personal the preferred choice, but none of this happened for pasta dishes...
@annemariealbano5524 3 жыл бұрын
Very insightful discussion and I'm looking forward to reading Prof. Barbata Jackson's book!
@danielagioseffi579 3 жыл бұрын
But Lawrence Ferlinghetti sold over a million copies of A Coney Island of the Mind and it was the best selling poetry book of any living American poet. I've sold many books, too, so I'm not sure it's true that Italian Americans don't read books. If the books are very esoteric and not meant for the average reader, as Ferlinghetti's were accessible, maybe they don't get read. REST in PEACE, Bob Viscusi. I read you. ItaloAmericans read me www.DanielaGioseffi.com A 100 people registered for my CELEBRATION OF THE LIFE AND LEGACY of LAWRENCE FERLINGHETTI for IASA. What a tribute I managed to host. FERLINGHETTI had millions of readers all over the world because he wrote ACCESSIBLE poetry. Viscusi wrote very intellectual books. He was unique, but his tribute to Christopher Columbus was very accessible and satiric and funny.
@richardsabogalsuji2963 3 жыл бұрын
@CalabrisellaFilms 3 жыл бұрын
a lei.
@Bear110 3 жыл бұрын
Beautiful beautiful tv show. I am Italian born and raised in Italy, I don’t agree with some of the things said about real Italians, but I loved the conversation, I learned more and I will show all the other episodes I will find. Thanks a lot Mr. Tamburri for your amazing job.
@jenniferbreaux1327 4 жыл бұрын
What's the yield of this recipe? :)
@silviabiagini7364 4 жыл бұрын
you got your answer in the first 5 minutes (I've watched it all): you thought of yourself as italian until you went to italy for the first time. there's no much more to discuss. and about being as italian as much studies have you made: if I'd studied english and american culture for all my life I would be american? no I would be a scholar for american culture. if you love something with all your heart you'll become a lover of that thing, not that thing itself, sad but true.
@stevelira52524 4 жыл бұрын
I can see your point but would you say to a Chicano they're not Mexican? An American Irish they're not.......(?)
@silviabiagini7364 3 жыл бұрын
I think the answer is pretty easy: they're italo-american, americans with some kind of italian roots. But I think it's naive to believe that there's no difference of "italianity" (just invented a word, yup) between the two things. Italy it's not a concept, it's a place, a real place that exist right now, where people live and experience problems. Of course people who always have lived in italy will be more italian than italo-american, but wasn't it obiouvs? And to believe otherwise means doesn't understanding that a country is so much more than a language spoken and some cultural notions. It' an experience that you have to make and you have to let it change you, for better or worse. If studying would make you "of a certain place" would it also mean that not studying would take that from you? That it's just ridicolous. Sorry for writing so much but this topic is really interesting to me.
@TheSecretmuseum 4 жыл бұрын
I'm- see one-a thumb upstays that Fonzo gotta breaka.
@mojitobevandanazionale7059 4 жыл бұрын
Non fraintendete, in Italia si litiga per come cucinare la più semplice delle ricette non solo tra regioni, città o paesini, ma persino tra nonna e mamma. E' tradizione. Quello che veramente è il vero pasto italiano è l'atmosfera, le persone alla tavola. Amici, parenti, persone care, nuove conoscenze, discussioni , risate, relax ... vino, caffè, ammazzacaffè. Siate fieri ed orgogliosi delle vostre ricette, usate ingredienti e commensali di prima scelta e... buon appetito!
@LearnItalianconLAmericano 4 жыл бұрын
This is a good discussion. Thank you.
@CiderSessions 4 жыл бұрын
Vic's an amazing musician and guy! This is a great interview, he had some great stories when we recorded him back in January :)
@cher-amirose7109 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you Jay!
@danielagioseffi579 5 жыл бұрын
One can be proud of one's Neapolitan heritage. My grandmother was Neapolitan and Grandfather Puglisi. It's no mistake that Neapolitan has become an adjective meaning graceful, urban sophistication. Naples is considered one of the most beautiful harbors in the world. Rest in Peace, Caro Neapolitano, Robert Viscusi.